
Using a technique called RS (reverse speech), Ken Welch has decoded when the Bush administration plans to nuke the Houston area. It has already been pre-determined that Iran will be the culprit. Why Easter? Well, what better day for the Satanists to choose if they want to mock us all.

See the link:

Mr. Watkins & Congressman Paul, I'm putting my brief remarks and suggestions for you and Texas City below your important email exchange. I note for our many international readers that Congressman Paul's District 14 contains part of Texas City, while Congressman Tom Delay's District 22 contains the other part. CPTMAY

Government Propaganda <> wrote:
From: "Government Propaganda" <>
To: "Paul, Rep." <>
CC: "Stan Norred" <>,
"Eric May" <>,
"Danny Murphy" <>,
"Greg Szymanski" <>,
"TJ Aulds" <>
Subject: Re:
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:26:12 -0600

Congressman Paul,

Can you look into the possibility of this being true. At (right now as of 8pm 3/27 is down due to exceeding bandwidth), he says there is a nuclear devise on a ship perhaps docked in Galveston or Texas City. He says its been docked there since January. He says it going to be detonated on Easter weekend. Please look into this. You must know someone in the Coast Guard, FBI, CIA, etc who is not corrupt. I don't know if you have heard the info about the previous prediction back in January.

I tried to get a call to you but your screeners just brushed me off. This is serious and if in fact if it is carried out, tens of thousands will die. I went to the PD here in Texas City with the info back in January. I guess it caused quite a stir. They were on the Island setting up Radiation detectors the day before it was to happen. We as citizens are completely in the dark and are surrounded by wolves in sheep's clothing as you know.

Please do not brush this off a someone who is a nut. With all that is coming down on Bush and his cabal, something IS going to happen, it's just a matter or where and when.

I would consider it a pleasure if we could speak face to face when your in Galveston or via phone.

Jon Watkins
Texas City

----- Original Message -----
From: Paul, Rep.
To: ''
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 4:25 PM

Dear Mr. Watkins:

Thank you for contacting my office regarding your dissatisfaction with the current direction of the government. As you may know, I have been speaking out against the unnecessary and unconstitutional Iraq war since it was first revealed that plans where being made to go to war with Iraq. I have also spoken out against the waste of taxpayer funds on the war, since that money would be better spent to improve the lives of the American people than on war.

As a member of the House Committee on International Relations, I will continue to work to expose the fallacies behind the arguments for war and combat those who would spend American blood and treasure on their misguided visions of empire. I will also continue to fight against expansion of the PATRIOT Act and all schemes to restrict individual liberty and expand the police state.

Thank you once again for contacting my office. Please feel free to do so in the future with any other questions, comments, or suggestions.

Ron Paul

Confirmation # 1150941
I cannot guarantee the integrity of the text of this letter if it was not sent to you directly from my Congressional Email Account: If you have any questions about the validity of this message, please email me at: or call my Washington, DC office at: (202) 225-2831.
Dear Mr. Watkins,

I believe it's time for Texas City to have a town meeting about all this. I note here that The Daily News has resisted investigation and analysis of the situation at all points -- except for the one story TJ Aulds ran to assert several times that everything was fine, because the federal authorities I said were setting the town up all said everything was fine.

You and others have my notes and credentials, and that means you know a lot more about me my work than your newspaper. Editors Heber Taylor and TJ Aulds both refused to view my notes (as did the FBI). Aulds claimed that he had talked extensively to both military and civilian authorities who couldn't identify me as a captain with a military intelligence background -- I sent him articles and essays from the Houston Chronicle and Post all about it, but he made no reply or acknowledgement. Reporter Scott Williams talked to me for a quarter hour after Aulds and Heber dodged -- and seemed to be getting coaching from agents as we spoke, since the only thing he was interested in was getting information about my lawyer.

I am still running the Texas City Inquest, accessible, along with Aulds' cover-up story and Szymanski's four investigatve stories (started before, ended after Aulds') and my interview with Lenny Bloom.

To put the cover-up in perspective, look at it this way: By Aulds' own admission, I spent weeks generating a tremendous internet public affairs effort to warn Texas City that it would be nuked on Jan. 31, 2006 -- and the day after my prediction, "day after" nuke forces coincidentally turn up in Texas City! According to Aulds, the bottom line is that there is no story because Texas City didn't get nuked!

Look at it this way: Suppose I had warned you and your family that someone was going to come and murder you in your home on Jan. 31, 2006. The day of Jan. 31 came and went, and the next morning you woke up cussing me for wasting your time, having slept lightly and little. You step outside your door to go to work on Feb. 1, 2006 and find an armed stranger prowling around your street.

Mr. Watkins, would you at this point say that the armed stranger prowling around your street had nothing to do with the prediction of your danger, or would you call the cops and make a report at the very least? Common sense says that you would make the report.

Why, then, would Taylor, Aulds and Williams be working so hard not to report?

I think this is what you need to have a town meeting about. Your newspaper editors and reporters are setting you up. They're working for the armed stranger, not your family.

Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
The latest in the coded war game of terror regarding the next 9112B:


This document is part of the Texas City Inquest on the Nuclear 911

I'm letting the rest of Ghost Troop and the infowar allies (our readers) catch up with my view of the current warnings going around the internet of an impending Nuclear 911, so they're reading along.

Keep looking in on the Sears Tower scenario for 6/6/06 (666). Many Ghost Troops and Ghost Troop readers are showing a knack for decoding the embedded code now, and there are a slew of good reads under the search phrase "Sears Tower 666." There are several fine articles on it in the internet, although I think my insight is unique in the linkage between the Sears Tower and Texas City.

