Phoenix Liberator -vs- Brother Philip


Jedi Council Member
All right, here goes a first thread.

My name is Durabone, and I am an engineer by trade. I thought I would share something I discovered tonight with the SOTT readership, and perhaps also benefit from some of your feedback (thanks in advance).  Decide for yourself, is this a major falsehood discovered in the Phoenix Journals?

I first became aware of the phenomenon known as the “Phoenix Journals/Liberators” way back in 1997.  AKA “Contact - a Light in Every Mind,” the journals were both a newsletter (more like a newspaper) and a series of paperbacks that seemed to summarize excerpts from the papers.  Find them here:


One of my hobbies is studying conspiracy theories, so for a number of years I have attempted to catalog and survey some of the major themes that have under-penned “normal” publications, so to speak.  As an observer of the Phoenix phenomenon, I was impressed by the sheer volume of information flowing from the source.  I also found that the tone set by the leader “Commander Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn” was charming.  This is another one of the “space brotherhood thingies” - but not quite.  This particular version has been largely silent about the “Ashtar Command,” yet they do feature both the Sananda (Jesus returned) and Germain characters.  Hatonn is in orbit above us with penetrating computers that allow him much interesting stuff to say in the way of commentary on modern news stories.  He explains that his name is built from the archaic ‘Aton’ (God).

Given the gushing reams of information, I guessed back then that at least a dozen well-funded people must have been involved, maybe more.  Most notably was the saga of one George Green who dithered them direly, first as comrade, then as assailant.

So I decided to examine a bit more, and ordered what appeared to be a smattering of their work, including two of the paperbacks that appear to hold special place in this particular religion, “The Sipapu Odyssey,” and “The Rainbow Masters.”   

For those that don’t know anything about this business, I could summarize it by saying that a woman known as Dorushka Maerd (some say her real name is Doris Eckers) channels the space brotherhood, and writes it all down.  Thus the journals are presented as a series of channeling sessions, each with a date and time.  They gained great traction for a while, I first heard of them from an 87 year old.

The exception to all of this is the “The Sipapu Odyssey” (due to be made into a feature film, blah blah blah).  In this tale, we find the beginning of the saga, where a car crashes off of the road near Tehachapi, California.  Only, instead of death awaiting the passengers at the bottom of the canyon that they sail down in to, they find waiting aliens who take them aboard their ship.

“The Rainbow Masters” seemed to be one of the less newsy paperbacks, perhaps one of the spiritual centers for their pantheon.  It was the last one I read, and the only one I kept.  I had almost forgotten about them, though I checked in several years back, to find that they had been driven from the US, and landed in the Philippines.  I have done nothing to check on their status currently.

What did happen last week though, made my head turn around.  I ran across a book entitled, “Secret of the Andes.”  The backpiece spoke of the “Seven Rays.”  Hmmm, I’ve heard that one before.  “The Rainbow Masters” also spoke of seven rays.  So I ordered the book, and tonight sat down and skimmed it.

“The Rainbow Masters” by the Masters, A Phoenix Journal, published 1993
“Secret of the Andes” by Brother Philip, published 1961

I held both books and compared them:

RM: “The Esoteric Colors of the Rays are Red, Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Indigo, Rose, and Violet.

SA: “The Esoteric Colours of the Rays are: (1) Red, (2) Light Blue, (3) Green, (4) Yellow, (5) Indigo, (6) Rose, and (7) Violet.

This was the first in a series of direct matches between the texts.  Many other paragraphs matched verbatim.  Definitely something going on here, but I’d better not say anything even loosely resembling libel.

So I asked: hypothetically if the latter text has the prior as a source, then what alterations were made, and to what end?  Well, intent is nearly impossible to gauge, so lets us stick with the hypothetical alterations that could possibly one day be established to be, "the facts."

