March 20 to 26, 2006: Iran-USA, beginning of a major world crisis


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March 20 to 26, 2006: Iran-USA, beginning of a major world crisis
Written by LEAP/E2020
Friday, 17 February 2006
Or « The End of the Western World we have known since 1945 »

The Laboratoire européen d’Anticipation Politique Europe 2020 (LEAP/E2020) now estimates to over 80% the probability that the week of March 20-26, 2006 will be the beginning of the most significant political crisis the world has known since the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, together with an economic and financial crisis of a scope comparable with that of 1929. This last week of March 2006 will be the turning-point of a number of critical developments, resulting in an acceleration of all the factors leading to a major crisis, disregard any American or Israeli military intervention against Iran. In case such an intervention is conducted, the probability of a major crisis to start rises up to 100%, according to LEAP/E2020.

An Alarm based on 2 verifiable events

The announcement of this crisis results from the analysis of decisions taken by the two key-actors of the main on-going international crisis, i.e. the United States and Iran:

- on the one hand there is the Iranian decision of opening the first oil bourse priced in Euros on March 20th, 2006 in Teheran, available to all oil producers of the region ;
- on the other hand, there is the decision of the American Federal Reserve to stop publishing M3 figures (the most reliable indicator on the amount of dollars circulating in the world) from March 23, 2006 onward[1].

These two decisions constitute altogether the indicators, the causes and the consequences of the historical transition in progress between the order created after World War II and the new international equilibrium in gestation since the collapse of the USSR. Their magnitude as much as their simultaneity will catalyse all the tensions, weaknesses and imbalances accumulated since more than a decade throughout the international system.

A world crisis declined in 7 sector-based crises

LEAP/E2020's researchers and analysts thus identified 7 convergent crises that the American and Iranian decisions coming into effect during the last week of March 2006, will catalyse and turn into a total crisis, affecting the whole planet in the political, economic and financial fields, as well as in the military field most probably too:

1. Crisis of confidence in the Dollar
2. Crisis of US financial imbalances
3. Oil crisis
4. Crisis of the American leadership
5. Crisis of the Arabo-Muslim world
6. Global governance crisis
7. European governance crisis

The entire process of anticipation of this crisis is described in detail in coming issues of LEAP/E2020’s confidential letter – the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin, and in particular in the 2nd issue to be released on February 16, 2006. These coming issues will present the detailed analysis of each of the 7 crises, together with a large set of recommendations intended for various categories of players (governments and companies, namely), as well as with a number of operational and strategic advices for the European Union.

Decoding of the event “Creation of the Iranian Oil Bourse priced in Euros”

However, and in order not to limit this information to decision makers solely, LEAP/E2020 has decided to circulate widely this official statement together with the following series of arguments resulting from work conducted.
Iran's opening of an Oil Bourse priced in Euros at the end of March 2006 will be the end of the monopoly of the Dollar on the global oil market. The immediate result is likely to upset the international currency market as producing countries will be able to charge their production in Euros also. In parallel, European countries in particular will be able to buy oil directly in their own currency without going though the Dollar. Concretely speaking, in both cases this means that a lesser number of economic actors will need a lesser number of Dollars [2]. This double development will thus head to the same direction, i.e. a very significant reduction of the importance of the Dollar as the international reserve currency, and therefore a significant and sustainable weakening of the American currency, in particular compared to the Euro. The most conservative evaluations give €1 to $1,30 US Dollar by the end of 2006. But if the crisis reaches the scope anticipated by LEAP/E2020, estimates of €1 for $1,70 in 2007 are no longer unrealistic.

Decoding of the event “End of publication of the M3 macro-economic indicator”

The end of the publication by the American Federal Reserve of the M3 monetary aggregate (and that of other components)[3], a decision vehemently criticized by the community of economists and financial analysts, will have as a consequence to lose transparency on the evolution of the amount of Dollars in circulation worldwide. For some months already, M3 has significantly increased (indicating that « money printing » has already speeded up in Washington), knowing that the new President of the US Federal Reserve, Matt Bernanke, is a self-acknowledged fan of « money printing »[4]. Considering that a strong fall of the Dollar would probably result in a massive sale of the US Treasury Bonds held in Asia, in Europe and in the oil-producing countries, LEAP/E2020 estimates that the American decision to stop publishing M3 aims at hiding as long as possible two US decisions, partly imposed by the political and economic choices made these last years[5]:

. the ‘monetarisation’ of the US debt
. the launch of a monetary policy to support US economic activity.
… two policies to be implemented until at least the October 2006 « mid-term » elections, in order to prevent the Republican Party from being sent in reeling.

