Session 17 July 2022

A: Hello children of the Divine Cosmic Mind. Cassiopaea at your service. Linoghilaea here.

Q: (L) I swear they just put letters together to make those names...

^ Had to giggle at this at the beginning

Thank you for sharing another fab session 🙏

With regards to the slackers comment, I want to say (to myself included), a friend drew 9 swords (lord only knows I certainly feel this way when faced with the events around us) from a tarot deck and he was drawn to the blanket (rider waite) and noted the zodiac signs (which I never noticed until he pointed it out) and so I was curious what this meant and just did a search online and wanted to share this snippet from on the 9 of swords:

J'ai trouvé ce drap de mise à la terre à 45 euros...
Je me demande si c'est vraiment nécessaire pour le REIKI car un peu cher pour ma bourse...

I found this grounding cloth at 45 euros...
I wonder if it is really necessary for the REIKI because it is a bit expensive for my purse...
I mentioned a dream I had two nights ago in the Ice Age thread:

... and Mr. Cyan pointed to this article:

... where we find the following remark:

The Biden people in Washington, D.C. are exactly the same personality types who took over Russia in 1917 or France in 1789. They aren't going to let go of the apparatus of power now that they've got it. They will find a way to re-install themselves in 2024.

That, of course, made me think of the C's answer in this session that Trump's chances of winning in 2024 are remote.

I guess we'll see.
Another great session with lots of interesting questions and answers. So nice to have another so quickly on the heels of the last one.

I was very interested to read about the Madeleine McCann information as I have followed this story right from the beginning. It always astounded me that two highly intelligent and seemingly dedicated parents would leave tiny children alone in a flat, albeit checking on them regularly. I am not a parent but I can imagine what could transpire during the period when the parents are not checking - child nightmares, vomiting, convulsions, a child screaming and no one around to comfort them. Obviously, in retrospect, it was a terrible mistake to make and one which I am sure they will be haunted by for the rest of their lives. In view of what the C's have said it would seem that perhaps Clement Freud was the guilty party. Surely it must be possible to establish whether he was or was not in the vicinity at the time. It makes me shudder to think he could be anywhere near the parents after such a heinous act. Pure unadulterated evil.

My thoughts as well. Lots of stumbling blocks. For me it seems to be the networking. Someone said in the forum, that there are members who can write about things so clearly and beautifully. I totally agree with that. It leaves one (like myself) speechless, or wordless.

Yeah, that's where the comparison comes again (me vs others). This has been a part of my whole adult life, or perhaps even longer. It seems to be such a jungle to get through, to get to see/realize one's own value.

But anyway, thanks for the crew and other participants for the new session!
I agree with what you say Quill but we cannot compare ourselves with others. One of the strengths of the forum is that it is populated with souls who are totally different to each other in terms of intellect, knowledge and experience, but we can all bring our own experiences to the table in our own way. No one is making any judgements and everyone is valuable. There is a lot of information here which I must admit I struggle to comprehend. I do make an effort to pick out what I can from it, however small. We are all on different rungs of the ladder and that is how it should be, as long as we are all heading in the same direction. It is a great place to have a good laugh too! :lol:
I see participation/posting on the forum as a skill/habit that you build up gradually, like when you learn to swim: you start with a few meters and then as you practice more (regularly) you’ll be able to swim longer distances. The important thing, imo, is to keep doing it. I’ve never quite understood the idea of “I’ll start participating/posting once I’m ready”. I think that with that kind of strategy you’ll never “be ready” because in order to increase your “readiness” you’ll have to practice.

Yes, and if you ever find that you have an extended break from participating, seriously question why that is and whether it is necessary. Is it what you want? If so, which part of you wants that?
Thank you for sharing the session!

Does this refer to a type of metaphorical grounding or literal grounding? If it's the latter, then grounding blankets can be useful. I have a grounding blanket folded under my desk that is connected to ground via an outlet. They are called grounding pads/blankets/mats. I got this one from shieldgreen. I tested it with a voltmeter and it does indeed ground!

