Tina Resch - From Poltergeist to Murder


FOTCM Member
This is really a sad case:

Bizarre Poltergeist: In Jail for Murder

© Jill Stefko
May 9, 2005

In 1986, I first read about Tina Resch, 14, a human poltergeist agent, HAP. The case is of exceptional interest because of the involvement of Dr. William G. Roll, a highly respected parapsychologist and poltergeist expert, who coined the term, recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, RSPK, for the HAP and because it explores the psychological and physical aspects of the HAP.

In March, 1984, typical HAP activity started in the Resch's home. Lights and clocks were affected. Objects moved by their own volition. Mike Harden and Fred Shannon, from the Columbus, OH Dispatch, visited the home. They observed objects move. Shannon took a photo of Tina, seated in a chair, while a telephone flew across her body.

An electrician examined the electrical system and found no scientific cause for the phenomena. Roll became involved in the case in March. So did James, the self appointed "Amazing," Randi and two scientists from Case Western University. The scientists were allowed in the house, but Randi, a stage magician, whom it was felt would add to the circus-like atmosphere was not. The scientists would not investigate without Randi.

Roll observed the movement of objects, as did others. He suggested Tina be tested by a neurologist for complex brain seizures. The result was that she did not have these, but, might have had mild Tourette's Syndrome.

Tina was asked to go to Roll's parapsychological laboratory in Georgia where she would have more physical tests, tests for PK, psychokinesis, the ability of the mind to affect the body and receive psychotherapy.

I wrote in my first article, "Poltergeists, the Reality, not the Movie," that there is a psychological profile for the HAP. Tina fit it.

Joan and John Resch, stern and strict, were her foster parents. Her mother deserted her when she was a baby.

Tina had a compulsion to express herself talking loudly. When told to be quiet, she remained loud and spouted obscenities. Before she was too big for Joan to deal with, the female slapped her across the face. Later, John would beat her for this behavior.

She was disruptive in class and was harassed by the other children. This led to home schooling. Because of the close parental contact, Tina's behavior escalated. Her privileges were taken away. When this failed, she was locked into her room or beaten. When Tina was given a psychological evaluation, it was discovered that she had a tendency to dissociate and also had poor depth perception. She felt extreme tension in her relationships and had an overwhelming need to express herself, but, when she did so, she was punished severely.

Her life had been full of other tragedies. When she was thirteen, her best friend was killed in a car accident. Her brother, Jack, molested her. She was bullied at school. She suffered John's beatings. She was forced to take Ritalin in the belief she was hyperactive. On March 1st, John attempted to beat her again. The RSPK began.

When she returned home from Durham, Tina felt unloved by the Resches, that they rejected her as her biological parents had and also that she was wrongly blamed for things that went wrong.

The Resches blamed Tina for the neighbors' reactions towards them that changed because of the activity. They were upset by the disruption of family life. Tina had not shown them the respect that they felt deserved.

In 1986, they decided to sell their house and told Tina she had to find another home. Tina's truancy made where she lived a court decision. She had two choices: going to a juvenile detention or live with James Bennett. Bennett told the court he and Tina had eloped. She supported this falsehood. They, subsequently, married.

Things worsened. Bennett was physically violent and she ran to live in a women's shelter. John Resch died in 1987. His mother died shortly after amd left Tina $5,000, which Bennett stole. She divorced him.

In 1988, Tina became pregnant by a man whose name she did not reveal. Her daughter, Amber, was born in that September. For the baby's sake, Tina married Larry Boyer. She had him arrested when he beat her into unconsciousness. She contacted Roll about this time and he suggested she stay with his wife and him.

When she lived with the Rolls, Tina was learning parenting skills and taking nursing and computer classes. The next year, she met David Herrin, divorced father of a three-year-old daughter. Things appeared to be going well for Tina. The couple would spend time at each others' homes.

On April 13th, 1992, Roll was informed Amber was dead.