This M3-related decision also illustrates the incapacity of the US and international monetary and financial authorities put in a situation where they will in the end prefer to remove the indicator rather than try to act on the reality.

Decoding of the aggravating factor “The military intervention against Iran”

Iran holds some significant geo-strategic assets in the current crisis, such as its ability to intervene easily and with a major impact on the oil provisioning of Asia and Europe (by blocking the Strait of Ormuz), on the conflicts in progress in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the possible recourse to international terrorism. But besides these aspects, the growing distrust towards Washington creates a particularly problematic situation. Far from calming both Asian and European fears concerning the accession of Iran to the statute of nuclear power, a military intervention against Iran would result in an quasi-immediate dissociation of the European public opinions[6] which, in a context where Washington has lost its credibility in handling properly this type of case since the invasion of Iraq, will prevent the European governments from making any thing else than follow their public opinions. In parallel, the rising cost of oil which would follow such an intervention will lead Asian countries, China first and foremost, to oppose this option, thus forcing the United States (or Israel) to intervene on their own, without UN guarantee, therefore adding a severe military and diplomatic crisis to the economic and financial crisis.

Relevant factors of the American economic crisis

LEAP/E2020 anticipate that these two non-official decisions will involve the United States and the world in a monetary, financial, and soon economic crisis without precedent on a planetary scale. The ‘monetarisation’ of the US debt is indeed a very technical term describing a catastrophically simple reality: the United States undertake not to refund their debt, or more exactly to refund it in "monkey currency". LEAP/E2020 also anticipate that the process will accelerate at the end of March, in coincidence with the launching of the Iranian Oil Bourse, which can only precipitate the sales of US Treasury Bonds by their non-American holders.

In this perspective, it is useful to contemplate the following information[7]: the share of the debt of the US government owned by US banks fell down to 1,7% in 2004, as opposed to 18% in 1982. In parallel, the share of this same debt owned by foreign operators went from 17% in 1982 up to 49% in 2004.

- Question: How comes that US banks got rid of almost all their share of the US national debt over the last years?


Moreover, in order to try to avoid the explosion of the "real-estate bubble" on which rests the US household consumption, and at a time when the US saving rate has become negative for the first time since 1932 and 1933 (in the middle of the "Great Depression"), the Bush administration, in partnership with the new owner of the US Federal Reserve and a follower of this monetary approach, will flood the US market of liquidities.

Some anticipated effects of this systemic rupture

According to LEAP/E2020, the non-accidental conjunction of the Iranian and American decisions, is a decisive stage in the release of a systemic crisis marking the end of the international order set up after World War II, and will be characterised between the end of March and the end of the year 2006 by a plunge in the dollar (possibly down to 1 Euro = 1,70 US Dollars in 2007) putting an immense upward pressure on the Euro, a significant rise of the oil price (over 100$ per barrel), an aggravation of the American and British military situations in the Middle East, a US budgetary, financial and economic crisis comparable in scope with the 1929 crisis, very serious economic and financial consequences for Asia in particular (namely China) but also for the United Kingdom[8], a sudden stop in the economic process of globalisation, a collapse of the transatlantic axis leading to a general increase of all the domestic and external political dangers all over the world.

For individual dollar-holders, as for trans-national corporations or political and administrative decision makers, the consequences of this last week of March 2006 will be crucial. These consequences require some difficult decisions to be made as soon as possible (crisis anticipation is always a complex process since it relies on a bet) because once the crisis begins, the stampede starts and all those who chose to wait lose.

For private individuals, the choice is clear: the US Dollar no longer is a “refuge” currency. The rising-cost of gold over the last year shows that many people have already anticipated this trend of the US currency.