Texas City 416 / Sears Tower 666

For those not familiar with my Texas City Inquest into the highly suspicious appearance of government nuclear forces in the Texas City area just when Ghost Troop had predicted for two weeks that they would be there, we have archived our results at The articles in both the mainstream and alternative media are linked directly below my military photo.

I believe the Sears Tower may well be the Bush back-up target behind Texas City. The current warnings around the internet that Texas City is an Easter Sunday target are making a very good point that the date, 4/16/2006, will be the 60th anniversary of the Texas City Explosion of 1946. It could well be that, just as there was a reported attempt to set up the Sears Tower back on 4/19/2004 -- coming just twenty days after Ghost Troop broke up the 3/30/2004 attempt, there may well be a Sears Tower 666 set up for the Towers as the back-up to Texas City, in the event that Texas City is not nuked on 4/16.

Incidentally, the date 4/16 (Easter Sunday) is interesting because it sums to 11, and because it contains the same numbers as the 164 in the fireman's hat in the famous (staged) picture of Bush in the rubble of the Twin Towers.

It's also interesting because 4/16 (this year) is the same number as the 4/19 (2004) attempt reported on the Sears Tower -- if you "flip the 9 into a 6, which is a numerological trick, called the "rotational six."

Finally, it's also interesting because if we take the 4/16 as a 4+1+6 (an 11), then we have an interesting result when we add in the "6" of the year: 11/6. Again, the "rotational 6" that can flip to be a "9," giving us 11/9 -- a reverse 9/11!

Folks laugh about the number games until they reflect that the most recent 9/11 reversals on the calendar were the Jordon bombings of 11/9 and the Bin Ladin threat tape of 1/19. The Illuminati work behind the scenes, and the Ignorati tell themselves that it just can't be so!

The Library Tower & Sears Tower

The only other specific target that comes to mind is the former Library Tower, the second of the two towers blown up in the movie Independence Day. You'll remember this as the building Bush incorrectly referred to as the "Liberty Tower" on Feb. 9, 2006.

After Ghost Troop stopped Bush from nuking Texas City on Jan. 31, was the Bush mention of the Library Target a designation of it as the secondary target. At the time I thought it more likely a reactivation of another "tower scenario," but I don't know. What I do know is that clearly the target of all targets that they've done the best has been the Twin Towers, as the official lie has held well, given the media reinforcement. It's not a stretch to think that they'd switch to a tower if they can't hit Texas City (which "Texas George" was supposed to deliver but couldn't).

By the way, both the Library Tower and the Sears Tower are targets mentioned by the Al-CIA-Duh government and the Al-Judah media in one official report, release or leak after another, all embedded as if it were true by the embedded media. The traitor media has to set it all up, that's their job. They're a key partner in the collective treason that Ghost Troop calls infowar. Without them creating and shoring up lies, the public would know the truth, and would overthrow the treason that we're going to be mass-murdered into starting World War Three.

They even went so far as to publish another set of articles warming up the whole scenario Sears Tower secondary target scenario on 3/30/2004 -- the day we know that Ghost Troop caused the local Houston Media and Police Posse to shut down the attempt to nuke Texas City then, in connection with the big British Petroleum explosion of that day. You see, the media had switched to publishing the material that very day to rationalize the setting up of the Sears Tower -- another strong argument that the Sears Tower has been the secondary target, after the Texas City primary.

Oh, don't let me forget to mention the fact that Larry Silverstein, who purchased the Twin Towers just before they were demolished purchased the Sears Tower on the day of the Madrid Bombing, 3/11/2004. Everyone knows by now that there were exactly 911 days from 9/11/2001 and 3/11/2004. More cult games -- they can't work their hidden agenda without their codes, it's that simple. That's why they've even got the zip code for Sears Tower coded: 60606 (for 666).

Summary of Texas City 416 /Sear Tower 666 summary

Let's take it from the top:

On 3/11/2004, Madrid is set up; the same day, "Lucky Larry" Silverstein, who made money on 911, buy the Sears Tower.

On 3/30/2004 there is an aborted attempt at a Nuclear 911 in Texas City, which turns into a British Petroleum explosion; the same day the government/media establishment begins to rev up the story that Al-Qaida meant to blow up the Sears Tower.

On 4/19/2004 there are reports that an attempt by the Establishment to attack the Sears Tower has been stopped by effective internet analysis and warning -- the same thing Ghost Troop did in breaking up the attempt on Texas City three weeks previously.

On 1/31/2006, there was a documented attempt by the Establishment to set up Texas City for a nuclear attack, and now there is mounting speculation that another 4/16/2006 is yet another date for the attempt.

Ergo, Sears Tower 666 is the next pressing target/date for the internet community to take up. Regards, CPTMAY

Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action

PS: All the Texas City references in this article can be checked via the Texas City Inquest at For the Sears Tower and Library Tower there is plenty for the taking on the internet, half of it set-up media stories.
Sound Reversal Patterns:

> For every burst of sound, there must exist a sound that bursts in reverse, according to the theory of time
> reversal acoustics. From their discoveries of some surprising characteristics of mediums and frequencies,
> scientists have gained insight into acoustic time reversal, which could impact applications such as sending
> confidential messages in cryptography.
Easter came and went and Dallas appears unnuked.

It may be time to rethink the "reverse speech" method of interpretation and start using the "English" method.
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