New Forum layout April 2018

The new look is interesting and definitely the update has been a major leap towards keeping up with the times, starting to explore. All the hard work that went into making this happen is much appreciated!
Will there be an option for themes in the future? Don't get me wrong the blue and white is cool but I usually theme my stuff a bit darker to go easier on the eyes.
Indeed, I also raise my hand for some teplate options in the future, the personalized look makes it more "homely" :-)
I don't understand why this change was necessary for the knowledge transfer?

What I see here is the easiest options to share on social networks? Do we want that?

I can't see my bookmarks any more? ... :( ... I hope they are not gone?

maybe members section now is more "social" ... you can feel more real people behind their "avatars" ... but do we need that?

all to all another time-consuming activity to get to know new interface instead of reading some inspiring thoughts ...

It will be very helpful if you can put on the front page highlighted new features that are important for new use of the forum and that will help us to share and learn better. Thank you.

Hi solarmind, first off, I'd like to point out that your critical post quite literally drowns in a sea of positive feedback Scottie and the team have received for the hard work they have done on the new forum.

Due to the nature of my profession I deal with change management, especially the behavioural aspect of it, daily. The most basic rule is that the default response to change is resistance (to varying degrees), which I suspect is a part of us being machines. Not to mention that the more we dislike change the easier it is for our STS controllers to keep us where we are. Commercial companies take it upon themselves to manage people through the process of change because it simply makes them more money and brings Return on Investment quicker.

This forum on the other hand empowers people to manage themselves through that process. It's called the Work. Working towards changing ourselves, our automatic responses and limitations to become better human beings. Is it therefore reasonable to expect Laura, Scottie and the Crew to take managing your resistance to change upon themselves?

Have you read any of the assigned books? If embracing the change of the forum layout is such an issue, how are you going to work towards changing the thinking errors of Samenow's criminal mind for example? (Which by the way shine through your post a bit)

Also, to the best of my knowledge, this forum is based on the principle of networking and sharing information. Is that not what the C's described as being an STO thing to do? This entire thread is packed with information gathered and shared using that principle. It is therefore a tutorial you asked for but developed using the forum's principles. A lot of your questions have been answered earlier in this thread.
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Hi, I am wondering if I can do something and how to put a dictionnary here? There is no more corrector when you write a text. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help.
Hi, I am wondering if I can do something and how to put a dictionnary here? There is no more corrector when you write a text. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help.

Hello Loreta.
Depending on the web browser you use, you can install a dictionnary and it will work on the text you type in the forum.
Here is how to do it in FireFox for example: How do I use the Firefox spell checker? | Firefox Help
Hi, I am wondering if I can do something and how to put a dictionnary here? There is no more corrector when you write a text. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help.

Do you use Firefox? If so, there is a free add-on available called LanguageTool. In fact, I think Firefox has an integrated spell-checker as well that isn't so bad (if you right-click on the text field you are typing in, do you see an option "spell checking" or something similar? It also can be enabled in the settings under "general"). Chrome also has an integrated spell-checker that can be activated.

As Scottie said somewhere on this thread, it doesn't really make sense anymore to have a spell-checker in a forum software because there are better alternatives that work directly within the browser. Hope this helps.
Hi, I am wondering if I can do something and how to put a dictionnary here? There is no more corrector when you write a text. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for your help.
I am using Google Chrome addon called GRAMARLY
Also, there is an add-on for firefox

It works wonderfull. On the video below, you can see more about this very useful piece of software
Even if the old forum software was perfectly fine in it's day, the rest of the world is constantly changing and upgrading. So eventually it would stop working and would be unsupported. Sometimes you have to accept some features being lost in order to continue to work with the new technologies and software that have become necessary. Programmers decide to scrap previous work and rebuild a project in order to make it easier on themselves without having to continually work around an old codebase built around systems that are no longer supported.

It's better to upgrade while you still have the chance than to wait 15 years and then discover there is no way to upgrade without losing all your threads and only being able to access them through an archive.
I just noticed that the 'edit' button is still active in a post I wrote here a month ago. I attached a screenshot, the button is right in the bottom left corner. I clicked on it and it was possible for me to edit the post.

It looks like I can still edit posts I wrote in the public section of the forum - but not the private one.

Oops! Fixed now. Thanks for letting me know.

Fun Facts:
- 11 user groups
- 98 permissions per user group
- 97 total boards on forum (not all public, obviously)
That works out to 11 * 98 * 97 = 104,566 individual permissions. That's a lot of checkboxes...

