New Forum layout April 2018

Thank you for the hard work Scottie and team! I like the new forum look. I haven't tried it on my phone, but I usually use a PC. I don't know if I'll use all of the new features, but some things are pretty nifty. I'll have to get some practice in posting and embedding over time.

Most important to me and like monotonic just said, is there a way to get more posts on the new posts page (old recent topics equivalent). In the old forum the first page of recent topics would go back to yesterday and even two days ago if there was little activity on the forum.

Posts per page appear to be hardcoded into the software for various reasons, including having URLs that include page numbers - based on what I've read.

Ok, just saw that. I wonder if I can just have a few tabs open while appending /page-2 and /page-3?

Can we get rid of the click to expand? A minor nuisance and it would only be one click to get rid of per long post. I noticed that if you have the tab open and drop internet it will still expand the post, so it's like it's already loaded when you open the page.

I vote for the green background color. I just like that one with the trees theme. :-)

Another minor thing: is it possible to get posts to display under our names? I know you can hover over and see them. But maybe I just need to get rid of my unconscious "elder member" assessment when seeing a large number of posts. The same goes for newer members with fewer posts. But neither of those necessarily determine the quality of one's posts.

Once everyone updates their names and avatars, we will get over the mass "Who is this?" Syndrome. :-P Like when someone changes their name and avatar and they have a lot of posts, and you wonder who they are/were.
Can we get rid of the click to expand? A minor nuisance and it would only be one click to get rid of per long post. I noticed that if you have the tab open and drop internet it will still expand the post, so it's like it's already loaded when you open the page.

Why is it a nuisance? It saves scrolling time and if you actually want to read what was quoted, you just have to click to expand. Sounds pretty user friendly to me.
[logs in]
["...uh oh."]
[missing , which showed entire last 100 posts on forum in 10 pages
Latest activity is close but truncates posts]
I use another forum that had an issue regarding page numbers. You had to find a link that did not reference page numbers or people with different posts-per-page settings would get sent to the wrong place by your links.

The solution was to change the post link convention and then things started working better. I find that preferable to having to click the next page link 20 times to get through a short thread, especially if most of the posts are one-liners.

I guess there's no turning back, but it seems hardcoding the posts per page is not the best solution to this problem.
Why is it a nuisance? It saves scrolling time and if you actually want to read what was quoted, you just have to click to expand. Sounds pretty user friendly to me.

I didn't think about it that way. It would be helpful on smaller devices. But it also wouldn't let you know if a page contains a lot of content if there were multiple long posts that get truncated. Like, I suppose the size of the scroll bar would be deceptive in that case.

[logs in]
["...uh oh."]
[missing , which showed entire last 100 posts on forum in 10 pages
Latest activity is close but truncates posts]

I'm using the New Posts page, which seems closest to the previous Recent Topics page. It looks like it puts the number of pages at the end of the link. So I'm not sure if my previous idea of having the first three pages as always open tabs would work.
Also, quoted posts used to have links to the posts that were quoted... Now if you quote a post from another thread or from several pages back, it will be hard to find the original posts.
Just a quick question - on the old forum you were allowed to edit your own post for 30 min post-publication. I usually struggle to read/ correct my own posts before publishing (due to specific layout style in ‘write’), so I have made it a habit to write a post, then publish it, and THEN correct/ edit it. It seems this is ‘gonzerooni’ too on the new layout - or have I just not groked how to edit a post?

EDIT!!! - Just saw an edit button now on THIS post, but none on my previous post ... ???
Just a quick question - on the old forum you were allowed to edit your own post for 30 min post-publication. I usually struggle to read/ correct my own posts before publishing (due to specific layout style in ‘write’), so I have made it a habit to write a post, then publish it, and THEN correct/ edit it. It seems this is ‘gonzerooni’ too on the new layout - or have I just not groked how to edit a post?

EDIT!!! - Just saw an edit button now on THIS post, but none on my previous post ... ???

The Edit option is available for 10 minutes after posting. You can try to save a draft if the post is long and necessitates lots of corrections.
Awesome job! I am in love with the new design :-D

It's amazing - looks so much easier to navigate - or will be once I get used to things. One question - I used to keep up with posts in an RSS feed using Feedbro on Firefox but it is not updating now. I clicked on the RSS feed button at the bottom right of the page to start a new feed, but it just takes me to a blank tab.
Wow you guys! :thup: Really steppin it up with the times here! Great job everyone and really nice new look!

Will there be an option for themes in the future? Don't get me wrong the blue and white is cool but I usually theme my stuff a bit darker to go easier on the eyes.
Just chipping in to add that I really like the new look too :-). Still figuring out all the functions, but im slowly getting there. Thanks again for the efforts.
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