Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner and Gang - Web Pathology

Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Last installment of Vinnie's elaborate "life story"

Date sent: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 18:37:47 -0400
Subject: Mind Games
From: Vincent Bridges <>

Mind Games - Part three C

Montauk, Mind Control, Magnitite and the Holy Grail,
Who is that Shadow being and why is he following me?

Welcome to this week's installment of Mind Games, in which I discover the
true nature of the evil with which we are confronted. Warning, some of this gets
a little rough, and does not make for good bedtime reading.

My first program survivor was doing well. We had recovered as much memory as we
needed to allow her to integrate. Dr. P. had verified much of her story, and
other parts were independently verifiable. So, I was feeling pretty good about
it. My practice was going well in general, proving every day some my basic
theories of how the mind/body/spirit complex worked. I was gaining credibility
with the Bowman Gray Med School's MPD clinic, and all was looking bright.

And then, my second program survivor showed up. She presented as a fairly
straight forward incest/sexual abuse victim. Her father had severe
undiagnosed MPD, which he resolved by the unusual step of becoming a
trans-sexual, and several of his alters had viciously raped and tortured his
daughter. She had been suffering from an odd form of dis-associative disorder,
not quite full-blown MPD, and had been having these spontaneous trances in which
she self-mutillated. She would write SATAN with a razor blade on her arm or leg.

Now this was not good, obviously, but it was terribly upsetting to her, as
she was pursuing a career in acting and modeling. Scars of SATAN just don't make
it in Vogue, so...

She had had a lot of therapy, and once we got our approach straight, she
made a lot of progress. To a point. Then we began to hit things that looked,
from my point of view, like sophisticated post hypnotic suggestion. I'd seen
similar things in my first survivor, but these were very slick. The Wall of
Chyna, my client named it as a take off on her professional identity.

So, I began to research, calling in every contact and favor I had or could
borrow and in about three months of twice weekly sessions, we had most of it
defused. It was the worst roller-coaster ride of my career.

At the end of it, I had to face it. Spies, as in my first survivor, were one
thing, but what had been done to this young lady was far beyond rational
comprehension. The supernatural explanation led directly back to my own heart of
darkness encounter a decade earlier. And I found out why Dr. P. had thought it
so amusing that I didn't know the people on the boat...

To put it bluntly, I was left wrestling with the question of what did
Satanism and Nazi black magic have to do with the government mind control
program? They obviously did, but why?

Briefly, the important pieces of her story:

Her father was a top exec at Ford at the time, and, as he was into a variety of
things that would indicate that he was a program person from an earlier wave, we
shouldn't be too surprised that he turned his seven year old daughter, whom he
had already been molesting for several years, over to the tender mercies of the
program. Between seven and eleven, my client was programmed to be a multiple not
for any espionage purposes, but to see if she could "channel" the Evil One.

Now, I had already had several ritual abuse survivors, one from a Christian cult
that would make you sick, and a few garden variety satanist using the imagery to
make the sin of what ever seem more wicked. But never anything like this.

You see, I didn't really believe in the devil, or evil as a concrete concept for
that matter. It was ignorance, disharmony, chaos, whatever, but evil, as a
conscious choice, as a mode of existence, was fortunately or unfortunately
beyond my comprehension. I suppose that's what saved me in California. I reacted
to what I thought was their delusions but I never thought that there was
anything more to what they believed than that. I sensed the evil, but I couldn't
grasp its reality. Even when my first program survivor had asked, I replied as
if I believed in her devil, which I did, not as if I believed in the Devil.

My client changed all that. What had been done to her, and the reason it was
done, was simply Evil, and I either believed her story or I didn't. At the point
that I was seriously struggling with this, several strange things happened to
convince me that her story was true, but that it was also just another iceberg

The first thing was what I call a "Dr. Strange" case. I had a reputation in the
area as a psychic ghost-buster spiritual emergency kind of guy, and I
occasionally got calls about various paranormal activities. One day a detective
in a neighboring county called with a problem. He had a guy who knew had
committed murder, but the body and the weapon were missing, and without a
connection they weren't going to be able to hold him. They had 48 hours to find
something or turn him loose. So, they called around looking for a psychic,
anything right, and got directed to me because of my dowsing work. They wanted
me to dowse for the body.

Well, I said that it'd take too long to dowse, since they had no clue where the
body might be, but I might be able to pick up something from the man's personal
items. Big mistake.

So, I'm escorted to the man's house, which they have been searching for
days, and given his old sweaty athletic shoe to work with. They did not tell me
that they suspected that he had been wearing that shoe on the day of the murder.
I put my hand in, relaxed and started to feel...

Everything he felt, leading up to, during and after the murder. We found the ax
hidden with his Bible in the shed, and with a little luck, they found the body.
He didn't know where he was during the attack, and didn't know very clearly what
he had done with the body. The reason - it wasn't him doing the murder. It was
what I can only call a demon.

There had been a hint of something weird about the case from the very
beginning. The guy had been turned in by his wife after a domestic violence
incident in which she had backed over him with the car. Frightened, she told the
cops about his obsession with the then missing girl and that she thought he had
done it. She gave them permission to search, but wouldn't press charges on the
domestic assault. He was in the hospital, under guard, and was healing so fast
that the hospital was going to turn him loose in a day or so. If the cops didn't
charge him with the murder, he was sure to come back, destroy any evidence and
perhaps kill his wife and kids this time.