Current UPAR (Upgrade Permission Accuracy Rating): 99.999% :grad:

I don't get my animated gif avatar working. Tried uploading it again under a different name, and also with size 400x400px. It shows as animated in the avatar upload popup window but only as a static image anywhere else.

I think this is because the old forum just plopped the image you gave it on the server, and displayed it resized via CSS if necessary.

The new server actually makes multiple sizes of the image, optimizes it, and saves those versions. Usually, that means animated GIFs become single-frame GIFs.

The preview works probably because it's just using the local image file from your puter and displaying it via JavaScript. This is more or less what the SOTT image uploader does. IOW, the user-friendly aspect ("Yay! I see my image!") does not always correspond to the behind-the-scenes stuff the server is doing.

I don't understand why this change was necessary for the knowledge transfer?


Well, strictly speaking, we could achieve knowledge transfer with everything written down on papyrus or something.

The "short" version is that the old forum software was too old. It didn't fully support newer versions of PHP, and thus we would be in trouble. PHP 5.6 is only officially supported until the end of this year.

So then I went on the SMF forum, and I found that the developers were bickering with each other and basically acting like little kids. The probability that SMF would release their new version seemed to drop to 0.

Plus, the old forum didn't support mobile devices. This was not easy to do myself. On SOTT, 50% of readers are on smartphones or tablets. NOT supporting mobile devices fully is a bad idea in this day and age.

Just to get HTTPS working on the old forum, I had to hack it. I had to hack a lot of things to keep it running nicely because it wasn't being kept up-to-date by the developers.

Then, there were many problems with the old forum, technically speaking. It was a hodge-podge of different chunks of code trying to work together. It did work, but the problem was that any change usually caused trouble. For example, the ban system on the old forum was poorly done, so it caused a high server load. So, SMF said, "Here, have a Warning system!" But that system itself was also poorly done, and it had its own problems. So the only solution was rewrite everything from scratch. But, as I said, the SMF people can't seem to do that because they're busy fighting amongst themselves.

There are many other considerations... For example, support for the utf8mb4 character set - which doesn't just give emojis, but fully supports various languages and characters and that sort of thing. That's the new standard.

Or: The old forum's database structure was piss-poor. There are better ways to do stuff these days. The old forum's search was poorly done, but the new forum search works a lot better. And with an appropriate amount of money and at least one extra server, it can be made to work even better. Room to grow!

The old forum required 6GB of disk space to store attachments and avatars, whereas the new forum only needs 4GB. When you have multiple backups on multiple servers for multiple web sites that we pay for via donations, storage space counts! Or how about the new forum being far better at keeping spammers out, which means less work for mods to keep the house clean, and more time for posting good stuff?

Finally, SMF was free, which was nice. XenForo (this forum) is paid. Their support community is very good, even tho documentation is sparse at the moment because they're busy fixing bugs after the initial November 2017 release of XF 2.0.0. XF 1.5 was basically world-famous (in the online forum world) for being the only forum software out there that didn't suck horribly in one way or another.

Now, I realize most people probably don't care at all about any of that, and that's perfectly fine, because they don't have to. But I do!

So, rest assured that I don't like change any more than anyone else. I just don't like it for very different reasons... :whistle:

And Finally...

It seems we simply must have some more themes... Altho at this point, I cannot give a time frame.

Once the forum is stable, my next Big Project is a help system for SOTT editors. No one can ever remember all the things it can do because it simply does too much! I have a solution for that...

Probably intermixed with that project, I'll crank out some themes when my brain needs a rest...
I am no longer finding the edit link in the lower left of my posts. I had it yesterday.

EDIT: Well, it's not there in the private forum. :huh:
Tried importing the transcript table into Google Spreadsheet but keep getting an error that says, 'Content is Empty'! :huh: Still trying to figure it out. Post here if you know how fix the issue. Thanks.

Well, I'm trying to find a way too but using importing I have the name of the spreadsheet but no data.
The new server actually makes multiple sizes of the image, optimizes it, and saves those versions. Usually, that means animated GIFs become single-frame GIFs.
Thanks for the Info. I'll use another Avatar then.
One more thing why for me this new forum is 10000 times better - it´s customised for access from tablet and smartphone and that is great! Previously mobile version was the same as desktop version and it was hard to read posts, let alone posting something.

Also search function is better, because you can search particular subforums which is an excellent feature....

Overall - great job !!! :thup::perfect:
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