A view of tomorrow …


Jedi Master
“You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone! (Rod Sterling)”

‘I present to you three stories of incredible disasters. To you they may be real events. You will experience one, two or all three depending on your lesson needs. The following stories are fictional representations intended to be metaphorical representations of issues that we are about to experience.’

‘Let us enter a world where we all know that there is a deadly viral element in our future. In this world all the powers that govern us lie and hide anything that might deprive them of the power that they hold. In this story they withhold the knowledge of the virus too long, the whole population of the world loses because of it. We bring you a story of a viral event that starts with a falling rock …’

‘I woke up, the clock showed that it was 3:30, my normal waking time. It was dark still this early in the morning. It was Saturday and I was hoping that I could sleep in a little later. I laid there for another ten minutes hoping to return to sleep, but it was not happening. I got up and made my coffee. The news was not on for another two hours so I decided to turn on my computer and surf the internet for a time. I did my standard loop of web pages looking for a story that might specify anything that I was expecting to happen. I found nothing …’

A remote village in a mountainous region of this country, in mid-afternoon an object fell from the sky. It barely left a visible streak across the sky because of it being in daylight hours. Minor as it was, it was not seen by anyone in the surrounding area. That was until it impacted in a farmer’s field on the outskirts of this village. The farmer was far from his house in the north field, a fence section had fallen, he was scratching his head on how to fix it. It was then that he heard an odd-sounding crash, half-expecting an accident happened right outside of his home. He walked down from the north field, back to the house. He came around the corner of the house and found nothing in the road, that was odd he thought. He second guessed his recall and again peered up and down the local road, there was nothing there but a rabbit crossing the asphalt.

He shrugged it off and turned to go to the south barn as he needed a piece of equipment and tools to help with the fence repair. As he approached the barn, he saw the ground disruption to the side of it. Something had scattered chunks of ground all of the way over to the side of the barn.

Hesitantly he shuffled his way over to the hole in the ground. It was oval in shape and deeper at one end. It suddenly came to him that he was looking at an impact crater. Yes, the object hit in the deep end which splashed the surrounding ground here over to the barn. He looked up half-expecting to see another object falling from the sky. He first thought was that this might be one of those poop-cycles that had fallen from a passing airplane.

He went to the splashed end of the crater and looked at the crater again. Whatever had impacted here, it came from the east. He raised his head and saw the tree on the next-door neighbor’s property. It had several limbs that looked to have been ripped off and were now laying on the ground beneath the tree. One of them was smoking, a little bit burnt by whatever took it down. There was no flame and it looked like it could not spread, it was OK for now.

Whatever did this was not frozen, it was hot! He crouched down to the crater. This was a meteor. Meteors could be worth something. He remembered a TV show where they picked up meteors for money, they were using magnets to find them.

He jumped up and made his way over to the barn. Just inside was a tool that he used to pick up nails when he did construction around the property. It had a magnet in it that was about a meter across. He grabbed it and rolled it out to the crater. He started making passes over the scattered dirt.

After three passes he stopped and decided to see what he had picked up. There was a sheet of cardboard in the barn, he retrieved it and rolled the magnet onto it. He pulled the magnet handle up and it released all of the metallic items onto the cardboard. He shuffled through what was found. Eight nails, two screws, five washers and one nut. He set them aside and using a dustpan and brush, swept up the remaining metallic objects. There was something here, he had a small pile of magnet particles, one as big as a BB. He picked it up and rolled it in his hands, it was a little slippery, that’s odd. He figured that it was just some oil that he lost when he did the last oil change on the tractor, must be, maybe.

He continued rolling the magnet around and finally got to the side of the crater and he heard a metallic clunk sound. The magnet found something bigger. He went back to the cardboard and released his load on it. Two more nails and yes there it was a chunk the size of his pinky fingernail. He swept it up in a pile and added it to the material that he already found in the dustpan.

Admiring the larger piece that he just found he picked it up. The slimy surface was here also. He brought it up to his nose to smell it. It was sweet smelling, like honey and sugar. He brought it up to his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He barely touched it with his tongue, it was bitter not sweet, it irritated his tongue where he touched it.

He spent the next ten minutes trying to spit out the bad flavor that was now spreading across his mouth. He even grabbed his liquor bottle from the barn and tried to wash it out, wasting a quarter of the bottle doing so. Nothing helped.

He sat the bottle on the work bench and grabbed every shovel that he owned. There was some wood by the door, he grabbed it also. He needed to make something to screen everything that was there. Still seeing dollar signs in his eyes, he turned to excavating the entire area, looking for anything that might bring him a reward.