Anticipating… or being swept away by the winds of history

For companies and governments, it is crucial to integrate now action plans in today's decision-making processes, which can contribute to soften significantly the "monetary, financial and economic tsunami" which will break on the planet at the end of next month. To use a simple image – by the way, one used in the political anticipation scenario « USA 2010 »[9] -, the impact of the events of the last week of March 2006 on the “Western World” we have known since 1945 will be comparable to the impact of the Fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989 on the “Soviet Block”.

If this Alarm is so precise, it is that LEAP/E2020’s analyses concluded that all possible scenarios now lead to one single result: we collectively approach a "historical node" which is henceforth inevitable whatever the action of international or national actors. At this stage, only a direct and immediate action on the part of the US administration aimed at preventing a military confrontation with Iran on the one hand, and at giving up the idea to monetarise the US foreign debt on the other hand, could change the course of events. For LEAP/E2020 it is obvious that not only such actions will not be initiated by the current leaders in Washington, but that on the contrary they have already chosen "to force the destiny" by shirking their economic and financial problems at the expense of the rest of the world. European governments in particular should draw very quickly all the conclusions from this fact.

For information, LEAP/E2020's original method of political anticipation has allowed several of its experts to anticipate (and publish) in particular : in 1988, the approaching end of the Iron Curtain; in 1997, the progressive collapse in capacity of action and democratic legitimacy of the European institutional system; in 2002, the US being stuck in Iraq’s quagmire and above all the sustainable collapse of US international credibility; in 2003, the failure of the referenda on the European Constitution. Its methodology of anticipation of "systemic ruptures" now being well established, it is our duty as researchers and citizens to share it with the citizens and the European decision makers; especially because for individual or collective, private or public players, it is still time to undertake measures in order to reduce significantly the impact of this crisis on their positions whether these are economic, political or financial.

Franck Biancheri, Director of Studies

[1] These decisions were made a few months ago already:
. the information on the creation by the Iranian government of an oil bourse priced in Euros ( first appeared in Summer 2004 in the specialised press.
. the Federal Reserve announced on November 10, 2005 that it would cease publisging the information concerning M3 from March 23, 2006 onward :

[2] By examining Table 13B of the December 2005 Securities Statistics of the Bank for International Settlements entitled International Bonds and Notes (in billions of US dollars), by currency ), one can notice that at the end of 2004 (China not-included), 37.0% of the international financial assets were labelled in USD vs 46,8% in Euros ; while in 2000, the proportion was contrary with 49,6% labelled in USD for 30,1% only in Euros. It indicates that the March 2006 decisions will most probably accelerate the trend of exit-strategy from the dollar.

[3] Monetary aggregates (M1, M2, M3, M4) are statistical economic indicators. M0 is the value of all currency - here the dollar - that exists in actual bank notes and coins. M1 is M0 + checking accounts of this currency. M2 is M1 + money market accounts and Certificates of Deposits (CD) under $100,000. M3 is M2 + all larger holdings in the dollar (Eurodollar reserves, larger instruments and most non-European nations' reserve holdings) of $100,000 and more. The key point here is that when the Fed stops reporting M3, the entire world will lose transparency on the value of reserve holdings in dollars by other nations and major financial institutions.

[4] See his eloquent speech on these aspects before the National Economists Club, Washington DC, November 21, 2002 ( )

[5] It should be noticed that the upward trend of the Dollar in 2005 was mostly the result of an interest rate differential which was favourable for the US Dollar, and of the “tax break on foreign earnings” Law (only valid for 1 year) which brought back to the US over $200 billion in the course of 2005.
(source :

[6] As regards Europe, LEAP/E2020 wishes to underline that European governments are no longer in line with their opinions concerning the major topics, and in particular concerning the European collective interest. The January 2006 GlobalEurometre clearly highlighted the situation with a Tide-Legitimacy Indicator of 8% (showing that 92% of the panel consider that EU leaders no longer represent their collective interests) and a Tide-Action Indicator of 24% (showing that less than a quarter of the panel thinks EU leaders are capable of translating their own decisions into concrete actions). According to LEAP/E2020, public declarations of support to Washington coming from Paris, Berlin or London, should not hide the fact that the Europeans will quickly dissociate from the US in case of military attack (the GlobalEurometre is a monthly European opinion indicator publishing in the GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin 3 figures out of which 2 are public).

