Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen

I was surprised about this Project Talent thing. Very surprised.
The introduction in Wikipedia is a little washed:


Compare to the real site claiming 50 years on the project:


McCollum is essentially claiming that the Elite found talent via this study.
I don't really want to be high-jacking this thread.
But I'd like to continue to drop my key findings
here as I dig in to this. Is that OK? Thanks.

[quote author=NATO Commodore Steve Chick on Priates]In this same period last year [2008] 17 ships were successfully pirated. This year [2009] we've only lost one. The factors I believe are making the case are firstly the merchant community are being much better in terms of implementing self protection measures.

Routinely now we're seeing merchant vessels transiting the waters having taken protection measures whether be fire hoses over the side, barbed wire on the railings, or ladders and other accesses to the ship secured.[/quote]

EDIT: This one is from here: _http://kotare.typepad.com/thestrategist/somalia/ "Piracy down in the Gulf of Aden, October 16, 2009"
Me and a friend spent a long time looking over all of this last night. There are many allegations that Aaron McCollum (AM) makes. A listing of these may be useful as a way of preserving the memory for later comparison.

AM claims in the video that he is giving this interview of his own free will, and that his apartment was smashed, etc. But he is neither in jail nor dead, and the fact may be that he himself is a false-flag operation. Or what we are seeing is newscast.

We noted last night that there is a concurrent explosion of the idea that disclosure "is near" This has also been dredged up in the past several days and covers the range 'they realize that world economy may collapse so they are going to dump the ET technologies on us to creat a new industrial revolution', to "the elite are finished now - that cat is too far out of the bag" My comment here is that even the recent British disclosures are only more reports of sightings. Until we begin to see old documents de-classifed that describe recovery operations, names of players, pieces of recovered wreckage, etc. 'disclosure' remains a myth. One last point here is that I noted last night that both Dr. Steven Greer (survivor of the co-opted Disclosure Project) and astronaut Edgar Mitchell claim that the reason that the US has not made moves towards disclosure is due to special interests. This adds fuel to the notion that in 1956 the Rand Corporation advocated much in the style of "banking-is-too-good-for-politics" that ET was too good for politics, and that since we have seen the complete transfer of the technologies to the private banking cartel's hands.

AM makes a number of claims that are pretty far out there. My goal had been to go back, replay, and dissect his points to write them down. But there are a number of new angles I saw on things second time through that video which have cast both new light and doubts for me.

In the latter part of the show, his eyes become more pointed and his posture more dire. It is as if you are listening to a conspiracy theorist who has told his story many times, and know what parts can be presented without losing his audience, and how to say them. If you hear them out, they get animated and more "out there" later. His presentation definitely was structured, with beforehand decisions made about what parts are coming in a later interview. We'll see if that ever happens. His rant at the end about coming forward, doing your own research, etc. looked rehearsed.

I took Perceval's comment:

And his comments about being in the Coast Guard black ops is just fantasy. There is no such branch of the coast guard.

to heart, and on the surface I'd agree. But I also know that the US goverment has involved almost all of its agencies in this war, and because of that, it is quite likely that cross-branch work is commonplace. A decent historic example of this I ran across is Bob Ballard (discovered the Titanic). He came out last year and confessed that he was really working for the Navy, and in a lecture I saw by him two weeks ago, he showed photos of himself in Navy uniform, while he was covertly assigned to work at NOAA.

Speaking of Bob Ballard, I found out also that he is launching two major expeditions this year, one through the Suez Canal and Gulf of Aden, which will be involving High Schools and what an amazing tale that is. He is due pass through the Gulf of Aden in early Summer with his submmersibles.

[quote author=dant]I see from visual observation, those very shifty eyes, and to his left is this arm popping in and out while he is talking.[/quote]

Very true. There is someone sitting beside him on the couch, and someone off to the right of the camera that he makes eye contact with at several points. He also cracks a subtle smile and some right-side eye shifts that seem singular. As does the way his eyes roll.