A couple of hours later he had six larger chunks and small pile of lighter material. He took 4 of the larger chunks, put them in a piece of his lunch foil that he had on his sandwich earlier today. He closed the foil, hopped into his vehicle, and drove away to town.

The village had existed in this area for hundreds of years. There was a two-lane road, one lane in some places, the only access road for the village and surrounding areas. The lifestyle of the village was slow and easy for most of the folks that resided here. There was connection to the outside world, internet and such, but many in this area were, shall we say, poorer. Quite a few were older and did not have the technology to interface with others in this manner. It was a quiet village and most liked it this way.

The farmer, not an educated man, had been doing farming work for good portion of his life. He barely made a living every year with the farm, but it was a quiet life that he liked. He drove up and parked in front of the local pub. Anybody that was anybody in this village would eventually come by for a pint or drink. So, he sat down at a table outside and ordered his favorite beer.

Many people passed by on their way into the pub. A few of them even stopped at the farmers table to chat, while he showed them the fragments that he found. Nobody seemed to be interested in his rocks until the local newsman showed up as asked if he could write up a story for the local paper on it. The local paper, weekly produced, was reduced to three sheets, and filling them with new stories took a greater effort on the part of the newsman. Anything was good news to him.

He took some pictures of the rocks in their foil container. It was then he asked about the liquid in the bottom of the foil. The farmer had not noticed that the rock sweating had accumulated into a drop of blue liquid in the wrinkled crease of the foil.

The newsman took the pictures and sent them to a friend of his, a government official in a major nearby city. The story was written and printed in the next weeks paper. The government official forwarded the pictures to an agency that investigates these events. For a time, nothing happened …

A minimal sign above the door stated, Elisabeth Roth. A string of letters underlined her name, credentials of a sort. Below that a single word, “Meteoriticist”. The door opened to a skinny stairwell that went down two floors below street level to a fair-sized room. There was no desk but all along the right wall were shelves full of small rocks, some no bigger than a grain of sand. On the left there was several benches, some with microscopes, others that looked like a scientist’s laboratory with vials and tubes of some unknown liquid. A computer was setup on the rear bench, a woman sat there looking at her emails, sorting through them to find incident reports to follow up on.

That is when she came across the farmers incident, it was two weeks old. She brought up the images that the newsman had taken. She was focused on the blue liquid in the foil. She opened the picture in an image editing program and zoomed into the image until it was showing the pixels of the image. The liquid had a thin line of blue that extended from the pool straight to the rocks. You could see the blue hew in the surface of the rocks. She was thinking that the two were of the same nature, but a rock that sweats, that was unheard of. A bit of research turned up no other space rock that sweated like this.

She reported what she found to her superiors. They reviewed the information and suggested that she travel to the site for a first-hand inspection. A car was obtained for here to drive to the location, it was only a little more than an hour away, up in the mountains to the north of where she was.

About an hour passes and she heard the clink of metal, someone had just dropped car keys into her mail slot of her door. She grabbed her belongings along with a laptop and stuffed it all in her bag. Then she grabbed some sample containers and a pair of insulated tongs and stuffed them in there as well. At the bottom of the stairwell, she grabbed another bag, the safety bag. It had gloves, masks and other safety paraphernalia in it. She made it to the top of the stairwell, grabbed the keys and made her way to the street. Pressing the unlock key, a cars lights lit up. It was a BMW rental, it had a scratches from some previous driver all across the passenger side.

She got in the car and started it, it rattled for a few seconds and then the motor smoothed out to a purr. Away she went to the old road of the mountain. About half-way up there was a turnout and she pulled off and stopped. She got out of the car and took a moment to admire the scenery. It was really beautiful up here, it was nothing like the nearby city. The air was fresh and everything was clean and green. She made a note to herself to visit this area on her next day off, today she was working. She hopped back into the car and drove onto the village of the event.

She pulled into the village and stopped at the one intersection in it. Just about all of the village could be seen. The school was at the end of the row a few houses, a grocery store, more houses, and a gas station. On one of the corners was a pub, the best-looking building in the village. It had an outside pavilion set with tables and beautiful rosery all around. The house beside the pub had a sign in front of it. It was the local newspaper office. She parked in front of it and got out. the front room of the house has been converted into an office and when she got to the front door, there was a sign taped to the window. It said, ‘Feeling under the weather today, be back to work tomorrow’.

This was going to slow down the investigation. She took a business card and wrote, ‘call me’, and stuffed it in the crack of the door.