With the ax and the body, they charged him with the murder. And then
something really strange happened. His amazing healing powers disappeared
and in less than a week he was dead. In one week he went from ready to be
released to dead from the same injuries. The demon had moved on.

Well, I knew the demon had moved on because he paid me a visit. You see,
when I became aware of him through the guy's shoe, he also became aware of
me. And he was not happy.

It started one night with strange smells, rotting flesh and worse. Then this
almost palpable sense of fear and dread literally descended. Darlene, with her
childhood background in Spiritualism, figured it out before I did. We retreated
to the temple, battened down the psychic hatches and rode it out, rather like a
bad acid trip, until morning. Fortunately, it never came back.

Darlene just read this and commented that I had left out all the good stuff: The
huge black dog at the window, the telephone ringing at 3am, the strange noises
coming from the empty apartment next door, and so on. She also points out that
the demon became aware of me because I didn't take the proper precautions before
I stuck my hand in the guy's shoe. As usual, she is correct.

And then, within a month of this experience, I got two more program
survivors as clients. One was from western North Carolina with an already
checkered past. Her last therapist had written a book about her and then
left her high and dry to deal with the fallout of a none too clever
pseudonym. The other was from San Francisco and had stories about the
Presidio child abuse scandal, and my old "friends" from the boat, Michael
and Lillith Aquino. Needless to say, both of these came very close to home.

A year or so later, I got another one, from Wisconsin. By that time, I was
connected with the abuse survivor community, and could identify the
patterns. But the discussion within our little fringe therapy community was
divided over the reality of what we were finding. For every "espionage" type we
uncovered, we'd find an average of five of the satanic type. Deeper screens? A
shift in the programming material itself? The Son of Sam case would suggest that
satanism was a part of basic Greenbaum programming, but why didn't show it up in
other obvious Greenbaum types?

Of my five clients, the first was an espionage type, and the other four,
with some quirks that we will get to in a moment, were satanist. Michigan
was deep corporate elite strata satanism, NC was country ignorance and
family witchcraft, SF was military intelligence satanism, and Wisconsin was pure
Aryan Bund SS nazi satanism. All five were multi-generational situations, yet
each family was widely separated in geography and class from the others. The
close ones, Michigan and Wisconsin and DC and NC, were separated by extreme
class gaps and therefore unlikely to ever come in contact. The only thing that
really connected them was the pattern of the abuse and the use to which those
who imposed it on them wanted to make of it. They were all created MPD for the
purpose of embodying or channeling what their handlers understood as the Evil

The quirk I mentioned is that in all four satanism cases, there was contact, of
some sort, with one or more intelligence agencies. It was either in the family,
in the institutions where the programming abuse took place, or, in the NC case,
an out and out contact from somebody that sounded like a cross between FBI and

I also had a dozen or so possibles, and one of those, having to do with
Jacksonville and one of the first UFO cases, has strange ties to Laura's own
story. But I still didn't understand the connection between the satanism branch
of the Program and the Greenbaum.

(Just as I came back to this a few minutes ago, my Michigan survivor called me.
I had not heard from her in a few years, and she called to tell me she was still
doing well. In this field complete success stories are rare, and she is one.
She's now a writer, see Rena's Promise, Random House I think, for an example of
her work.)

And then, synchronistically, the connecting piece was dropped in my lap.

An old friend that I knew had intelligence connections - the guy I mentioned in
our discussion of Dean's background - called me up with a strange story. He
thought that if anybody might have a clue what was going on, it would be me. A
friend of his wife's, going back to Pentagon days, had gone crazy and started
accusing everyone of being a satanist and under mind control. Her husband had
had to take their kids away from her and she was on the run, calling them from
phone booths along the highway. Could I help?

She called me the next day from a phone booth in Maryland, and we talked
enough to convince her that I would take her story seriously. So she hopped in
her car and drove straight through to Winston-Salem. She got to my office around
six and we talked to midnight, when she left to hide somewhere, she wouldn't say
where or how, and then came back the next day and talked for another four hours
or so. Then she got in her car and left. I never saw her again, alive.

What she told me was so bizarre that at first I figured it had to be a
plant. They wanted to see what I'd do with such stuff, and then flatten me
when I used it. And remember, this was 1993, pre X-files...

She had been in the Program since the mid-50s, what she called the "Stepford
Wives" division. Girls with looks and good grades from selected backgrounds were
fast-tracked to prep schools and finishing schools, where they received some
basic programming, and then "sold off" to Intel and other government types as
wives. Many of them ended up married to NASA geeks for the sole purpose of
spying on them. Early on, she figured out the game and played along until her
handlers discovered she was virtually immune to hypnotic programming. That
earned her truly special attention.

The issue of hypnotic immunity was the fly in the ointment for the larger
reaches of the program. If a significant number of citizens were flatly
immune to your best efforts, then mass control was unlikely. Somebody would
always resist. So this poor lady became a guinea pig for the full range of
Program experimentation.

