Another Hit for the Cassiopaeans? - Masses turning against pathocrats


Jedi Council Member
It is not already in its climax, but it seems to be begining to grow, still only in European countries.

Q: (L) Okay… Ark was saying he was reading some predictions that there's going to be a bloody future for the US and not a very good future for France either. We'll have to find the article.
{Article located at: }

A: Didn't we say "5D city on a hill"?

Q: (L) Yes... Okay, well, the thing that occurs to me as I observe all of this insanity is that this drive for control results only in destruction. The destruction is of everything that one would think the psychopaths would... I mean, if you wA*** have power over something, what good does it do to have any power if everything's dead and there's nobody there to have power over? They're killing everything! They'll end up in total control of everything, but there'll be nothing there but ashes. It's just insane!

A: Psychopathy is characterized by a supreme lack of insight.

Q: (L) So in other words, when Lobaczewski said that it's like the germs in the body that do not realize that they will be burned in the ground with the corpse...

{Quote from Political Ponerology that is referenced above:

“The following questions thus suggest themselves: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

“If such and many managerial positions are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people, and who also betray deficiencies in technical imagination and practical skills—(faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters) this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations. Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable modus vivendi. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.”}

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the unfortunate thing is that the masses of people do not realize that they are the body that is being killed by these germs, and they're really, REALLY, not waking up.

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.

Q: (L) Well, first we have some revelations, and you start feeling a little hope about the Climategate thing. Then, you have this obviously transparent "false flag" terrorism attack on an airplane which then results in crackdowns that make everybody miserable. It's so ridiculous as to be beyond comprehension.

A: We once said that 4D STS will become desperate for control as the changes approach. They perceive that control is being undermined thus making them more desperate.

Q: (L) What's undermining their control?

A: Why you, yes! Collectively, that is.

Q: (Allen) So we do it by things that we're publishing, or just by being who we're being and working on things for ourselves?

A: All and more coming down the creativity pipeline.

Q: (L) Could it be said that what we're doing is actually inducing these controlling actions?

A: Yes but that is actually good because it means that their desperation is being driven and they will make more mistakes and turn the masses against them sooner.

Q: (L) So the more positive things we do, and the more creative we become, the more it drives them to try to suppress and repress things in indirect ways to try to suppress and repress us without suppressing and repressing us directly - because that would be too obvious - and by so doing, they show their hand so to speak?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, it just seems like psychopaths have really screwed things up.

A: It is actually a bad time for them.

Q: (L) It's a bad time for them? What do you mean?

A: They will get all the blame!

Q: (Andromeda) That's an interesting... (L) Way to look at it. (Burma Jones) So then back to what Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galaxia) Now that's what I like to hear! (Andromeda) Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) More for the evil side, or more for the good side?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So they said "all of those and more". Could one of those "more" things be any revelations about 9/11?

A: That may come too, but don't hang your hopes on "revelations". Rather it will be a change in perception by the public.

(L) Maybe they don't KNOW that things are going to totally fly apart. Maybe they think that some things are going to fall apart, and they think they're going to make a killing on chocolate. But they don't know how bad it's going to be because they've seriously underestimated what's going on.

A: It is not a good time to be a psychopath!
Well. That's good news. I've bee. Thinking about this more lately, especially relating to the buildup to the eiriu eolas meeting in Vancouver. About the cumulative effects of the law of exception in undermining the general law. Every time it pushes you just have to push back harder, and then something gives. Have two extra steps up your sleeve, so to speak.
On the cyberspace front, I've been observing an incredible and brilliant string of hacks by this group called "LulzSec" against symbols of government authority and corruption. These LulzSec people are VERY savvy and know how to play the media game well.

At one point the MSM was playing up the story about LulzSec and Anonymous being opposing hacking teams, at war. Apparently attempting to foment division. So then LulzSec sent out a press release that they were joining forces with Anonymous in the name of the "#AntiSec" movement. And then a few days later they dropped the LulzSec name and took cover within Anonymous and the new AntiSec movement they helped to spawn/rejuvenate.

I'm currently a moderator of an Anonymous style forum that is devoted to spreading information both online and on the street. I've been telling them about COINTELPRO and LKJ's writings on that phenomenon, and the users have been very receptive to her material. They plan to take to the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks around July 30th, to protest "The System" and spread information about it.

Lots of work to do in the meantime to get everyone organized and informed. :)
Jakesully said:
I'm currently a moderator of an Anonymous style forum that is devoted to spreading information both online and on the street.

Hacking is an illegal activity, correct?
Jakesully said:
They plan to take to the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks around July 30th, to protest "The System" and spread information about it.

Lots of work to do in the meantime to get everyone organized and informed. :)

Admittedly, these "protests" may look great from the conventional perspective, but it's these stereotypical behaviors implemented as ends in themselves and that only result in minor changes here and there that reinforce the credibility people seem to give "the system" in the first place, OSIT.

Robert Pirsig certainly seemed to understand this idea. In 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values' we find this (emphasis mine):

"But to tear down a factory or to revolt against a government... is to attack effects rather than causes; and as long as the attack is upon effects only, no change is possible. The true system, the real system, is our present construction of systematic thought itself, rationality itself. And if a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a systematic government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves in the succeeding government..."

