Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

If Bacon was, as many suspect, Shakespeare, he also used hidden codes within his plays and lots of puns. Were the C's trying to draw our attention to this aspect or modus operandi of the Rosicrucians?​
I would only make the observation at this time that Edward de Vere, not Bacon is the most likely candidate for the Shakespeare corpus authorship. There is an English contemporary author Alexander Waugh, who has some compelling research on the renowned Oxfordian, as well as the De Vere Society. Thought you might just want to know... since you mentioned it twice. As for the alleged Rosicrucian connection, Bacon, De Vere, Dee - they didn't need that affiliation, they were esotericists in their own way.
For the sake of completeness, here is Miles Mathis' opinion regarding Shakespeare:

I have shown that all these people are related in the peerage, and that they are all linked to the Stanleys, Earls of Derby. What does it mean? Well, I remind you that we pulled Walsingham in here, and he is admitted to be a spymaster. I have shown in previous papers that Bacon was also probably a spymaster, inheriting one of the mantles of John Dee.

Remember, Dee is the one who invented the 007 image used by agent and writer Ian Fleming for James Bond. Above, we see Dee passing the lamp to Bacon. I now see this as one MI5 director passing the torch to the next. So if you are American you can think of Bacon as Director of CIA, and Stanley as Rockefeller making policy behind him. The difference is, it is possible Stanley was a talented writer.
We have never seen any indications the Rockefellers have any artistic talent. Marlowe was also recruited as a writing talent, along with Ben Jonson and many others. Like Stanley, De Vere may have been both a ranking agent and a writer. I doubt that Bacon did much of the writing, though he appears to have been a consultant on major parts of several works. In this Donnelly appears to be correct.
Bacon's knowledge would have been useful, and there is evidence it was used. As with the writing committees at Langley now, I see them sitting around a large conference table, combining their forces to create this major project.

So, like J. K. Rowling, Shakespeare was just an Intelligence project.
But to what end? Propaganda, of course. Disseminating information and forming opinion.
You thought Edward Bernays started that? Nope. It has been around for a long time.
We are told in the encyclopedia entries that either Shakespeare or the alternative authors were anti-Monarchial, but if you reread the major works with your new knowledge in mind, I think you will see there is much more to it than that. You can see the old Jewish project raising its head in a thousand ways. You will no doubt say, “What about Shylock in the Merchant of Venice? Would crypto-Jews have created that character?” Yep, just as Dickens later created Fagin, Scrooge, Marley, and others.
Besides, the mainstream reading of the Merchant of Venice has always been upside-down. Shakespeare is called an anti-Semite for making Shylock the antagonist, but Shylock isn't the antagonist. He is clearly the victim of dishonest Christians, turning the whole play on its head.
In short, not as much has changed in the past 400 years as you think. The Shakespeare writing committee was doing pretty much the same thing the Hollywood and TV writing committees are doing now: turning your little mind into mush.


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I would only make the observation at this time that Edward de Vere, not Bacon is the most likely candidate for the Shakespeare corpus authorship. There is an English contemporary author Alexander Waugh, who has some compelling research on the renowned Oxfordian, as well as the De Vere Society. Thought you might just want to know... since you mentioned it twice. As for the alleged Rosicrucian connection, Bacon, De Vere, Dee - they didn't need that affiliation, they were esotericists in their own way.
Thank you for your comments. Like Alexander Waugh, Dr. Joseph Farrell also thinks that Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, was Shakespeare. However, there has been a long standing view among scholars that Shakespeare was most likely Bacon. Both de Vere and Bacon were men of great standing in Elizabethan society and at that time it was not thought fitting for a gentleman of state to be a playwrite or poet. Sir Phillip Sydney was something of an exception. Moreover, fiction as we know it today hardly existed in 16th century England. Both men were superbly well educated, which would be an absolute necessity for the writer of Shakespeare's plays, given the scope and breadth of his works. A working class man like William Shakespeare, who had only a rudimentary education and parents who were illiterate, is unlikely to have had the knowledge and talent to write the plays. Hence, almost certainly he was used as a front. My own view is that Shakespeare's plays were a collective effort of men who had the education, flair and talent to write such works. This would have included Bacon, perhaps as an overseer and contributor. As Hermeticists, they could see the Hermetic magic that could be let loose in a play performed before a live audience. Dee was also involved with theatrics in his youth and particularly stage special effects. Bacon put on the Grays in Revels, which involved the Knights of the Helmet performance. So both these men knew the power of performance and how it could be harnassed for the Hermetic/magical transmission of esoteric ideas. Afterall, didn't the C's say how fiction could be used as the guise for transmitting the deepest truths.

As for the alleged Rosicrucian connections of, Bacon, De Vere and Dee, given the circles they mixed in and the emergence openly into view of the Rosicrucians in Europe in the early 17th century, I would be very surprised if they were not members of that movement. You are right to point out that they were all esotericists but that in itself was an essential requirement for being a Rosicrucian. Both Dee and Bacon supported the creation of an invisible college, which would eventually see fruition in the Royal Society that helped to transform the English scientific scene in the 17th century, rescuing science from its associations with alchemy and magic. These men helped therefore to establish our modern scientific and technological world. If you ever search the internet for famous Rosicrucians, Bacon's name always comes up near the top. Now the Rosicrucians didn't have membership lists but they would often signify their membership by esoteric or hidden references in their writings or in the symbols they used in relation to their works, whether these be books, plays, poetry, works of art and architecture. Those in the know would instantly recognise them like a masonic handshake. This is still very true today - think of the Monarch butterfly or the Eye of Horus symbol that is everywhere. I think the C's also confirmed Bacon's role in Rosicrucianism through this exchange with Laura over Oak Island:
Session 3 May 1997

A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favorite island by the "beech." [Francis Bacon's name] Horticulturally, please, and family.

Q: Oak Island?

A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries.

Q: Okay, a "thief in the night." The destruction of the Templars...

A: Research the history of the Canary Islands for clue.

Q: Is there any connection to the fact that those guys at the University of Tenerife were communicating back in February and March? Might there be more to this connection?

A: Maybe, but do you know the history of this place?

Q: Well, no I don't. That one slipped by. I will follow that one... You also once before said that when a certain 7 people assembled into a perpendicular reality, that the learning would be exponential. I am sure we are not there yet, but I am wondering if this information I have discovered about bloodlines and potential activation of DNA has any connection to that idea?

A: Build your staircase one step at a time.

Thus, you see by the reference to "Beech" and not the normal "Beach", the C's were linking Bacon to the Rosicrucians and Oak Island. The reference to seven people assembled into a perpendicular reality may also be a reference to Bacon's seven Knights of the Helmet, which I wrote about in an earlier post. Moreover, the advice to build your staircase one step at a time reflects Bacon's seven step (ladder) programme to bring about the transformation of one's inner self - which is heavily Hermetic - seven also being the ancient number for perfection and linked to seventh heaven (seventh density) and seven chakras.