Something he said caught my attention. The idea that he was playing two roles, and that occasionally his vanilla coast guard role was used as an umbrella for the real op that he was unable to describe to his squad-mates, made me think of Cognitive Dissonance. If his masters are not drugging him to forget, does anyone think that it might be possible to "overdrive" someone with a dual existence to the point that they lose focus and memory, making them putty in your hands?

He claims he can't remember, which may be true, and this handler thing ya'll mentioned may be dead on, but he also might be so scatter-brained as a result of memory loss that he needs this kind of handler just to keep him on track - regardless of whether he is giving this interview of his own free will or not.

His statement about having to strip of his wallet, watch, etc. (and presumably any digital cameras he might try and smuggle) reminds me again of full-body airport scanners.

That latter part of AM's talk of synthetic beings and Avatar-style presence in a body dowsed me the second time through as it apparently did Clif High.

Perhaps I will place my tick list of things to check up on in another reply and simply list which pieces I looked in to. ciao for now.
I have to backpedal a bit on the magnetic field thing. I was looking for a localized "point" type of anomaly. What I have found now is that the seafloor in the Gulf of Aden has long been known to have a 'reverse' magnetic field anomaly, the first discovered, and that this location has at times in the past been ground zero for academic debate regarding whether the model of sliding tectonic plates is correct or whether the expanding earth theory is correct. The expanding Earth theory explains that layers accrue on Earth via living matter that converts the sun's radiant energy into molecular structures (think photosynthesis). Once the microbes, plants and animals die, their bodies add to the radius of the Earth. Proponents of this 'heretical' theory argue that this is why even structures 200 years old are buried, and that the layers visible in places such as "The Grand Canyon" are evidence that their theory is the right one.
According to the Aden stargate pundits, this is what it looks like. Don't be fooled by the fact that it looks like normal high altitude clouds shaped by ocean winds hitting the mountains along the coast, it's a stargate!


Take from a video here

yeah Perceval we saw that last night. Thanks for posting it. If the magnetic anomaly is that big, then all of the ships in the vicinity must have their compasses spinning, and are soon to disappear into Bermuda Triangle, "the sequel!!!" :evil:
Sigh... at the beginning is music, pictures of warships, then
pics of Somali pirates, and then mocking the whole "setup"
as something contrived from a hollywood movie with a pic
from 'Pirates of the Caribbean', w/ Johnny Depp running from
natives, as if to elicit humor...(yawn), then a fuzzy pic of a...
"water/cloud circulation pattern"?

Looks like something involving the Red Sea, most certainly would
have water circulation patterns (as any mouth of a river pouring into/out
of the sea), so I tried googling for 'red sea water circulation pattern', and
apparently there are non-freely-accessible papers written on the subject
and there are scant references about 'red sea water circulation patterns',

...then comes this this eye-liner-heavy (early egyptian?) guy sitting
in a black high-back chair, apparently reading from a prepared script(?)
and starts talking..., talking..., talking..., talking, ..., yeah, right.
(Un-verifiable) talk is cheap?

So, without any objective data... there is nothing to
draw any conclusions. OSIT

My first thought on hearing "Parsons Corporation" was that the construction company is related to the Rocketeer Satanist John Whitesides Parson (aka Jack Parsons) whose biography I reviewed here: http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=14663.0. Both were in Pasadena, California at the same time. However a fair amount of searching squashes the notion that they are directly related. Jack Parsons died in 1952 in an explosion in his garage according to all accounts that I have seen. Ralph M. Parsons had already started the "Parsons Corporation"in Pasadena in 1944.

What I did find interesting comes from the Mountauk crew:


[quote author=Preston Nichols & Peter Moon]Cameron corroborated this view in my last conversation with her which was on her final birthday. Although she was very ill, she had been reading Pyramids of Montauk which describes the geometry I'm referring to here in further detail. She said that was what the Babalon Working was all about. Geometric visions had abounded in her consciousness at the time. These stayed with her for the rest of her life and it was expressed in her art work. She said that the book expressed in words what she had experienced in consciousness. My last conversation with her was a happy one. Cameron passed away on July 24, 1995.

