A look behind the curtain?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello everyone,

I had a strange dream two days ago that I would like to share.

The dream had two parts. In the first, the dream starts in a wooden house. I think it was white, or at least a light color, with more than one floor. This house is in the middle of a meadow which is surrounded by a forest. I am on the ground floor and with me is a female friend. We are there on a visit and are about to start cooking in the kitchen. As we start cooking a big pan starts to suddenly hiss and this triggers a situation with a sense of confusion and hectic panic.

Then, all of a sudden, I am aware that we are surrounded in the house. The police arrives or not really the police, but something which is there to control. And it is not ordinary human police that is outside. What is out there instead are very very tall strange beings. They remind me somewhat of the character in Pan’s Labyrinth, the one in the dinning hall without eyes. These did not necessarily looked exactly like that but had a similar color. They also had a similar bony feel that I associated with this character. Either way, they were very tall, I would even say monumental.

As they surround the house, I become aware that there are many people in the house. Next, everyone is forced to get out and I am among the last as we are separated into groups. Suddenly, my perspective shifts and I am now standing outside the house, looking into vast fields which In these fields I see these same tall creatures that took us prisoner. They are walking along long patches. The whole scene reminds me of the first Matrix movie, where these huge robot machines are harvesting people. This was very similar the difference being that in the dream they are sowing live human babies – they are literally throwing them into the field – and I can see and feel their horror as they fall on the ground. As I watch all this, I can feel one of the beings standing behind me. I don’t feel fear or anything else. I just know it is present. In addition to this, at the same time there is something digging into my back. It feels like I am hanging on a hanger. And it feels like I’m hanging on the being behind me.

Now comes the second part. I am walking away from the field scene with the said being still behind my back. The scene changes, the tall creatures disappear and I find myself in a futuristic city. Everything is made of glass and concrete and very sterile. As I stand in a street, I look around. At the same time, I know that everything here is controlled, everyone has to have their ID – either card or chip.

That was pretty much it.

I've been reflecting on this and have some thoughts and observations. The same night I had this dream I was reading chapter XXIX of the Wave: Stripped to the Bone or The Shamanic Initiation of the The Knighted Ones.
Also, while going through the forum, I came across Craig’s post where he mentions the article Signs of Ascension. In this article, which interprets the symbolism of the Signs movie, are a few general things that might apply here as well.

Article said:
The main action takes place in and around the house. Houses in dreams, myth and folklore often refer to the soul, the subconscious, or mind.
The whole setting could be a representation of either the collective or the individual soul, not sure. The rounding up of the group of people can be a symbolism of the many Is, ultimately under the power of the Predator.

Article said:
She is pinned against the tree - the source of her creation: Nature
The symbolism of nature contrasts with the breeding fields of humans for these creatures. But the fields are still part of nature.

Article said:
The scene where the family attempt to communicate with the aliens is also interesting. The little boy has in his hand the walkie-talkie which is a baby monitor. This is intentional. This is symbolic of spiritual growth. Many of us who are attempting to ascend the staircase often recall dreams of babies, sometimes sickly as we try to build the magnetic centre.
Tonight I had another dream with a little boy in it. I was sitting at a desk and through a crack in the table I could see a pair of eyes looking back at me. I got up and from under the table came out a little boy maybe 20cm tall. I took him by the hand and we walked into a kitchen. There, he got scared and turned into a small turtle that hid in its shell. While standing in the kitchen, a huge lizard appeared under my feet. It didn't do anything, just sat there. At that moment I thought "We have a pest problem in the house! We should call pest control." Then I woke up.

Over all at this time there are two interpretations that come to my mind. Either the whole dream was intended to be an intimidation; the first part was the representation of the objective spiritual situation – that we are nothing but food for these creatures, completely in their control; the second part might have been a peek into a possible near future with. The overall message that there is no way out. Or on the other hand, in this dream I just saw the human reality for what it really is. And these being, whatever they were, being part of this reality were there as well.

I might add that in the dream I was not scared. I can be way off here with all of this. This is just my interpretation and any comments would be very much appreciated.
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