[7] (source : Bond Market Association, Holders of Treasury Securities: Estimated Ownership of U.S. Public Debt Securities ; )

[8] The United Kingdom indeed owns close to 3,000 billion $ of credits, that is almost three times what countries such as France or Japan hold. (source Bank of International Settlements, Table 9A, Consolidated Claims of Reporting Banks on Individual Countries )

[9] Cf. GlobalEurope Anticipation Bulletin N°1 (January 2006)
This corresponds almost exactly to George Ure's web bot prediction that March 28 will see a "context changing event." Yikes.

Certainly feels that way here. When official polls show Bush with a 34% approval rating (around 30% when the question is "do you think he is doing a good job?" as opposed to "do you approve of the job he is doing?") something has to give, and the neocons and the will not give up power. And, the people pulling the neocons' strings seem to be running up against some deadlines (planetary bombardment?)

The fact that few Democrats in such an environment even question his Iran policy means that the orders have been given.

Who knows, though, that could all be a diversion from something else going on. The piece that doesn't seem to fit, is the fact that the U.S. agreed to negotiations with Iran about Iraq. They don't usually do that with countries they are going to attack.

So who knows, maybe the "context changing event" may be something else. The official government website on citizen preparation for influenza epidemics, is in full fear mongering mode. Whatever happened to "remain calm?"
It seems the Iranian oil bourse has been delayed...
"A full challenge to the U.S. dollar as the world central bank reserve currency, Mr. Engdahl added later, would entail a "de facto declaration of war on the 'full-spectrum dominance' of the United States today," and that is something no country or group of countries is yet willing to launch."

Iranian oil bourse hits wall

As the nuclear standoff pitting Iran against the West continues, some conspiracy theorists are more focused on another plan that the Middle Eastern nation is pursuing.

- Iran - "The Case"

- Iran Oil Bourse and Petrodollar Wars

But they are jumping the gun if they still figure Iran is within days of launching a new international oil exchange that would sell its own and other Middle Eastern oil producers' black gold in euros rather than U.S. dollars -- and which, the theory goes, could ultimately torpedo the greenback and the U.S. economy.

Despite repeated reports over the past 18 months or so that the planned bourse would finally open for business on March 20, 2006 -- and go head to head with the New York Mercantile Exchange and the ICE Futures Exchange in London -- the start date has been postponed by at least several months and maybe more than a year.

"In the middle of 2006, we are able to start the bourse," Mohammad Asemipur, special adviser on the project to Iran's Oil Minister, said when reached in Tehran. The plan is to trade petrochemical products first, with a crude oil contract coming last, a rollout that likely will take three years, he said.

"Oh, crikey, it's at a much earlier stage than people would think," said British consultant Chris Cook, who claims credit for coming up with the idea for the exchange in the first place and is a member of the consortium headed by the Tehran Stock Exchange that is charged with bringing the project to life.

"You can rest assured, there will not be a crude oil contract, Gulf-based, in my opinion, within a year -- and that would be really pushing it," Mr. Cook, a former director of ICE's predecessor, the International Petroleum Exchange, said when reached in Scotland.

The electronic exchange is to be located on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf, an Iranian duty- and tax-free zone.

There has been far less talk about the planned bourse in the mainstream media than on the Internet, particularly on websites aimed at gold bugs and other economic conspiracy theorists.

The theory is that all trades through the new bourse would be made in euros, not the U.S. dollar, which for decades has been the world's primary reserve currency, as well as the one in which oil and most other commodities have been priced. As a result, European nations and other countries, especially Middle East oil producers, tired of having to buy billions of now weakening greenbacks to pay for their energy purchases, would no longer have to do so.

This, the conspiracy theorists contend, would knock the stuffing out of the U.S. currency and hasten the decline and fall of the American Empire, all the while allowing Iran to stick it to the Great Satan.

But, the theory continues, Washington will pre-empt all this by using Iran's nuclear ambitions as a pretext for attacking the country.