If we consider the Wilson lineage, we have to realize that the DNA of this clan, or at least some of them, have a predisposition to the bizarre. This is not so bad in itself as it is the radical factor in mutations which makes new developments in evolution possible. When one of my friends whose surname is Wilson heard this story, he told me that he was received in a puzzling manner when he visited Scotland. Every time he told them his name, the natives looked at him strangely as if they wanted nothing to do with him, He is extremely personable, too.

The names "Wilson" and "Cameron" have popped up with outrageous synchronicity during my research of time travel and secret projects. Many other people have noticed this too. Robert Anton Wilson is a famous author who has written about the principles of synchronicity for some time. He says that once you reach the horizons of consciousness, you will encounter the principle of synchronicity. It bridges the consciousness of where we are in this fixated third dimensional existence to a possible escape route through which we can access the fourth dimension and beyond.[/quote]

skipping down:

[quote author=Preston Nichols & Peter Moon]Many believe that the 1946 Babalon Working was responsible for or tied to the UFO phenomena which became so abundant after that period. This was confirmed for Cameron when she witnessed a UFO shortly after the Babalon Working. She said that the sight filled her with an insurmountable joy. Cameron and her brother were working at the jet Propulsion Laboratory during this period and had seen a UFO while taking a nature walk in the area. Although she warned her brother not to say a word about it, he blabbed and was ridiculed to the point where he had to leave his job due to embarrassment. He ended up working for the Ralph Parsons Corporation, a huge international conglomerate who builds underground railways and cities among many other things.[/quote]


[quote author=stinkmeanersalive]My trail to the Illuminati began during an intermission of the first lecture I heard about Montauk and the Philadelphia Experiment. Upon asking Preston [Nichols] how he became involved in all of this, he told me that in a previous life, he and Duncan Cameron had been twin brothers who were named Preston and Marcus Wilson. They had been the first manufacturers of crude scientific instruments in Great Britain and had formed a company with Aleister Crowley's father which eventually became known as Thorne E.M.I., the same company which released the video cassette entitled The Philadelphia Experiment.

I subsequently searched for any references to the Wilson brothers in Crowley's writings but could find none. I only found suspicious references to a Duncan Cameron and a trip Crowley had made to Montauk in 1918. Not much was said about either, but I began to encounter incredible synchronicities between the Cameron and Crowley families which are discussed in the book Montauk Revisited. Eventually, I would discover that the wife of Jack Parsons, L. Ron Hubbard's former magical partner, was named Cameron. I thought this was too much to believe and I sought her out and encountered her under the most peculiar of circumstances which is described in Montauk Revisited.

The upshot of the synchronicities between the Camerons and Crowleys was best described by Cameron. She told me that her original name was Wilson (her father's name was originally Wilson but he was adopted by his uncle Alexander Cameron and ended up using his surname) and that the Wilson clan had descended from the Cameron clan. Further, she told me that Hubbard was a Wilson, too. His father, Harry Ross Hubbard, had been adopted and was originally a Wilson.

A couple of years later, I would discover something about the Wilsons that not even Cameron knew. Researching into the genealogy of her husband's family, I discovered that both the Parsons and Wilson families traced back to Catherine Parr. Parr evolved into Parrsons with the "r" eventually being dropped.[/quote]

Catherine Parr was Queen of England and married Henry VIII

The implication here is interesting. It suggests that the Fire Nymph summoned by Jack Parsons; Marjorie (Candy) Cameron may have been a relative! The Wilson family according to Fritz Springmeier is one of the "Illuminati Bloodlines"

Another implication is that if Ralph M Parsons, who started out as a partner with Bechtel, was also bloodline, then we may have two very large construction companies controlled by certain families.
Dumping nuclear waste in the water and then fishing there? Dumping this waste in the area and then concentrating so many ships there? Doesn't compute.
I totally agree with Clif High this guy is going off personality and personal experience not facts or hard proof.
And he is not hitting us with hard facts or a least showing us some documents. I think he should of gave us
additional knowledge on his life as far as what happen when he was younger, and what happen when he went
to the secret government and after. I do think somethings he said could be hard fact but I personally think he
is another David Icke.

“ extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof” else they are as shit on my shoe,
Ah Laura; Apparently the territorial limit for international waters may be 12 miles off shore. Dump inside that boundary and avoid a treaty violation. If you sell a little radio-active seafood, then so be it. The ships in the Gulf of Aden are far to the east of the coast of Somalia.

EDIT: The NATO map I posted shows the pirate activity centered far out there too. According to some other reports I found, the official Somali Coastguard has been meeting with the Americans to try and gain their help combatting what is claimed to be a loose cannon.

This 12mile bit is hypothesis only, needs confirmation
potamus said:
... Ralph M. Parsons had already started the "Parsons Corporation"in Pasadena in 1944...
Another implication is that if Ralph M Parsons, who started out as a partner with Bechtel, was also bloodline, then we may have two very large construction companies controlled by certain families.

This Ralph M. Parsons company seems to be rather popular among these dis-info "whistleblowers." In his interview on Red Ice Radio _http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2009/09sep/RIR-090910.php Andrew D. Basiago claims his father Raymond F. Basiago was "technical liaison between The Ralph M. Parsons Company and the CIA on teleportation" for DARPA's "Project Pegasus." (see _http://www.projectpegasus.net/)

Basiago also claims he time-travelled back to Gettysburg and saw Lincoln, went to Mars and saw Martian humanoids and had other fanciful adventures, starting as a child in the late '60's. He claims the U.S. government has had "quantum access" to time-travel technology for over 40 years and employed "chronovision" technology to view future events before they happened, including 9/11. He says Donald Rumsfeld was initimately involved with "Project Pegasus" and is "a fine man." Same for Bill Richardson, governor of NM.

Ugh. His "tell-all" book will supposedly be published this year. Can't wait. :rolleyes:
As if on cue, we have "Prison Planet" confirming McCollum's claim that more soldiers will be patrolling US streets. Didn't Nazi Brown Shirters claiming the role of combatting domestic violence?

"Troops Randomly Patrol Streets In Pittsburgh, Respond To 'Domestic Disputes'"

from here: _http://eldib.wordpress.com/

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Americans are once again being conditioned to accept the sight of troops patrolling the streets and dealing with domestic law enforcement issues under the pretext of National Guard soldiers “helping” recovery efforts after the deluge of snow that has hit the East coast, the same soldiers who just months ago were also “helping” authorities to brutalize innocent people during the G20 summit in Pittsburgh.

“In the aftermath of the weekend’s storm, hundreds of National Guard members have been helping Pittsburgh’s emergency personnel respond to residents’ needs; and beginning tonight, they’re also going to be patrolling some city streets,” reports KDKA.

“We will also begin to have the National Guard patrol our neighborhoods to deal with any issues that come up,” Pittsburgh Mayor Luke Ravenstahl announced at an afternoon news conference. “So city residents,” he added, “be advised that you will begin to see National Guard Humvees in some of your neighborhoods beginning this evening.”

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette also reported that Gov. Ed Rendell dispatched the troops to deal with all manner of calls that would normally be handled by police, including “domestic disputes”.

The use of National Guard soldiers to provide aid in emergency situations is a perfectly reasonable measure, but when those troops start to randomly patrol the streets and work with cops in dealing with “domestic disputes” and “any issues that come up,” then a dangerous precedent is being set, especially considering the fact that less than five months ago, these same troops were working with the Army and the Air Force to conduct “crowd control” duties and run military checkpoints during the G20 summit.

