Accident? Iranian President and Foreign Minister killed in Helicopter Crash

Total and completely hypocrisy.
Again That is Mossad. No body knows who plays which part in the entire operation and who uses for what purpose.
Remembering the fate of Suleimani and having read some information about the Iranian government, I would not rule out "rotation in Iranian" at all.
Tasnim: Imam of Tabriz was alive for an hour after the helicopter crash in Iran

Friday's imam of Tabriz, Mohammad Ali Al Hashem, remained alive for another hour after the helicopter crash, which was carrying Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian. This is reported by the Tasnim agency.

According to media reports, it was Hashem who was able to make a phone call from a helicopter and send a signal, which was reported by some agencies.

"Mohammad Ali Ale Hashem was alive for another hour after the plane crash and even called the head of the presidential administration Gholamhossein Esmaili by phone," Tasnim quoted Mohammad Hassan Nami, head of the Iranian Emergency Management Organization, as saying.
СМИ: имам Тебриза был жив в течение часа после крушения вертолета в Иране

Помня судьбу Сулеймани и прочитав некоторую информацию об Иранской власти, я совсем не исключал бы "ротации по ирански".

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There is 2:30 difference between UTC( image time zone) and Varzaghan ( incident location 1PM) and that makes 10:30 PM UTC in the above graph. Weather wise is it is light rain ( though rain increased later). All other parameters ( in the above site) seems to somewhat normal. There was moderate rain pocket came north of the location after 6 to 7 hours of the incident.
I checked the radar map and I could not find crap. Did anyone else find anything?

Here is an interesting post from Hal Turner. Evidence Is Now Appearing Indicating the Iran Presidential Helicopter Crash WAS an Assassination He claims:

1. People looking at CIRA weather site found the data was DELETED for May 19. See video in the post above.

2. Coincidentally the president of Slovakia ALSO met with the leader of Azerbajin, DAYS before he was shot.

3. There was supposed to be a homing beacon on the plane that is designed to activate on a crash. If just a weather event why did it not go off? Same with the transponder which was off. Also no Mayday which obviously have been heard by helicopters near it.

4. IsraeliWarRoom site tweeted an icon of a helicopter supposedly before the crash, but I cannot tell if that time is from which time zone. But an odd tweet either way; if it was after why not just celebrate the guy was dead. A helicopter icon with no context is almost as MEANT to be a coded message.

5. US plane, which rarely in Azerbajin, was in the air in the area AT THE SAME TIME!

He is speculating the US military plane used a directed energy weapon on the helicopter to take it down and fry the electronics. Must have been very precise if true to take it down and not the other helicopters in formation. The other thing I wonder, if the other helicopters were in formation, would they not have heard or seen the crash. The fog I guess could have covered the explosion, but I would think the would hear the crash even over the blades, but maybe blades too long. But would have thought they would have soon lost radio communicatoin and they would have had the coordinates since they were flying in formation. A lot of fishy stuff about this.
An all encompassing fog, even with technology available, it would be possible with GPS system tracing to define where they were in space and time.

And now we are discovering, the only remains of the helicopter that carried the Iranian President , is part of the tail of the helicopter, carrying an Iranian signature, the rest is basically a mist of 'Fog'

As always...Cue Bono
And then there is this statement that made me think about what Paulides said often happened to the rescue crews when they tried to find missing people. There was a sudden change of weather that made the search extremely hard. In this case this "sudden" change of weather could facilitate mistakes and be the cause of the accident. Or maybe it was also right after whatever event that caused the crash.

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I actually thought of something similar myself, it's very odd, and if it's a Missing 411 case, it would be the highest profile case.

Now, isn't it funny that this happens days before the ICC makes its announcement calling for Netanyahu's arrest? The timing is funky. It could be a bad accident, faulty equipment, poor pilot skills or mental state or whatever, so I will allow for that. The timing is just too funky and Israel is not one that gets my first vote of confidence upon their innocence.

I suppose it'll be clearer as they days go by, we did get Israel shaming the entire world for deciding to hold a minute of silence at the UNSC, what a pathetic bunch.
Most probably it is usual mossad operation.

I think at this stage this is pure conjecture - sure, the timing fits, but sometimes it is ‘only’ faulty equipment/ poor decision making etc.

They were probably flying IFR (instrumental flight rules) and were totally at the mercy of there instrument.