She left the residence and instead of getting in her car, she turned left and went into to the pub. It was a small village. Typically, you would find that everybody knows everyone and everything that happens. This meteor event and this village was no different. She found out more about the event and where to find the farmer and farm with the impact crater. The bartender had even cut out the news story and had posted it on the wall, it was quite concise. She took a picture of it with her phone and left the establishment.

The farm was easily found, a white house with blue trim just like the bartender said. She stopped just outside the gate of the residence and parked beside the other vehicle that was there.

As she exited the car, she immediately noticed the fog in the air down by the far barn. It was the middle of the day and tulle fog usually fades away by this time of the day. It was odd but it was shrugged off. She went to the house of the farmer and knocked on the door. There was no response. She knocked again, nobody answered. She knocked again a little firmer shouting to see if someone was home. There was nothing. According to the people of the village, they said that the farmer would either be in the pub or there at the farm. Maybe he was too far away to hear, maybe.

Liz, a sturdy middle-aged woman, having spent all this time to get there, decided to roam around and see if she could find the crater maybe finding the farmer in the process. She was expecting that from the description told, that there was a crater of at least three meters wide somewhere on this farm, it should be noticeable. Seeing the fog was still by the far barn, Liz decided to go down there and see what was causing this oddity.

The barn sat in the lowest point of the property, a depression in the area. The fog seemed to be stationary there. As Liz got closer, the ground disturbance could be seen, it was about ten meters from the side of the barn. The fog looked to be centered around it and stretching all of the way over to where she was standing.

Needing a closer view, she stepped into the fog. It was not acting like any fog that she ever went through, it was thick and staying less than a half of meter off the ground. It swirled around her feet as she walked through it. The crater site was severely damaged. The farmer had been spending a good amount of time here looking for more fragments, it was obvious. There were various tools scattered around the area. A pick and shovel were on the dirt pile, a bar was implanted into the other side of the mound. Looking into the crater remains it was difficult to see much of anything, most was covered in fog. She crouched down and brushed some of the fog away so she could see better. It returned as fast as it could be brushed away. Something here in this pit must be generating it.

Liz pulled out her cell phone, the signal was weak but the was able to connect with a supervisor back at the office. A simple but complete report was given. The supervisor requested that she remain on site for further instructions. The call ended abruptly. She pulled out her phone and took a dozen pictures for the records.

She decided to return to the house to locate the farmer, maybe he was in the back property. She needed to know more of the incident. On her way back to the house, it was noticed that the back door was open. She went to the door and peered into the open doorway. Nobody could be seen. Liz knocked on the door, louder this time and in a raised tone asked if anyone was home. Nobody still answered. She went inside. The first thing that was noticed was food out on the table. It was as if someone was sitting there at one time. A jug of milk was out, she touched it. It was warm as if it had been there a while, the scent of souring milk proved this. A partially eaten sandwich was on a plate, she touched it and it was stale and dry. From what was seen, this food had been out for a while, maybe even days.

A hallway exited the kitchen. One way opened up into the living room and the other was to bedrooms. She decided to go into the living room first, calling out to anyone who would answer. There was still no reply. The living room was in a distressed state. Blankets were piled on the couch as if someone had been sleeping there recently. Food items, juice boxes and wrappers were scattered around the room, some on the coffee table and others just tossed to the floor. There was no one in the room but there was a scent of something off in the house, an antiseptic like smell. She opened the front door to get some fresh air into the house.

Liz returned to the hallway to get to the back of the building. The smell increased but now it had another scent in it, death. The first door was opened, the smell of death increased, it was a bathroom. The expert peered into the room and saw a foot of a small child poking out from behind the door. Slowly stepping into the room, softly asking if anyone was at home, still no response. Peering behind the door, a child of three of four was laying on the floor, a young boy. There was no breathing, the skin color was pale. This child was dead. From the look of it, it had not been there too long, no decay was visible. It was then that she saw the bed in the adjoining room. Two adults were there, no there is three of them. A baby was in between the two adults. Nobody was moving and a closer look showed that. The man was decaying more than the others. He had been dead the longest. The baby looked like it was next and then the woman, the mother of this family. She was getting scared now with so many bodies, dead bodies, in the house. She needed to get outside, now.

She had just made it out of the house. She dropped down to her knees expelling anything that was still in her stomach. Up on her feet, she made her was back to the car and grabbed a water bottle from the safety bag and flushed her mouth and face with it. The dead smell still lingering in her nostrils. A moment later she righted herself.

Another call was made, she relayed what she saw in the house to those that were listening. At the end of the call, she got the same abrupt ending.