Indeed, Pittsburgh Guardsmen kept themselves busy “helping” troops, military, and multi-agency task force teams to abduct protesters off the streets, attack and terrorize peaceful demonstrators, and inflict LRAD torture weapons on innocent bystanders during the martial law showcase last September.

The troops had previously been deployed “in support of military operations around the world” under the banner of the war on terror.

It is important to emphasize the fact that not only are National Guard now being deployed on a regular basis around the country on virtually any pretext, battle hardened active duty combat soldiers are also being used in “humanitarian exercises” under the banner of Northcom.

As we reported in 2008, troops from 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team trained to rescue people from wrecked cars in a propaganda piece aimed at convincing Americans to accept soldiers on the streets as routine. The troops were part of Northcom’s move to deploy tens of thousands of active duty soldiers inside America by September 2011 to deal with “domestic security,” including “civil unrest” and “crowd control”.

As Alex Jones exposed back in the late 1990’s, U.S. troops have been training for this eventuality for a considerable amount of time. During numerous urban warfare drills that Jones attended and reported on, troops were trained to raid, arrest and imprison U.S. citizens in detention camps as well as taking over public buildings and running checkpoints. During role playing exercises, actors playing prisoners would scream “I’m an American citizen, I have rights” as they were being dragged away by troops.

Deploying National Guard troops on a completely random basis to deal with “any issues that come up,” including “domestic disputes” is a clear violation of Posse Comitatus. Guardsmen need to be tightly restricted to aiding only in emergency situations. Governor Rendell’s use of the soldiers in such a slapdash way is a flagrant violation of the 1878 law that forbids the Army, Air Force, and State National Guard forces from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers to maintain “law and order”.

Rendell, along with Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, have both breached the oath they swore to preserve and protect the Constitution.

Watch a You Tube clip below where a Pittsburgh resident explains how the deployment of the Guard is another example of mission creep and fascism as the United States accelerates towards a military form of government.


Now let me see if I can confirm this ......... Well it is all over godlikeP and everywhere. But so far I have only confirmed the use of the National Guard, NOT the Army. So back off fearmongers, the National Guard is designated for this role!!

The use of National Guard soldiers to provide aid in emergency situations is a perfectly reasonable measure, but when those troops start to randomly patrol the streets and work with cops in dealing with “domestic disputes” and “any issues that come up,” then a dangerous precedent is being set, especially considering the fact that less than five months ago, these same troops were working with the Army and the Air Force to conduct “crowd control” duties and run military checkpoints during the G20 summit.

The National Guard are allowed to assist the police when they are short-handed, no?
Another story further down the same blog also has interesting relevance to McCollum's story. In response to Perceval's request, I scoured Port of Aden newspapers, etc. to find the story I read about the Americans being present when the Chinese were discussing their plans for a base at Port of Aden. (I'm still home with evil cold). Here we find some pith writing by one "M K Bhadrakumar" in "Obama’s Yemeni odyssey targets China" Feb 5 2010.

Find it here: _http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/LA09Ak03.html

Most important, however, for US global strategies will be the massive gain of control of the port of Aden in Yemen.
And I just got this back from the author of the "Strange Angel" who also tried looking into connections re. John Whiteside Parsons and The Parsons Corporation.

Hey [potamus]!
Thanks very much for the kind words about "Strange Angel". I'm really glad you liked the book. Regarding the Parsons Corporation I did indeed look into its provenance (it was hard not to considering the giant Parsons sign that looms above its HQ in Pasadena). While the Parsons Corporation has done some work for NASA I didn't find any familial or professional links between John Whiteside Parsons and Ralph M. Parsons. It seems to be pure coincidence that there were two Parsons in Pasadena at more or less the same time. However it's interesting to think that if Jack Parsons had played the military-industrial game more (and dabbled in the occult less) the Parsons Corporation looming over Pasadena could have been his.
Sorry to disappoint but hope that's of some help.
George Pendle
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