I don’t think so - helicopters don’t fly IFR in mountainous areas. There is no reliable IFR signal in the mountains that is precise enough. On top of that it requires a top-of-the-line autopilot, because a helicopter’s flight (as opposed to a plane) is inherently unstable.

It is possible that whoever was responsible for assessing the weather and giving that information to the pilots was paid to deliberately give them bad information

The flight was most likely VFR (visual flight) supported by GPS navigation (which can be jammed/ altered), but it is always the responsibility of the captain not to deliberately fly into bad weather, no matter what the weather guys tell you.

Given that it was an American Bell helicopter it could well have been a mechanical issue as a consequence of poor maintenance. And if a mechanical engine issue arises in a helicopter, your only option is to auto-rotate (using the weight of the helicopter to spin up the blades while the craft approaches ground and then using the stored kinetic energy to flare to a landing) - but if there is fog close to the ground (even if you were flying above the clouds in good weather) your options are very limited. This could also explain the fact that the other two helicopters made it back safely.

It is possible for countries with Western gear to find spare parts in the secondary market - however it is a very dangerous game, as a lot of those parts are cheap copies and not built to the necessary specifications. This would also make it possible to deliberately ‘insert’ sub-standard spare parts into a hostile country, something I am sure the Mossad would know how to do easily.

In summary, my hunch with the information available, is that it was a malfunction (aided by outside forces or not) paired with bad weather and suboptimal decision-making. FWIW.
Desperation & fear of losing funding could be the reason as well. They see Ukraine fronts collapsing. It only means to them Profit & Funding Loss. They don't care about the subhuman slavs, except genociding them.

US War Oligarchs saw that extreme profits can be generated through the Ukraine Justification Spending. For when they "lose the war fronts in Ukraine" they might wanna create other war-pockets in EU & Middle-East. Then they can justify senate bill requests for US to send new billions of military aid to new future war fronts in Iran / Georgia / Slovakia / Kosovo / Serbia / Syria / Azerbaijan, etc... so they can continue rake in massive billions of funding and profit. Funded by the usual Taxpayer Sheeple.
Any means to kill anybody they'll use, I think.
Iranian leadership might also have carried out their second 'Assassination Support' project, after they saw, they could successfully help kill General Soleimani. Thus they repeated the CleanUp procedure, because they wanted Team Raisi gone from Iranian politics. Then they put their hands-up [Oh, look how shocked we are too!] and fake grieving, just like with Soleimani. In this sensitive political climate what a convenient opportunity to exploit "possible hostility of Israel & Mossad"! They then fake grievance and carry out "furious investigation" or raids, but at home secretly the Iranian Leadership celebrates another successful CleanUp / 'Assassination Support' project well done.
Reason for this thought: Iran quickly assured safe reaction procedures and no revenge to any party.
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I think at this stage this is pure conjecture - sure, the timing fits, but sometimes it is ‘only’ faulty equipment/ poor decision making etc.

I don’t think so - helicopters don’t fly IFR in mountainous areas. There is no reliable IFR signal in the mountains that is precise enough. On top of that it requires a top-of-the-line autopilot, because a helicopter’s flight (as opposed to a plane) is inherently unstable.

The flight was most likely VFR (visual flight) supported by GPS navigation (which can be jammed/ altered), but it is always the responsibility of the captain not to deliberately fly into bad weather, no matter what the weather guys tell you.

Given that it was an American Bell helicopter it could well have been a mechanical issue as a consequence of poor maintenance. And if a mechanical engine issue arises in a helicopter, your only option is to auto-rotate (using the weight of the helicopter to spin up the blades while the craft approaches ground and then using the stored kinetic energy to flare to a landing) - but if there is fog close to the ground (even if you were flying above the clouds in good weather) your options are very limited. This could also explain the fact that the other two helicopters made it back safely.

It is possible for countries with Western gear to find spare parts in the secondary market - however it is a very dangerous game, as a lot of those parts are cheap copies and not built to the necessary specifications. This would also make it possible to deliberately ‘insert’ sub-standard spare parts into a hostile country, something I am sure the Mossad would know how to do easily.