A sheet of paper was retrieved from the car and a descriptive note was made of what was found. This was taped to the front door with one of her cards and closed. The expert went around to the back door and closed it also.

This was when the doghouse was noticed. A puppy was standing outside of it. As the expert got closer more dogs could be seen inside the little house, they were not moving. She went up to the doghouse and gave it a couple of thumps with her fist. Nothing moved, this was not good.

The puppy thought otherwise and was ready to play, it seemed to be having none of the same issues. The expert picked up the puppy, not wanting it to be left alone and put it in the car. It immediately peed on the passenger seat. That was OK, this was a rental.

The trip back to the village was slow as the expert pondered what had been seen. The puppy was enjoying itself while it chewed on the armrest of the seat, oblivious to what had happened. Another stop at the pub was short-lived. She went into the pub for a beer but ended up telling those that were there at the time of the situation up on that farm. She left contact information with the bartender and departed the pub. She never got that beer.

Back in the car, Liz contemplated the situation and decided that it might not be good to hang around this village, it was time to leave. The puppy now sleeping in the wettened passenger seat as the engine rattled to life again.

Her thinking was that she could return at any time. On the road out of the village in a two-lane zone of the road, several black SUV’s passed by going to the village. It was startling as they took up a major portion of the narrow road as they passed.

At one of the one lane sections she was stopped by another one of these vehicles that was parked across the road. Behind it was a camouflage-colored military vehicle. It had a very large machine gun on roof, a man in full face mask was at the gun. The military man cocked the gun and pointed right at the car.

Liz looked down at her hand and saw that it had a sheen of blue on it. This was the last contact that she had.

The puppy however had found its way down to a city dog pound where it was adopted by a family whose main family contributor was a pilot of an international airlines. Unknown to all was that the puppy was carrying the viral element, it had no effect on the small dog. Others were not so lucky …

‘It had been forty-four days since the first search. Before this day nothing had come up. Today a statement was announced live on just about every channel on the TV. It gave the area of a country that was not allowing anyone to enter or leave. It kind of sounded like one of those stay out zones that have been stated before. Corona was always closing off one place or another, this seemed like it was nothing new. The strange thing was the live broadcast of it on so many channels on the TV at the same time for just another one of these statements that we have heard so much these days.

Twelve days later this was repeated. This time it specified an isolation zone that was the entire country.

Twenty-four days passed when the newsflash stated some of the truth of the issue. It was a viral agent that was spreading, isolation was all that was being suggested. There were statements that this virus had a high infectious rate, but there was nothing on the lethality of the virus at this time.

It was over two months later that results were finally coming in that the virus was killing many of those that were infected, it was resembling the black plague. Everyone not affected by the viral element was a carrier that unknowingly spread it wherever they went.

No travel disruption happened for the first two months of infection. It allowed for the viral element to travel around the world, almost every country was infected. This spreading made it to even the most remote locations in the next month. It spread to the entire population of each area in the following months, there was no exceptions. The lethality of the virus was four out of five in most areas.

It took eight months before the deaths started to cease. The population of the world is now about one billion souls, nobody knows for sure. For areas that did not cleanse itself of the dead bodies, they became filth and disease ridden, making it unlivable to human populations. Entire countries had to be closed.’
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‘Welcome to a world that has given up its authority. The masses will believe anything that comes from their authority. People would jump off a cliff to their doom, but only if it was approved by the authority. Those that truly honor their authority are doomed. This next story is sparking with disaster …’

It was the middle of September when the sunspot appeared on the surface of the sun, it was directly pointed at earth. Over the next two days it increased in size to a hundred earths. It was visibly noticeable by using your phone or camera to view the sun. Sunlight was reduced and it was noticeable to everyone on the planet.

There was panicking as the news blew this story up to an end of world situation. And since the news was governed, most people became an integral part of the panic. Stores everywhere sold out of many items, food, and commodities mostly. People daily lined up in the gas stations just to top off their tanks in case this happens the following day. There was fighting for everything as the week progressed. Day after day the population ensued panic as the huge spot rotated across the sun’s face. Then as fast as it became an issue, everybody forgot that it was even a problem as it moved to the edge of the solar disk. Again, the governed news was responsible for this. Yes, there were some demonstrations about the issue, they burned toilet paper and paper towels that they had bought in abundance and threw them at police forces in some countries.

This is when it exploded, late in September. It may have been caused by mercury’s close proximity, we are not absolutely certain. A cloud of solar material was being ejected from the sunspot, whipping and curving, it enveloped Mercury within the next hour, it was moving fast. It was not stopping or slowing as it hit mercury, it kept up its pace across the surface and it was off to the next planet in the current alignment. That was us here on Earth.