If "Secret of the Andes" is in fact the source for "The Rainbow Masters", then:

1) RM inserts the concept of Sananda entirely.  SA mentions Jesus Christ only.
2) Many places where SA spoke of God were altered to insert the notion of a retributional God who will judge and punish.
3) Sentences were added that probe the reader’s morals and state with God.
4) The parts of SA that mention the coming of a new age on Earth were adapted to fit with the new age claims of the Phoenix Journals.
5) Mention of the “Great White Brotherhood” was altered to “Council of the Great White Hierarchy (Lighted Brotherhood).”
6) Precise and surgical editing of the text was done to slant meaning in some places, while other places were presented exactly intact.
7) A laundry list of others ...

The RM text is given entirely as channeling of the space brothers, and in this case the channeling of a dozen plus different personas, including Aton (God himself).  There is no credit given to SA as a source, except scant mention that Sananda was trained in Peru.  The “Monastery of the Seven Rays,” described by SA is (small wonder) stated to be in Peru.

So there you have it.  If - and I do emphasize “if” - one of the main central works of “The Phoenix Phenomenon” is a lie, then what does that say about the trustworthiness of the rest of their writing?  If it is a lie, then either the channel is lying about the channeling, or the "beings" she is channeling are lying to her.

Either way = Phoenix Journals, you are BUSTED.

Anyone know anything about this? 
(Probably posted before, apologies for not searching first).

Good catch! Very interesting game going on there and one wonders how many other such "channelings" are just that sort of thing.

That doesn't mean that the channels are necessarily being deliberately dishonest. Reminds me of a couple exchanges with the Cs:

7 August 2001

Q: Let me ask while I've got you here, some questions from a member of our group. He is reading some material that suggests that this planet is a breeding ground for aliens, and the life cycle of the aliens, as in the Reptilians or whatever, may mimic something, such as a preying mantis. It also alludes to the suggestion that the underground of the earth is kind of a dormant stage for the female, and it is the male that is returning or that does return at the end of each epoch, and that the focus of this appears to be the great pyramid, and that if we move to STO - it doesn't say those words but it's the same - much terror can be avoided, as the return of the male dragon will die for love for the female nymph. Okay. Is the earth a breeding round for some kind of aliens as suggested in this passage?

A: No.

Q: Hmm. So this stuff that this guy has made up about this is like right out of his darkest nightmares? I mean the worst possible spin that could be put on this? It's already bad enough. So we really ought to forget this and just get some sleep at night, huh?

A: Yes.

Q: What is the source of this type of material? I mean, what kind of energy is behind it?

A: STS mind control signal.

Q: What is it designed to do?

A: Reach those that are programmed to receive.

Q: Let me ask you this - If some of these STS programming signals that are going out ... I mean, I'm assuming that some of them come from 3rd density. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Do they actually have, like, some place on the planet where these guys read science fiction books and get these really crazy theories and stories that they put together with sort of fiendish glee, and then convert them via computer into the programming code that gets beamed out into people's heads, while they sit there and just - you know - fall down on the floor laughing at what they have just done? I mean, is this possibly something that is going on [meaning in secret mind control experiments]?

A: Yes.

Q: That's sick! (A): Why? Wouldn't you do it if you had the opportunity? (L) If I had the facility and abilities and I was sick like that? IF I was sick like that, sure. I mean, just take a whole HP Lovecraft novel, convert it into the programming signal and beam it out - and people are saying, "My God, the aliens told me ... it's just like HP Lovecraft said. Oh, my God!" Can you imagine? (A) And it works. (L) Sure does, doesn't it?

Session date 14 Sept 2002

Q: (L) I have a question. I had a thought the other night after I read Dolan's book. He was talking about this government technology for mind control and so forth, and how the government or the military was trying to cover up the alien presence and interactions, what they were really up to and what they were really doing, and I came to this idea after reading all of these cases.

What is evident is that there were apparently abductions and landings and contact stories from very early on in the so-called UFO phenomenon.

