The "Mandela Effect"- Has my Bible changed? Or do I just have a bad memory like most people?

Okay I had something weird happen around the appearance of a black scarf.
I am a massage therapist and people see me in my home based clinic.
I have a confortable chair for my clients to sit in when they first arrive. We chat and review how they are feeling before their massage. I have white sheets that I put over the chair and change once a week.

On Thursday I had three clients booked, my first client at 10.00am did not show up and I’m yet to hear from him. He had been ill so I will follow it up soon. I then saw two female clients, one at 3.30 and one at 5.00pm.
Thursday morning was also the day my husband flew out to Oregon, USA. My client not showing up meant that I could see him off.
After my 3.30pm appointment left and just before 5.00pm, I looked at the white sheet on my chair and straightened it up. I do not remember seeing a black scarf draped over an arm. I also usually check for belongings that people may have left behind after each client, so I am pretty certain the scarf was not there.
My 5.00pm client then arrived. After her appointment as she was leaving I spotted a woman’s black scarf draped over an arm of the chair. I said “oh x, your scarf”. My client replied, “it’s not mine it was there when I arrived.”
So I concluded that I just hadn’t seen it and thought about how the native Americans never saw the Spanish ships on the horizon as they were not expecting to see them.
I concluded I had just blanked the scarf out my vision and that the client before had left it behind. Well, I emailed her and she doesn’t own a black scarf, it’s not hers.
I emailed my client before that on Wednesday, it’s not hers either.
I do not know who the owns the scarf it mysteriously appeared.
Anyway I’ll update if I solve this mystery. But it is the weirdest thing...
Okay I had something weird happen around the appearance of a black scarf.
I am a massage therapist and people see me in my home based clinic.
I have a confortable chair for my clients to sit in when they first arrive. We chat and review how they are feeling before their massage. I have white sheets that I put over the chair and change once a week.

On Thursday I had three clients booked, my first client at 10.00am did not show up and I’m yet to hear from him. He had been ill so I will follow it up soon. I then saw two female clients, one at 3.30 and one at 5.00pm.
Thursday morning was also the day my husband flew out to Oregon, USA. My client not showing up meant that I could see him off.
After my 3.30pm appointment left and just before 5.00pm, I looked at the white sheet on my chair and straightened it up. I do not remember seeing a black scarf draped over an arm. I also usually check for belongings that people may have left behind after each client, so I am pretty certain the scarf was not there.
My 5.00pm client then arrived. After her appointment as she was leaving I spotted a woman’s black scarf draped over an arm of the chair. I said “oh x, your scarf”. My client replied, “it’s not mine it was there when I arrived.”
So I concluded that I just hadn’t seen it and thought about how the native Americans never saw the Spanish ships on the horizon as they were not expecting to see them.
I concluded I had just blanked the scarf out my vision and that the client before had left it behind. Well, I emailed her and she doesn’t own a black scarf, it’s not hers.
I emailed my client before that on Wednesday, it’s not hers either.
I do not know who the owns the scarf it mysteriously appeared.
Anyway I’ll update if I solve this mystery. But it is the weirdest thing...
Okay so the latest is I spoke with my client who did not show up last Thursday. He has never been late or forgotten an appointment. The appointment was one that he had actually rescheduled as he was ill a few weeks prior. It was in my calendar and I remember changing it to four weeks later as I was talking with him. Now he may simply have forgotten except, he said that he had no recollection of rescheduling the appointment and remembers that I said to him “I will get back to you when I have an appointment available”. I do do this at times when I’m fully booked for a few weeks.
So we had completely different accounts of that conversation.
I am still to figure out where the scarf came from on that same day....???
Something happened to me a couple of days ago, which perhaps means a change in the timeline, or a "fusion of realities".

Whatever it is (if it is), the C's are still here and Laura publishes her new book.

There is a mountain near my city, where I go with my family to walk in nature.

Well, the last time I went was between 20 days and a month.