Granted something needs doing. However, from an esoteric perspective, "the system" can be said to represent what we struggle with internally. Embedded cultural and personal assumptions, beliefs and values need to be surfaced and questioned before people will 'see' that the parasitic "I's" are simply not needed. For anything. Period. OSIT.
Admittedly, these "protests" may look great from the conventional perspective, but it's these stereotypical behaviors implemented as ends in themselves and that only result in minor changes here and there

...minor changes, if any at all. I saw a great movie last night. "The International" with Clive Owen & Naomi Watts. Clive is a good detective connecting the dots. But every time he gets too close to the psychopaths, he gets pulled off the case. He wants justice and the bad guy at the end of the movie explains very succinctly how the system protects psychopaths and justice as we mortals know it, is not possible.

I write this for myself as much as anyone else. I love the protest thing but what's going to change?

You would have to change 3D. Not gonna happen. Not on the outside anyhow.
Mr.Anderson said:
You would have to change 3D. Not gonna happen. Not on the outside anyhow.

Generally, people simply don't understand the role their psychological substratum plays in defining their personal and shared conventional reality. It's the old "the medium is the message" idea. After a certain amount of repeated exposure to lies masquerading as truth, the 'medium' becomes transparent to our perceptual senses as our awareness gets absorbed into the 'message' and the center-of-gravity of our sense-of-self shifts from the feeling center to the intellect in order to continually narrate the imagination-based fantasy, OSIT.

This is what people will eventually "get" in order for true change to happen, OSIT. If it happens, that's how it's gonna happen. Just sayin'...
born2bewild said:
Where, what is "5D city on a hill"?

Hi born2bewild, check out this thread:,18906.msg263570.html#msg263570

Mod's note: the link has been activated since it is an excellent link. ;)
anart said:
Jakesully said:
I'm currently a moderator of an Anonymous style forum that is devoted to spreading information both online and on the street.

Hacking is an illegal activity, correct?

Quite correct.

We don't condone or allow discussion of hacking on the forum itself.
Bud said:
Jakesully said:
They plan to take to the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks around July 30th, to protest "The System" and spread information about it.

Lots of work to do in the meantime to get everyone organized and informed. :)

Admittedly, these "protests" may look great from the conventional perspective, but it's these stereotypical behaviors implemented as ends in themselves and that only result in minor changes here and there that reinforce the credibility people seem to give "the system" in the first place, OSIT.

Robert Pirsig certainly seemed to understand this idea. In 'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values' we find this (emphasis mine):

"But to tear down a factory or to revolt against a government... is to attack effects rather than causes; and as long as the attack is upon effects only, no change is possible. The true system, the real system, is our present construction of systematic thought itself, rationality itself. And if a factory is torn down but the rationality which produced it is left standing, then that rationality will simply produce another factory. If a revolution destroys a systematic government, but the systematic patterns of thought that produced that government are left intact, then those patterns will repeat themselves in the succeeding government..."

Granted something needs doing. However, from an esoteric perspective, "the system" can be said to represent what we struggle with internally. Embedded cultural and personal assumptions, beliefs and values need to be surfaced and questioned before people will 'see' that the parasitic "I's" are simply not needed. For anything. Period. OSIT.

True enough. Protests are ultimately fruitless without a full picture of the hyperdimensional nature of the Matrix Control System. This is a lot of what I'm trying to communicate to these forum users. Some learn it's about the inner struggle, some do their own thing and focus on the external. The forum is more of a Mixtus Orbis in terms of signal to noise than the Cassiopaea Forum, to borrow a term from Mouravieff. If even a few dozen can be turned on to LKJ's material, then I feel it's worth the effort.

At the very least in that community, we've established the principle of objective research of facts as opposed to opinion-based conspiracy theories, which will go a long way in further discussions. And at the moment, their efforts are primarily focused on just getting the word out, rather than attempting to do anything concrete to tear down "the system."

Then again, there is also the butterfly effect to consider.
Jakesully said:
Then again, there is also the butterfly effect to consider.

Yes, this is what we can do. Provide opportunity and point to where the information is. "Tis up to each individual to be curious and seek. The more butterflies that flap their wings, the greater the winds of change. Think of Laura flapping her wings, practically alone years ago and where we as a group are are today. Situation is, how much "time" left is there?
Jakesully said:
True enough. Protests are ultimately fruitless without a full picture of the hyperdimensional nature of the Matrix Control System. This is a lot of what I'm trying to communicate to these forum users. Some learn it's about the inner struggle, some do their own thing and focus on the external. The forum is more of a Mixtus Orbis in terms of signal to noise than the Cassiopaea Forum, to borrow a term from Mouravieff. If even a few dozen can be turned on to LKJ's material, then I feel it's worth the effort.

At the very least in that community, we've established the principle of objective research of facts as opposed to opinion-based conspiracy theories, which will go a long way in further discussions. And at the moment, their efforts are primarily focused on just getting the word out, rather than attempting to do anything concrete to tear down "the system."

Then again, there is also the butterfly effect to consider.

Thanks for the reply back. Of course the devil's in the details, but who could have an issue with a small group of people pulling together on a common problem, set in good faith? That's an outline of an idea from the Work - like the social equivalent of developing magnetic center.
Since June 2011, Anonymous' membership on their forum has grown from 0 to approx 50,000 members. Approx 30% of their membership is over 30.

Their activities are worth watching. They plan an awareness campaign (they call their activities..operations) at the end of July.

It seems to me that several sites are moving toward action from discussion at this time which is significant.

More to come. :rolleyes:
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