An aviation related dream

There was more before, but this is all I remember of it.

I was sitting up in the mountains, looking down into this valley. There was a runway in the valley, my viewpoint as I recall was off to the right of the runway, behind the piano keys. I saw what looked like a personal jet, or a learjet making a right traffic pattern (why was it a right traffic pattern, the usual pattern is left) for landing, but he turned too soon on final and wasn't lined up with the runway. He tried to correct to the center, but at the last moment he pushed in the throttle to go around.

There was a high range of mountains right in front of the runway, and I saw the jet climbing way too steeply to avoid the mountains. This is where the dream gets kind of wierd - he stalls, flips the plane around 180 degrees, and then proceeds to land on the runway in the opposite direction.

Probably doesn't mean anything, but it's the first dream I've been able to remember in a while.
My guess would be it is flight 77 flight path related. I say this cause of dreams I had both before and after 9-11. The one before 9-11 had no planes and I related it at the time to a Jungian Psychology paper I was writing back then. For the Twin Towers, I did see an incredibly bright inferno at the base of downtown skyscrapers to the right of me and a gang wanting to get me on the left, I went left then I woke up. The next night the dream started with downtown off in the distance and tons of zombies coming from the downtown area. I wanted to get away from them and someone told me how but I ended up running right into the zombies and I woke up. The next night the dream started with my wife driving me in a car and we were swerving back and forth on the road and eventually spun out into a stadium. The stadium would be like the Pentagon and the swerving would be the turning/diving the plane did before the crash. That swerving I think is a significant thing. Somewhere I think in The Wave Series it mentions a wavy line could be a struggle. When I had my dream I related it (being my third dream) to a Jungian missing 4th kind of struggle. Also in The Wave it related a wavy line to the Cassiopeia constellation and to the feminine, the even numbers are the "feminine" in a quaternity (Eve-2 and missing 4th Mary). This makes the Twin Towers the Adam and Eve of the quaternity. The Wave series I think also talks about Adam and Eve in the context of twins. The 9 of 9-11 could be a 9th Holy Spirit connecting a 2nd quaternity to a 1st (a Libra of sorts perhaps Wave Series-wise). In the stadium my wife and I spun out into was a concert with a shrieking gray lead singer, a whirling dirvish gray drummer and a Gray Easter Island Jimi Hendrixish guitar player who when I looked at him closely I realized was actually 9 players, 3 on the frets, 3 mouthing the strings and 3 holding the guitar. I quite a bit after 9-11 had the thought that this was literally a 9-1-1 band. The dreams themselves I related to 9-11 quite quickly after 9-11. Then all in the stadium, the players, the fans, and most alarmingly to me my wife all disappeared. Perhaps related to the missing plane? I frantically went out to the parking lot, saw an ambulance with an open door, went in but no one inside then when I went out I saw a futuristic guy firing rays at me and I fired back at him (like the scene in the last episode of Star Trek Deep Space Nine). I thought I was winning and then he smiled and I woke up. This I take to be the people in the 4th plane fighting back. The dream after 9-11 was me sitting next to the Pilot who says you should fly like this and he went into making a wavy pattern in the sky which greatly rocked me and the guys behind me. I asked the guys behind me if we should do something but they just looked like zombies and the pilot buzzed the runway before we crashed into a building and I woke up.

Since I'm here in the dream topic, I think I'll mention some wierd things here lately that includes a dream of my 5-year old daughter. This past Sunday a lady who has been talking to us after church a lot the last few months mentions did she tell us that her and her husband used to be in the FBI and CIA, her husband was involved with the tunnel that was dug under the Berlin Wall, so much for me just letting my wife mostly talk to her while I tune out. Before that my daughter crawled into our bed (which she never does after she goes to her bed) looking a little distressed and goes back to her bed a few minutes later without telling us anything. Nobody talks about it the next morning but the morning after my wife mentions our daughter coming to our bed. We both seem to remember the same event on different days? Before this my daughter was telling her 7 year old brother about an alien dream causing him to run around the house and wife to tell him my daughter is probably making it up mostly to get him going. My daughter then tells me I want to tell boo boy (her name for her brother) the truth. I ask what is the truth and she says they landed on earth and went inside. Inside the Earth I asked and she said yes and I just said aha. Our monsoon just started, to go with the floods back East (where I used to live and will be visiting the end of the month) and the French weather too.
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