Adult Indigo Child with Paranormal experiences


A Disturbance in the Force
I'm not sure how this works but, I've been having paranormal experiences since childhood that I can't explain. I've been hurt by psychopaths and sociopaths more times than I can count.
I keep waking up and until I go to sleep every night I keep having this sad and sick feeling that something or someone is trying to hurt me. This is every single day and been going on so long I think for 35 years because I know so much of me was hurt from this cult which is pentacostal. I've suspected along time ago that some demonic entities have attached themselves to me but, don't give it that much thought. I really don't know what to do. All I know is I'm having paranormal experiences of some sort but, don't know why. I used to be much more perceptive in my childhood than I am now but, still am to a certain degree. I'm right sometimes but, not all of the time. There was so much psychological and sexual abuse in my childhood and into adulthood and then assaults that just came from nowhere. I'm wondering if any adult Indigo Children have had any similar experiences that can share with me. What am I supposed to do now that I know I'm an adult Indigo child? Any suggestions?
Hi Dachsundlover,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
Hi Dachsundlover and welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, sounds like you've been trough a lot of awful things. I had a pretty traumatic childhood myself and it has taken a long time to heal from this and this forum has been the greatest help of all. I hope you find thoughts and advice on this forum that can help you too.

I'm not sure about this Indigo child thing though. Why do you feel that you are one of 'them'? My current understanding and take on this is that labeling 'different' children as Indigo is not helpful, and it could be a deliberate distraction and disinformation created by psychopaths in our society. From my own experience and studies in 'body therapy' I know that children with traumatic childhoods very often feel 'out of this world', not belonging here or reciding 'between Heaven and Earth'. I've felt this way myself and I know that one can easily fall into the trap of feeling 'special'. This is IMO very detrimental to any kind of healing or becoming 'whole'. Feeling 'speciul' leads one down a path of selfishness, which according to ones perspective of course, is either good or bad. Seeking the unselfish path, or aligning one self with it (STO = service to others) is one of the main goals of the members of this forum.

You can find discussions about Indigo children on this forum by using the search function. Here's one quote from one of those threads that you might find insteresting:
At the present time, there is something very scary going on in the metaphysical community: talk about the so-called "Indigo Children." One of the chief promoters of this idea, Wendy Chapman, writes:

Indigo Children are the current generation being born today and most of those who are 8 years old or younger. They are different. They have very unique characteristics that set them apart from previous generations of children. [...]

These are the children who are often rebellious to authority, nonconformist, extremely emotionally and sometimes physically sensitive or fragile, highly talented or academically gifted and often metaphysically gifted as well, usually intuitive, very often labeled ADD, either very empathic and compassionate OR very cold and callous, and are wise beyond their years. Does this sound like yourself or your child?

Indigos have come into this world with difficult challenges to overcome. Their extreme levels of sensitivity are hard to understand and appreciate by parents who don't share this trait. Their giftedness is unusual in such high numbers. Their nonconformity to systems and to discipline will make it difficult to get through their childhood years and perhaps even their adult years. It is also what will help them accomplish big goals such as changing the educational system, for instance. Being an Indigo won't be easy for any of them, but it foretells a mission. The Indigo Children are the ones who have come to raise the vibration of our planet! These are the primary ones who will bring us the enlightenment to ascend.
Sounds like a severe case of denial and wishful thinking, in my opinion. But, as we already understand the psychological reality is merely a tool for the [Control System] Reality, I suspect that the reader already has jumped ahead of me here and realizes what a big snow-job this "indigo children" deal is. Ms. Chapman has kindly provided a check-list to determine an "indigo child." After learning what we have about psychopaths, let's have a look at her list:

Have strong self esteem, connection to source
Know they belong here until they are told otherwise
Have an obvious sense of self
Have difficulty with discipline and authority
Refuse to follow orders or directions
Find it torture to waiting in lines, lack patience
Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity
Often see better ways of doing thing at home and at school
Are mostly nonconformists
Do not respond to guilt trips, want good reasons
Get bored rather easily with assigned tasks
Are rather creative
Are easily distractible, can do many things at once
Display strong intuition
Have strong empathy for others or NO empathy
Develop abstract thinking very young
Are gifted and/or talented, highly intelligent
Are often identified or suspected of having ADD or ADHD, but can focus when they want to
Are talented daydreamers and visionaries
Have very old, deep, wise looking eyes
Have spiritual intelligence and/or psychic skills
Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage
Need our support to discover themselves
Are here to change the world - to help us live in greater harmony and peace with one another and to raise the vibration of the planet
What we see above is a list that includes certain definitely psychopathic behaviors along with behaviors of gifted children. We have to wonder at the attempt to weave the two together.

