FDA cracks down on 'cancer cures'


The Cosmic Force
Nice of them to let us know which cures seem to be working before they ban them all

Tue June 17, 2008
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Food and Drug Administration is cracking down on teas, supplements, creams and other products that falsely claim to cure, treat or prevent cancer even though they are not agency-approved drugs. All are available for sale on the Internet.

The agency has sent 25 warning letters to companies and individuals marketing these products, FDA officials said Tuesday. Twenty-three of the letters went to domestic companies and two to foreign individuals.

FDA officials said the statements made about these products are dangerous because they could prevent a patient from seeking proper treatment for cancer. They could also harm a cancer patient by interacting with other drugs the patient is taking.

"FDA is very concerned that consumers will purchase these products on the Internet and use them instead of products that have been proven safe and effective," said Michael Levy, director of labeling the agency's new drug division.

The letters criticized unproven claims made about these products including the ability to "destroy the enzyme on DNA responsible for cancer cells," and the power to "neutralize" carcinogens. One product's Web site had a testimonial claiming it had cured a patient's skin cancer in three days, according to one of the letters.

The ingredients of these unproven treatments include bloodroot, shark cartilage, coral calcium, cesium, ellagic acid, and a variety of mushrooms among other products.

Officials said that if the warnings are not heeded, the agency could take action including seizure of the products and criminal prosecution.

"Health fraud has been around for years, and it is a cruel form of greed," said David Elder, director of the agency's enforcement office. "Fraud involving cancer treatments can be especially heartless."

Wow, that last line is laughable coming from the FDA. They even have melatonin, red clover,coral calcium, flax seed oil and green tea listed as fake 'cancer' cures consumers should avoid. What a spin against those healthy supplements.

Fake Cancer Cures

Warning Letters have been sent to 23 U.S. companies and two foreign individuals marketing a wide range of products fraudulently claiming to prevent and cure cancer, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today. The FDA also warns North American consumers against using or purchasing the products, which include tablets, teas, tonics, black salves, and creams, and are sold under various names on the Internet.

* FDA Press Release
* Warning Letters
* 125 Fake Cancer "Cures" Consumers Should Avoid
* Consumer Information: Beware of Online Cancer Fraud

Links for * items are at the fda gov link above.
Considering what we've learned so far about the FDA, I don't trust anything they say. They've got the nerve to attempt restriction of herbal cures and supplements after the fiasco over aspartame or the issue with mercury laden tooth fillings. I wonder how long it will take before enough people realize that they DO NOT have the publics best interest at heart. (What heart?)

Tina said:
Fake Cancer Cures

Warning Letters have been sent to 23 U.S. companies and two foreign individuals marketing a wide range of products fraudulently claiming to prevent and cure cancer, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration today. The FDA also warns North American consumers against using or purchasing the products, which include tablets, teas, tonics, black salves, and creams, and are sold under various names on the Internet.
I think the key word is 'fake' and 'fraud'. People (probably psychopaths) who sell these things are telling lies. They are claiming that these health supplements cure cancer and they are raking in the money by 'selling' false hope. They care about making a profit, not people's lives.

If they weren't profiting by their lies or using falsely misrepresenting a product, then it probably wouldn't matter.

On the one hand you have the corporation psychopathic entity, legally created, and on the other you have the individual psychopathic humana profiting from others misfortune and misery. And the only thing that protects individuals from either, is their ability to discern what a psychopath is and not to give them too much of anything (power, love nor money). Lovely planet we live on, isn't it? :)
And this is unbelievable:

Vitamin C About to be Made Illegal in Canada!


What if, just for taking vitamin C, you could be thrown in jail for up to 2 years and fined up to $5,000,000?

That scenario could very well soon become a reality in Canada. The Canadian Government is trying to pass a bill known as Bill C51. According to some interpretations of the bill, it would remove all supplements from over-the-counter availability, by only allowing MD’s to prescribe them as they see fit.

This would mean that if you wanted to take a multivitamin, you would have to book an appointment with your doctor and try to convince your doctor that you are in need of these supplements. If your doctor decides a certain drug would be better for you, then you won't have access to your supplements anymore.