We got six hours of notice that the sun event had happened. It was not enough as many areas were asleep or not paying attention enough to hear about it. The governed news downplayed the entire event and even suggested a street party to commemorate the event. Those that believed the news content followed it without question.

It started as what looked like a second sun as it traveled across space. Its brightness was concerning, it was finally noticed that an electrical event was attached to the sun’s ejection. From satellite information we found out that this was true, an electrical jolt was truly attached to the ejection and stretched all the way back to the sun. This had never been seen before. As it got closer it got brighter, almost blinding like the sun itself. It was less than an hour away when our famous governments decided to come out with important information on the situation, finally. They were trying to reinforce calm in the population, stating that this was nothing and they had several scientists stating that it would pass without effect.

The location of this governed news report was a converted mine, the main shaft lay three hundred feet below their feet. The scene on the TV was of a well-known politician and four individuals standing in the background in front of a reinforced dirt wall. The four men were dressed in long white smocks, three had glasses and one was holding a pipe. Their hair was combed cleverly, there was smiling and waving, they looked like clean-cut scientist’s. Once the camera was off the scene changed. The four men in the background took off their smocks and military uniforms were observed. As they donned their helmets, the four with the politician entered an elevator shaft that was just out of the TV scene. The sound whirling of motors was heard as the elevator descended down the shaft to a place of safety.

Boy were those scientists wrong. The planet shook with the impact of the electrified solar flair. If you did not know about this event, you did now. The upper atmosphere lit up with charged lightning bolts, even on the dark side of the planet. They reduced any satellite to metal scrap in minutes, there orbits began to decay as they began to fall upon the planet below.

The basic lightning storm now was hundred times stronger, throwing bolts of lightning so fast you could not count them. Then the ground erupted with lightning, just going straight up. The upward lightning charged up the clouds and the lightning came raining down again in a repeating loop. There were even reports of seeing monster outlines in the lightning as it came raining down. Whatever it was, areas that had these events were not heard from again.

Planet side we became electrified, static at an impossible level. You could see little lightning charges coming of each finger on both your hands. It was kind of cool until you touched your next piece of grounded metal. In your charged state you can emit a large enough spark to throw you backwards. Now it was found that some individuals could spark more than others. Everybody sparked, but some really SPARKED. In some cases, it was lethal.

There was no light switch or outlet plug that you could get near with fusing the component, sometimes sparking a fire. Anything touched had the potential fry any electronics held therein, we are talking about the big smoke-check. And with just about everything having a PC Board in them, we were walking static killers. If you didn’t release your charge at some point, you possessed the ability to discharge a bolt over a greater distance, knowingly or not.

Over the next day the charge increased. Power stations of all types were being attacked by these charges causing melt-down of all equipment. Electricity as we knew it was now non-existent, all over the planet. Wires that transmitted electricity around areas cooked about the same time, many fires ensued, and we had no way of defending ourselves against them. People ran if they could, those that didn’t perished in the fires.

In the converted mine, men were scurrying around securing exits and maintaining order in the facility. Unknown to most here was this was an abandoned copper mine. When the jolt hit the whole facility became one big charge holding capacitor. Arcs of energy were traveling around the facility, hunting down people. It seems that our bodies natural resistance was causing these arcs to seek them and … well … the end result was an electro-cooked cookie where a person once was. This continued until all resistance was eliminated. And with the mine in lockdown, nobody got out …

About forty-four hours into the event the sun let go of the spark, it was like a rocket as it sling-shotted outward away from the sun. It carried the solar emission with it. And all left our world to those that remained. The POP sound when it let go was so loud that everyone had hearing loss for the remainder of the day. It took several months for the static to wear down but it eventually subsided. What was left was a world that was looking more like the dark ages.

Electricity as we knew it was gone. It was not like you could find that stash of power transformers and reconnect everybody. The wires, transformers, power stations, power generating equipment, it was all turned into melted slag. And that stash of transformers, well you might have thought that storing them deep underground would save them, it didn’t, they are gone also. Any gas generator was found scattered across fields, like they were detonated with some large explosive.

There was no gas of any type that did not blow up in the jolt. Some were still flaming days and weeks later. Some vehicles did survive the jolt, but without fuel they quickly turned into lawn trophies. All other vehicles were cooked in the jolt, they sat on freeways, roads, construction sites, they were literally everywhere you looked. Many were burned up, residual gas exploding during the jolt.