I hope to post a lot more about Oak Island in due course. I also think that Bacon, an alchemist, like Dee, who had travelled widely in Europe when younger (like Dee) had made contact with this enclave of alchemists in the Pyrenees. Hence, I think it certain that Bacon, and maybe Dee, had some involvement with the goings on at Oak Island.

The C's told Laura that the trees would lead her to the answer. What I have discovered doing this research is that you seem to encounter trees everywhere, whether it be in people's names like Bacon and Edward Kelley or in ancient tales and myths. Think of the World Tree in Hindu cosmology and in Norse mythology. However, two trees really stand out in all these tales and that is the Oak tree and the Apple tree. The Oak was particularly sacred to the druids. Again, I hope to say more about this in upcoming posts.

It is also interesting that the C's asked Laura if she really knew the history of the Canary Islands. This assumes more importance than you might think and may provide a connection back to that odd reference to 'Zuber', after re-reading Laura's Secret History of the World. I hope to explain this point more in a post I am aiming to do later today.​
For the sake of completeness, here is Miles Mathis' opinion regarding Shakespeare:
Thank you for these interesting comments. I will look at Miles Mathis' comments. Just a quick comment though to say that Dee was a spy but not a spymaster, since that role fell to Walsingham, a man Dee was very wary of. Dee did have an important contribution to make though as to the creation of modern ciphers, as Dee was the man who tracked down Abbot Trithemius's famous work, the Steganographia, in 1563. Trithemius was one of the founders of modern cryptography and wrote one of the first published works on the subject, the Polygraphia, in 1518. This knowledge was dicovered through Trithemius's study of the Cabala. You should note that Trithemius most famous student was Henry Cornelius Agrippa, one of the most acclaimed Hermeticists of the 16th century and an inspiration for people like Dee and Bacon.

As for 007, it is in itself an Hermetic cypher. If you put the two zeros together you get the figure of an eight on its side, which is the figure for infinity
or the lemniscate, and then you if combine it with the figure seven you get the number of perfection that is linked to God, seventh heaven and the seven chakras. The infinity symbol has become identified with a variation of the ouroboros, an ancient image of a snake eating its own tail that has also come to symbolize the infinite, and the ouroboros is sometimes drawn in figure-eight form to reflect this identification — rather than in its more traditional circular form. The figure-eight shape is also used symbolically to refer to the Möbius strip. Hence, there is an awful lot packed into Dee's use of 007 when you start to drill into it.​
The problem with Miles Mathis is that his written work is now quite extensive and you have to read a lot to really follow the argument. It is not structured in a continuous way, but the strands of the argument are spread out. The most useful articles for our topic are:

Decoding Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, Using the Charge Field.
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation, or, how even the Occult was Disguised.
Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and the Occult.

Was Napoleon Jewish?
Thrones Infiltrated. We look again at the Medicis and Jagiellons, to see how these lines infiltrated the royal houses of Europe.
The French Revolution. A backwards continuation of my Napoleon paper, with more appearances of the House of Vasa. Also some news about Louis XVI.
Karl Marx.
Engels and Owen. A continuation of my paper on Marx, this one on Friedrich Engels and Robert Owen. I also out dozens of others.
Henry VII: Another Jewish Invasion of England. Where I unwind the War of the Roses and much else, including more information on the Stanleys.

Phillip III the Bold and the Crusades. Also new information on the Templars, the Popes, and the Byzantine Emperors.
Yes, the Leonardo Painting is a Fake.

Ancient Spooks: Part I. A previous guest writer is back with a long one on the foundations of both covert operations and—more broadly—the Jewish aristocracy.
Ancient Spooks: Part II. More on ancient covert ops and Jewish aristocracy.
Ancient Spooks: Part III. Here is the big reveal, although most have already figured it out.
Ancient Spooks: Part IV. Here Gerry finishes up with some commentary on Rome, Carthage, and other related topics.
Ancient Spooks, Part V. Gerry is back with an update on the Phoenicians.

Isaac Newton. I do Newton's genealogy, and a whole lot more.
John Knox. Where I hit Knox, Mary Stuart, and others. This is where I prove Henry VII was the son of Stanley. Also some info on the Pythons.
John Calvin. A guest writer extends my recent comments about Calvin, telling us a whole lot more.
The English Revolution. Where I hit Charles I, Cromwell, Milton, Mary Tudor, and much more.

I said in my previous post that Zuber may provide a link to the Canary Islands and that link I think is connected with pyramids.

The original reference to "Zuber" came up in the Session dated 31 October 1998:

Q: Now, the other night, in front of the psychomantium, I did not exactly have a vision, but something came into my head, and the idea was that prime numbers are important because, the principle that they are only divisible by themselves and by one is indicative of the fact that they are direct links, channels, or conduits to seventh density, or first density, or something...

A: How about all densities?

Q: Okay, that is sort of what I mean, that they are, in a sense, gateways - would that be a good term?

A: Close.

Q: How does one utilize the energies inherent in prime numbers in this respect? Do they represent frequencies or frequency relationships?

A: Verities.

Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?

A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?

A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that.

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.

A: Zuber

Q: What does THAT mean?

A: Research.

Before looking at the Canary Islands, I would also refer to other discoveries concerning Zuber that have been revealed in the Forum and subsequent transcripts. As I pointed out in an earlier post, there is a place in Florida, where Laura lived at the time, called Zuber. It is a small coastal town. However, the subject next came up in another session in 2002.​

Session 14 September 2002:

Q: (Ark) Prime numbers. So back to some math and some prime numbers in the sessions that we had long ago. The idea at that time was to relate or to make a graph of prime numbers by using a pyramid. I tried to do it without much success. But just last week I found by chance that there's a guy in Germany, who did without knowing about C's. He produced just such a graph. Here it is (Ark shows image.) He did it. It is a graph of whole numbers and he assembled it in a pyramid and you see how prime numbers arrange according to certain lines. There is a certain order which can be found. So my question is whether what he did really is what I was supposed to do because I was trying to assemble prime numbers in a three dimensional pyramid, which doesn't fit your description or to make a graph because three dimensional thing is not really a graph. The question is: is this pyramid which I got from this guy what I was supposed to do?

A: Close but not there yet.

Q: (Ark) Can I have a hint what is lacking, a different ordering of numbers would be better?

A: Most likely. You will just "stumble" on the method.

Q: (Ark) Another question related to prime numbers, you said in prime numbers you will find resonance and I was kind of surprised about that...

A: There is your clue.

Q: (Ark) It was supposed to be related to sound, but I have a problem with sound because sound frequency depends on the medium in which sound propagates. The medium can be air, can be stone, can be everything; frequency spectrum will depend on the medium. Now we are talking about pyramid and sound related to pyramid. Was this...

