9/11 conspiracy/Pentagon



This is how it started; I asked what we were supposed to do about about this "conspiracy" if in fact if were true. How can anyone expect to stop "them" (presumably the government) if they are capable of such tradgedy. The responce I recieved was this:
"Experience shows that the universe is open, and that there are always ways and chances of changing the direction and the outcome. Don't forget that we are living in the world governed by a nonlinear dynamics, predicatble to some extent, but not really predictable. A little push at the right moment, of the right magnitude, and in the right direction may result in an erruption. Knowledge is needed, but more than just "usual knowledge". All kinds of knowledge."
Now I'm really confused! first off what exactley are nonlinear dynamics? and just how do we go about pushing them around for a favorable outcome? Call me koo koo for cocoa puffs but this sounds a bit far fetched to me.

P.S. Wheres my smilies? I wanted to use one!
Hi Ron, good question. In case you haven't noticed, it is getting to be increasingly dangerous for anyone to suggest that anyone do anything OTHER than following the "political process" which we all know is a complete sham. What do you want us to say? Something that will get us in hot water so that we can never say anything again? That's the horns of the dilemma we find ourselves on here. We try to give hints, as broadly as we can, but that is all we can do in this truly dangerous climate.

BUT, all is not lost! In recent times, as we have considered the problems of what is safe to say and do and what is not, one thing occurs to us as being possibly particularly fruitful: raising awareness in a very particular way. Because once awareness is raised, then it is very likely that many different types of people will just naturally do many different types of things in response to that awareness. Some people may gather groups of protestors whose main way of protesting is to go on strike, or boycott different companies, or refuse to pay taxes, or join marches, or get involved in other actions that send loud and clear messages.

Now, obviously, doing these kinds of things only works when there are LOTS of people involved - like multiple millions. We know there are a LOT more people than the media would have us think there are who want to do something, and who have done something (protesting, etc), but unless and until that human energy can be raised and focused, none of these actions are going to go anywhere. People need to really know what they are up against and that is difficult because the mainstream media not only covers it up, it actively propagandizes the lies.

So, finding ways to really promote awareness seems to be the first key to unlocking the potential of the majority of normal people who are still under the illusion that a democratic government is in existence in the U.S.

Seems to me that the main things people need to know about are psychopaths and how they operate and take over people's minds and societys and governments, and that this is what was behind 911.

But it's not going to be easy. There are many, many years of propaganda to overcome. And here I mean even millennia of religious propaganda. That is why we think that promoting The Secret History of The World and our 9-11 book is so important. (And the soon to be released "Ponerology")

Also, it is going to take a little time and some serious suffering for people to wake up from the propaganda trance. But, wake up they will - many of them - as the noose tightens around their necks and the suffering finds its way into every home and family.

So, right now, if you can help to promote the website, books, information, that is the most useful thing at the moment. We are working behind the scenes to gather a core group of individuals working in the anti-war, re-open 911 movements, but that takes time because we have to sort out the COINTELPRO agents from the sincere activists. Again, that's all we can say publicly... Try to read between the lines, use your imagination, and most of all, research and think!

Nonlinear dynamics says that when you apply pressure, even if it is gentle, consistenly applied, from numerous sources, eventually the boundary will shift and the shifting can be cataclysmic!
Someone just sent me the Pentagon Strike. Just one question, if it was a missile that hit the Pentagon, then where did the American Airlines 757 with all those people go? Corruption, greed, and power are not above out elected officials, so I believe anything thing is possible. I just need that question answered.
scoby said:
Just one question, if it was a missile that hit the Pentagon, then where did the American Airlines 757 with all those people go?

I just need that question answered.
We get asked this question more than any other by people who watch Pentagon Strike. Behind it seems to be a hesitation to confront the only possible answer: the plane was taken somewhere and the people were killed.

Of course, we have no hard evidence or proof. We can only think about it logically and come to the subsequent conclusion. The pathocrats who organized and carried out 9/11 were willing to kill thousands of people. Why would they stop at another 60 or so passengers on Flight 77?

Bush sends thousands of US citizens to die in Iraq. Israel organizes false flag operations to kill Israeli citizens in "suicide bombings" that are blamed on the Palestinians. But the people of these countries don't want to believe their governments, supposedly elected to protect them, would do such a thing. This blindness is one of the key features that ensures the same strategy works time and again.
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