More of an energetic grounding, I have one of those too but it pales in comparison. I'm writing a thread about it currently to see what people think.

Thanks for the clarification, Zar.

Regarding literal grounding, for anyone interested, one cool hack is to ground your shoes with copper rivets, as shown in the video below:

The longest rivet I have found is 25mm, so the shoe sole would have to be rather thin.
I ordered a "DIY" kit from, but it has a few caveats. The hole puncher is pretty useless, and with the
long end wire cutters, it can be difficult to reach and cut the rivet. I ended up using a drill to make a hole through the shoe sole (with the diameter of the drill a bit less than the width of the rivet), and used sturdy end cutters. Also, a proper copper rivet setter is superior to the one in the DIY kit.

In the video, they don't use an insole, but if there is a need to use one, you can insert the rivet through both the sole and insole.
This could be inconvenient in the case the shoe gets soaked: it would be good to remove the insole so that drying of the shoe is more thorough and quicker.
You can work around this, for instance by cutting a sufficient hole in the insole so that the foot touches the rivet, or by placing conductive copper tape on both sides of the insole, and fill the hole with some conductive material (e.g. tin foil).

With a "grounding tester" you can check if you indeed are grounded wearing the shoes:

Some conductive surfaces:

Concrete, grass, and dirt are ideal; asphalt is not

Rocks are good conductors

Saltwater is the optimal way to ground; freshwater speeds up the process but is not itself conductive (unless it contains minerals)

Springwater has a natural amount of minerals

If you can feel the tree and it feels cool, it's grounding; bark inhibits the grounding process

Fun fact: when it's raining, even asphalt is conductive!

Another point: having your shoes grounded, it could be a good way to counter the "disturbance" from the cell towers, especially in city environments.

If the place where you live enables it, a grounding rod would be a nice way to get "cleaner" grounding (some people experience problems with grounding from a socket).

Grounding is quite beneficial due to the fact, that as the surface of the earth is negatively charged, your body and cells get a surge of "free" electrons. The potential of cell membrane is negative, and certain things ("indoor living", excess EMFs, etc.) tend to rise it towards positive, and this can disturb the workings of the cell, leading to all kinds of health problems. Getting an increase in electrons from the ground, improves the potential of the cell membranes back towards its normal, negative state.

(During the wintertime when the temperatures are below zero (Celsius), and the water is frozen (as snowflakes and ice), the molecules are "stuck" and the electrons do not "move", so grounding doesn't work well in these surroundings. Once the temperature rises above zero and the water molecules liquefy, you immediately get grounded.)
We know that there are hundreds and hundreds of children who have suffered this fate, and that it has been going on for many centuries. I don't think it's unwise to think that all souls have gone or will go through this kind of terrible experience. What kind of lesson is there? That is what I would like to ask the Cassiopaeans.
I would also like to know the answer to the question "What kind of lesson is there?"
Because my heart tells me that the horror experienced by these children (or people) should not exist at all.

Thank you all for the session.
Good job figuring this one out! The material gathered in this post of yours would make a nice article.
Thank you! I will try to put the material together for an article.

As to the information about the 2nd moon, this may be what some refer to as Lilith, "Lilith is a possible second moon of Earth that was at first proposed by the German astronomer Georg Waltemath
back in 1898. He claimed that both he and some friends observed it and that it was affecting the Moon's orbit. According to his estimations, this body would be invisible to the naked eye, would have a diameter of 700 kilometers, and would orbit our planet at 1,030,000 kilometers (less than three times the Earth-Moon distance).[1] Twenty years later, a British astrologer under the pseudonym Sepharial (an angel that appears in the Book of Enoch) claimed to have spotted it while said body transited across the Sun, as that moon would be so dark that it could not be observed except when passing in front of the Daystar,[2] giving it the name Nuitari "Lilith", after the first wife of Adam in Jewish folklore.[3][4]" source: Lilith (pseudoastronomy)
I would lean towards a more mundane explanation for the 2nd moon being probably the result of an optical phenomenon:

Optical phenomena are any observable events that result from the interaction of light and matter.