In the prior week, Tina had discovered bruises on the child's body, but Herrin told her the toddler had fallen. Tina feared that if she took Amber to the hospital, the child would be taken away from her.

Tina had been visiting Jeanne Lagle, friend and therapist, when Herrin called to say he could not waken Amber. They took her to a hospital, where she died.

Upon examination, it was discovered that Amber had suffered physical injuries, some of which were old. There were internal injuries that indicated she was sodomized.

Tina and Herrin were arrested on April 15th for Amber's murder. Her story did not waver. Herrin's was erratic. He said he had never hit Amber, but saw Tina slap her and said that Tina must have hit the child too hard, and as result of this, she died later that day. He finally admitted he had sodomized the child twice and that he hit her during his final interview with the police.

The murder charge meant a possible death penalty for Tina. She was held in jail for two years before the trial. Her PD, public defender, did not make the effort to get her testimony or to find evidence to support her innocence. She was bullied by other inmates. The second time her PD contacted her, about two weeks before the trial, was to inform her that if she pled guilty, the judge would waive the death penalty.

Dr. Roll had contacted people who wanted to help Tina prove her innocence and advised her not to accept the plea bargain. He spoken with an attorney. What she was guilty of was not taking Amber to the hospital sooner. She had not been charged with premeditated murder. The evidence was circumstantial. She had previous record. Herrin had admitted sodomizing the child and to hitting her during the time frame when this could have been fatal. Tina was with others at the time of the incident and had witnesses. Herrin had been fired from his job on the day of the murder and was alone with Amber the day of her death.

Tina decided to plead guilty under the circumstances. October 24th, 1994, she was given life plus twenty years with no chance of parole.

When she was called to testify against Herrin, she was humiliated and vilified when her private life was revealed. He, the child molester, was charged with cruelty to children. His sentence? Twenty years, with possibility of early parole.
Is it possible that this poltergeist phenomenon case was a material expression of her inner suffering favorized by being at the age of puberty?
MKRNHR said:
Is it possible that this poltergeist phenomenon case was a material expression of her inner suffering favorized by being at the age of puberty?
I think this is an interesting idea. It comes while I am reading two works: C.G. Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy" and K. Dabrowski's "Multilevelness of Emotional and Instinctive Functions". Both books lead me to think that you are correct. Jung hypothesizes that fear of ghosts is actually a fear of the unconscious. He gives an example. Most people tend to project evil onto others. It is never they who are evil, it is always someone else. An example of this would be blaming a country's problems on "immigrants". However, when such individuals spend time alone, away from others on whom to project their own 'shadow' (the shadow being the predator, or those parts of ourselves that are mechanical and wholly selfish), these contents will be projected as nebulous external entities or 'ghosts'. (If spirit attachment is a real phenomenon, then this could mean that these elements of one's psyche get projected into an "externally visible" form.)

Dabrowski talks about different levels of consciousness which relate to emotional development. At the lowest level, there is no inner conflict. At the highest level inner conflict is completely conscious and takes place within the 'inner psychic milieu'. That is, the conflict is observed and resolved in one's mind. However, the first stage of 'disintegration' or inner conflict is unconscious. In a person without much self-awareness or capability for reflection, conflict is 'somatisized'. This means that the conflict gets transferred to the body because the mind is not equipped to deal with it. These would be "neuroses" of organs, hypochondrias, psychoses, etc. It's like the wiring gets overloaded and shunts the energy into the body or it shorts out. Dabrowski calls this type of conflict "unilevel disintegration" because good and evil are weighed equally. There is no "higher" way out. He writes:

