2023 Crop Circles

There are various different systems of chakras, ranging from 3 to 12. I think the C's have said there are 7 energy centres or chakras, but also that chakras a quite misunderstood. Apparently Western esotericists started to link chakras with glands and plexuses in the nervous system in the early 20th Century.
For those interested, here is a relevant passage about chakras:
Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff relate at all to the idea of "chakras?"

A: Quite closely. In an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul qualities" to such beings.

Q: Is this a correspondence that starts at the basal chakra which relates to the sexual center as described by Mouravieff?

A: No. The "sexual center" corresponds to the solar plexus.

Lower moving center - basal chakra

Lower emotional - sexual chakra

Lower intellectual - throat chakra

Higher emotional - heart chakra

Higher intellectual - crown chakra

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.

{Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook"

Q: (V) What about the many ideas about 12 chakras, and so forth, that are currently being taught by many new age sources? {Barbara Marciniak, for one.}

A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic center. The higher centers are only "seated" by being "magnetized." And this more or less "External" condition [location of the higher centers] has been perceived by some individuals and later joined to the perceived "seating" locations, in potential. This has led to "cross conceptualization" based on assumption!
There are 18 petals around the circumference of this CC, and another 18 rayed out from those, giving a total of 36. I don't know of any chakras that have that number in my quite basic understanding.

The closest would be Vishuddha, associated with the throat/neck/thyroid has 16 petals, each representing the Sanskrit vowels. Sahasrara is the crown chakra or thousand-petalled lotus, relating to pure consciousness.

There are various different systems of chakras, ranging from 3 to 12. I think the C's have said there are 7 energy centres or chakras, but also that chakras a quite misunderstood. Apparently Western esotericists started to link chakras with glands and plexuses in the nervous system in the early 20th Century.

I’ve found Smith interesting about number 18...
The cosmological significance of the number was determined by the fact that the return of the Sun and the Moon to their orbits took place after 18 years. Eighteen-decimal counting systems are known. Mahabharata consists of 18 books. 18 arcana ( saints ) have been canonized in Chinese Buddhism . The Jewish prayer canon included 18 blessings. If 10 was interpreted in Christian exegesis as a sign of perfection, and 8 of paradise, then their sum was interpreted as the fulfillment of the Law through Grace.
Key importance is given to the number 18 in the esoteric of Sufism. Song components of Sufi poems consisted of 18 stanzas. Those wishing to become a dervish were ordered to do menial work for 18 days, learn 18 kitchen arts, and 18 days under the lamps of 18 candlesticks to be in a state of meditation. Visitors to the monasteries of the Sufi order Mehlavi were required to offer 18 gifts.
The number 18 in the Taro system symbolizes the highest esoteric initiations.
From the 18th degree of the "excellent PRINCE of the Rose and the Cross" initiation into the secret doctrine of Freemasonry.
The number 18 in the Taro system symbolizes the highest esoteric initiations.

I don't know if this sentence refers to the Tarot and the Major Arcana.

Number 18 is the Moon card.

In short: Sometimes everything is not as it seems to us. There is a high risk of fraud and deception here. The time of confusion indicates that more attention should be paid to intuition.
Since there are two rounds of 18 each, that would be double warning = 36.
We can also calculate that it is 18 squared = 324.

But so that everything is not so "black", let's throw in a little numerology, well; 18, 36, 324, always comes out 9, and that
is the Hermit card.
Preparation for upcoming changes. Patience leads to peace and tranquility. The truth is within us. If we do well no. 18 we will come out wiser...

(according to the Hermit, search the internet for possible meanings of 18 and 9 and maybe find a personal explanation/understanding) ;-).
There are 18 petals around the circumference of this CC, and another 18 rayed out from those, giving a total of 36. I don't know of any chakras that have that number in my quite basic understanding.

The closest would be Vishuddha, associated with the throat/neck/thyroid has 16 petals, each representing the Sanskrit vowels. Sahasrara is the crown chakra or thousand-petalled lotus, relating to pure consciousness.

There are various different systems of chakras, ranging from 3 to 12. I think the C's have said there are 7 energy centres or chakras, but also that chakras a quite misunderstood. Apparently Western esotericists started to link chakras with glands and plexuses in the nervous system in the early 20th Century.

More on chakras, from Ra:

51.8 Questioner: What do you mean by crystal structures?

Ra: I am Ra. Each of the energy centers of the physical complex may be seen to have a distinctive crystalline structure in the more developed entity. Each will be somewhat different just as in your world no two snowflakes are alike. However, each is regular. The red energy center often is in the shape of the spoked wheel. The orange energy center in the flower shape containing three petals.

The yellow center again in a rounded shape, many faceted, as a star.

The green energy center sometimes called the lotus-shape, the number of points of crystalline structure dependent upon the strength of this center.

The blue energy center capable of having perhaps one hundred facets and capable of great flashing brilliance.

The indigo center a more quiet center which has the basic triangular or three-petaled shape in many, although some adepts who have balanced the lower energies may create more faceted forms.