A: Yes...Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr...

Q: (V) There must be something about the Pyr. How does Pyr relate to prime numbers? (Ark) Where is pyramid, where are they coming from, where's the name coming from, what's this? Pyro, fire, no? (L) Yeah, fire.

A: Frequency of light...

Q: (Ark) Sonoluminescence. But again there is this term frequency, I have areal problem with you guys using the term frequency because frequency is number of oscillation per unit of time, but what is unit of time, a second, a minute, an hour, a year?

A: Can we say "nano?"

Q: (Ark) It doesn't make sense because what's nano? It doesn't explain in which unit frequency is supposed to be measured, there is no such thing like frequency if we don't say which unit of time. So nano suggests it should be some nano measure of frequency, or natural frequency, but I don't know any particular frequency that is, so to say, can be served as a unit of time.

A: How long is a grand cycle? Think in those subunits.

Q: (L) Well a grand cycle is what, 309,000 years? So how does that relate? (Ark) Essentially it defines a unit of time. So if I say frequency is equal to 1, it means one grand cycle, if I say frequency equals 10, it means 10 oscillations per grand cycle, and so on, okay. Okay, it's a kind of an answer. If anything, it makes sense. I can do something with it. At some point when we were talking about these prime numbers, you mentioned a name and the name was Zuber. I asked what does it mean and you answered 'research.' Well I was researching, of course. I was just looking about, using google. I was looking for Zuber and prime numbers and something like this. And, surprise, surprise! There were essentially, very few references, and all of them were to Matti Pitkanen. So he has a lot of papers about prime numbers and theory of everything based on prime numbers...(L) How did Zuber get in there? (Ark) Zuber is one of these references because one of the references is a famous book by, which I even have, by physicist named Zuber about quantum field theory. So my question is, is the Zuber of the book on quantum field theory and conformal theories and so on, the right Zuber?

A: What do you think?

Q: (Ark) I think chances are 50%, and chances are that he's not the same.

A: 80 percent!

Q: (Ark) 80%, that doesn't help much! I have this paper by Mattie Pitcalean here, maybe you will reevaluate this. The paper is called Quantum Criticality and 1 over F nosxe. and here's Zuber. Let me read it, hmm...conformal invariance, yeah, it must be the same. Okay, 90 percent. (laughter).

A: 100!

Q: (L) [...] At some point when we were talking about these prime numbers, you mentioned a name and the name was Zuber. I asked what does it mean and you answered 'research.' Well I was researching, of course. I was just looking about, using google. I was looking for Zuber and prime numbers and something like this. And, surprise, surprise! There were essentially, very few references, and all of them were to Matti Pitkanen. So he has a lot of papers about prime numbers and theory of everything based on prime numbers...(L) How did Zuber get in there? (Ark) Zuber is one of these references because one of the references is a famous book by, which I even have, by physicist named Zuber about quantum field theory. So my question is, is the Zuber of the book on quantum field theory and conformal theories and so on, the right Zuber?

A: What do you think?

Q: (Ark) I think chances are 50%, and chances are that he's not the same.

A: 80 percent!

Q: (Ark) 80%, that doesn't help much! I have this paper by Mattie Pitcalean here, maybe you will reevaluate this. The paper is called Quantum Criticality and 1 over F nosxe. and here's Zuber. Let me read it, hmm...conformal invariance, yeah, it must be the same. Okay, 90 percent. (laughter).

A: 100!

So Ark found a person called Zuber who turned out to be a physicist who had written a book on quantum field theory but, as with many clues of the C's, it turns out that the clue may have multiple meanings.

In the thread 'Getting a Handl on things' Getting a "Handl" on things?, a Forum member called Olesya had this to say on 23 September 2103 on the matter:

"Ok. Zuber. This word just jumped out as the most unusual word. As per classic homeopathy, the most unusual symptoms is the most indicative of the whole state of ... and pointing it out can help to find the appropriate remedy. It might be that Zuber is Rebus(z). In some languages, in Spanish, for example, 'z" is pronounced as "s" From Wiki here: Rebus - Wikipedia

A rebus is an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. It was a favourite form of heraldic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames, for example in its basic form three salmon fish to denote the name "Salmon". A more sophisticated example was the rebus of Bishop Walter Lyhart (d.1472) of Norwich, consisting of a stag (or hart) lying down in a conventional representation of water. The composition alludes to the name, profession or personal characteristics of the bearer, and speaks to the beholder Non verbis, sed rebus, which Latin expression signifies "not by words but by things"[1] (res, rei (f), a thing, object, matter; rebus being ablative plural).

So, as we can see, it relates to the Green language, osit. If Zuber is Rebus read in reverse, it is interesting in itself, osit, because this might point out to places (countries) where people write not from left to right, but in reverse – from right to left. Zuber might also be Z-Uber or Zubr. About Zubr from Wiki: zubr - Wiktionary

From Proto-Slavic *zǫbrъ ~ *izǫbrъ, possibly from Proto-Indo-European *ǵómbʰ- (“tooth, horn, peg”)

zubr (plural zubrs)
1. (obsolete) One of several species of European bison or aurochs, then unclearly delineated.  
2. wisent, European bison (Bison bonasus)
3. wisent, European bison

"Peg" is a sort of handle, right? In addition, about winsent, European bison European bison - Wikipedia

The European bison (Bison bonasus), also known as wisent (/ˈviːzənt/ or /ˈwiːzənt/) or the European wood bison, is a Eurasian species of bison. It is one of two extant species of bison, alongside the American bison.

European bison were hunted to extinction in the wild, with the last wild animals being shot in the Białowieża Forest (on the Poland-Belarus border) in 1919 and in the North-Western Caucasus in 1927. They have since been reintroduced from captivity into several countries in Europe, all descendants of the Białowieża or lowland European bison.
In the past, especially during the Middle Ages, it was commonly killed for its hide, and to produce drinking horns.

About drinking horns: Drinking horn - Wikipedia

A drinking horn is the horn of a bovid used as a drinking vessel. Drinking horns are known from Classical Antiquity especially the Balkans, and remained in use for ceremonial purposes throughout the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period in some parts of Europe, notably in Germanic Europe, and also in traditions of the Caucasus. Drinking horns remain an important accessory in the culture of ritual toasting in Georgia in particular, where they are known as khantsi.

Drinking vessels made from glass, ceramics or metal styled in the shape of drinking horns are also known from antiquity, in Greek known as rhyton.

Rhyta were also known in Achaemenid Persia, typically made from precious metal. A Late Archaic (ca. 480 BC) Attic red-figure vase shows Dionysus and a satyr each holding a drinking horn.