All optical phenomena coincide with quantum phenomena.[1] Common optical phenomena are often due to the interaction of light from the sun or moon with the atmosphere, clouds, water, dust, and other particulates. One common example is the rainbow, when light from the sun is reflected and refracted by water droplets. Some phenomena, such as the green ray, are so rare they are sometimes thought to be mythical.[2] Others, such as Fata Morganas, are commonplace in favored locations.

Other phenomena are simply interesting aspects of optics, or optical effects. For instance, the colors generated by a prism are often shown in classrooms.
The interaction of the moon's light with the cometary dust and water present in the atmosphere at the time may have created the conditions for such a phenomenon to be observed. The fact that both moons were full and seen at opposite directions, suggesting some sort of symmetry, lends further credence to the idea that the same object was being observed twice.
The above is a good reminder that, at some level or to some extent, the on-going military conflicts we're seeing may very well be used at some point as part of a cover story to account for cometary and other space rock impacts on Terra. Imagine something damaging hitting the US from space and the fake news media screaming "Russia did it!!" I wouldn't put it past them :umm:

In any case, the "celestial intentions" quote is from a passage by astrophysicist Victor Clube for those unfamiliar with it:

When the following recent story was released from several media outlets it made me think of Clube's insight and how the research in the article may be used to set the stage for a new narrative to account for an ice age if/when it happens:

Thank You! It struck me that I've been thinking along similar lines as expressed in the above quote. I once wrote a VK post with the intent of describing, in a lighter manner, what I perceive as one of many possible scenarios.

Sharing this updated and somewhat altered version of the original VK post. The word "Dark Hegemon" is used metaphorically, in a general sense, as if it is a single entity, because the refined STS on the top of the hive-mind pyramid is an "I", posing as "we".

In the last days of reckoning, it is perhaps more than ever what you believe in that counts. What you believe with your heart will align you energetically with the corresponding "lounge room" in the After Life. What is active in your belief centre on your last earthly day will point the direction to where you will end up when you leave this place.

The Dark Hegemon knows this, and is trying hard to align us all, or as many as possible, to his energy centre, his vibes. As the grandest of psychopaths, he is the true opportunist.

If you have been spooked and brainwashed long enough with the Russians as THE lethal threat to the lives of Mankind, including the talk of "the Russians might use nuclear power", you may be in for a big surprise if, or when, in fact a comet hits the planet.

Because you may have allowed yourself to be so steeped in indoctrination and false knowledge, and for so long, that you have become completely aligned with the belief that "this must be a nuclear explosion done by the evil Russians! Hate! Hate!"

This may very well be your last held belief, as you go with a bang!

But that devastating explosion might also be the Dark Hegemon triggering an actual nuclear explosion, in the hopes that it will gather masses of believers in the fake and false to his camp. Because the preceeding manipulation, disinformation and propaganda may have made enough a number of people use their free will to rather believe in lies than the truth, thus aligning them with hate and the energy - the vibes - of the Dark Hegemon.

The Russian society at large is, as a group consciousness, in action more aligned with the Christ consciousness than with anything else, thus an adversary in the eyes of the antichrist.

So, what to do when you are a demonic force dependent on your antichrist energy to survive, and you feed off hate for a living?

If the devil knows the world is about to end, because we are in the last phase of a fully natural, re-ocurring, grand cycle of spiritual transformation, a concluding cycle which is a part of the many natural laws of the universe. Its course cannot be altered, changed nor corrupted. Well, make no mistake about it - he is going to use this knowledge, this piece of information, to his advantage in a desperate try to save his day, and script a scenario which will be working as a soul binding glue by trying to get everybody's attention, and make you believe in the false and the fake. He will make you look in all directions, away from Truth. He will make you unwittingly swear allegiance to his cause. This script is designed to make you look straight at the Dark Hegemon. But you will not see him. Instead you will see and imagine things which are not there, such as "manmade climate change", "viral pandemics", and "Russia is all bad". A script to confuse, bewilder and bamboozle. It is there to feed your belief centre with falsities. This will arouse in you just the right circumstances for his chaos and destruction. And out of this will spring an order which he is wishfully directing and producing to be in his image.