Consequences of the bill could include:

* No more supplement stores
* Supplements made illegal unless obtained through a prescription; 70 percent of all current supplements on the market could be removed
* Fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or 2 years in jail per incident of being caught breaking this law

[...] Read more at http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/06/19/vitamin-c-about-to-be-made-illegal-in-canada.aspx?source=nl
Ruth said:
They are claiming that these health supplements cure cancer and they are raking in the money by 'selling' false hope. They care about making a profit, not people's lives.
On the other hand enough sources does not fall into this category. There are resources that offer information in a responsible way and its unfair if they eventually get labeled by the FDA. Probably the next step will be law that will ban them all, and then we will be in big trouble...

We have to keep in mind that is BigPharma who is nearly the most profitable business and who knows what they can do and influence to keep their profits rising...

I guess the best place to start would be here: :shock:


Not exactly light reading, but at least its in two languages.
I just returned from the funeral of my sister-in-law from cancer. I mean I just returned from the funeral of my sister-in-law from cancer treatments.

After she had treatments for over eighteen years for a slow growing liver cancer, she received a liver transplant with "new" cancer drugs to treat the non-cancerous new liver. She soon developed lung cancer. Last week the doctor told her that she was going to die.

My brother said that it was amazing how she seemed to grow worse as soon as she heard those words.

Oh, but wait, the best is yet to come. A few days later the same doctor learned about a new drug that he hadn't tried yet. Unfortunately for him, she died before he could rake in any more money with his "new" cancer drug.

She weighed 67 pounds when she died.

Almost her entire family has slow growing cancerous tumors, but they're all still alive. My sister-in-law was the only one "fortunate" enough to receive all the latest treatments.
Tina's Article said:
"Health fraud has been around for years, and it is a cruel form of greed," said David Elder, director of the agency's enforcement office. "Fraud involving cancer treatments can be especially heartless."
Hmmm, This quote triggers a few random thoughts, most notably how this quote could/should be describing the FDA and BIG PHARMA and potentially the Cancer Society(s) and or products that the Cancer society endorse.

a) Big Pharma is getting greedy(er) and looking at the $$ that do not fall into their nets. "health fraud" is a great rouse to put a stop to the growing trend of "losing" money to small health supplement companies.

b) What ever happened to the freedom to choose what treatments are right for you. (it seems the Gov and Big Pharma will do the choosing for you) I thought of all people, Americans would challenge this idea, since they think it is wrong to have Federal Health care.

c) What ever happened to the "faith" in free market enterprise? if a company is making a bad product, eventually that company will go out of business. Why the need for FDA regulations and injunctions on small supplement companies with loyal and happy customers?

d)Generally, taking supplements, declares that a person WANTS to take control over his/her body and health. To me this implies an active decision about one's health and one's body. This indicates a healthy mind, that can work and make critical DECISIONS, which IS REALLY WHAT BIG PHARMA AND THE GOV ARE WORRIED ABOUT.

e) Cancer has (as far I have have been told) yet to cured. As David Elder, speaks of the Supplement companies selling false hope, I would assert that there are many people making money off of the cancer industry, and MANY of them are BIG PHARMA and MANY are selling false hope. In fact even White Knights such as the Cancer Society(s), are Dodgy at best when it comes to just exactly how altruistic they are. natural news
navegante said:
And this is unbelievable:

Vitamin C About to be Made Illegal in Canada!


What if, just for taking vitamin C, you could be thrown in jail for up to 2 years and fined up to $5,000,000?

That scenario could very well soon become a reality in Canada. The Canadian Government is trying to pass a bill known as Bill C51. According to some interpretations of the bill, it would remove all supplements from over-the-counter availability, by only allowing MD’s to prescribe them as they see fit.

This would mean that if you wanted to take a multivitamin, you would have to book an appointment with your doctor and try to convince your doctor that you are in need of these supplements. If your doctor decides a certain drug would be better for you, then you won't have access to your supplements anymore.

Consequences of the bill could include:

* No more supplement stores
* Supplements made illegal unless obtained through a prescription; 70 percent of all current supplements on the market could be removed
* Fines of up to $5,000,000.00 and/or 2 years in jail per incident of being caught breaking this law

[...] Read more at http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/06/19/vitamin-c-about-to-be-made-illegal-in-canada.aspx?source=nl
Scary. ...

These sites below can perhaps be like little butterfly wings flapping to stop this outrageously fascist bill...



And yet, there is still bill C52...

It's no wonder why so many people have DID in this world...
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