They learned that while she couldn't be successfully programmed, she could
be broken. She was put back into circulation, while her pregnancies were
monitored and genetically tampered with, causing mis-carriages and abnormal
births. Two children survived, both boys, one 13 and the other five in 1993.
They had been experimented on since the day they were born, and the eldest, like
his mother, was resistant. The youngest however was something else, perhaps

And here's where all the threads of our story converge on the Gordian knot
nexus point of maximum weirdness. When they wanted her for something, she
simply hit her up with drugs to knock her out and did it to her. However,
over time, she developed a tolerance for the drugs and would be half awake
for the last few hours of whatever. And so she woke up one night in 1987 to find
herself having sex with something that looked like a cross between Night on Bald
Mountain and an iguana. She freaked and a group of people held her down while
"it" finished. Several of the people she remembered enough to identify. One was
her husband, another was Michael Aquino.

When her son was born, after a painful nine months, the husband was beside
himself with glee. He got a promotion, they moved to a gated compound in
West Virginia, and even she was treated marginally better. And then the
tests began. People flew in from around the planet to run a battery of tests on
her infant son. She was being kept drugged more and more heavily, several times
causing near overdoses. Finally, she figured out that was what they wanted her
to do, and tried to go cold turkey.

It was too much and she completely fell apart and spent two years in a state
hospital. With an incredible amount of determination she fought her way out,
made a deal with her husband to come home, spent six months playing Stepford
wife, her favorite derogatory term, while she planned her escape. Two weeks
before, she had done it, grabbed her oldest son and split the compound. She had
a suitcase full of cash and an untraceable car and would have made it except she
trusted the wrong people. They caught her, but they were Company guys, and so
they took the kid back to his father and let her go. Why? She wasn't sure.

We reached this point just before mid-night that first night, and after she left
I sat in my office for a long time pondering that question. I woke my friends
up, and they were uncertain how she got their number. He remembered her husband
all right, but his wife hadn't been in touch with her in 20 years. They had no
idea how she got their current number. It was unlisted.

So, they let her go, and she came, indirectly, straight to me. I was not
comforted by the thought. But was her story true, or just a clever trap for an
over zealous researcher? That I couldn't figure out.

When she came back the next day, I asked her how she got my friend's number. She
said it was in her address book, so she assumed she had looked it up at some
point. OK... So I questioned her about the reality of her memories, and she
admitted that they were fuzzy with gaps caused by the drugs. But she was sure
about the thing that raped her. We went back over her story and it matched,
nothing grew or changed in the telling, although certain little details emerged.
Her youngest son had been a vicious sociopath by the age of three for instance.

By the time she left, I was almost convinced. But the questions why and how she
got to me were still unanswered. We talked about what she wanted to do next. Her
plan was to get a lawyer and sue for custody of the eldest son, and blow the
thing wide open in court when she revealed the father of her youngest and her
entire story. She had been on the phone already and there was a lawyer in
California that wanted to take the case. She was on her way to meet him from
there, driving straight through and stopping only to sleep.

She never made it. A few days later I got a call from a detective in Memphis who
wanted to know if I knew anything about her. She had been found dead in a motel
room under suspicious circumstances and she had my card. I explained as much as
could, and he wanted to know about suicide. I said she was distraught enough to
have any number of accidents, but she'd never commit suicide, she was on a
mission. That wasn't what he wanted to hear, obviously, because he repeatedly
pressed me on why I thought that and did know what her mission was? Finally, he
got it that I wasn't going to help his case, so he hung up.

One strange thing though. I was getting ready to move my office to Chapel
Hill and had let my cards run out. The lady had certainly never picked one
up in my office. So where did the one the detective in Memphis described to me
come from?

And then, in October 1993, I got the following letter. It had no heading or
letter head and bore a Las Vegas postmark.

Hi Vince,

Good to hear from old friends, what they're doing and all, isn't it? We've
been admiring your work, and we must tell you that we couldn't be more
pleased. Doubt you would have been so effective even if you had taken our


So there it is, I thought. These guys are still -flicking-g with me, whatever
this was supposed to mean. It could mean that the whole thing was a set up,
right back to Dr. P. and the Melchizedek crowd. Even my sample of clients could
all have been planted to see how I did in following the dots.

Well, I fell into a months long Sherlockian funk, that fortunately coincided
with our several moves so I had time to think as I packed and unpacked endless
boxes of books. Then one day, I got it. They had sent me samples of the truth
because that was what they wanted. That was part of their plan for me since the
beginning in a way. The question was, what would I do once I had the truth?
Reveal it and take the flack? Join up back up out of despair? What? And then it
hit me. They didn't care which I did, they would make it work out to their
benefit either way.

So I did neither. My new partner and I worked out a plan. She would take the
professional flack and work within the emerging treatment community to get the
word out and to find more cases so we could see if my sample was skewed or
accurate, or even if the whole thing was another form of mind control. I went to
work on the technical end looking for therapies and gizmos that would aid in the
recovery process.

We worked at it until early 1997, when everything fell apart due to heavy
pressure on my partner. Psychic attacks, Love Bite vampires and office
break-ins forced a change. I went into semi-retirement, retreating to Mt.G. with
a few remaining clients who were willing to drive. One them was my last survivor
family, although I didn't know it then. They were from a town in E. Texas that
just seemed to pop up no matter which end of all this you started from.