Unilevel disintegration dissolves the cohesive structure of level I but does not produce any structure that would replace it. In consequence, instability and fluctuation of behaviors can easily, under external environmental or internal emotional stress, develop into severe mental disorders. The absence of an internal hierarchy and of a direction of development limits the individual’s capacity for reflection and for inner psychic transformation. Emotional tensions and conflicts, therefore, have to be converted into somatic processes or transposed into dreams and imagery which become populated with agencies and creations whose existence appears to be external to the individual. Thus we encounter here disorders on the border line of psychopathy and neuroses, psychosomatic disorders, hysterical conversion, flight into sickness, hypochondriasis, neurasthenia, phobias, perseverations and obsessions with stereotyped contents.
This is interesting, because in the sections on unilevel disintegration (level II in his system), he mentions several phenomena that correspond remarkably with all the problems Laura has written about in her encounters with various New Age systems. Here are just a few examples:

Imaginational Overexcitability - Level II

Productive and seemingly fertile creativity, primitive suggestibility (magic, witchcraft, spiritism), [see below for explanation of suggestibility] success in acting on stage but not as the highest and universal art. Unselective taste for fantasy and adventure stories. Occasionally intense visions of the future, egocentric fantasy (self-delusion) and anxiety states. Frequent dreams and daydreaming, interest in dream symbolism, especially sexual.
Suggestibility - Level II

Suggestibility has either a hysteric or hysteric-like character typified by excessive imitation of others, such as taking on the mannerisms and traits of others. It is an excessive susceptibility to variable suggestions, hence instability and capriciousness of behavior. It is manifested by changeability of opinion and fluctuation of moods. Intelligence is subservient to these switches, easily leading to justification of sudden likes or dislikes, or irritations and sudden loss of faith in others. Autosuggestibility often results in excessive self-admiration (especially in case of sensual overexcitability).
Views on Immortality - Level II

Immortality is taken to be the continuity through one’s progeny and living in their memory. There may occur sudden flashes of interest in life after death accompanied by fears of nonexistence, however, most often pushed away. There are occasional and short-lived fears of separation from others. The ideas of life after death presented by different religions are most often easily accepted.
Esthetic Experience - Level II

Hierarchical experiencing is manifested in search for “disintegration and decay” in art: breakdown of harmony without hierarchization; expression of pathological breakdown depicting special pathological symptoms and syndromes. This can be seen in that type of modern art which is preoccupied with fragmentation of faces, figures displacement of limbs and features, visual disorientation; as pathological anatomy and physiology depicted in art or film; as the art of the negative, delimited by typology and biological constitution (no transcending of one’s type). Rebellion against norms and harmony with concentration on abnormality. Contrasts of the positive and the negative of equal strength and equal attraction (ambitendencies); equipotential of good and evil (“heaven and hell burn with the same fire”).
This brings to mind various "Black Magic" groups like LaVey's Satanism, Crowley's "Enochian" Magick, etc. It can be called "religious rebellion for the sake of rebellion", but it is just as evil.

Intuition - Level II

Beginnings of primitive intuition. Intuitive feelings are most often a matter of chance. One encounters apparent intuitions, intuitions of primitive suggestions and of self-suggestion, such as for instance guessing the thoughts of people with whom one has an emotional contact, superstitions and charms associated with cats or non-living objects, the moon, numerology, etc. Relationships with other people are often based on such, usually untested, hunches and “intuitions”, which are followed and half the time rewarded with failure. On the substratum of such apparent intuitions develops primitive magic.
He seems to be describing many New Agers who accept everything uncritically.

Daydreaming - Level II

Although the understanding of reality is already different from primary integration, the fantasies and reveries are still very primitive. Sensuality plays a great role in shaping the content of fantasy. Waking dreams occur as a function of strong emotional states and certain psychoneurotic disorders (e.g. hysteria, psychoneurotic infantilism). One of the characteristic features of unilevel reverie is the [/i]variability in shifting from tangible reality to ill-defined magical dreams.[/i] This is very much like child’s daydreams with their typical shifting of themes and directions.
Magic - Level II