We still have water from a shallow well at the end of our valley. We carry it on bicycles. Any house that was still standing was used to house people. Wood is our heat and cooking source. We are currently using neighborhood wood piles that we found, they will last a little while, hopefully thru the winter. We scavenge for food every day.
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‘Just when you thought things were calming down, things get shaking. Our next story focuses on a single household and their surrounding area. This story will shake you deep in your bones …’

I woke up, for what reason I do not know. A glimpse of the clock said it was 2:55 in the morning. I laid back down and hoped that I would fall asleep again. Five minutes when by, now ten, I was not sleepy anymore. Thinking about just getting up at this time, I was too awake to sleep.

It began at 3:07, the house started to shake. It was gentle at first, not enough to wake anyone. Thinking to myself that this quake was lasting longer than normal, it was as it was now 3:08. Then the real shaking began. The bed started shaking, wiggling as if it was trying to get away. My wife woke and tried to sit straight up but the bed was not allowing that. I put my hand on her, telling her that this will stop soon. I knew that most earthquakes around here are usually short, a few seconds at best. This one was already over two minutes as the clock now shows 3:09. We just laid there, waiting for it to end, the shaking continued. A humorous statement was made about ‘not knowing that the bed had a vibrator in it' and ‘don’t put in any more quarters in’.

I was watching the clock, now said 3:10, the shaking continued. I was figuring that with this amount of shaking this must be a four or five on the Richter scale. Then as fast as it started, the shaking stopped. The wife and I looked at each other, still in awe of what we just experienced.

We started laughing, spouting out ‘That was a big one’, ‘Quarters ran out’ and statements like that. I said that we needed to check out the house and see if there was any damage and we got out of bed. I threw on my shorts and tee shirt I wore yesterday from the laundry bucket, the wife adorned her robe.

We opened the bedroom door and peered out. Yea, a couple of things fell but the wall mirrors were still hanging on. All the pictures on the walls were strewn across the floor in the front room. A glass vase with some dried flowers was smashed by the front door. It had been thrown over ten feet to the doorway. In the kitchen, everything that was sitting on the counter tops and tables was now scattered across the floor. The toaster and the knife block were all of the way over by the front windows.

As my wife started to clean up the strewn parts of our house, she looked at me and suggested that I go outside and look for damage. I acknowledged and went out the back door to see if we had any major issues, water or gas line breakage would be bad. I grabbed the battery-operated flood light that we kept by the back door, it was still on it hook after all that.

Around the exterior of the house are vents to the underneath of the house. I stopped at every one to see if I smelled any gas scent, there was none. I checked out the gas main, it was clean also. I knew where the water lines were, so I traced them around the yard, looking for any sign of damage. No wet spots or geysers could be seen, I think that we are pretty good then.

I made my way back into the house stopping to pick up some loose items in the laundry room. I set everything back onto the fold-up table.

My wife, broom, dustpan and garbage can in tow, was working on the glass by the front door. I started picking up fallen pictures and setting all of them on the couch.

The cleanup took another hour, we finally got a break. We sat down at the kitchen table and had a cup of tea to relax, it was now almost 4:30, it was getting a little light outside now.

I turned on the TV looking for information on the shaking event. I was shocked by the news story. The center of the earthquake was located somewhere south of the local bay area, some three hundred miles south of where we were. Preliminary reports stated that it was a 7.4. Pictures were coming in of building fires and collapsed buildings all over the south bay. Several highway overpasses were down making it difficult for any emergency vehicles to get around. This was a serious disaster scene.

I booted up my computer and immediately went to the USGS earthquake site. Earthquake information stated that the epicenter was in Hollister. A chill went up my back, as I learned about the earthquakes and their order from the C’s website. This was the first location on the list.

I was stunned. Sitting in my office chair, I leaned back to contemplate this event. I have been thinking about this for some time now, I even wrote up a session on the event and posted it. That was then and this is now, and this earthquake sequence may have just begun.

I was somewhat prepared, as I have been almost prepared for years now, I have been expecting this. My thoughts were screaming through my head now. Thoughts of what else to do around the house here just to make it safer in the future shaking that was quite possibly about the happen.

I kept myself calm for the moment, I needed some reinforcement for this to become a reality. I needed a second and a third event to happen to validate that this was truly the event that the C’s talked about. Always in the back of my mind was that the fourth earthquake was to be here in my area as Ukiah was only ten miles away.