OK, More later,

Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Now, all of the above seems pretty exciting, doesn't it? Sounds real? So much detail!

Problem is, it is all a pack of lies. Here are the facts:

Vincent Bridges is a man who claims to have such extensive knowledge of conspiracy theory, mind control, Satanic ritual sex abuse, psychology and related subjects, that it seems amazing that he has not been assassinated by any of those people whose secrets he claims to hold. That, in itself, is a clue to the nature of his backers, though not the only one.

Bridges is one of many such individuals who have taken advantage of a special "market niche" in our reality - individuals who claims cannot be checked because they deal with an underworld of mystery - a field ripe for con-artists to move in, set up shop, and take advantage of a lot of people who have the idea that something strange is going on in our world - but that it is all hidden behind a veil.

In the time since the publication of this report, Vincent Bridges has altered his websites, changed his "bio," and generally "cleaned up his act" in public. The Perseus Foundation, which has transferred its assets and records to the Quantum Future Group, Inc., archived the original sites and any researchers who wish to see the pages as they originally existed may write with their request.

Let us look first at the credentials of Vincent Bridges as they existed on the Laura Lee Website at the time Bridges began his correspondence with Laura.

From the Laura Lee website, these are Vincent Bridges' claimed credentials:

Vincent Bridges currently practices a form of psycho-acoustic therapy, a trauma abreaction technique using light and sound entrainment of brain frequencies, in the Uwharrie Mountains of North Carolina.

His academic background includes (at the University of South Carolina and North Carolina) English, History and Classical Studies with graduate research into the Hermetic origins of the Renaissance; other fields of intensive research include: ancient cultures and their shamanic practices, the history of language, cultural anthropology, Egyptology with extensive research into the El-Amarna Era, comparative religion, mathematics and sacred geometry, brain physiology, psychology, theoretical physics and psycho-acoustic technology.

He is also a consulting geomancer or earth grid engineer and the Director of the Fifth Way Mystery School, an international group of Ophanic researchers.

Vincent's background includes stints as a small town journalist, for the North Charleston News and the North Davidson Dispatch; rock critic for magazines such as Rolling Stone, Cream, Downbeat, Seventeen, and High Times; fiction in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, Hustler, Crescent Review and a novel, Walpurgisnacht from DAW Books (1981).

An initiate of many different spiritual traditions, including Voodoo, Sufism, Rosicrucianism and ceremonial magick, Vincent lives with his wife, the artist Darlene, and their four cats in a haunted yellow Victorian house on the edge of the Uwharrie National Forest.
Altogether, quite impressive qualifications, are they not? Mr. Bridges is an accomplished writer, scholar, and collector of various initiations. The question is, are these statements true?

A former group member, an English teacher at the University of Wisconsin, researched Mr. Bridges credentials through the databases available to the university where she is employed. She discovered that Mr. Bridges had none of the credits he claimed. She attempted to find references to his early work. She found none. Looking for his name among the publications he had listed in his publishing credits, nothing was found under the name Vincent Bridges. She announced this research to our group, and we were certainly surprised because until she started to "check up" on him, no one had ever seriously thought that his credentials might be faked. We all just took it as a given that he was who he said he was.

The same former member then began to question Bridges' "educational" credits. Since she was in a position to check, Mr. Bridges responded to her that he had been very up-front with us about these matters. He later wrote the same in an email that he asked, at the end, to have "shared with as many people as possible." In this email he wrote:

Laura has made much of my bio listing on the LL site and its supposed errors. If she had read through her old emails and inner group postings she will find that I've already told the story. I went off to USC, South Carolina, as an English major. I had a few awards in poetry and playwriting to my credit and had met James Dickey the summer before my freshmen year at a poetry conference. He liked me, I already knew how to drink, and he became my mentor that fall at school. With his help, I breezed through the undergraduate English courses on advanced studies and by my sophomore year had a major for myself in History and Theatre Arts, as it was quaintly called in those days.
We did read through all the old emails looking for a clue that he never claimed any degrees.

From one of the earliest, on Fri, 7 May 1999 he writes:

"as far back as Grad school in the mid seventies."
On Sun, 3 Oct 1999:

"I switched from English to History, got out of undergraduate work and then went on to psychology... I went back to school, graduate work in Medieval History..."
On Fri, 20 Apr 2001:

"In the winter of 1977 - 78, I was in grad school in History and Classical studies at UNC, working part time as a freelance writer, including books reviews, etc. for the Psychical Research Foundation at Duke, part of FRNM or the Rhine Foundation."
Mr. Bridges is correct. He never claimed any degrees. However, he wrote in such a way as to imply them. After all, one does not go to "grad school" without having graduated. And he did, definitely state that he was in "grad school." He later "explained" this to mean that he did "graduate level work." But that is putting so fine a point on it that it begs the question: why would someone make their meaning so obscure that 99 out of a hundred people would miss the "catch?"

Since none of Vincent Bridges "credits" and credentials were checking out on the briefest of inspection, another member of the group undertook to ask Mr. Bridges for "his side of the story." In the lengthy essay, chronicling his abuse at the hands of the members of the Cassiopaea discussion group, he revealed that he had used several aliases in his writing career over the years. In his own words:

"...Two other points here: My novel and my credentials as a therapist. First of all, the DAW books list that I find on-line covers only backstock and doesn't even go back to 1981. It is possible that there is another list I haven't found that covers every title they've ever published.