Partial inhibition of primitive magic. Breakdown of physical magic and partially of the magic of external ritual. Clearly observable struggle and vacillation of magic forces of higher and lower levels. Interests and suggestibility associated with telepathy, ESP, palmistry, and other psychic phenomena without differentiating their value and significance for personal development, hence dependence on uncertain and unverified authorities. Ambivalences and ambitendencies with respect to previous, magical attitudes cause periodical diminution of attraction to primitive forms of magic. Manifestations of magical thinking similar to that of children: fairy tales, fantasy, animism.
Religious Attitude - Level II

Beginnings of experiencing and adopting an immanent attitude. Some degree of respect for divinity. Fluctuation of feelings toward gods or one god manifested in atheistic and personalistic attitudes. Variable attitudes of fear, self abasement and subordination alternating with periods of self confidence. The emotional attitude toward a god of good and a god of evil is not elaborated and, therefore, inconsistent and unstable. The conceptions of immanence and transcendence are vague because a superficial external attitude toward a god prevails, hence attraction toward religious ceremony and ritual.
This can be seen in the groups of "magickians" who worship and fear figures like "Set". They cannot discern the higher from the lower and end up worshiping creatures that would give Yahweh a run for his money.

So, it seems to me that unilevel disturbances (which characterize puberty) will easily be transferred into pathological states (e.g. "possession", psychosis, schizophrenia), bodily neuroses, and even projected into the external environment in the form of poltergeist activity, hauntings, etc. Such individuals will often be fascinated with parapsychological material, but will show no ability to separate the wheat from the chaff. They cannot discern an STO impulse from an STS one, and we end up with unilevel religions like Wicca, Satanism, Magick, etc. They will be fascinated, even obsessed, with "higher" beings external to themselves, but will often accept any contact, whether STO or STS. Again, they lack the ability to discern "higher" and "lower" level sources. Because there are no "seeds" of development within them, they cannot recognize developmental applications of esoteric ideas. Channeling will strictly be "contact with higher entities" and will have no elements of self-transformation or self-knowledge.
hkoehli said:
Jung hypothesizes that fear of ghosts is actually a fear of the unconscious.... Most people tend to project evil onto others. It is never they who are evil, it is always someone else.... However, when such individuals spend time alone, away from others on whom to project their own 'shadow' (the shadow being the predator, or those parts of ourselves that are mechanical and wholly selfish), these contents will be projected as nebulous external entities or 'ghosts'....
Fascinating. I had direct experience of this phenomenon within my own family, although neither adolescents nor "ghosts" were involved:

My mother is a diagnosed Malignant Narcissist, who has spent her entire life blaming others for all of her problems, and with extraordinary tenacity refuses to accept culpability for ANYTHING, despite a long history of extremely irresponsible parenting, among other toxic behaviours. She always ensured that she had ongoing sources of "narcissistic supply" via extremely manipulative relationships, and until she was in her late 50s had avoided EVER living alone. When my younger brother unexpectedly left home, leaving her on her own for the first time in her life, she quickly developed a bizarre psychotic break: At least three times a week, during the night she would "hear" the couple next door fighting, the husband beating his wife, and the wife screaming for help. In great distress, she would phone the police, who of course never found any evidence of such an altercation. Finally the cops figured out that my mother was looney, and I had to go and live with her for a period of time, get her psychiatric attention, meds, etc, in order to help her avoid getting evicted from her apartment. The symptoms quickly cleared up once she had a person living with her again, upon whom she could project her inner conflicts....

hkoehli said:
....However, the first stage of 'disintegration' or inner conflict is unconscious. In a person without much self-awareness or capability for reflection, conflict is 'somatisized'. This means that the conflict gets transferred to the body because the mind is not equipped to deal with it. These would be "neuroses" of organs, hypochondrias, psychoses, etc. It's like the wiring gets overloaded and shunts the energy into the body or it shorts out....
When my mother discovered that I would not provide her with the "narcissistic supply" and emotional scapegoat that she required in order to escape her "shadow", she quickly developed a strange physical "symptom" that specialist after specialist was unable to find any cause for: She routinely became violently nauseous within half an hour of any meal that she ate, and would vomit all of her stomach contents. As a result she became extremely thin, which she was very happy about because she had finally regained her "girlish figure". Within two weeks of obtaining a new "boyfriend" (i.e. fresh narcissistic supply), her physical symptom miraculously vanished, never to appear again.