What I thought about was the fact that Bud Hopkins and Whitley Strieber promoted in their books, mostly Whitley, the image of the gray alien as the standard American abductor. After the publication of these books all American abductions seemed to follow the pattern of the gray alien abduction. However, it is primarily an American phenomenon. Most other places in the world don't have little gray aliens with bug eyes. So, what I want to know is this: is the gray alien abduction scenario: a.) A screen memory b.) a creation of the American military mass mind programming project in order to acclimate people to certain conditions, circumstances and interactions, or c.) something else or d) are they really just gray aliens abducting everybody?

A: You have stumbled upon an interesting question indeed. As we have noted previously, physical abductions are rare. Not only that, some abductions do not end with return of the victim. Now, what do you suppose you would do to cover up this fact? You might "create" a lot of abductions that end with return and "no harm done."

Q: (L) That wasn't one of my answer selections! Does this mean that the abductions reported by the people that Bud Hopkins worked with followed by Whitley Strieber were staged?

A: Close enough for horseshoes.

Q: (L) Okay, what would get us closer.

A: How about several varieties of experiences including government experiments. Did you ever notice how some cases exhibit extreme trauma and some do not? Same general story, but one is related with deeper sensation of reality, and another is not. Why do you think so many "abductees" are able to accommodate the experience, while some result in ruined lives?

Q: (L) So you are saying that some of them are not really being abducted. They're just having something projected into their mind. So how long has this been going on?

A: Over 30 years.

Q: (L) That would be back to the 70's. And so where did Whitley come up with his gray aliens...and how does this relate to grays as cyber-genetic probes?

A: There really are "grays." But not nearly as ubiquitous the gov would like you to think.

Q: (L) So with Whitley telling everybody how it happens and what they look like along with contouring of the blanket EM mind control field or whatever, with the beaming out of a mind-programming wave - whatever it is - they're able to make a whole hell of a lot of people - everybody who is susceptible - think they are in contact with gray aliens. What is it that makes some people susceptible and not others?

A: Most generally that they are not organic portals.

Q: ... (L) But this matter about these grays: I mean, I had the thought and shot up out of bed. I got up out of bed in the middle of the night because I started thinking about it, and thinking about it, and thinking about it. I had read Dolan and I had read about these programs and then I read this thing about them being able to just send out the whole mind programming thing into a "shaped neutral cavity created between the ozone layer and the earth, and I started to think why is that nearly everybody in America gets abducted by grays? And why is it that everybody else - all of the rest of the world - experiences different kinds of creatures? What is it and why is it there so much of it going on here as opposed to what's going on in the rest of the world?

And I remember asking the C's about it once and they said because America is the capital of STS, but that did not in any way confirm that all of these abductions were actually taking place. However, putting the fact that there is this almost unbelievable number of gray alien abductions in the US together with the US being the capital of STS, together with the little leaks about their mind control research, well, I just asked "what is really going on here?

Well, when we look at the phenomenon chronicled by Dolan, what we see is that the government IS, most definitely and crucially, interested in UFOs and aliens. We also see the truly Machiavellian way they have sought to not only cover it up, but to actually pretend that it does NOT even exist! They have pushed this "there is nothing to it" idea to such an extreme, that people afraid of talking about it for fear of being thought nuts. Well, what if that is on purpose? That way, if anybody has a REAL abduction, and there is REAL evidence, or something really awful happens, they can easily attribute it to lunacy.

BUT, what if they ARE really concerned about some awful things going on? What if they really need to conceal things? It's not enough to just deny it or pretend things are all in people's minds, because obviously that is not true.

So, what would Machiavelli do?

Well, first of all, he would build up a straw man to knock down. He would create aliens that are complete and total distractions from what is real. So, as it happens, at about the time we now know that this mind control research was at a stage where it would be possible, suddenly, one day, Whitley Strieber gets a best seller writing about things we now know the government has obviously killed people to cover up. That can't be proved, but it is strongly circumstantial.