My wife was stuck to the TV screen as it showed the damage just about everywhere. This station had reported that they had sent a truck to Hollister to relay the damage scene from the epicenter. They were just coming on-line. The view we got was from a local hillside just north of Hollister, the news-lady was stating that you could not get any closer. What we saw was fire and smoke, it did not look good for this area. For a few seconds the smoke cleared, and we could see some of what happened here. It was a jumble of dirt and buildings, Hollister looked like a tossed salad. We could see the local airport, no building was standing. Then the smoke returned, and the view vanished.

The images that we did get dropped your jaw in realism. It was difficult to watch, people were dying here. The death toll would be unimaginable.

I stopped and discussed with my wife the situation. What we needed to do here to make it safer and what we needed just in case this was the beginning of the sequence.

We spent the rest of the morning working around the house and property to cleanup and secure anything that might be an issue in the coming quakes. It was 10:34 now.

As my wife continued doing things around the house, I left for, hopefully not, my last trip to town. I felt an urgency to do some last-minute stocking up. I went to town, grocery store and the local Costco.

I made it back home by 1:00 in the afternoon. I had taken the truck, it was packed inside and out with everything from food to Traeger wood pellets. My wife opened a window and called me in, said that I needed to see this before I unloaded the truck.

On the TV was the second event. Not as big as the one in Hollister, this one in Palo Alto was a 6.5. From the time of the event, I was driving in the truck back from town. You rarely feel earthquakes, smaller quakes, when you are driving down the road. With the road conditions around here I would bet that you might not even feel a 4.0 earthquake with the epicenter right under your car.

6.5 is smaller than I expected. That could mean a larger one may still happen. I told my wife to keep watch for a larger earthquake there or the third one in the sequence, which would be in Imperial, a farming area south of the Salton Sea.

I spent the next couple of hours unloading the truck. In the end every fridge on the property was filled to the brim. The rest I stowed in an unused bedroom.

Either my wife or I, sometimes both, were glued to the TV set. The scenes around Hollister were now coming in. There are three fault lines coming together in the area. It looks like there was a big fight between them as Hollister looked to be turned upside down. Pipes were sticking up out of the debris and houses were found upside down, crushed beyond belief. The bad news just kept coming in. There looked to be damage in just about every city all the way north to Sonoma County.

Nothing more happened this day. Well sure there were aftershocks and there were warnings to stay away from the city so cleanup efforts can commence. No quake registered over a 4.0 the rest of the day. We went to bed that night still a little bit shaken by the events of the day. We eventually fell asleep.

3:01 the clock on the nightstand read, I awoke to a soft shaking in the area, another long one. I kept expecting for it to get stronger, but it never happened. This one lasted over four minutes. The wife did not wake so I grabbed my clothes and exited the room. Right to the computer I went to see what I felt.

It was not local, it was Imperial. An 8.2 earthquake was registered, a real shallow one. It lasted almost six minutes. I scanned the news stories to see what they are saying. One caught my eye, it was about a volcano. (What!) I opened it. It seems that a mud volcano, that was currently gently spewing mud increased its flow. It was now a volcano a couple of hundred feet tall. Heavy flows of superheated mud were now streaming down the sides of the volcano making it larger. Portions of the local highway had now been covered along with a couple of cities. Thoughts of Pompeii came to mind as I watch this unfold. This mud was moving faster than I ever thought possible, a river was now trying to get to the Gulf of California.

My wife woke up, I must have woken her when I left. She went straight to the TV and turned it on. She called to me. On the screen was a helicopter flying above LA and a view of the city of San Jacinto. Again most of the scenes included heavy smoke billowing from several fires all over the city. All interstate, local highways and most roads were now closed across LA. There were no overpasses that survived this one, it was just rubble and the traffic that was on them when they came down.

We changed the channel and here they were discussing a wave of water that came off the Salton Sea. It was about twenty feet high and made it all the way north to Palm Springs before subsiding. As it left the area it dragged anything that was not tied down, and some that were, back into Salton Sea basin. You could see people in the debris, some alive and waving to the news helicopter, others were still, immobile, or dead.

My wife still has family in LA and she tried to call them. She got no answer, just a busy sound. She kept trying for many hours without a response.

Later that day, all of the local family members arrived. The daughter was first, then the oldest brother. The middle brother lives out back in the rear house, he popped in shortly after that. Everyone was talking about the quakes, especially the one in LA.

It was 6:00 pm and I decided to cook up some dinner since everybody was around. I grabbed some chicken from the fridge and took it out to the Traeger grill. I got it started and meat on the grill, it was about 6:15 now.

The ground beneath me started to shake. It was moving pretty good but I was able to hold onto the grill for stability. It lasted a good fifteen seconds. I heard my daughter call out 5.2 in Talmage, that is east of Ukiah.