However, after a few months this new boyfriend failed to live up to her expectations, and she dumped him. Within weeks she was diagnosed with a cancerous spot on her lung and had to have it removed. Once she was proclaimed cancer-free and left to recuperate at home on her own, without the constant attention of doctors and nurses, she quickly developed another unexplainable/undiagnosable physical "symptom" -- excruciating chest pain that required her to be rushed to the emergency department a couple of times a week. Eventually she met her next "boyfriend" while in the hospital, after which that mysterious symptom also disappeared.

I have no doubt that my mother will find a way to avoid her "shadow", one way or another, for the rest of her life. Sooner or later the "boyfriends" will dry up and she will find herself "alone" again, at which time we fully expect her to be institutionalized with a severe mental disorder.
hkoehli said:
I think this is an interesting idea. It comes while I am reading two works: C.G. Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy" and K. Dabrowski's "Multilevelness of Emotional and Instinctive Functions". Both books lead me to think that you are correct. Jung hypothesizes that fear of ghosts is actually a fear of the unconscious. He gives an example. Most people tend to project evil onto others. It is never they who are evil, it is always someone else. An example of this would be blaming a country's problems on "immigrants". However, when such individuals spend time alone, away from others on whom to project their own 'shadow' (the shadow being the predator, or those parts of ourselves that are mechanical and wholly selfish), these contents will be projected as nebulous external entities or 'ghosts'. (If spirit attachment is a real phenomenon, then this could mean that these elements of one's psyche get projected into an "externally visible" form.)
Exactly the point I just made in the "ouija video" thread. Any kind of spiritual "tool" such as a board, is just a mirror of what is inside the person. It strikes me that the entire "new age community" with its attitude and declarations about "ouija boards" is projecting wildly and not facing its own darkness.

But then, we knew that already, didn't we?
In March, 1984, typical HAP activity started in the Resch's home. Lights and clocks were affected. Objects moved by their own volition. Mike Harden and Fred Shannon, from the Columbus, OH Dispatch, visited the home. They observed objects move. Shannon took a photo of Tina, seated in a chair, while a telephone flew across her body.
I wonder if some people can just control things with their minds? And this is never properly investigated because they are just..... "looneys" with problems.... or what ever.

It could mean that the person manifesting poltergeist activity is some kind of genetic 'freak' or throwback with a conection to something else. Well, maybe. This is an example of the power of the mind which seems to end up a complete mystery.
Ruth said:
I wonder if some people can just control things with their minds? And this is never properly investigated because they are just..... "looneys" with problems.... or what ever.
Some people like yogis are said to be such powers. Conscisous power may be weaker then incounscious one though, just like mentaly perturbed persons who show extraordinary physical power. In my very humble opinion, mastering these kind of telekinesitical powers is a waste of time in a spiritual quest. I mean, the goal is not to master matter, matter doesn't matter after all :) , all is about the soul no? So I think..
hkoehli said:
I think this is an interesting idea. It comes while I am reading two works: C.G. Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy" and K. Dabrowski's "Multilevelness of Emotional and Instinctive Functions". Both books lead me to think that you are correct. Jung hypothesizes that fear of ghosts is actually a fear of the unconscious.
There used to be a video from one of the forum post here but the video was removed from youtube that portrayed one of the famous case of Poltergeist in England, The Enfield poltergeist case.