Julius Caesar has a description of Gaulish use of aurochs drinking horns (cornu urii) in De bello gallico 6.28:

„Amplitudo cornuum et figura et species multum a nostrorum boum cornibus differt. Haec studiose conquisita ab labris argento circumcludunt atque in amplissimis epulis pro poculis utuntur.“

"The [Gaulish] horns in size, shape, and kind are very different from those of our cattle. They are much sought-after, their rim fitted with silver, and they are used at great feasts as drinking vessels."

These horns are the most spectacular known specimens of Germanic Iron Age drinking horns, but they were sadly lost in 1802 and are now only known from 17th to 18th century drawings.

Some notable examples of drinking horns of Dark Ages Europe were made of the horns of the urus or European buffalo, extinct in the 17th century. These horns were carefully dressed up and their edges lipped all round with silver. The remains of a notable example were recovered from the Sutton Hoo burial Ram or goat drinking horns, known as khantsi, remain an important accessoire in the culture of ritual toasting in Georgia. During a formal dinner (supra) Georgians propose a toast, led by a toastmaster (tamada) who sets the topic of each round of toasting. Toasts are made with either wine or brandy, toasting with beer is considered an insult.

In Swiss culture, a large drinking horn together with a wreath of oak leaves is the traditional prize for the winning team of a Hornussen tournament.

Modern-day Asatru adherents use drinking horns for Blóts and sumbels.

Rhyton is described as Rhyton - Wikipedia

A rhyton (plural rhytons or, following the Greek plural, rhyta) is a container from which fluids were intended to be drunk, or else poured in some ceremony such as libation.

The English word rhyton originates in the ancient Greek word ῥυτόν (rhŭtón). The conical rhyton form was known in the Aegean region since the Bronze Age; i.e., the 2nd millennium BC. However, it was by no means confined to there. Similar in form to, and perhaps originating from, the drinking horn, it has been widespread over Eurasia since prehistoric times.

Liddell and Scott give a standard derivation from Greek rhein, "to flow", which, according to Julius Pokorny, is from Indo-European *sreu-, "flow." As rhutos is "stream," the neuter, rhuton, would be some sort of object associated with pouring, in English "pourer". Many vessels considered rhytons featured a wide mouth at the top and a hole through a conical constriction at the bottom from which the fluid ran. The idea is that one scooped wine or water from a storage vessel or similar source, held it up, unstoppered the hole with one's thumb, and let the fluid run into the mouth (or onto the ground in libation) in the same way wine is drunk from a wineskin today.

Smith points out that this use is testified in classical paintings and accepts Athenaeus's etymology that it was named apo tes rhyseos, "from the flowing". Smith also categorized the name as having been a recent form (in classical times) of a vessel formerly called the keras, "horn", in the sense of a drinking horn. The word rhyton is not present in what is known of the oldest form of Greek, Mycenaean Greek, written in Linear B, but the bull's head rhyton, of which many examples survive, is mentioned in the inventory of vessels at Knossos, such as tablet 231 (K872), as ke-ra-a, shown with the bull ideogram. The word is restored as an adjective, *kera(h)a, with Mycenaean intervocalic h.

Rhyta occur among the remains of civilizations speaking different languages and language groups in and around the Near and Middle East, such as Persia, from the second millennium BC onwards."

So we find that 'zubr' is the name of an extinct European Bison and we also see an interesting example of the use of Green language that would discuss conical drinking horns and continue on eventually to mention 'Ultima Thule' and South Thule in the Antartic Ocean. I will save those references to another day, since Ultima Thule is relevant to our quest.

However, it was her reference to 'rebus', the reverse of "Zuber" (or Suber) that intrigued me since a rebus involves an allusional device that uses pictures to represent words or parts of words. It strikes me that the 'Three Hares' device and the Celtic Triskelion may be examples of this in practice too. Note that "Non verbis, sed rebus" in Latin signifies "not by words but by things". This principle may also be applicable to Poussin's 'Shepherds of Arcadia' painting.

In due course our old friend EmeraldHope joined in and his contributions included references to scientific experiments in Tenerife in the Canary Islands, the norse goddess Hel and Poussin's painting where, using the double image perspective the C's had suggested, he seized on the double star system in Epsilon Lyrae, which we have discussed before in an earlier post:​

"What also occurs to me in the whole Leda story is that she gave birth to a double double - Helen and Clymnestria and also Castor and Pollux. Epsilon Lyrae is also connected to a double double, and is a double star system.
Epsilon Lyrae - Wikipedia

The Double Double" redirects here. For other uses, see double-double (disambiguation). Epsilon Lyrae (ε Lyr, ε Lyrae), also known as the Double Double, is a multiple star system approximately 162 light-years away in the constellation of Lyra

However, it was his reference to the Canary Islands and that of the C's to pyramids in the session dated 31 October 1998 that interested me and why these may be connected to "Zuber".​

I decided to check the coordinates of Zuber in Florida and they were: Longitude: 29°16′01″N and Latitude: 82°10′52″W.

I then checked the coordinates for the Great Pyramid of Giza and they were at Longitude 29.9792° N and Latitude 31.1342° E.

I then checked the coordinates of Tenerife and found they were: Longitude 28.2916° N and Latitude 16.6291° W

This last set of coordinates was a bit disappointing as Zuber and the Great Pyramid were both located on the 29th parallel but Tenerife was only on the 28th line. I should point out that 29 is, of course, a prime number. However, I then came across a reference in Laura's book 'The Secret History of the World' that amazed me when I considered the implications, since it referred to a pyramid and connected to the 29th parallel.

In chapter 11 of her book, Laura quoted from Frank Joseph's book - The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake. In his book, Joseph described the large scale mining operations that had been undertaken in prehistoric times in North America, which mainly seemed to concern the mining of copper. Joseph also found some very strange pyramidal type structures sunken in Rock Lake, Wisconsin. They were different from other pyramidal structures as they were conical in shape. He was astounded when some years later he saw identical pyramidal structures in the Canary Islands. What is important to us here though is that Joseph encountered these conical pyramids not in Tenerife but on the neighbouring island of Lanzarote. What he saw at the ocean-front park in Arracife exactly matched the 20 foot sunken conical pyramid he had seen in Rock Lake in 1937. Although he had studied classical and pre-classical societies, he had never found any reference to a conical stone pyramid such as the one he saw in Arracife and, as far as he knew, nothing of the kind existed anywhere else except under the waters of Rock Lake, Wisconsin. And when we plug in the coordinates for Lanzarote we get: Longitude 29.0469° N and Latitiude 13.5900° W.