Where did this idea of "Indigo Children" come from? The phrase, "Indigo child" was coined by Nancy Ann Tappe in her book Understanding Your Life Through Color (1982) and refers to the color in these children's aura. Ms. Tappe was interviewed by Jan Tober for her book The Indigo Children (1999) and said: "These young children - every one of them I've seen thus far who kill their schoolmates or parents - have been Indigos."

That didn't stop Tober from writing her book and declaring that these children are "Spiritual Masters, beings full of wisdom, here to teach us a new way of being." The way the followers of the idea justify the fact that "not all Indigo children are filled with unconditional love, tolerance and non-judgment," is by declaring that they require "special" treatment and handling with kid gloves because they are so special and delicate and sensitive.

In a pig's eye. They are psychopaths and they are here for an altogether different reason. And somehow, someone or something is trying to make sure that its offspring are well cared for, and that a lot of psychopaths grow up without being identified as what they are.

Nevertheless, there is no explaining the extremes that "true believers" will go to in order to find excuses for inexcusable things. Elizabeth Kirby, a businesswoman in southern California, who has "studied and practiced metaphysics for the last 21 years," writes:

In hearing about the school shootings, I knew Indigo children were pulling the triggers. The Columbine High School shooting was so horrific it caught everyone's attention. At the time my eldest daughter said to me, "Because they (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold) were Indigos they wanted to do it, so they just did it. No remorse, no guilt, they just went ahead and shot all those people because they wanted to and felt they needed to." Indigo children don't have guilt to keep them in check and because they balk at authority they don't believe they have to follow the rules.

Writers in mainstream America like Jonathan Kellerman are lumping the Indigo school shooters with the psychopaths; the dark entities who are bullies, con-men, stalkers, victimizers, serial killers and those who kill for thrills. I don't believe these Indigo children who have taken weapons to school to harm other children are psychopaths. They have been bullied and teased and have an avenger attitude seeking justice for injuries inflicted on them. They aren't killing just for the thrill of killing. These kids know changes have to be made within the school system and they chose violence to make their statement, to give us a wake up call. Some of these metaphysical Indigo children are not hesitant about using violence to bring about change, and to bring us to enlightenment.

Indigo violence is here and it will continue, at least with this present generation of Indigo children. We are seeing with the current Indigo violence how the school system needs to be changed and how imperative it is to address the issues of bullying and intimidation in school. As the Indigo children grow to adulthood, their agendas will move out of the school system into our other systems, our social, political and judicial systems for example. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, is an Indigo.
Amazing, huh? Did you catch the remark: "Some of these metaphysical Indigo children are not hesitant about using violence to bring about change, and to bring us to enlightenment."

Don't we find that just a tiny bit contradictory? Aren't we stretching a bit? How about diving straight into denial?
Hi Dachsundlover and welcome to the forum! I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, sounds like you've been trough a lot of awful things. I had a pretty traumatic childhood myself and it has taken a long time to heal from this and this forum has been the greatest help of all. I hope you find thoughts and advice on this forum that can help you too.

I'm not sure about this Indigo child thing though. Why do you feel that you are one of 'them'? My current understanding and take on this is that labeling 'different' children as Indigo is not helpful, and it could be a deliberate distraction and disinformation created by psychopaths in our society. From my own experience and studies in 'body therapy' I know that children with traumatic childhoods very often feel 'out of this world', not belonging here or reciding 'between Heaven and Earth'. I've felt this way myself and I know that one can easily fall into the trap of feeling 'special'. This is IMO very detrimental to any kind of healing or becoming 'whole'. Feeling 'speciul' leads one down a path of selfishness, which according to ones perspective of course, is either good or bad. Seeking the unselfish path, or aligning one self with it (STO = service to others) is one of the main goals of the members of this forum.

There a lot of this specail ability or inheritance of uniqueness that always seems to spread to make people feel like they are different and special but in reality they are just wishful thinkers with a big sense of pride and ego.
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