The family in the Enfield case consisted of a mother, two daughters, and two sons; Margaret aged 12, a younger sister Janet 11, Johnny aged 10 and Billy aged 7. Billy had a speech impediment. Johnny featured only marginally in the inexplicable events, at least 26 of which the investigators considered could not be accounted for by fraud. These included movement of small and large objects, interference with bedclothes, pools of water on the floor, apparitions, physical assaults, graffiti, equipment malfunction and failure, spontaneous combustion, disappearance and reappearance of objects, and apparent levitations.

Among other alleged phenomena they witnessed was one of the children speaking using her false cords for hours on end (which is believed to be medically impossible), while she was apparently possessed by another entity. When speaking with the false cords she said she was "Bill" who had died in the house. Recordings were made of these occurrences. After the BBC went to the house the recording crew found the metal inside recording machines bent, and recordings erased.

However, further investigations by Anita Gregory and John Beloff, also from the SPR were not so positive. They spent a few days with the family and came to the conclusion that the children had faked the poltergeist activity after they found them bending spoons themselves. One of the children (Janet) admitted to Gregory that they had fabricated some of the occurrences. This admission was repeated on the ITV News (12 June 1980) when she stated: "Oh yeah, once or twice [we faked phenomena], just to see if Mr Grosse and Mr Playfair would catch us. And they always did."
I am sure they are plenty of such examples of youg persons involved with poltergeist cases.

While looking for poltergeist video, I found one where you can see different poltergeist activites, one involving a woman, another one a Medium in trance and the last part is just a recorded video of poltergeist activity without anyone around (at around 4 :20).


I was wondering about how such kind of activities (if genuine, of course) can occur if no one is around, if we take the theory that poltergeist activities are mainly "projections".
Maybe there are categorized as poltergeist but are totally something else then ?
MKRNHR said:
Some people like yogis are said to be such powers. Conscisous power may be weaker then incounscious one though, just like mentaly perturbed persons who show extraordinary physical power. In my very humble opinion, mastering these kind of telekinesitical powers is a waste of time in a spiritual quest. I mean, the goal is not to master matter, matter doesn't matter after all :) , all is about the soul no? So I think..
Indeed, it may be a waste of time to 'master' such skills, but perhaps not a waste of time to study them?

Although, I strongly suspect that the PTB have already beaten any interested parties to post on that one, with all their 'spook' programs (psychic espionage) that nobody is supposed to know about. I mean, you can understand how certain people might be interested in this thing as a weapon? Truly a can of worms, if you ask me.

I think I remember reading something somewhere about Uri Geller and the type of energy he was manifesting to manipulate and change the shape of metal. It was said to be (by the person describing it) as a type of 'cold and mechanical' energy. Not the energy of 'life', but I don't remember who said it. I think I also read that Mr Geller was some how involved in these psychic espionage programs, and that he claimed to have been involved with bringing down the Berlin Wall although how one would do that with the mind is a bit of a mystery. Must have been a long term project.

Found this, but it does relate to things that were going on over 20 years ago.
Tigersoap said:
I was wondering about how such kind of activities (if genuine, of course) can occur if no one is around, if we take the theory that poltergeist activities are mainly "projections".
Maybe there are categorized as poltergeist but are totally something else then ?
Sorry to be anwsering my own question and to divert the thread (*shame*) but I got my answer in searching the transcripts of course :

