A problem with Red Pill Press ?


The Force is Strong With This One
Hello, I'm Jerome. I'm a regular listener to SOtT podcasts. I find them particularly interesting and enlightening. In order to know more about UFO related subjects, I ordered a book in february. We are in july, and nothing has arrived yet, and what's more annoying, no news about my order or any involuntary delay... I posted a mail to RPP sometime in may or june, and got no answer. What's going on ? I'd like to have an answer. I'm going on vacation next friday, and I wouldn't want the book to arrive during my holidays.

I've been wanting to contribute to the site, due to what I think is the exceptional quality of the material given us through the podcasts; I'll be waiting till the book comes or I hear what has become of my order.

Hi Jerome,

I've resent your order to our UK distributor, and we're going to try to get it to you before Friday.

Sorry for the long delay!
Thank you Scott, for your fast reply, and your help ! I'm relieved to learn that this delay has not been caused by any difficulties to RPP. Take care, and I hope to talk to you soon.
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