Hence, it turns out this pyramid is also on or very near the 29th Parallel like Zuber Florida and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Perhaps it is just a coincidence but, given what the C's have revealed about the worldwide EM Grid, should we be so surpirised since we know that many neolithic structures were deliberately built on particular world grid lines or ley lines. The question though is why mention Zuber in Florida. Well I am not aware of any pyramid structures having been found there but the town happens to be opposite the famous Bermuda Triangle. Could it be the C's were telling us that the huge undersea pyramid (5,000 feet tall) responsible for the disappearanves of planes and ships in the Bermuda Triangle is located some 300 plus miles out in the Atlantic on the 29th Parallel opposite the town of Zuber? Remember also what the C's had said about pyramids and prime numbers above:
"Q: (Ark) It was supposed to be related to sound, but I have a problem with sound because sound frequency depends on the medium in which sound propagates. The medium can be air, can be stone, can be everything; frequency spectrum will depend on the medium. Now we are talking about pyramid and sound related to pyramid. Was this...
A: Yes...Pyramid, Pyrenees, Pyr...
Q: (V) There must be something about the Pyr. How does Pyr relate to prime numbers? (Ark) Where is pyramid, where are they coming from, where's the name coming from, what's this? Pyro, fire, no? (L) Yeah, fire."

And if I recall Edgar Cayce correctly, the crystal stone that operated the great pyramid now located under the sea in the Bermuda Triangle was supposedly called the 'firestone', "pyro" being the Greek word for "fire".

Is it possible that a similar (if not the same) firestone was once used within the Great Pyramid of Giza and could this stone have been the Holy Grail or Merkabha?​
The problem with Miles Mathis is that his written work is now quite extensive and you have to read a lot to really follow the argument. It is not structured in a continuous way, but the strands of the argument are spread out. The most useful articles for our topic are:

Decoding Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, Using the Charge Field.
From Theosophy to the Beat Generation, or, how even the Occult was Disguised.
Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and the Occult.

Was Napoleon Jewish?
Thrones Infiltrated. We look again at the Medicis and Jagiellons, to see how these lines infiltrated the royal houses of Europe.
The French Revolution. A backwards continuation of my Napoleon paper, with more appearances of the House of Vasa. Also some news about Louis XVI.
Karl Marx.
Engels and Owen. A continuation of my paper on Marx, this one on Friedrich Engels and Robert Owen. I also out dozens of others.
Henry VII: Another Jewish Invasion of England. Where I unwind the War of the Roses and much else, including more information on the Stanleys.

Phillip III the Bold and the Crusades. Also new information on the Templars, the Popes, and the Byzantine Emperors.
Yes, the Leonardo Painting is a Fake.

Ancient Spooks: Part I. A previous guest writer is back with a long one on the foundations of both covert operations and—more broadly—the Jewish aristocracy.
Ancient Spooks: Part II. More on ancient covert ops and Jewish aristocracy.
Ancient Spooks: Part III. Here is the big reveal, although most have already figured it out.
Ancient Spooks: Part IV. Here Gerry finishes up with some commentary on Rome, Carthage, and other related topics.
Ancient Spooks, Part V. Gerry is back with an update on the Phoenicians.

Isaac Newton. I do Newton's genealogy, and a whole lot more.
John Knox. Where I hit Knox, Mary Stuart, and others. This is where I prove Henry VII was the son of Stanley. Also some info on the Pythons.
John Calvin. A guest writer extends my recent comments about Calvin, telling us a whole lot more.
The English Revolution. Where I hit Charles I, Cromwell, Milton, Mary Tudor, and much more.
Have you read all of these works by Miles Mathis? If so, would you be able to write a piece condensing his main thoughts and findings together? I appreciate this may not be an easy exercise but it may prove beneficial to Forum members following this thread.

I appreciate that a lot of people do believe in a jewish worldwide conspiracy, which involves secret jewish families infiltrating and then pulling the levers of power in state after state over the centuries. 'The Controversy of Zion' by Douglas Reid is a brilliant book that ties together the deaths of three kings, Charles 1 of England, Louis XVI of France and Czar Nicholas II of Russia. In essence, they were all dethroned and murdered in a similar modus operandi by secret power structures that seemed to involve jews and Freemasons and by extension (although not named) the Rosicrucians. However, I take the C's line on this issue that the jews are not in fact race specific, regardless of how they may see themselves today. Hence, if there is a conspiracy involving the creation of a one world government etc. then I don't think it is the plan of one particular race or even one organisation but a collective effort that is being orchestrated ultimately beyond this world. This certainly involves the Illuminati who the C's have said are the Rosicrucians who move like a thief in the night. This is one reason to concentrate on people like John Dee and Francis Bacon who did a lot to help shape our modern world. Indeed, they sought to establish a new Atlantis in the New World and, when you look at America today, you would have to say they succeeded. Whether this is the world they wanted is now hard to establish since they are long dead but looking at their works, I get the feeling they may simply have been well meaning people who were genuinely seeking to establish a utopian society. If so, they forgot that there is always a serpent in the garden ready to spoil things. Bramley in his book 'The Gods of Eden' suggests that the Botherhood of the Serpent also started out with good intentions but these were hijacked by those with an alternative agenda. Perhaps this process started with Hermes Trismegistus who betrayed the covenant of the Middle Eastern peoples or maybe even at an earlier time.

My focus in this thread has been on those bloodline families who the C's say entered into an oath of secrecy. The C's have said that this secret concerns our off world origins and, therefore, must link with the Orions, as the Orion region is where the C's said humanity originated. Now some of these families may certainly have jewish roots and this would include, amongst others, the Black Nobility of Venice. However, the main focus in the transcripts seems to have been on Abraham's bloodlines and a false line of transmission through Isaac. What is interesting is that Isaac, the chosen son, was Sarah/Nefertiti's son whereas Ishmael was Hagar/Kore's son. Hagar/Kore was though a Perseid and therefore descended from Perseus and Danae. Perseus himself was meant to be the son of Zeus and therefore a human/alien hybrid. We also know that Abraham was a Prince of Troy, which would make him a Brythonic Celt. Hence, his offspring would have Celtic blood in them. Given the Scythian Celts had by Abraham's time extended their influence from Akkad/Mesopotamia even to Egypt (perhaps as the Hyksos - the Shepherd Kings who invaded Egypt in 1710-20 BC or as the Habiru - the Outsiders - who are usually linked with the Hebrews), the people who eventually came to call themelves the Jews or Judahites, would seem to be a Celtic-Aramaic (and thereby Semetic) mix. This matter will be important to remember when we look at the Tuatha de Danann - the children of the goddess Danu - who came to the British Isles and may have been the tribe of Dan. If so, then the biblical promise that Abraham would be the father of nations would appear to have a wider scope than most of us realise.

The C's have also mentioned a body called 'the Quorum' without specifying who they actually are. The membership of the Quorum seemingly includes off world entities. There is also the participation of subterranean forces, including the Nation of the Third Eye, which we need to consider and their role in the surface world's affairs over millenia. The C's have confirmed that Nefertiti/Sarah was a subterranean hybrid (although history normally suggests she was a Hittite) and that Sargon the Great and the Mayer Amschel Rothschild were deep level punctuators in history, meaning they also came from this subterranean civilisation of which we know little, although the C's have told us it commenced over 14,000 years ago, prior to the final destruction of Atlantis.