The forest road was full of holes and very unkempt.

As I say, my family and I went to this mountain a couple of days ago and at the entrance of the road we see some beautiful wooden signposts, indicating the different areas of the mountain.

We were all surprised and discussed this among ourselves.

As we enter the road we see that they have fixed the holes. More than 5 kilometers of forest road perfectly arranged to circulate with the car. Before the road was so bad that some relatives who liked to go to this mountain, no longer went.

We were very surprised. We all commented, "Wow, they fixed it! And how quickly!"

Okay, we park the car and start walking.

Along the way, to the sides, there was a tangled undergrowth of bushes. Well not anymore.

Another strange thing that we discussed between ourselves.

Where there was undergrowth, there was now a lawn of grass trimmed and mowed.

A great extension.

We continued walking and suddenly after a curve in the road, where there should be a huge expanse of forest where we liked to walk, there was nothing!

An entire hillside of forest was cut down. There were no weeds, all the trees cut down and in the distance, about a mile away, were some of the trees piled up and trimmed. Perfectly prepared for the trucks to transport them to the logging company.

We are left with our mouths open.

Even my wife suggested something about a time jump.

It is incredible, they have worked fast! - We all commented.

Of course, it may be that all that work will be done in those 20 or 30 days, which is the last time we went.

But it was so weird and surprising and ... funny.:-)
I found this webpage that discusses the Mandela Effect with a strong emphasis on quantum physics.
It seems to me that the Mandela Effect may be somehow related to parallel realities. How do you find such a concept?
It seems to me that the Mandela Effect may be somehow related to parallel realities. How do you find such a concept?

(SV) Is there a way that we can connect ourselves with all our other selves?

A: Picture it this way: we will access some of your memory banks and give you another reference which, interestingly enough, fits very closely with the perpendicular reality wheel that we described earlier. You know what a slide projector looks like? To give you some feeling of what this expanded nature of reality really is, picture yourself watching a big slide presentation with a big slide wheel on the projector. At any given point along the way you are watching one particular slide. But, all the rest of the slides are present on the wheel, are they not? And, of course, this fits in with the perpendicular reality, which fits in with the circles within circles and cycles within cycles, which also fits in the Grand Cycle, which also fits in with what we have told you before: All there is is lessons. That's all there is and we ask that you enjoy them as you are watching the slide presentation...

Q: (J) In that analogy, the light that shines through the slide, as it projects it upon the screen, is our perception?

A: And, if you look back at the center of the projector, you see the origin and essence of all creation itself, which, is level seven where you are in union with the One.
And also I have been looking for a session in which the team asks what was the possibility of a "certain event" occurring, and the answer was a huge number. At the moment I have not found it.

Sure you have already read the paragraph, but I think it cannot be explained better.
Notice how curious, suddenly I found it.

Q: (L) Who called after Frank was here and did not leave a message?

A: Same.

Q: (L) How come all of this stuff started happening today.

A: Energy flow and W__ "bush rattling." From remote location.

Q: (L) How can M__ attack me from a remote location?

A: He may try machinery.

Q: (L) What kind of machinery could cause my house to burn?

A: Not could cause, thinks could cause. Machines are frightening S__.

Q: (L) What is the likelihood of S__ paying back what she owes me? It's a lot of money.

A: Depends on course of events.

Q: (L) And what are the possible courses?

A: 956000 possibilities.

956,000 different timelines for a single event.

Isn't it amazing?
956,000 different timelines for a single event.

Isn't it amazing?
Yes, it is fascinating.

However, I am most interested in how individual timelines can interpenetrate and intertwine. Where do the "punctures" actually come from? What is their physical mechanism? This is of particular interest to me. Both from a strictly scientific perspective and due to numerous personal experiences related to some kind of manifestations of alternative realities.
It seems to me that the Mandela Effect may be somehow related to parallel realities. How do you find such a concept?

