A couple of disturbing dreams I'd like opinions on.



I just joined up with the community but I'd like some opinions on a couple of things. Within the last year or so I've had two very distinct dreams that have really bothered me. Mainly because they both seemed "real" and not your typical dreams. Several times I've been able to realize I was dreaming and even take control of my actions in those dreams, and I usually always recognize dreams when I wake. Not so with the two "dreams" I'm about to describe in as much detail as I can. They left my mind completely confused between what was reality and what wasn't.

1. Dream One - Interview with an Alien (Gray?)

In my dream I was suddenly back at my old house walking threw our kitchen and I appeared to be around the age of 5 or 6 maybe a little older. It was a combined room of our kitchen and dining room and the car port door was directly inbetween. When I was younger I was completely afraid of the dark and noises that go bump in the night. One particular noise that I hated and still have problems with today was the noise of our car port screen door handle being pushed in. Whenever I heard this noise I instinctly felt like if I didn't pull the covers up over my entire body right up to my chin that "they" or "something" would get me. As I was passing from the dining room into the kitchen I noticed the front door was swung wide open. In that same instant I hear the screen door open and I look up to catch a glimpse of a "gray" before everything going completely pitch black. When I come to I'm sitting in our church and it appears to be several minutes before service is about to start as many people are just sitting around talking to each other. This is one of the instances that felt completely "real" As I'm sitting there talking a strange boy walks into the back of the church and I begin to preceive his thoughts into my mind. I instantly realize that I'm not at church but that this "vision" has been created in my mind to keep me from harming myself with the sheer terror I recieved from seeing the "gray" and the boy is an alien as well. I can't remember if the boy is THE alien who opened the screen door. I want to say it is, but then sometimes I feel he wasn't. It's one of the areas clouded. We sit there in the church for a moment and then suddenly we're above the Earth floating in what appears to be lower orbit. From here the alien preceeds to talk to me and he explains the mechanics behind transporting ones own spirit and material being through space over vast distances. I still remember the concept quite easily, but the actual process discovered is another clouded area. Basically, the alien says that the secret to moving throughout the galaxy is simply located within our own minds. You have to literally will part of your spiritual being with your mind to a location you wish to travel. Then the process was described as simply folding paper, but instead you fold space and time with your mind pulling your material self to the spiritual part some distance away. I seem to remember being told that I wasn't fully capable of doing this "yet", but that everyone (all beings) had the means if they tried and searched enough.

1. Dream Two - Second Interview with the same alien?

Before going to sleep that night I felt that an overwhelming presence was encroaching upon my room. A feeling all to common I'm afraid. I fought with it and finally drove "it" or the feeling away and was able to go to sleep. Almost immediately after falling asleep I awake to see an alien "warp" into my room right beside my bed. Like a "beam me up Scotty kinda warp" too :P What's different this time, however; is that I don't feel afraid but almost glad that the alien has come. His appearance is also different, as if he's not wearing the "bio-armor" that some say give grays their stereotypical look. Think the movie Independance Day. This alien seems to be the same alien that told me how to travel great distances using my mind, but this time he reveals what he really looks like. For what seems like an hour or so, he slighty floats inches above my bed beside me, while I ask him questions and he answers them to the best of his abilities with the limits in which he's allowed to answer such questions. Unfortuately, I'm unable to recall any of the things talked about. It's like they're right there in mind, but just out of reach of being remembered.The last few seconds of the dream are what really stand out to me though. Suddenly, the alien tells me that I'm an "Awaker" but that I haven't fully been awoken yet. I ask what was it I had done to achieve this and he tells me that a "Marine" had assisted in helping me "awake." From there I find we're above the surface of the Earth again, but this time I sense "fire" and almost the second we get above the Earth it feels like the alien is ripped away! And then I wake up. However, I'm not certain that i was really awake, I remember looking at the clock seeing that a couple of hours have indeed passed and that I remember seeing the time in the clock in my "dream" as well. It's strange that this dream seemed even more "real" and distinct than the first one, but yet so much more of the dream is cloudly and unrecallable.
Two things come to mind here. Firstly, stay away from any 'illicit' substances which may provoke or produce similar effects and secondly, never believe that they are friendly or that you are 'special' because they are talking to you.

Nothing good ever comes easily, and sometimes it doesn't come at all.