We must therefore explore these clues to get a fuller picture and see where they lead us. Insofar as I am aware no other source has provided such clues. So, although other writers may provide interesting conjectures that could be helpful to us, they are not working from the information we have been given and, as a consequence, may arrive at different results. This point should be borne in mind going forward.​
Have you read all of these works by Miles Mathis? If so, would you be able to write a piece condensing his main thoughts and findings together? I appreciate this may not be an easy exercise but it may prove beneficial to Forum members following this thread.​
The problem with evaluating Miles Mathis in an really unprejudiced way is that one would have to check all his claims of those close blood relationships. That means you have to check through the online genealogy databanks like he uses. That is his main characteristic, which distinguish him from all "conspiracy theorists" before him, because this is only possible since the Internet became what is is. "Conspiracy theory 2.0".

But who does this? Who has the time for it? Who can guarantee that the really explosive connections have not already been falsified again?
The thing with "Jew" is this religion/mother's lineage/blood relashionship connection. And then the Marrano/"crypto jew" cake on top.
But this is only a "vulgar materialistic" perspective.
If you throw reincarnation into the pot it becomes a point of moot anyway...

If you want to "condense" Miles Mathis in one sentence, it would be:

"'They' ("the powers that be") are all gay jews that fake their dead".

Just read the one about John Lennon.


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The problem with evaluating Miles Mathis in an really unprejudiced way is that one would have to check all his claims of those close blood relationships. That means you have to check through the online genealogy databanks like he uses. That is his main characteristic, which distinguish him from all "conspiracy theorists" before him, because this is only possible since the Internet became what is is. "Conspiracy theory 2.0".

But who does this? Who has the time for it? Who can guarantee that the really explosive connections have not already been falsified again?
The thing with "Jew" is this religion/mother's lineage/blood relashionship connection. And then the Marrano/"crypto jew" cake on top.
But this is only a "vulgar materialistic" perspective.
If you throw reincarnation into the pot it becomes a point of moot anyway...

If you want to "condense" Miles Mathis in one sentence, it would be:

"'They' ("the powers that be") are all gay jews that fake their dead".

Just read the one about John Lennon.
I take your point as to how difficult an issue it would be to condense Mathis' work. By the way, the reason why the jews adopted a matrial lineage is because many male jews married pagan wives during the Babylonian exile. However, jewesses were less free to marry pagan Babylonians as they needed their father's permission to do so, which would usually be denied. Once they returned to Israel after the Persian liberation, the jewish priests recognising the female line was less contaminated through marriage with non-jews made having a jewish mother the main proof and requisite for being jewish.

As for Marrano/crypto jews in Spain, they would become the target of the 'Inquisition' led by the Dominican Friars after the expulsion of the jews from Spain under the decree of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Ironically, Saint Dominic Guzman, the founder of the Dominican order, came from a jewish conversos family himself. Centuries later a descendent of a Marrano Jewish family would become Pope in the personage of Giovanni Battista Montini, otherwise known as Pope Paul VI. Strangely, nobody to this day can explain why he chose to wear the Ephod of a Jewish High Priest when promulgating the new Roman rite of Mass, which he introduced by his own authority in 1969.​
About English history and Miles Mathis.
He claims that the Stanleys are the real "hidden kings" that pull the strings from the background over the last centuries.

I will look into this claim. I do know that it was the Stanleys' failure to come to the aid of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field led to Henry Tudor's triumph and established the Tudor and Stuart dynasties that followed. As to the Stanleys being the 'hidden kings' pulling the strings from the background, I thought that honour belonged to the Rothschild family (Disraeli's 'Hidden Hand') since the 19th century. Although ostensibly jewish, the Rothschilds claim descent from the Mesopotamian Nimrod of Tower of Babel fame. Could this be why the C's linked them with the subterranean civilisation perhaps?​
So, like J. K. Rowling, Shakespeare was just an Intelligence project.
But to what end? Propaganda, of course. Disseminating information and forming opinion.
You thought Edward Bernays started that? Nope. It has been around for a long time.

That sheds a whole new light on “All the world’s a stage.”:-)

I like the idea of Shakespeare as a psy-op through subliminal influence in his literature and unbeknown ritual in his theater plays that has imbued English language with energies which in turn have led it to become the world's lingua franca and a vehicle for the anglo-saxon civilization. Imagine all English speaking people in the world today and through ages paying thus a perpetual tribute to the Empire. If those Stanleys or whoever concocted the plan are out there, a shout out to them!

I’m more inclined to the same opinion as MJF however, that it was a home-made collective effort, stemming from a creative consciousness and maybe with a little help and “inspiration” from J.D.’s communications, which played out nicely and it was fortunate for humanity’s destiny and cultural heritage to have, after all.

There’s so much in England’s history that appears low-code man-made, yet has a deeper meaning and formational purpose, that you pause to think: was it intentional, coincidence or just happenstance. The Grail story that harks back to England is no coincidence. If you look at England’s rise from a tiny Celtic island to a world empire. How’s that possible? Do you need a ‘crystal stone’ to light up the fire? Do you need legitimacy? What better way than to appropriate the most precious relic and build your identity and raise your nation’s awareness. If credit is to be given the theory that British Isles with their megalithic monuments were the first humanity outpost post-Atlantis destruction and the jumpstart and rebuild that was later carried out in Egypt had their originators coming from Britain as some alternative historians have suggested, then it is natural to see a reiteration of the same process in rebooting Western civilization from the lethargic first millennium with the myth of Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail landing on the sets of megalithic-laden Glastonbury. It’s a perfect home run. Whether it was the real cup and blood of Christ or intent-functional, is not essential. It was given that meaning. From there on, it was just fitting to adopt an own form of expression in religion, architecture and literature, to the point that English language became an art form sophisticated expression by itself in which the likes of Francis Bacon, De Vere and John Dee convey hidden meanings, and later on a universal language just as Latin once was. If megalithic sites were the expression of the first spark of collective conscience, natural and instinctual - this time around it was a purpose driven one, not just natural driven, and all of that because: Graal=Logos=Intention and Power. The Glastonbury zodiac, the geometric symbols appearing in British chapels and cathedral are functional, not just symbolic. They do express a similar alignment to the cosmic forces and cycles as the first ancients have perceived, yet codified in sacred geometry, and adapted to the present times, thus they do carry active power, just as Shakespeare plays and sonnets apparently.

The 13 Crystal Skulls Legend and Prophecy

I came across an interesting website dealing with the subject of crystal skulls that may indirectly shed some light on why Gildoni originally depicted John Dee surrounded by a circle of skulls in his painting.