S 941107 said:
Q: (L) Is a ghost or haunting just an image imprinted in space/time?
A: Sometimes.
Q: (L) Are there some cases where the actual spirit of the person hangs around causing phenomena?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can they do this for untold centuries?
A: Yes because there is no time.
S 960113 said:
Q: (P) How could I be used to monitor personnel when I never noticed anything as being unusual?
A: Very complex, in fact, parallel subject. P is "locator probe" for the purpose of monitoring those in her
midst. Telling is not important, reading is. Besides, most of the work performed did not involve conscious
Q: Is this still going on?
A: Partly, but also, P could be used as a probe to monitor all events taking place at JPL and other
laboratories by examining aural imprints of her husband and others with whom she was acquainted. All events
leave permanent imprints upon aural energy fields. This explains, for example, some sightings and apparitions.
"Ghosts" are sometimes merely spontaneous activations of the aural records of the natural surroundings.
Ruth said:
Found this, but it does relate to things that were going on over 20 years ago.
Don’t know how relevant this is to the above but there is a state of mind that the Japanese samurai would achieve where they would be able to (consciously) become part of the mind of their adversary and know intuitively what their adversary was going to do before they did it. As I understand it this is not ‘mind reading’ in the sense of reading another’s thoughts but it's about literally entering their opponents minds and ‘living their thoughts,’ thus intuitively knowing their opponents actions before they act, since before any thought is initiated in action it is first ‘lived’ in the mind. They call this ‘pure’ state of mind a state of Muga or ‘egolessness’ ,

Muga - Egolessness or selflessness.
Muga no kyochi - Concentrating while maintaining an awareness
Muga mucha - Total immersion in an activity with no awarness of outside
Muga mushin- Maintain composed posture under stress (attack)
Ruth said:
Indeed, it may be a waste of time to 'master' such skills, but perhaps not a waste of time to study them?
Totally agree.
It may alos be utilized as a mean for a finer awareness rather then a goal. Don't really know..
kenlee said:
Don’t know how relevant this is to the above but there is a state of mind that the Japanese samurai would achieve where they would be able to (consciously) become part of the mind of their adversary and know intuitively what their adversary was going to do before they did it.
I can't help wondering if this 'ability' (it might be quite natural for people and only has to be recognised and trained) couldn't be used between people who are not 'enemies'. I suppose this might have something to do with the nature of the samurai's 'job' though. Originally mercenaries, then a political force and rulling class, then courtiers. It would have definately added to their mystique, though.

According to this website, samurai were supposed to be literate and cultured as well as well versed in the military arts.
They have an interesting ancient quote: "The pen and the sword in accord".
Ruth said:
I can't help wondering if this 'ability' (it might be quite natural for people and only has to be recognised and trained) couldn't be used between people who are not 'enemies'. I suppose this might have something to do with the nature of the samurai's 'job' though. Originally mercenaries, then a political force and rulling class, then courtiers. It would have definately added to their mystique, though.
Yes, it might depend on one's level of awareness, knowledge and developed intuitiveness (Muga). I would think that intent is an important factor as well since one can use a hammer in either creative or destructive ways. Also, perhaps, one with egotistical intent and wishful thinking will have more difficulty 'intuiting' the mind of one who has less egotistical intent (but not the other way around).

Thanks very much for the link and the quote. Very interesting.
I thought I'd revive this old thread...

I just finished up reading the book Unleashed Of Poltergeists and Murder: The Curious Story of Tina Resch by William Roll and Valerie Storey. It is a very interesting but sad story. I have little doubt that Tina had some genuine ability to manifest RSPK or "Recurrent Spontaneous Psycho Kinesis" as Roll describes it.

In general, I agree with what is described here about the psychological causes of Tina's RSPK, but I think the devil is in the details too. Here are several points the book brings up:

1.) Tina's mother, father and one adopted sibiling were abusive to her. She suffered regular beatings for acting out, sexual molestation by a brother, being locked in a basement room for hours, denied access to activities outside the home, and generally put under impossible demands by her parents. There was clearly a lot of psychic tension built up inside of her to say the least. Her family life would probably qualify as one of the most extreme cases of family narcissism that I've ever read.

2.) The manifestation of flying objects usually happened after periods when Tina had gone through some emotional turmoil. In one situation, her father, aiming to beat her, chased her in a circle around the house several times before Tina got hold of a knife and brandished it in front of him, forcing him to give up the beating and end the chase. The next day all sorts of objects began flying through the air, but the majority of those objects were located along the circular path where the chase had occurred the previous day. It was as if her emotions could build up a certain charge in objects that would later 'discharge' at a later time.