Kamal Daneshyar, chairman of Iran's Majlis [parliamentary] Energy Commission reportedly told the Iranian Students News Agency in December that the exchange would at first operate in both dollars and euros, but gradually move to the European currency exclusively. He was also quoted as saying that this would enable Iran to get even with the U.S. for the economic damages it has inflicted on the Islamic republic.

Dr. Asemipur, meanwhile, was noncommittal on the currency question, saying market participants, not the Iranian government, would make the decision. He also denied the planned bourse could harm the U.S. economy.

Mr. Cook dismissed the idea that Iran's goal is to use the bourse to sabotage the greenback. "I have a technical term for that," he said. "Bollocks!"

As for trading oil in euros, he said the Iranians likely would find it very difficult, at least in the next several years. "Basically, there aren't enough euros in circulation, and nor are there likely to be," he said.

Mr. Cook cited a recent article on Hong Kong-based Asia Times Online by William Engdahl, who specializes in the geopolitics of oil.

"For the euro to begin to challenge the reserve role of the U.S. dollar, a virtual revolution in policy would have to take place in Euroland," Mr. Engdahl wrote. "First the European Central Bank . . . would have to surrender power to elected legislators. It would then have to turn on the printing presses and print euros like there was no tomorrow."

A full challenge to the U.S. dollar as the world central bank reserve currency, Mr. Engdahl added later, would entail a "de facto declaration of war on the 'full-spectrum dominance' of the United States today," and that is something no country or group of countries is yet willing to launch.
However, the global Carry Trade is set to collapse, along with it the entire world economy:

Is Japan about to start a sell-off in global financial markets?
'[A] decision by Japan's central bank on Thursday, by a vote of 7-1, to scrap its unprecedented super-loose monetary policy has raised concerns about the possible fallout on the global economy. The central bank's decision was seen as a first step toward an eventual rise in short-term interest rates in Japan from near zero and seemed to reflect the bank's confidence that deflation was under control. But because no major central bank has ever had such a loose policy, no one knows for sure how to end it smoothly. Some economists say making the decision to end the loose-money policy might have been the easy part; the bank must now avoid sending shock waves through the country's recovering economy and through world markets. "These are uncharted waters for a central bank," R. Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia University Business School and a central banking expert, said. "Exiting with minimal disruptions will be a difficult exercise."'

Global credit ocean dries up
'The cash machine that sustained a world boom is about to close, and it's going to get ugly, says Ambrose Evans-Pritchard. One by one, the eurozone, the Swedes, the Swiss and now even the Japanese, are turning off the tap of ultra-cheap credit that has flushed the global system for the past year, keeping the ageing asset boom alive. The "carry trade" - as it is known - is a near limitless cash machine for banks and hedge funds. They can borrow at near zero interest rates in Japan, or 1pc in Switzerland, to re-lend anywhere in the world that offers higher yields, whether Argentine notes or US mortgage securities...."The carry trade has pervaded every single instrument imaginable, credit spreads, bond spreads: everything is poisoned," said David Bloom, currency analyst at HSBC.
"It's going to come to an end later this year and it's going to be ugly, even if we haven't reached the shake-out just yet," he said...."There are several hundred billion dollars of positions in the carry trade that will be unwound as soon as they become unprofitable," said Stephen Lewis, an economist at Monument Securities. "When the Bank of Japan starts tightening we may see some spectacular effects. The world has never been through this before, so there is a high risk of mistakes."'
We're close to some sort of market dislocation. But as always, in that world, timing is everything.

Richard Russell was saying recently he thinks the primary bear market is about to resume. This is a guy who has seen the 30's and the 70's, up close and personal. The real estate markets are rolling over, not all of them, but enough that you can see the edge of the cliff coming up. The US debt curve has gone from the linear perturbative part of the exponential curve to the nonlinear part of the exponential curve.

I have no connection with this guy, and if you have $30 to spare, you might subscribe to, as he has a lot of enlightening things to say about what might happen when a collapse comes. Something about having seen the Treasury documents that outline collapse procedures.

Basically, when the collapse comes, he's saying they're not going to inflate, they're going to zero out all bank accounts, and send special forces teams to safeguard all the major food'nfuel depots. They're going to go after anyone who has any food stores saved up and of course, anyone who has any gold.