"All I know is that DAW paid me a small advance for a book called Walpurgisnacht, by "Roland Maxwell" in 1980 and my sudden departure in 1981 left everything hanging. If by some chance they chose not to publish it, then that's actually good news to me. That I used it at all on my bio is a sign of insecurity and I plan to take it out. Another sign of insecurity was my habitual use of pseudonyms, Victor Sutherland for music reviews, G. Richard Bozarth for science fiction, and so on."
A quick check of the internet showed that Mr. Victor Sutherland was a dead character actor. Mr. G. Richard Bozarth certainly did appear as the author of a single story in Asimov's Sci Fi magazine.

Mr. Bridges has earlier stated clearly that a book Walpurgisnacht, written by one of his "aliases" was published, that it "saw print, though in a heavily bowlderized (sic) form." That does seem to suggest strongly that he actually laid eyes on his work. The story certainly has morphed when he says:

"All I know is that DAW paid me a small advance for a book called Walpurgisnacht, by "Roland Maxwell" in 1980 ... If by some chance they chose not to publish it, then that's actually good news to me. That I used it at all on my bio is a sign of insecurity and I plan to take it out."
A "sign of insecurity?" I guess it does make people insecure when their claims don't check out. And if he had any proof of writing it, instead of "taking it out," why didn't he just produce the evidence? Don't authors usually memorialize their first book by copying the check? How about saving the contract? Questions, questions, questions...

Nevertheless, there was a listing of G. Richard Bozarth, and Victor Sutherland in an index! (Or so it was claimed.) What's more, the explanation about Walpurgisnacht was now seen as reasonable by some who were taken in by poor Mr. Bridges's charming and self-effacing way. We could all sleep well now. Mr. Bridges was just a tragic guy who needed real friends and supporters in his time of trial. It is utterly amazing how effectively psychopaths play the pity card.

And, so it was, in the course of reading the many posts by Mr. Bridges and his followers in order to find clues to understand his outrageous behavior, his stalking and relentless defamation of Laura and Ark, that Mr. Bridges's entire life rose to the surface demanding answers.

How was it that a man could claim to be a "New Age Guru" and to make so many "sage" pronouncements and present himself as a "purveyor of love and light," and be such a LIAR?

It wasn't even just being a liar: it was the kinds of lies he told. The filth that poured out of his mouth and pen was shocking. Here we aren't talking about differing opinions. We are talking about outright, objective lies. Lies about facts and dates and doings that were witnessed by a sufficient number of reputable people whose concensus was that Mr. Bridges either had to be stark raving mad - a delusional psychotic - or something very serious was going on.

Once the question about Mr.Bridges's sanity was raised as a result of observing his behavior, the next question was, of course, how much of all the things he had EVER said before, the things we assumed to be true, actually WERE true?

Had something just suddenly happened to the man to make him go off the deep end?

How can a person lie so blatantly and viciously and not even think that anyone will notice, nor that anyone will bother to check?

Only a crazy person would lie that way with no concern for being exposed.

Examining a large selection of Mr. Bridges contradictory remarks about channeling, as well as numerous postings on the internet regarding same, even including some of his own claims to have channeled "Ophanic Intelligences," and to have received profound "insights" of a dubious nature, we came to the realization that, again, something did not quite fit. Even an amateur could see that the material he "received" himself was highly questionable. It also raised the question as to why he undertook such a long process of insinuation into our group (an overview of his emails clearly indicates this process as is being revealed in the Adventures Series) if he had his "own source."

Since he was claiming, by virtue of his extensive credentials, to be the expert of all experts on channeling, and having these enormous questions about his sanity being brought to the fore due to his actions, we decided to have a look at one or two of these claims in order to be better able to assess his condition.

Was he lying so boldly and viciously because he had simply gone crazy? Or had he been lying all along and were we now seeing the REAL Vincent Bridges?

What we are presenting here needs the caveat that we have used due diligence in gathering our information. We are making no claims, we are just reporting. Any other person who follows the same procedures we have will find the same things. We have undertaken to contact all of the parties listed in Mr. Bridges resume, as well as the many "notable" people he has mentioned in his many emails describing how he came by his expertise. Our initial inquiries were neutral.

After these initial neutral inquiries to determine if we were in contact with the appropriate parties, Mr. Bridges claims in regard to his interactions with the many and varied people have been forwarded to them for review and commentary. When the results came back, if necessary, we sent follow-up inquiries so that the individual checking the records would be apprised of all the particulars that needed to be checked. We wanted to be fair and to include all the different aliases Bridges had claimed to use in the event the person may have known him under a different name. We include here only the final results.

All contacts and emails have the transmission codes and headers on them, stored in several places so as to verify their original status. Any claims by Bridges that we "manipulated" the results can be shown to be false. However, we consider it to still be "open" that one or more of the respondents to our inquiries could have missed something or may even have an agenda to harm Mr. Bridges. If Mr. Bridges can provide certified true legal copies of any proofs that he has to back up his claims, we will be more than happy to investigate if they are genuinely certified, and if so, to publish them here.