Thinking that this was just not large enough, I turned toward the house. I took two steps and the next one hit, it tossed me down to the deck surface. I sat there for a good minute before it subsided and I could stand up again. 5.9 in downtown Ukiah, no they just changed it to a 6.0.

I righted myself and stepped up onto the bridge between the house and the deck. The power stopped and the Traeger stopped making noise, a total shutdown. Then big one hit, I do not know how large it was as I thrown back and forth between handrails. I grabbed one of them and clung on until the quake subsided, I blacked out.

I woke up still clinging on with a death grip to the handrail. I let go and a pain struck me in the right rib cage. I felt down my chest, I had a broken rib. Not bad, just a fracture. I looked up and the middle son was there, he had blood trickling down his arm, it looked to be broken. With his good arm he helped me up.

He told me that he was in the bathroom when it all came down around him. He had to crawl up through the roof to get out. His arm was bad, it needed attending to first. The back house and the garage looked to be intact still. We were lucky.

We made it into the back house, debris was across the floor. I grabbed two pieces of kindling and we made it into the bathroom. A first aid box, typically kept in the medicine cabinet was now in the tub, I grabbed it. There was a wrap in there good. I made a quick splint of the firewood and the wrap and applied it after I dropped a few bandages on his arm. It was a fair job, if I do say myself.

We made it back to the main house. About three quarters of the house was now in a pile of rubble. You could not tell the difference from the roof to the floor, it was everywhere. We started calling out to anyone, over and over again. Nobody answered.

We slowly started cutting up house debris with a battery-operated tools taking pieces out and calling to anyone that might be alive in there. We worked until midnight, we found two dead bodies. My wife and daughter. They were sitting at the kitchen table, both were crushed. We set them in the garage and continued the work.

It took two more days to find everyone. In the end, the one son and I were the only survivors. We dug burials in the front yard for all of them, including the two younger children. One was three and the other was seven. We put them together with their parents. From what we could tell everybody died quickly, no one suffered. Some were in pieces. It was probably one of the most grewsome scenes that I have ever been through.

We had no power, no natural gas, there was no water pressure, there was nothing but the two of us. We explored the neighborhood and helped those that needed help for the next week, it was brutal what we found. We were lucky with two people surviving from the same property. Most were not so lucky as we found many houses where no one survived. The worse was still to come as the shaking continued …

‘Sometimes we think that we are in a dream, maybe we are. You may think that we are in some nightmare, some delusional effect from something that you may have eaten the night before. If anything, we are in one the greatest illusions that has ever been created. A reality of time and space, prepared just to teach you your lessons. As Sterling once said, “Think about it, and then ask yourself, do you live here, in this country, in this world, in this reality, or do you live, instead – in the Twilight zone?” Sometimes I think that we do.’ Haiku …
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Well, if you made it this far, I thank you for reading this piece. I am sorry if I offend anyone, this is a way for me to release bad energies. My mother once took a foot long river rock and painted a picture of a wolf on it. The wolf was angry and mean looking and might I add, very well done. My mother wanted me to take it away from her house and put it somewhere, just not there. She told me that she put all of her anger into this painting, it was her relief. It now resides in front of my work, hidden away in one of the bushes. It is a good guard for the building. I would almost feel sorry if someone steals this stone, bad tidings may come from it.

These three stories, are my release. They depict a series of events that may truly come true for all of us. I just hope that they do not hit all at once, could you imagine that.

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." - Rod Serling. Do not let their fears tear us apart, Haiku …
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Well, if you made it this far, I thank you for reading this piece. I am sorry if I offend anyone, this is a way for me to release bad energies. My mother once took a foot long river rock and painted a picture of a wolf on it. The wolf was angry and mean looking and might I add, very well done. My mother wanted me to take it away from her house and put it somewhere, just not there. She told me that she put all of her anger into this painting, it was her relief. It now resides in front of my work, hidden away in one of the bushes. It is a good guard for the building. I would almost feel sorry if someone steals this stone, bad tidings may come from it.

These three stories, are my release. They depict a series of events that may truly come true for all of us. I just hope that they do not hit all at once, could you imagine that.

"Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible." - Rod Serling. Do not let their fears tear us apart, Haiku …
Thank you very much for the stories. They really flow...
They reminded me of my fear of dying first, you know, not being the main character of a story and being forgotten. The need that I have to identified myself to the last one standing in any situation...
But then, the Cs said, it's not where you are but who you are and what you see and hear (more or less).
This saying gives me great comfort... whatever must happen will happen.
Thanks again for sharing, for the good read.
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