If you study your history I'd suggest looking at John Law and the Banque Generale (similar to our current situation). Also look at Argentina for a template to the shape of events to come.
A total Solar Eclipse just happens to be on March 29th!! Coincidence!! Maybe not.

Also note the date of the eclipse=29/03/2006. If you add 2+9=11 and if you add the month and year which is 3+8=11!!! 1111?? I know one can play with numbers in may ways, but this is just too eerie.

Now the numbers 1111, if you add them up=4, which for the Hokien people in China, is a bad number. Why? Because the pronunciation in Hokien of the number 4 sounds like die or death. Which is why Chinese people in general will not touch anything that begins with the number 4!! They most often go for numbers that start with an 8, since this number sounds like "luck" or "lucky" in Hokien. But I digress.

Interesting times indeed.
Well, I am generally suspicious when anyone publishes a "dated" prediction and declares it to be "the real deal." I mean, look at the Y2K nonsense and a host of other examples. Nevertheless, I posted the article because it was interesting and I thought it might indicate a "trend" or even something that might occur behind the scenes, only to have noticable effects later on.

And yes, I knew the Iranian bourse was postponed because we carried the story on the weekend Signs page.

It seems that the "prediction" is based on two factors: the oil bourse and military intervention. I know, I know, they mention the M3 figures, but that's not key here.

A lot of people have speculated that there will be military intervention BECAUSE of the Oil Bourse... but if there is no oil bourse - because it has been postponed - then there will be no military intervention and the whole thing falls flat. At least for the moment.

I think we can recognize a similar pattern with the build-up to the bombing of Iraq... on again, off again: You have WMDs! No we don't have WMDs! We want to inspect! Come on and inspect! You won't let us inspect, we're gonna bomb you! Sure you can inspect... nobody said you couldn't! What's the point of inspecting? You are hiding them! You don't have them so that means you have them!

And so on and so on. As I recall, there were several analysts who predicted the war was on for this day, then it was off... then a new date, then back off... This is pretty much chronicled in the Signs archives if anybody wants to go and check back and come up with a generaly analysis of what went down then and why and if there are any clues we can pull out of there.

Back and forth it went for months and months and then, bam! I think nobody really believed Bush was going to do it. I think everybody kept thinking that it was going to be resolved diplomatically at the last instant.

In fact, a few months ago I had a chance to talk to an Iraqi scientist - a woman - at a math conference in Marseille. She and her husband had been hauled out of the soup by friends in France, but she still had family in Iraq and was living on the edge of really terrible worry. I asked her about what the Iraqi people really thought in the period prior to the war. I was shocked when she said that nobody really believed that anything was going to happen, they were all sure that it was just words and belligerance and that diplomacy would sort it out.

That's when I realized that a LOT of people do NOT understand what we are dealing with: that Bush and the gang are mental deviants and you can't use normal human criteria to predict what they will or will not do.

When we say that Bush and the gang really do intend to create a global conflict so that they can take all the resources, get rid of a lot of people in the process, and "save the world" according to their sick version of what "saving" it is, people don't believe it. And they don't believe it because they do not understand that this gang truly is a group of psychologically deviant critters. They keep thinking that diplomacy or whatever will settle things down. Chamberlain thought the same about Hitler with his "Peace in Our Time" nonsense. What an idiot.

Well, most of the countries of the world that the Bush gang intend to take over have similar idiots in charge. Will they get a clue before it's too late?