[Note added July 2003: to date, Mr. Bridges has NOT produced anything to certify any of his prior claims. He has said that he "made two little mistakes on my bio," and that he has "apologized" but that we, here at QFS, refuse to acknowledge his contrition. Even though he has cleaned up his false claims from his websites regarding his credentials, its clear that Bridges continues to lie.

Bridges has produced a set of images showing that he was a contributor to several free advertising circulars in the area where he lives, but this in no way corrects his previous lies about his major publishing credits.

He has also had his friends post comments about his "writing credentials," stating that he has actually "published far more than he originally claimed." It should be noted that these "publications" consist of articles and posts on internet sites - those of his friends as well as his own - forums and groups and in no way can be considered to address the issue of previous, falsely claimed, major publishing credentials such as we address in this report.]

Some of Mr. Bridges claims are in regards to people who are now dead, but we have expectations that the heirs, associates, and/or executors of estates will be able to answer our questions, and we have forwarded the relevant material to them with requests that they inquire of any and all concerned parties so as to discover if there is any possibility that the claims are true. We certainly want to deal with Mr. Bridges in a fair and objective way.

As it happened, the to-date return on his claims and credentials from the various parties contacted has been 100 percent negative.

We realize that the likely explanation that will be given by Mr. Bridges for this factor, taking into account his previous postings, will be that of a "conspiracy." Somebody is "out to get him." (Probably us.) They have "erased" his life. He is really the only one who "knows the truth" and somebody wants to destroy him and they are using us to do it. That was, after all, what Ira Einhorn claimed when the authorities found Holly Maddux's mummified body in his closet. Curiously, Bridges once claimed an affinity for Ira.

"Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts..."

In the late 1960's there was a very popular American TV show about the Los Angeles Police Department called "Dragnet". One of the lead characters, a terse and laconic Sgt. Joe Friday, became famous almost overnight for saying "Just the facts, Ma'am, just the facts...". Anytime he would interview someone and that person would start to embellish his or her story, he would interrupt them and remind them to say - "Just the facts."

What Joe Friday understood all too well was that whenever someone tells a story, they are giving their "interpretation" of the facts. The facts of a situation never change, but it's crucial to understand that how they are perceived, and then spoken about, depends very much upon who is telling the story. But in the case at hand, we are not merely dealing with an "interpretation" of the facts, we seem to be dealing with an appropriation of facts to the use of a single individual who does not seem to be entitled to these facts.

Magicians are very popular these days. One only need look at the soon to be billionaire J.K. Rowling and her cottage industry of Harry Potter books, with their associated tie-ins to marketing companies' dream lists of products that can be sold with the cache of her invented name. The Harry Potter movie alone is set to break all records and become the biggest grossing movie of all time. Harry Potter is a legitimate phenomenon and success story.

Which brings us to the antithesis of young Harry potter, and the subject of this report - Vincent Bridges.

Vincent Bridges: a real, honest-to-goodness magickal (with a "k", gotta have a "k" in magick or the spell won't work!) "Magician", who practices his questionable art on the edge of the Uwharrie National Forest in North Carolina.

How do we know that Vincent Bridges is a real Magician? Well, he says so.

Vincent Bridges is the co-author, with Alvin Wiley, of a book entitled "A Monument to the End of Time". Due primarily to the authorship of this book, certain doors were opened to both Bridges and Wiley - an interview on the Laura Lee Show, an appearance on a Discovery Channel television program, and so on. This, along with the articles published on his own website,, has given him a certain status in the New Age/occult/magic community. People look up to him. People go to him for advice. People go to him for hypnosis sessions. They go with him on trips to see the mysteries of Egypt and the secrets of Rennes-le-Chateau. They trust him, and they assume that he is who and what he says he is.

In addition to the credentials from the Laura Lee website, quoted at the beginning of this report, in an E-mail on Sun, 11 Feb 2001 19:29:46 -0500, (repeated later in a mass mailing) Vincent Bridges claims:

"I have been initiated into five different traditions. I hold a 3rd degree in traditional Wicca, I am a Christian minister of a gnostic and non-demoninational variety, and I am one of the highest ranking initiates of anything that passes for the Golden Dawn, also I have the barakah of the founder of the Abu Al Hagagg Sufis of Luxor Egypt and I am part of the Medicine Buddha and Kalachakra lineage of Tibetan Buddhism as well as a terton or terma treasure holder, of the Nyngma-pa tradition."
Altogether, quite impressive qualifications, are they not? Mr. Bridges is an accomplished writer, scholar, and collector of various initiations. The question is, are these statements true? Well, let's see what we can find out.

We'll begin with the easiest claim to check, the writing. We know that he and Alvin Wiley did, in fact, publish "A Monument to the End of Time." Not only that, but we are told that Vincent Bridges is a real honest-to-goodness published writer even before this book. How do we know? Well, he says so.

On Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:58:57 -0400, regarding the book Walpurgisnacht, Mr. Bridges had written:

In a very weird way, I was sort of assigned to write a novel about Aleister Crowley, Hitler and the more unsavory aspects of WWII's black magick. I was paid for it, although it took until 1981 to see print, and then in a heavily bowlderized form. To do this, I was "given" access to every bizarre Nazi document in existence. One of my friends in the group even got me access to the archives in Washington to look up certain strange practices of the SS. Again, I didn't question any of this, it just happened, so go with the flow, don't think too much, have a good time.
We are going to ignore the questions about being given access to archives of bizarre Nazi documents because we simply have no way of investigating such a claim. So let's look at this novel, "Walpurgisnacht". Daw Books still exists, and in contradiction to what Mr. Bridges notes above about their list of books, the on-line list goes back to their beginning. None of Mr. Bridges' aliases was listed in their on-line directory of published works, recent or otherwise. But that doesn't negate the possibility that they made arrangements with him to publish the book (as indicated by his statement above about receiving an advance) but never published it. If an advance was paid, accounting records would still indicate it. So we wrote directly to Daw and asked if they had ever published or contracted for anything written by any one of the known aliases. The following reply was received from them:


From: "Fodera, Sean"

Subject: RE: Vincent Bridges

Date sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 16:05:00 -0500

Thank you for checking this with us. According to our records, we have never had any contract with Mr. Vincent Bridges (under the "Roland Maxwell" pseudonym, or any other) for any title. Nor have we ever published any novel titled Walpurgisnacht. Mr. Bridges claims of a business relationship with DAW Books appear to be false.

Please contact us if you require any further information.


Sean P. Fodera

Dir. of Contracts

DAW Books, Inc.


Mr. Bridges has explained the fact that DAW books denies any business relationship in the following:

[RE:}Walpurgisnacht. I have found several drafts and pieces of the project in the vault, and have had my memory jogged by another friend who was directly involved. There are several points to consider:

1) The novel was written under strange circumstances. My syndication agent had arranged with DAW for the books publication under our current work for hire contract as the idea was to produce a series of occult Nazis science fiction written by a classic pulp house pseudonym "Roland Maxwell." The company essentially bought my research and hired me to rough out the first novel in the series. I received nothing from DAW, and even if the deal had gone through, I would have received nothing directly from DAW. I was paid by the syndication agency.

2) Since my life and my sanity was on the line at that particular point, it is not too surprising that I have forgotten some of the details, particularly those that happened after I retreated to NC. At that point, I wanted as much distance as possible from everyone in my former existence.

3) Walpugisnacht was my working title. The Astral Reich was the proposed series title and this was to be Walpugisnacht in the Astral Reich. One of the major problems was that everyone hated the title. So, I over wrote and turned out a novel that didn't make anyone happy. The series was due to kick off in 1981, but naturally didn't. In October of 1982, the syndication agency paid me off for my work on the project and I signed a release for all rights. First novel fiasco indeed! So, as I said, I never should have mentioned it to begin with without looking up in my own files what had happened to it. I will now stop to wipe the serious egg off my face...
DAW has responded to this "morphing" of the story as follows:


From: "Fodera, Sean"

To: "''"

Subject: RE: Vincent Bridges - the story morphs again

Date sent: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 14:13:14 -0500

Dear Ms. Knight-Jadczyk:

Thank you for forwarding the additional information from Mr. Bridges. [...]

I can state with absolute certainty that DAW has never signed any agreements with any syndication agencies, nor (and more importantly) would DAW ever publish any books featuring Nazis. DAW was, in fact, founded by a Jewish family, and this policy has existed for 30 years.

It is possible, of course, that Mr. Bridges did work for some syndication agency at that time, and that they mislead him regarding a publishing arrangement with DAW. However, DAW maintains that we have no business ties with Mr. Bridges.

If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.


Sean P. Fodera

Dir. of Subsidiary Rights, Contracts and Electronic Publishing

DAW Books, Inc.

What about his claim of writing for the North Charleston News?

The North Charleston News P.O. Box 60580 North Charleston, SC 29405

(843) 744-8000 Fax (843) 744-5505 circulation 10,000 weekly


From: thenews

Sent: 19 November 2001 07:46

Subject: Vincent Bridges

Vincent Bridges was never employed by The News, in Kingstree, SC

(We have other inquiries out on this. Stay tuned.)

What of his claim that he wrote science fiction under the name G. Richard Bozarth which was published in Asimov's magazine? Well, there is, in fact, a writer named G. Richard Bozarth, and he is a published writer. He did publish a science fiction story in Asimov's magazine. The problem is, he's not Vincent Bridges.


From: Asimov's

Sent: 16 November 2001 13:12

Subject: Re: Attn: Brian Bieniowski

Luckily, Asimov's has a long record of just about everyone that has ever worked with our magazine.

I don't have any records for anyone named Vincent Bridges. However, I do have paperwork stating that a man named G. Richard Bozarth had a story titled "Bat Durston, Space Marshal" in our Sept/Oct 1978 issue.

This story was also optioned for inclusion in a paperback anthology of ours that never was published. I do have signed contracts for Mr. Bozarth which include his address (as of 1978, of course).

All I can recommend now, is that you get in contact with the Owlswick Literary Agency. Our original editor from that time period, George Scithers, is now a very active agent there. The assistant editor at the time (Darrell Schweitzer) is George's partner at Owlswick. You might want to jog their memories about Bozarth.

Please don't hesitate to email me if you require any further information.