"When he [the devil] speaketh a lie,
he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father of it."

- John 8:44 B

This is one of the many reasons why knowledge protects, and ignorance endangers.

Knowledge and truth is love. Ignorance and lies is hate.

Use your free will wisely, whether you intentionally choose to contribute to the cultivation of ignorance and hate, or choose to bring about knowledge and love as your intent.

Because you will become (aligned with) what you believe in.

Networking in the light of truth, we are protected and connected!
Also, a big change for me: I leave my country to live in the same city as my son and his family.
I feel a bit like I'm "floating in the void" for the moment. (I hope I will land well !)
I hope I made the right decision: to get closer to those I love and those who love me.
Wow Channa, it really is a big step for you but, as you say, you are moving closer to those you love. In these unsettled times having a close and familiar network around you will certainly lower stress levels and provide human warmth and comfort.

Wishing you every happiness in your huge step forward.
Thanks for this excellent session! Regarding Trump’s potential reelection, Matthew Ehret just wrote an interesting article in which he speculates that there might not be a presidential election in 2024, here:

I'm thinking that by Nov. 2024, there will be a serious enough crisis of some sort that elections will be "suspended".
In summary, something likely happened in 1106 involving the electrically charged comet and high levels of cometary dust circulating in the Northern Hemisphere, creating very intense discharges that were likely behind the unusual spike in H2O2. Whatever happened, it must have been a sight to behold.

Regarding the impact that the comet and the accompanying dust had on society, the years following 1106 and 1109-1110 have been associated with extreme weather conditions including heavy and continuous rainfall which reduced crop yields and led to famine and death in Western Europe. These events were likely what stopped the ascendancy that Europe had experienced in the 11th century when it witnessed an increase in population, economic growth as well as a commercial and trade revolution.

What I found interesting (and confusing) about the answer in the session was that the 'dark ages' as we understand them were ushered in by the 536 event, and that was the event to which I was referring in the question. Note that I asked for "years ago" rather than an AD date, because we suspect that a few centuries have been added to the timeline, and if we had the "years ago" date for Caesar's birth, then having the "years ago" date for the dark ages would give us an idea of how long after his birth the dark ages, including the "fall of Rome" occurred. So are we talking about two separate 'dark ages' here?
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You can tell that Niall did his own research and he was asking the Cs for confirmation (yes or no questions) and then Joe asked an open ended but simple question at the end of the sequence for something that is not easily researched.
  1. Come up with first draft questions, just brainstorm them and write them out and don't worry about it.
  2. Try to answer your questions by yourself
  3. Write down a list of the things you couldn't answer by yourself and try to rewrite them as yes/no questions or close to it

Cultivate the habit of writing down your thoughts and what you observe, almost like narrating your life. It will bring many interesting surprises as to how to think and restructure those thoughts from other angles. It also serves as a tool to counteract mental noise. More than 10 years ago I used to do this with my emotional state and to my surprise several years later, what I had written down was close enough to what I would then read in the wave years later.

For example and my two cents, for those people who don't know where to start, I suggest they could start with what resonates with them the most, with what troubles them the most. What is your biggest question among the questions?

Start with your biggest question, then research everything related to that question and empty all the ideas that come up into a personal journal. Write down the questions that generate the most questions. Contemplate the writing and you will find out for yourself which things do or do not make sense and will lead you to corroborate them until you reach a dead end. Then you will be able to come up with a sincere and open question, in some cases.

But always think like a hammer.


I would read and take note of what I was reading. As I did so, I often stopped to think about questions that occurred to me as I read.

The way I saw it, I was just "asking interesting questions" in an open-ended way, without any attempt to impose a preconceived answer. What entered my mind in response to these questions was akin to "thinking."

At a certain point, I decided that I had to know if these ideas that came to me were based in fact. Just because a thought "popped into my head" did not mean that I intended to accept it as a valid answer to my question. I definitely needed more facts!
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