3 short recurrent dreams


Jedi Master
the first one I have had at least 5 times over the last yr or so..
I am with other people we are like revolutionaries or protesters
and are surrounded by the police/army soon to be arrested.
the last dream there was only two of us ,hiding in an attic, surrounded
and soon to be done...

(my conclusion was that in my job I meet a lot of people from various
occupations from around the city and very few seem to be on the same
page ( or for that matter same book) as me and I often feel overwhelmed
the dream has stopped since my conclusion...

second and third recurring dream ... I am watching people on a trampolin and soon to get
on myself (I gain insights and then let them go)
I am going fishing ( I am still searching for spiritual insights )

(I may add to this later ) . . .
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