Much of what you wrote seems like a screen memory to me. Don't believe anything these 'shapeshifters' say and if I were you, refuse to have anything to do with them, or at least try to resist them, just as you would any nasty human that you come into contact with.
I agree with Ruth. You should be very wary of these dreams. Even if you were contacted and had this conversation, it certainly wasn't an STO contact. Giving the alien the benefit of the doubt, let's say it was just talking to you. Firstly, it wouldn't just take you to its ship or orbit without some sort of hidden agenda. Firstly, you didn't ask it to. STO sources seem to make a big issue out of asking before they will do ANYTHING. This alien, while making it seem like it was concerned about you by giving you the church screen, took its own initiative by teleporting you to orbit and then it just starts spilling all of this information. I think it intended to dazzle you by teleporting you to orbit, and then telling you information, which was probably true, which was also unasked. I think they were probably keeping you occupied with the conversation while doing something to you behind the scenes. If you truly were contacted by a Grey, this would be standard abduction policy and procedure.

In your second encounter, the alien does some subtle ego stroking by telling you you are part of this awaker group. Plus it tells you that something has been sent to help you awaken. I highly suspect that this "marine" was the same species of alien and that they are working together. Since I can almost certainly rule out this as being an STO source, I think you should replace the word awakened with activated. The point of the contact was to do something to you, so you would behave in an orientation friendly with the Grey group. STS has so many tricks it's hard to say what they were doing beyond that. It would be nice if you could talk to this alien again, and ask it a few questions about what it was doing, but you probably wouldn't be able to get something so much more intelligent than yourself to give you a straight answer about their plans. I think it is most likely an alien contact because of the realness factor that you describe and the missing time that you hint at. It could also be mind programming, such as Greenbauming, in which my advice would be the same.

Conclusion: This source is STS, thus you must scrutinize everything about the "contact." It was trying to do something to you, through this "awakening." View it as a cosmic kidnapping. That's my two cents.
Speaking of disturbing dreams, my 8 yr. old son had another frightening dream about aliens. He drew two pictures of it for me showing himself strapped down on a table w/a gray alien operating on him. Next to the table is a shelf of "tools" and when I asked him to tell me about them, he described one that they used to make forget, one to "poke" him in the heart, one to poke him in the brain. There was also a hose leading from him to a "blood machine" as he labeled it.

The other picture showed the house w/a line on above it and a little tunnel coming down. He said this is how the aliens take him at night and put him back. I'm very concerned because his behavior is increasingly angry and anxious now. One night he woke up sobbing and no matter what I said or did, he wouldn't be consoled. He finally went back to sleep after a second round of this by saying "Don't touch me. Leave me alone." Not sure if he was even fully awake??? So at this point how do I guide him?

My opinion would be to take what he says with a a grain of salt. I have an 8 year old daughter and i can see what it is available to the kids via the tv, and i am talking about the kids channels. We all know that children let their imagination run wild and if he seen something similar in a program thats the cause but this is the easy solution... and donto take me wrong i donto dispute what he said not being ''real'' at least for him.

Have you thought about letting him sleep with you or in another room of the house with an adult sleeping at the same room? If it is just wild imagination i believe that it may have a calming effect in the short term and with the ''usuall'' lecture about what we see in the tv is not real, etc... it may work.

I do believe in ET and ghosts but when it comes down to my daughter i dismiss them as creations for the tv only in order avoid her using such things as an excuse to request sleeping with me because she is afraid. Not that she ever did.

If the ''problem'' persists after that move then i am afraid it is out of my ''expertise'' to offer any advise. I would althought suggest avoid the ''crazy'' doctors and try hypnosis.

Hope i helped a little.


Yes this has helped and has been what I am doing... sleeping with him occasionally, and minimizing the "fear" factor. I give him suggestions that he is "stronger" than those aliens because their tool to make him forget surely didn't work on him.

There is only one hynotist in town and while I would like to use her services on him, I think I should somehow find out if/what she knows about "screen" memories and perhaps share some info on them is she is interested. Previously, I have tried the Spirit Release Process on my older daughter but felt entirely out of my league when she became very frightened during the process.

So for the meantime, I think you are right, just stay in observation mode. It's a fine line though, informing one's children about the dangers as the C's suggested and yet not wanting them to be paranoid either.

Thanks again and if anything else occurs, I will post it here.

Dear Sophia,

Just a short line to say that i hope everything is going well.

best regards
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