I was also lucky enough to catch a repeat of the Ancient Aliens episode on the Crystal Skulls, which gave me even more useful material to bring to the party here.​
Yesterday there was a series of "ancient aliens" (repeat, but I haven't watched it before). - The secret of the stone giants.
There, a hypothesis is put forward that ancient stone monuments like the Olmec heads (Egyptian and other granite / basalt statues around the world) are a kind of repositories of ancient knowledge, because these (mostly) granite stones contain many quartz crystals in their composition. Also, many of them (monuments) have a special magnetic field.
Interesting information was given about quartz in this film (I saw it before, but did not attach any importance):


Scientists from the University of Southampton have developed a new type of information carrier. This drive can store data for billions of years without being destroyed. The material is a nanostructured quartz glass, for which a recording process and a data reading mechanism have been developed. A femtosecond laser is used, recording information in 5D mode.


One small disk holds about 360 terabytes of data. The material remains stable at temperatures up to 1000 ° C, and at room temperature it can exist almost forever. At 190 ° C, the material has a lifespan of billions of years (13 billion). In this case, all placed information remains intact as long as the disk itself remains intact.

The recording is carried out using a femtosecond laser with a wavelength of 1030 nm, pulses of 8 microjoules with a duration of 280 femtoseconds at a frequency of 200 kHz, by burning dots in a crystal, in layers at a distance of 5 microns from each other (1 micrometer - one millionth of a meter) at a depth of 140 microns from the surface of quartz glass.

The burned-out nanostructures change the polarization of the light passing through the glass. Thus, information can be read using an optical microscope and a polarizer.

The technology was first demonstrated in 2013, when a 300KB document was saved to disk and then successfully read. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newtonian Optics, Magna Carta, and the Bible have also been written down. The books written in this way will be able to outlive all people on Earth. The technology has been refined and improved.

This type of media can be useful for organizations that have to manage huge amounts of data. For example, it can be museums, libraries, industrial enterprises. “It's amazing even to think that we have created technology that allows us to preserve documents and other information for future generations. This technology can preserve everything we have learned, ”says Professor Peter Kazansky, head of the project.

-this is news from 2016

PS It turns out that if 360 TB of data can be recorded on a small plate of quartz glass (with our modern technologies), then even in ONE crystal skull of the ancients information about thousands of years of human history can be stored.
In addition, a microscope or polarizer is not needed to read information from such a skull.
Yesterday there was a series of "ancient aliens" (repeat, but I haven't watched it before). - The secret of the stone giants.
There, a hypothesis is put forward that ancient stone monuments like the Olmec heads (Egyptian and other granite / basalt statues around the world) are a kind of repositories of ancient knowledge, because these (mostly) granite stones contain many quartz crystals in their composition. Also, many of them (monuments) have a special magnetic field.
Interesting information was given about quartz in this film (I saw it before, but did not attach any importance):


Scientists from the University of Southampton have developed a new type of information carrier. This drive can store data for billions of years without being destroyed. The material is a nanostructured quartz glass, for which a recording process and a data reading mechanism have been developed. A femtosecond laser is used, recording information in 5D mode.


One small disk holds about 360 terabytes of data. The material remains stable at temperatures up to 1000 ° C, and at room temperature it can exist almost forever. At 190 ° C, the material has a lifespan of billions of years (13 billion). In this case, all placed information remains intact as long as the disk itself remains intact.

The recording is carried out using a femtosecond laser with a wavelength of 1030 nm, pulses of 8 microjoules with a duration of 280 femtoseconds at a frequency of 200 kHz, by burning dots in a crystal, in layers at a distance of 5 microns from each other (1 micrometer - one millionth of a meter) at a depth of 140 microns from the surface of quartz glass.

The burned-out nanostructures change the polarization of the light passing through the glass. Thus, information can be read using an optical microscope and a polarizer.

The technology was first demonstrated in 2013, when a 300KB document was saved to disk and then successfully read. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newtonian Optics, Magna Carta, and the Bible have also been written down. The books written in this way will be able to outlive all people on Earth. The technology has been refined and improved.

This type of media can be useful for organizations that have to manage huge amounts of data. For example, it can be museums, libraries, industrial enterprises. “It's amazing even to think that we have created technology that allows us to preserve documents and other information for future generations. This technology can preserve everything we have learned, ”says Professor Peter Kazansky, head of the project.

-this is news from 2016

PS It turns out that if 360 TB of data can be recorded on a small plate of quartz glass (with our modern technologies), then even in ONE crystal skull of the ancients information about thousands of years of human history can be stored.
In addition, a microscope or polarizer is not needed to read information from such a skull.
I don't recall seeing that particular episode but Ancient Aliens is an absolute treasure trove of a series in terms of the information the series conveys. This is a great find though. Considering that the Merkhaba crystal skull came from Kantek over 80,000 years ago, one must wonder at just how much data is downloaded within it. Finding it would provide us with the greatest history bank or depository in existence and would certainly reveal mankind's true origins as the C's have hinted.

As for quartz crystals in rocks, don't forget that Stonehenge is made up of quartz based rocks too. As the C's once said to Laura - do you really know the true power of Stonehenge? I visited it once as a child, as we lived close to Wiltshire in my childhood days. The place does have an incredible power about it, even as a ruin. The last time I visited near to it was when I had to pick my teenage son up from an army camp a couple of years back. The camp was very close to the monument (we could see it from the road as we drove back). He was an army cadet at the time but had felt overwhelmed by his experience and his MO asked me to come and pick him up on the second day into his camp. My son is a bit of a sensitive (as a child he used to talk of seeing little people), so I don't know if he may have been affected by his proximity to Stonehenge. He looks like a classic Celt too, being tall, pale skinned with golden red hair. He is also very into his Irish heritage and has learned a bit of Gaelic.​

Incidentally, do you know what the scientists meant by "recording information in 5D mode"? Scientists currently operate on the Einstein basis of three dimensions plus one of time. Hence, what is the 5th dimension to them? Do they just mean at a quantum level?

The mention of "nanostructured quartz glass" reminds me that the C's once made a specific reference to "Nano" perhaps in relation to the Great Pyramid. If anyone can track that reference down it might provide a connection to what we are focusing on here.
That sheds a whole new light on “All the world’s a stage.”:-)

I like the idea of Shakespeare as a psy-op through subliminal influence in his literature and unbeknown ritual in his theater plays that has imbued English language with energies which in turn have led it to become the world's lingua franca and a vehicle for the anglo-saxon civilization. Imagine all English speaking people in the world today and through ages paying thus a perpetual tribute to the Empire. If those Stanleys or whoever concocted the plan are out there, a shout out to them!

I’m more inclined to the same opinion as MJF however, that it was a home-made collective effort, stemming from a creative consciousness and maybe with a little help and “inspiration” from J.D.’s communications, which played out nicely and it was fortunate for humanity’s destiny and cultural heritage to have, after all.