In summary, my hunch with the information available, is that it was a malfunction (aided by outside forces or not) paired with bad weather and suboptimal decision-making. FWIW.
We don't have enough information to know what happened, though there are signs of MOSSAD imprints. If the guy in the crashed helicopter lived for 1 hr after and they are in contact with ground when the helicopter gone out of control and 2 helicopters reached safely, there is LOT of data about the incident known to Iranian authorities and they are not spilling the beans( as of yet). The political infighting is nothing knew whether one call it democracy or God or external interference in any country.

In this type of situation, every body needs 'enemy' out there (not within) to unite the population against some 'just' cause. Remember Caesar's definition of Religion

Q: (Atriedes) Do you mind if your memory and image is used in a religion?

A: As long as it is with understanding of the truth. What is religion anyway but that which binds people together as is showed with my army.

Imagine If Iranian leadership(and most already thinks) that guilty party is 'Israel' and if they say enough of posturing and growling and it's time to act( just as a distraction to the disgruntled population). Once desperation sets in, no body cares whether it is 'Sampson Option' or not. This incident precipitates that desperation.
Iranian leadership might also have carried out their second 'Assassination Support' project, after they saw, they could successfully help kill General Soleimani. Thus they repeated the CleanUp procedure, because they wanted Team Raisi gone from Iranian politics. Then they put their hands-up [Oh, look how shocked we are too!] and fake grieving, just like with Soleimani. In this sensitive political climate what a convenient opportunity to exploit "possible hostility of Israel & Mossad"! They then fake grievance and carry out "furious investigation" or raids, but at home secretly the Iranian Leadership celebrates another successful CleanUp / 'Assassination Support' project well done.
Reason for this thought: Iran quickly assured safe reaction procedures and no revenge to any party.
I have heard this narrative but seriously doubt it. The president was apparently very close to the Ayatollah, and he was considered even the top person being groomed as a successor. And he has been a very successful president. Perhaps another competitor for that Ayatollah seat might have had a hand in it, but that is a VERY DANGEROUS GAME in a country like Iran if the Ayatollah actually discovers it. And if he does not discover it you could literally be leading your country into mutually assured destruction with Israel. The Israelis are actually insane enough to do the latter, especially with Netanyahu and his government not wanting to spend their lives behind bars as the people demand their resignation. I am not sure I am buying that in terms of a power play within Iran. If the Ayatollah and Risi were at odds and it was sponsored from the top, sure. But if they were at odds, the Ayatollah literally can find other ways of getting rid of him since he is essentially in control of the country. More importantly, they appeared to get along really well, definitely much better than the previous presidents.
The way I see it, even if Mossad did it, it's not like Iran would go to nuclear war over it and certainly Mossad would deny any involvement. So, I don't think it matters if Mossad did it. It's bad, but what can you do?
The way I see it, even if Mossad did it, it's not like Iran would go to nuclear war over it and certainly Mossad would deny any involvement. So, I don't think it matters if Mossad did it. It's bad, but what can you do?
Perhaps not initially, but it could escalate. They will HAVE to retaliate in some manner. No nation just lets its president get assasinated like that. And I think Iran realized with the embassy attack, they can no longer just sit and take it from Israel, emboldening them to do more. And this was arguably much worse than that. So maybe they assasinate Ben Gavir or Netanyahu. Then Israel responds, and you have an escalation ladder. If they really wanted to avoid escalation the best they could do is lie about the crash publicly even if it was Mossad, and risk the truth getting leaked by the likes of Pepe Escobar's intelligence contacts. But given that high level meeting the Iranian ambassador had with Russia's military leaders the other day, I am guessing they are planning something - maybe something similar to what israel did like an assasination, or who knows maybe a larger scale than after the embassy attack. But Iran can no longer sit there and take this crap, and Israel is insane. That is a very bad combination for peace.
In the two videos that follow, in French with English and Russian subtitles, the author gives a factual explanation of what could have happened.
The President of Iran disappears in a helicopter crash

It's confirmed: the Iranian President is dead

And what to say at this:
“One of the culprits behind yesterday’s tragedy is the United States, because of its sanctions that bar Iran from procuring essential aviation parts,” Mohammad Javad Zarif told Iranian state media. “[This] will be recorded in the list of US crimes against the Iranian people.”
Questions swirl over cause of Iran helicopter crash as ex-FM blames US sanctions | Semafor

There is no longer any need to directly involve terrorist agencies authorised by the Israeli or American governments, when sanctions are enough to bring down the presidential chopper!
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