A Traditional "X"-Mas Prayer (6 years on)



A traditional "X"-mas Prayer (6years on)
by: Steve M.

Dear Heaveny father, mother, brother, sister.. maybe hermaphrodite for all anyone knows. Hallowed be thy name, whatever it is, some claim they know. Ye who's son came down, got beamed from a virgin, was beaten badly after doing a bunch of really cool stuff for alot of people-kind, was stuck on an "X" and flew off in to the sky after 3 days, like most dead folks. We be seechin' ya about some of the crap the more mole-like critters of this here rock flying about the sun are doing.

We're attacked O' horde leader! Call off your army dogs or kick them from your houses! We are people of peace and want no part of the murder of the innocence, or any war in your name. You never asked others to kill for you. Please silence the hypocrites who claim they are doing things in your name thus mocking you, your work and teachings.

Curse them oh head of the horde of blind hypocritical beings, we beg thee. Much of your churches are synagogues of satan, many blaspheme your name beyond recognition, much of your people bow to the warmongering and are blind to The Way. It is a pity the claim of your blood shed turned to such vanity by the materialists. The heathens flock to the dark dens of their palaces while real people are left with nothing. This so called country of free people, those who still feel, we weep.

The needy are raised on sacrifice by the greedy who make up stories about how they, the needy, will be rewarded in heaven, but if anyone lived in your light and teachings the needs of the hungry, the cold, the tired and those with little or nothing would be fulfilled. Hallowed by thy butchered, mocked and once sacred teachings and name we stand divided. Your Religions have been takin' as having a certain meaning and steered down the path of darkness, the opposite of that meaning. Those who claim faith do not show it by living proof, those who claim to be saved live as slaves and force others into the abomination of slavery your teachings have become. They believe they see yet have no eyes, to listen but have no ears, to love but have no hearts.

They would mock me O' Lord for my prayer for they cannot see it, hear it or love it and I myself cannot claim to have it but seek, ask and knock. Our history is becoming more of a lie each day. Is truth lost to this world Lord? Was your sacrifice all in vain or simply another parable to incorporate me into the massive mind game of control by fear tactics and guilt programming? There is a place in the bible that implies your supposed father liked persons who think. Very few are they who remain in the cities of this continent who are even able to (THINK). Everyone holds a knife at the back of their fellow. Our tongues are twisted and only offer pain to others but rarely give uplifting, support or hope.

How shall I unshackle myself from the programming of the great religions of the world if they are not put in some museum, perhaps better yet locked, sealed and buried under the ground with a big warning painted on it? "THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT CAUSES DIVISION TO COME BETWEEN PEOPLE, NATIONS AND EVEN OVER APPEARENCE." "THESE ARE THE TOOLS THAT EVEN WHEN RELAXED CAUSE PEOPLE TO BE PREPARED TO HARM THEIR OWN BROTHER ON A WHIM."

Maybe then it could be that thinking people would not think to make weapons and wage wars on those they judge and condemn to death through their wars. Thinking people could come together, end poverty, fix global issues, take us to the stars.

World leaders lie as if tongued by the serpents they claim they are saving us from. Such stealth, trickery and lies need exposure! Lastly please expose the Democrats if they are going to allow the campaign of doing nothing to BuSh etc.. before all their lies, corruption, warmongering and profiteering go further. BuSh should not be allowed two more years of the same and if the newly elected government will do nothing.. then it is to you to fix things. All this we ask for in "X"'s name - aperson.

Ahh what a great place it would be. Happy B-Day Jesus"X." Oh yeah, and while I prayed I made a bad smell so excuse me.
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