There’s so much in England’s history that appears low-code man-made, yet has a deeper meaning and formational purpose, that you pause to think: was it intentional, coincidence or just happenstance. The Grail story that harks back to England is no coincidence. If you look at England’s rise from a tiny Celtic island to a world empire. How’s that possible? Do you need a ‘crystal stone’ to light up the fire? Do you need legitimacy? What better way than to appropriate the most precious relic and build your identity and raise your nation’s awareness. If credit is to be given the theory that British Isles with their megalithic monuments were the first humanity outpost post-Atlantis destruction and the jumpstart and rebuild that was later carried out in Egypt had their originators coming from Britain as some alternative historians have suggested, then it is natural to see a reiteration of the same process in rebooting Western civilization from the lethargic first millennium with the myth of Joseph of Arimathea and the Grail landing on the sets of megalithic-laden Glastonbury. It’s a perfect home run. Whether it was the real cup and blood of Christ or intent-functional, is not essential. It was given that meaning. From there on, it was just fitting to adopt an own form of expression in religion, architecture and literature, to the point that English language became an art form sophisticated expression by itself in which the likes of Francis Bacon, De Vere and John Dee convey hidden meanings, and later on a universal language just as Latin once was. If megalithic sites were the expression of the first spark of collective conscience, natural and instinctual - this time around it was a purpose driven one, not just natural driven, and all of that because: Graal=Logos=Intention and Power. The Glastonbury zodiac, the geometric symbols appearing in British chapels and cathedral are functional, not just symbolic. They do express a similar alignment to the cosmic forces and cycles as the first ancients have perceived, yet codified in sacred geometry, and adapted to the present times, thus they do carry active power, just as Shakespeare plays and sonnets apparently.

I endorse all of your sentiments here. I am currently working on my Tuatha de Danann article but the thought has struck me that if Hagar/Kore/Brigid/Tara came to the British Isles with the Merkhaba Stone and set up camp here and she and her son Ishmael represented the true line of transmission of the blessing rather than Isaac, it might explain an awful lot when you consider how history has panned out. Although I am of Irish stock, it seems ironic to me that despite the jews dreaming of having an empire as the chosen people of God, they have never achieved it, whereas the British created the largest empire in world history, starting as you point out from a small Celtic island (this point can be extended to the French, Spanish, Portugese and Dutch empires too, as they were originally Celtic nations). The British Empire may no longer exist but its influence carries on, particularly through the United States and the English language. Although the British empire certainly had many evil aspects, as do all empires, I believe it had some positive ones too. I was struck by what an Indian colleague once told me when he said that if it hadn't been for the British, modern India as a united political entity would not exist - and we still play cricket too and they recently thrashed us on some very dodgy wickets tailor made for their spinners. Like the Athenians against the Atlantians, the Empire also played a big part in defeating the Axis powers in WW2 and, despite what people may think, it was a collective effort of the whole Empire involving every part of it (e.g., two thirds of General Slim's forgotten army in Burma was Indian and African). In these days of political correctness, it is fashionable to mock all British achievements and this is particularly so in the teaching of history to British schoolchildren. I appreciate this more so as the father of children who have recently gone through the modern school curriculum. If you chip away at the things that hold you together as a nation, particularly, religion, history and culture, you will end up tearing the fabric of your nation apart. This is not just true of Britain but every western country at the moment.

What you said about the active power of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets is now carried on, I believe, through the medium of Hollywood movies (strange that the Holly tree was sacred to the druids as well). Interestingly, some of the most popular movies today are the Marvel blockbusters involving the Avengers. My sons love them. What better way to re-educate today's generation about Thor and his mighty hammer, Odin and Loki the trickster, the Incredible Hulk (the Green Man of Celtic mythology), the Red Witch etc. And then there are the Percy Jackson films, which update the Perseus legend, as well as Superman, an alien messianic figure, who comes from an exploded planet Krypton (Kantek anyone?). I have been priveleged to see some great British actors perform live on stage. Perhaps the most powerful performance I ever saw was Sir Peter O'Toole in what was virtually a solo performance in 'Geoffrey Barnard is Unwell'. He was a tall, powerfully built man of Irish heritage. He dominated the stage the whole time he was on it and you could just feel the electricity he exuded. If you could have taken him back a few thousand years in time and given him a cloak, staff and long beard, he could have easily passed for a druid bard. He was mesmerising and you had no feeling of time passing as you watched his virtuoso performance. He was a great Shakespearean actor too and acted the socks of Brad Pitt in the movie Troy. How he never won an oscar is beyond me. Hence, even in the age of cinema and its special effects, it shows that the stage still remains a powerful, mesmerising medium.

Perhaps Brexit was no fluke either. I heard only today that Adam Schiff, whose ancestor I believe was Jacob Schiff who ordered the murder of Czar Nicholas II and his family, has warned of the British trying to re-establish their empire post Brexit. Moreover, I recall that one of the first things Jean-Claude Juncker, as then president of the European Union, mockingly said on learning of the Brexit vote was "Oh you [the British] are going back to your empire are you". In case you are not aware there is in fact a movement, if you can call it that, to create a CANZUK confederation - see CANZUK - Wikipedia. I believe Boris Johnson when he was British Foreign Secretary may have been sounding out Old Commonwealth partners about this. It would, of course, be a threat to the current American Imperium but, as one who lives in England, it would no doubt be a popular move here. Ironically, I understand that the lowest support for CANZUK is actually in England (with well over 60% in favour) but the greater support lies in Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Despite being in the EU for over 40 years, there are still incredibly strong ties between the mother country and the Old Commonwealth Dominions, who still have the Queen as their Head of State. Let's see how this one plays out.

Finally, on the subject of 'The Philosophers of Dancar' driving around in Dan's car, this made me wonder if the C's little joke might have had a hidden meaning. I have suggested that "Dancar" is in fact Doncaster in Yorkshire near to the "Chevin". "Don" and "Dan" are interchangeable and relate to the goddess Danu of 'Tuatha de Danann' fame. "Don" may also relate to the Dannites and the Tribe of Dan. The word "car" derives from Middle English (in the general sense of a ‘wheeled vehicle’ such as a cart): from Old Northern French carre, based on Latin carrum, carrus, of Celtic origin. This word then links with the word "Chariot" which is again derived from late Middle English: from the Old French, augmentative of char ‘cart’, based on Latin carrus ‘wheeled vehicle'. We know from the Bible of Ezekiel's chariots of fire, which many ancient alien theorists think is really a reference to a flying saucer. The same can be said of Odin's flying horse and Chinese emperor's flying dragons. Hence, were the C's trying to allude to the means by which the Tuatha de Danann reached British shores? Did they come in flying saucers and in Hagar's (hella) case was it described as a flying golden ram perhaps?​
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