3.) A neurology exam requested by Roll revealed that Tina suffered from intermittent facial tics. Based on this, and Tina's history of verbal abusiveness with her mother and teachers, they suspected she suffered a mild form of Tourettes syndrome. However, she had never previously been diagnosed with this and her mother simply thought she was a rotten child. Interestingly, Tina's RSPK rarely manifested during times when she was outside of the home away from her mother and father, and when it did, it was usually due to her thinking about her parents in some emotional way. Episodes of Tourettes in adolescents are often diminished when they are outside of the home in a new environment; the same was true with Tina and her RSPK ability.

The neurologist who examined her also suspected Tina might have a lesion along the left side of her brainstem based on the frequent twitching of her left eyelid and a lower sensitivity to pain on the left side of her face. Roll suspects that this brainstem abnormality may have been part of the RSPK equation too, causing certain nerve impulses to get redirected outside of the body and into physical objects.

But the one I find most interesting is:

4.) Solar activity, which seemed to act as another trigger for strong manifestations of RSPK.

[quote author=Unleashed]...Beginning on March 1, 1984, and lasting for the three days that followed, a magnetic storm had swept through the earth's atmosphere. Tina's RSPK began March 2. The first incidents were malfunctions of the baby's heart monitor and other electrical installations in the house. Tina's confrontation with her father the night before may have been unleashed by the same powerful forces [...]

The human body is immerses in the earth's magnetic field and the brain is sensitive to changes in this field. The disturbances are associated with sunspots, dark areas on the sun that seem to hinder ESP, they can be the spark that starts the RSPK engine. When [Michael] Persinger [a renowned neuropsychologist at Laurentine University in Ontario] examined the timing of the occurrences around Tina, he found that they began during an upswing of geomagnetic disturbances.

Persinger's discovery was not unexpected. I had previously studied all the published RSPK cases I could find where evidence for RSPK seemed strong and where the dates of onset were reported. Of the thirty onset dates, twenty-two were during heightened magnetic disturbances. The likelihood that this arose by chance was three in one hundred.

So in addition to her inner suffering and the fact that she was going through puberty, I found these above points noteworthy as well. This RSPK ability of hers manifested well beyond puberty too. Roll recounts several episodes of RSPK when Tina was around 20 yrs old after she had become a mom.

It's interesting that AI mentions Jung's idea of the "Shadow", or the predator's mind as we often refer to it on this forum. There were several instances in the book where people in the Resch household claim to see some shadowy figure walking about the home. I have to wonder if this was some sort of spirit attachment to Tina that was projected out into the environment by Tina's unique psychic configuration and amplified by other environmental factors. Tina often claimed to experience seeing apparitions of her best friend Tina Story, a girl who died shortly before her RSPK ability began to manifest. Tina describes these encounters in the book in true schizophrenic form. Although Tina never felt that she was possessed or felt that the house was haunted, she wondered if Tina Scott's death had something to do with the strange occurrences.

ADDED: I also wanted to say that the description by witnesses who interacted with Tina during this period also noted incredible screeching sounds on the telephone that would disrupt conversations in an almost intelligent manner; this being very similar to the phone phenomena that John Keel describes in The Mothman Prophecies. Televisions and radios would turn on even when they were unplugged in the Resch household too. Odd explosions were heard where there was no apparent source. Roll even observed Tina pop a joint in her finger and it sounded like an electric buzzing sound. So it seems her abilities (if they were totally 'hers'), weren't just limited to moving and throwing objects around the house; she was quite talented in the electrical sense too.

The Death of Tina's daughter, Amber, and her treatment by the authorities is a real doozy of a case in dealing with a pathocratic system. With all the obstacles Tina encountered in her life, one wonders if 4D elements didn't want to see her destroyed. Some people are just unlucky, but Tina seemed born to suffer in so many diverse ways that it boggles the mind.
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