So the next logical question is this: if - as we now know - the secret government is really working on concealing this problem from society, do we - for a minute - think that Whitley would be able to publish a book that reveals the truth? And that it would be a best seller? Not one book either, but two on this subject, with the picture right on the cover.

Well, I read about people who said when they saw this picture that they felt sick, or they had this or that kind of experience. And everybody and his brother was suddenly seeing grays. And all of a sudden as soon as - I mean there were a few cases of this exact type prior to Strieber's book - after Strieber's book became a best seller the abduction phenomenon went right through the roof.

So all of this clicked together in my head in the middle of the night.

As a result of this, there was another very interesting thing. If you look at that Roswell video, and you ask yourself the question: was it a hoax, and if I was going to do a hoax, how would I do it? After all, a hoax is supposed to be 'convincing,' right? If it was a hoax, the hoaxers would have made that alien look like your standard gray. But the alien did not look like your standard gray. Not only that he had six fingers on each hand and each foot. He had almost like the body of a child. He looked like an enlarged fetus.

So if that had been a hoaxed video or if they were going to plant this video to confirm anything about the "popular alien reality," if they faked that alien, they would've made it look like a gray because that was what everybody was expecting to see.

And in fact, one of the reasons many so-called researchers - including Mike Lindemann - rejected this video, dismissing it as a hoax, was because it didn't show a gray alien! I mean people aren't even able to think! They rejected it because it didn't look like the gray alien. Well, that's one of the most compelling reasons that it is very likely real; the fact that it didn't look like a gray.

And of course everybody is so convinced that they must look like these little four fingered bugged-eyed half insect creatures that Whitley Strieber has promoted so that when the real thing is right there in front of them, they reject it because it doesn't look like Whitley's grays.

(J) It may have been almost like a test to see how well the project was going because what is the reason for releasing the autopsy video, except to make sure that everyone's conditioned toward the contemporary gray which seems to change with time.

(L) Okay, so where were we, ah yes, Whitley's ubiquitous grays. There really are some grays, but they may not look like Whitley's gray...are there grays that look exactly like Whitley's grays, real ones?

A: He missed the mark.
Q: Do they actually have, like, some place on the planet where these guys read science fiction books and get these really crazy theories and stories that they put together with sort of fiendish glee, and then convert them via computer into the programming code that gets beamed out into people's heads, while they sit there and just - you know - fall down on the floor laughing at what they have just done? I mean, is this possibly something that is going on [meaning in secret mind control experiments]?

A: Yes.

When I at first read this - I initially had a limited perspective: electronic
transfer, but when I pondered a little bit more....

There could be a lot of different levels of perspectives from
many different electronic/media/cosmic/unknown forms from
Newspapers, Books, Radio, Music, Videos, Cell-phones, satellites,
HAARP, space (cosmic) - the list is probably endless.

The simplest form could simply be verbal - one hears it as it enters
into the ears or more complex - beyond the hearing range of human
ears, and similarly to human eyes - what we see, and perhaps even
what we cannot see and then what about the other senses - vibarations
felt (or not felt) and picked up via nerve endings and so on?

I hope I am not being noisy here... just pondering the possibilities.

Interesting Laura & Dan;


Proposition: The STS have a facility where they beam signals out. Signals that can be received by some.


1) Then STS seem to have no qualms about using our own material against us? I mean that's damn sloppy work, using a book that has been printed at least four times. Perhaps it is better said that a lack of imagination leaves them little choice but to plagiarize in order to keep the stream flowing.

2) The idea of "Strieber's Grey" is an interesting case, interesting discussion about that. I add, could such a signal be received in the subconscious and/or the conscious, and could it be that the subconscious penetration of such a signal has an entirely different character demographically?