Who knows.
Vulcan59 said:
Now the numbers 1111, if you add them up=4, which for the Hokien people in China, is a bad number.
On pitagorean numerology, 4 is for balance and equilibrium.
Sometimes, dreams are just dreams.
Laura said:
most of the countries of the world that the Bush gang intend to take over have similar idiots in charge.
Globalization of the stupidity, indeed.
They do not need a oil or diplomatic conflict (thats laughable for them). Besides steering the pot with such escenifications, it buys them time and gives their secret agents something to do.
It is like the war againts narcotics: The solution would be to jail the pathocrats who ALLOW the cultivation, process, refinement, shipment etc of the product, and NOT to "caught another lord of the drugs". This are just firecrackers on the night sky (where societies go like "ooohhhhwwwaaaawwww....").
Same goes for the sexual market of children or white women or child porn on the internet etc: It is the consumers (the psicothic goubernmental elements) who keep the show going.
Some years ago I talked with a guy (owner of a chain of restaurants) about the production of a movie. He would found it. He was interested on knowing if the actresses we would hire would be at his diposal, and then he went on talking about the benefits of the "market" in Cuba and how good the girls were on their thing.
I rejected his founding, to his puzzlment.
Oil (or, on my example, the movie) is just a idiotic disguise to what this guys are doing and/or want to do.
The article and the analisis is great. Also the participation of Donald, Rick, John, etc. But I think the indicator is not there. It is on the real, concrete, actual human drama we can perceibe around and, under this light, the situation appears much more over the "death-line" that the dates provided on the article.
The CRIMES they have produced... The IMPUNITY to produce them... The SOCIAL CLIMA they have impossed so they can have fun.... thats just disgusting and trully, trully... I dont know what word to use.
Drachomonoid -if thats correcly spelled.
Well, here's the clincher:

Spielberg show cuts Apache girl's hair, world to end

The producers of a Steven Spielberg TV western are being sued by an Apache couple because a stylist on the New Mexico film set cut their eight-year-old daughter's hair in violation of tribal customs.

The lawsuit alleges that her hair was cut because the mini-series Into the West was short of male Native American extras, and called the act "intentional, outrageous and reckless conduct". Turner Films, which is broadcasting the series and is the target of the lawsuit, made no comment.

Article continues
The Mescalero Apache, who live in southern New Mexico, forbid the cutting of a girl's hair until a coming of age ceremony at puberty. The suit alleges that no one on the set asked the parents' permission. Her father, Danny Ponce, said her hair was halfway down her back and was cut back above the shoulder.

"It was like a boy. She looked like a boy," Mr Ponce told the Albuquerque Tribune newspaper. "They took that away from her and made her feel hurt and afraid and ashamed ... It feels something like they abused my child, something like someone's been inside my house, like we've been violated."

Into the West is about the 19th-century American frontier as seen by a white settler family and a Native American family. Spielberg is listed as an executive producer but it is Turner Films and the unnamed stylist who are being sued. The parents want $250,000 (£140,000) for emotional distress and $75,000 damages.

Centuries ago, a Mescalero Apache prophecy warned that "only white men with blue eyes" would live in the New Mexico mountains and that "when there are only a few Indians left, then they will become white men". When that time arrived the world would end.,,1734772,00.html

The Mescaleros' Prophecy
When the earth had been made, Killer of Enemies put us down right here in the vicinity of White Mountain.

"That which lies on this mountain will be the land of the Mescalero."

[he said].
Then Killer of Enemies put us down right here.
We are still here.
That God who created the earth:

"It is true that right here will be the land of the Mescalero."

he said to us.

Then there were only Indians scattered over the country.
From here down to the east an south and north was then Indian country.
Where have they gone?
Now there remains only a handful of Mescalero.
And the white men have filled up that which was the land of the Indians.

Long ago there were no white men.
The people of long ago spoke thus.
At that time they had seen no white men here.

"Only white men with blue eyes will live in this country,"

they said.
Now it has become so.


"When there are only a few of Indians left, then they will become white men,"

they said.
It has become just like that.

"Then the end of the world will be at hand,"

said the Mescalero old men.

These of the past did not speak incorrectly.
Still poverty-stricken, we live just so.
But then, God has created us that way.
He created us without anything.
We still go on in that way.

In spite of that, [the Indians now] go the way of these white men.
Now Indian men have cut their hair.
They wear only white men's clothing.
Now those who were Indians cannot be distinguished [from] white men.

The Indians of long ago said that we would go the way of the white men.
None of them at that time had seen any white men in this place.
The people spoke thus long ago.
They did not speak incorrectly.
Rick said:
Spielberg show cuts Apache girl's hair, world to end...
Yup, that's it. It's all over but the cryin'! We are TOAST! Now I can cancel my dental appointment...
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