The violet energy center is the least variable and is sometimes described in your philosophy as thousand-petaled as it is the sum of the mind/body/spirit complex distortion totality.
That would be equivalent to the heart center, or higher-emotional.
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This all reminded me of a book I read way back in the day, Energetic Healing by Arnie Lade. IIRC, it was the first time I encountered the idea that the Mayans had their own system of energy centres, which they called 'chaklas'. They also had a conception of the coiled serpent, which they called 'kultanlilni'. This totally blew my mind at the time - how could this be?! The Mayans had their own yoga? With very nearly the same words describing the same concepts? Across oceans?! No way, dude.

Linked below is one brief analysis of a Mayan stela from an author who has also read Gurdjieff. The stela is said to depict the energy centres. It looks to me like the figure has been emasculated, and is covering his heart with his hands. Rather than 'the purity of abstinence from orgasm' and 'the wisdom of the secret heart', to me this looks more like the image of an angel in distress, with a jungle inside. All in all, it's pretty fascinating.

Anyways, thinking about it now, the chakras/chaklas connection that surprised me in the past makes sense in the context of Witzel's work on the Laurasian mythological system. While Wiztel focuses on a specific story structure of the gods and reality, there's probably also a case to be made that the Kantekkian or Northern influence included not just cosmogonic myths, but also a system of understanding energy, the human uplink to the cosmos, and also a means of real transformation.

On the Northern connection note, I hadn't heard of any sort of Celtic chakras... until I asked Google! Nothing conclusive, but it looks like there was something about three cauldrons.

Crop Circle, Roundway, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, June 11, 2023:

First thought, Squaring the circle :


and maybe some evocation of planetary/cosmic bodies alignments...?

nice analisiy of the geometry of the Crop Circle, Roundway, Wiltshire, United Kingdom, June 11, 2023: at the link

Here is the copy of the txt from FB page:

Roundway hill, june 11, 2023

A formation that changes color as easy as a politician changes opinion. There are three distinctly different layers to this design, each with their own specific qualities. First the four protruding triangles and the circular appendices. Secondly the flattened ring, and then the central standing circle with the flattened avenues.

The circular appendices are 4:3 proportioned and placed between the inner- and outer radius of a square. We can use this to find a Squared circle and this determines the vertices of the four triangles. They are optimised in this drawing. The real formation was less symmetric here.

The base of the triangles are found by dividing the ring in twelve parts. The size of the ring is based on the crossing points of three squares.

For the central part, the diameter of the circle is divided in five equal parts. Each part is then divided in four equal parts (not shown) to find the width of the avenue and the change of radius of the adjacent quarters. The arms of the central part are placed off center so that one side aligns, giving a hint that rotational movement is implied. In any case, this part has rotational symmetry, not mirror symmetry.

So what are we looking at? As i was drawing the formation i realised that for me it appears to be an inverted mandala; The outer part represents the spiritual realm, while the center is grounded in our physical reality.
The outer part emphasises unmeasurable elements; The division by seven of the two appendix circles, the Squared circle and the impression of a square that is unstable.

The ring ties the unstable square to the three squares of the dodecagram. Twelve is associated with the passage of time. The instability of the square may also be related to seeing a square in perspective. A solidifying of dimensions if you will; Three squares in the dodecagram (time, three dimensional perspective) and a fourth square that cannot be measured.

The central part in this case is inverted; The flattened crop of the outer ring is changed for a background of standing crop. The semi circles may appear static at first sight, but the off center placement of the radial avenues suggest circular motion. Against the backdrop of a dodecagram, this can be associated with the passage of time, or perhaps the measure of time.
Time being what binds us in our physical reality.

Reconstructed from a photo by Stonehenge dronescapes.


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June 22, 2023
By Tim Binnall

The mayor of a town in France was left mystified earlier this week after a rather sizeable crop formation appeared near his home. According to a local media report, the design was discovered on Wednesday in the community of Saint-Babel. Found in a wheat field, the formation (seen in the video above) is comprised of three embossed circles connecting to a sizable ring which contains a shape similar to a crescent moon. The curious design left the town's mayor, Guy Archimbaud, scratching his head as he marveled that "I didn't hear anything even though I live next door" to the farm where the formation was discovered.
Neighbor Didier Archimbaud, who owns the wheat field, was equally perplexed by what had occurred on his property, observing that "there is no trace of footsteps or even of a car. I don't know how this could have been achieved." As is often the case with such incidents, the man's wonderment at how the design could have been formed was overshadowed by the damage done in its creation. To that end, he lamented that a staggering 3,000 square meters of wheat was seemingly wiped out when it was used as a canvas for the crop circle. While Archimbaud expressed hope that the grain can somehow be salvaged, that may be the most optimistic scenario for him as history suggests that the creator of the crop circle will likely never be found nor brought to justice.
Another report for this one, looks a bit wonky (circles aren't perfectly round) or is it the picture's angle...??
Saint-Babel, Nr Issoire in Puy-de-Dôme, France. Reported 21st June

Regarding the name, saint Babel originate from Babylas of Antioch:

"Babylas (Greek: Βαβύλας) (died 253) was a patriarch of Antioch (237–253), who died in prison during the Decian persecution.[1] In the Eastern Orthodox Church and Eastern Catholic Churches of the Byzantine rite his feast day is September 4, in the Roman Rite, January 24. He has the distinction of being the first saint recorded as having had his remains moved or "translated" for religious purposes; a practice that was to become extremely common in later centuries."
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