That is the concept I keep coming back to. I find it humorous that I keep trying to find an OBJECTIVE cause for the ME when objective reality keeps changing. - I'm like a dog chasing his tail...
I don't recall the Mandela Effect ever being discussed in a session. If it was, does anybody have a link/date?

(L) Okay, a burning question we have is about Ark's cap. We recently had a very strange incident with Ark's favorite baseball cap. Do we still have the two caps?

(Ark) I think so. I didn't check today.

(L) Anyhow, there was a second cap all of a sudden. The story is, about 21 years ago, we wanted to know what our blood type was so we could play with the blood type diet. So, Ark and I went to the local blood bank in FL to give blood because they will type your blood. We did that, Ark nearly fainted, so he’s never done it again, and I’ve only done it since we’ve been in France. At the end of the event, they had little gifts for men or ladies: Ark was given a baseball cap that said “FBS” and underneath, “Florida Blood Services”. I think I got something like a wallet you put around your waist.

Years go by; the cap is Ark’s favorite because it is exactly the right weight and light color. Everywhere he goes, he takes this cap. He took it when we went to Italy a few years ago and it blew off his head when we were riding on a tour bus and Joe asked the driver to stop the bus and ran into the street after the cap. A stranger caught it and ran to Joe with it, and Ark got his cap back. He’s been very protective of it ever since.

Close to three weeks ago, Ark went with PoB in her car to the store and bank. When he was getting ready to go, he couldn’t find his cap so he went to the closet and there it was on the shelf. On the way back from the store, he left the cap on the seat in PoB’s car. A little later, he decided to go for a bike ride and while getting his backpack ready, he took his cap out of it and put it on his head. He went for the bike ride, came back, put the cap on his desk. A bit later, PoB brought his cap to him from her car. And there they were, two FBS caps. Identical except that one was a bit cleaner than the other and the dirtier one had a little bloodstain on the inside band from when he hit his head on a beam some time ago.

Now, the thing that needs to be made absolutely clear is this: there was only ever ONE cap. That is absolutely and utterly certain; no doubts, no question. He only ever received one; I’ve kept track of his hats and such for over 20 years and I can assure you, there was only one FBS cap. He knows there’s only one and Joe went to extremes to rescue the darn thing in Rome because it was Ark’s favorite, and he could never get another.

A couple of us here are “super smellers” and we smelled the caps and both smell like Ark. The only identifiable difference is that the rivet at the crown on one of them is slightly offset from center. They are absolutely identical in every other way.

But now there are two caps.


(L) So, I want to ask: How did he get two caps?!

A: Timeline merge.
In this session he keeps talking about this.

I hope it helps you.
Yes, materialization as a timeline merge. It's very interesting. However, what is even more interesting for me is that the phenomenon of materialization can in fact be "forced". Additionally, some people seem to experience these types of phenomena more often than others.

But what makes objects materialize, not living entities? I mean bilocation. This is another interesting point.
Timeline merge - Yes, that is my 'gut feeling' also. The manifestation of a second cap on a new timeline implies that somehow Ark obtained a second cap at some point that exists on that timeline. You wonder what else happened on that timeline that isn't apparent.

Fascinating concepts, I am spending more time on the 'RealityShifters' webpage to try and get my head around it all.
However, what is even more interesting for me is that the phenomenon of materialization can in fact be "forced". Additionally, some people seem to experience these types of phenomena more often than others.

That is another concept that is explored on the 'RealityShifters' webpage. I had a mate that 'materialization' came naturally. He would just 'want' something and it would appear, sometimes immediately or within a few minutes. I was with him one time when it happened, out in the bush, it seemed an impossibility, but there was the 'canteen cup' waiting for him.
This morning, I was so surprised to see that Dick Cheney was still alive. I am sure I saw his death some years ago, maybe 2 or 3, even some comments about how now the planet was free of a devil man, etc. How come this is possible? (I read that he still alive reading an article at My surprise was double: that this evil man is still alive and that I am not sure how I was so sure that he was dead! :scared:
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