3) The idea that the material "channeled" is of a nature that speaks of deep understanding of our modern culture, begs a curious question. Did they grow up with us? Or are they simply very bright? Or have they pulled these cheesy hat tricks across millions of worlds, or something? My leaning is that if this Phoenix Journal thing is an example of the kind of capriciousness you mention Laura, it seems just too personal not to come from cynics grown right here on planet Earth.

I once saw the amazing Kreskin, many years ago. Part of his act was to write a number on a chalkboard that was turned away from the audience. We were then all asked to write down our guess as to what the number might be. In that audience, almost everyone wrote down the number 87, which turned out to be correct. My buddy though, wrote down an 81. Afterwards we discussed whether Kreskin had used an audio device to suggest the number in some way that made everyone in the room psychic that night. But we were forced to conclude that the suggestion was inserted VISUALLY into our minds. Reason: My friend was from Israel, where everyone writes their 7 digits with a cross on the shaft, like in Europe. Thus to him, 7 looked like 1.

potamus said:
Interesting Laura & Dan;


Proposition: The STS have a facility where they beam signals out. Signals that can be received by some.


1) Then STS seem to have no qualms about using our own material against us? I mean that's damn sloppy work, using a book that has been printed at least four times. Perhaps it is better said that a lack of imagination leaves them little choice but to plagiarize in order to keep the stream flowing.

2) The idea of "Strieber's Grey" is an interesting case, interesting discussion about that. I add, could such a signal be received in the subconscious and/or the conscious, and could it be that the subconscious penetration of such a signal has an entirely different character demographically?

3) The idea that the material "channeled" is of a nature that speaks of deep understanding of our modern culture, begs a curious question. Did they grow up with us? Or are they simply very bright? Or have they pulled these cheesy hat tricks across millions of worlds, or something? My leaning is that if this Phoenix Journal thing is an example of the kind of capriciousness you mention Laura, it seems just too personal not to come from cynics grown right here on planet Earth.

I once saw the amazing Kreskin, many years ago. Part of his act was to write a number on a chalkboard that was turned away from the audience. We were then all asked to write down our guess as to what the number might be. In that audience, almost everyone wrote down the number 87, which turned out to be correct. My buddy though, wrote down an 81. Afterwards we discussed whether Kreskin had used an audio device to suggest the number in some way that made everyone in the room psychic that night. But we were forced to conclude that the suggestion was inserted VISUALLY into our minds. Reason: My friend was from Israel, where everyone writes their 7 digits with a cross on the shaft, like in Europe. Thus to him, 7 looked like 1.


What comes to mind is a form of "subliminal programming"?

As I tried to explain, signals that come into our brain (via our senses) may not
be immediately understood (by our brain or whole body (chakras)?), due to our
limited knowledge awareness (of ourselves), and I hypothesize that somehow -
the signal received is embedded, can be dormant or active, and waiting for further
vector points. It is possible, that at some point, "trigger" signals may be sent for
activation (if they were dormant) for STS aims.

IMO, the PTB knows our (mechanical) body much more than we do and will
perhaps take full advantage of this for their purposes. It reminds me of the
"Evil Magician".

I believe the C's are fully aware of this, and has been helping sincere seekers
to prepare themselves against it, but one has to do the work for themselves,
(ie to understand the information given, and to apply it) in becoming more
objective, knowledgeable, and aware. Hence the motto:

"Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers"

What comes to mind for me is human sources. Laziness. Repeating what came before, or perhaps the very same writers, in the same job, years later, repeating themselves.

On TV I once saw a M*A*S*H episode from 1974:
Character 1: You look tired.
Character 2: What comes after tired?
Character 1: Dead.
Character 2: Now you're getting warm.

I also once saw an Eight is Enough episode from 1980:
Character 1: You look tired.
Character 2: What comes after tired?
Character 1: Dead.
Character 2: Now you're getting warm.

Hardly an award-winning joke, but it was almost certainly either the same writer or a plagiarist -- either way, it was lazy.
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