Brian Bieniowski

Assistant Editor

After a long and circuitous series of inquiries, Mr. G. Richard Bozarth was found alive and well and still writing, though not science fiction.


From: TSMelton@...

Date sent: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:47:55 EST

Subject: Re: G. Richard Bozarth

G. Richard Bozarth is a real person in Texas and that is his name, not a pen name. He has written for the Truth Seeker several times in the past. I will give your message to Bonnie when she gets in and see if she can be more specefic.


Nancy Melton

Computer Editor,

Truth Seeker Co., Inc.

Not long after, we were in contact with the individual who provided us with Mr. Bozarth's address and phone number, after we had explained why we were trying to contact him. A few days later, we spoke to his wife on the phone.

Mrs. G. Richard Bozarth is quite sure she knows who her husband is, and she is equally certain that he is the one who wrote the story published in Asimov's magazine entitle Bat Durston, Space Marshall. Not only that, but the Bozarth's are understandably concerned that someone is claiming G. Richard's identity and publishing credits! After our phone conversation on November 17, Mrs. Bozarth followed up with the following:


From:"[Mrs. G. Richard] Bozarth"

Subject: G. Richard Bozarth

Date sent: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 15:50:07 -0600

Please send us any information you may have regarding the person attempting to use my husbands identity. I will have Richard read it and send comments when he is able. Thank you for letting us know of this indiscretion.

Thank you,

[Mrs. G. Richard] Bozarth"

[To protect their privacy, we are withholding email and home addresses.]


From: "G. Richard Bozarth"

Subject:Vincent Bridges as G. Richard Bozarth

Date sent: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 11:18:03 -0600

Dear Perseus Foundation,

I wrote a letter about Bridges's claim to be me. That letter describes my proof of who I am and what I've done as a writer. I mailed it last Monday, so you should have received it by now. If you haven't, let me know. It's still on my computer. If it doesn't show up in Monday's mail, let me know and I'll send it e-mail or I'll send a photocopy of the copy I made for my files. Very bizarre stuff, isn't it?

G. Richard Bozarth

Sent later:

From: G. Richard Bozarth

Date sent: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:12:20 -0600

It occurred to me that making you wait for s-mail to deliver my letter wasn't required for anything, so attached is that letter. I've also attached my publishing history. I have copies of all the stuff, so they really do exist. It would be amusing to discover why this other "G. Richard Bozarth" obviously does not know how much stuff has been published under that by-line.

If he insists I'm the one who stole his by-line, I have copies of correspondence that go back to the early 70s when I was still in the Marine Corps that shows I've been using the name for a lot longer than he is currently claiming to use it. I began using the name in high school because I never liked "George" and have liked "Richard". Using "G. Richard Bozarth" for my by-line was inspired by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Let me know if I can be of further help. It's very foolish to tell this kind of lie without thoroughly checking to see if "G. Richard Bozarth" has been busy as a writer in other ways than the commercial one



How about "Downbeat," a respected music magazine? In response to our inquiry, On 20 Nov 2001, at 22:38, the following response was received:


Jason Koransky here, editor at Down Beat.

A writer by the name of Vincent Bridges has never worked at Down Beat.



Jason Koransky

102 N. Haven Rd.

Elmhurst, IL 60126
[The inquiry listed the various aliases, however, to make certain, an additional inquiry has been sent.]


Rolling Stone - Never heard of Vincent Bridges or any of his aliases.

Seventeen - Never heard of Vincent Bridges or any of his aliases.

High Times - Never heard of Vincent Bridges or any of his aliases.

Hustler - Letter sent. [One reader has reported that he thinks that he remembers Vincent Bridges as author of a "letter" published in the "letters to the editor" section of the magazine.]

Crescent Review - Mr. Bridges has kindly provided an exhibit from something called the "Crescent Observer."

Cream magazine is defunct, so it can't be checked.


Let's turn to the academic claims. How do we know that Vincent Bridges is a real honest-to-goodness Academic? Well, he says so. To review, at Laura Lee's website, he presents his Academic credentials thusly:

His academic background includes (at the University of South Carolina and North Carolina) English, History and Classical Studies with graduate research into the Hermetic origins of the Renaissance; other fields of intensive research include: ancient cultures and their shamanic practices, the history of language, cultural anthropology, Egyptology with extensive research into the El-Amarna Era, comparative religion, mathematics and sacred geometry, brain physiology, psychology, theoretical physics and psycho-acoustic technology."
As we have noted at the beginning, Mr. Bridges pointed out that he had never claimed to have graduated from anywhere. He stated that he did "graduate level work." However, it was pointed out that he did say "grad school" and not just "graduate level work," so the story morphed again. Here it is:

I went off to USC, South Carolina, as an English major. I had a few awards in poetry and playwriting to my credit and had met James Dickey the summer before my freshmen year at a poetry conference. He liked me, I already knew how to drink, and he became my mentor that fall at school. With his help, I breezed through the undergraduate English courses on advanced studies and by my sophomore year had a major for myself in History and Theatre Arts, as it was quaintly called in those days.

There was scholarship money available from an alumni organization for an overseas work study in Shakespeare, and with Mr. Dickey's help I designed an essay that was sure to win the scholarship award. It did, and winter quarter 1972, I was off to Oxford for a six week Shakespeare intensive, and then another six weeks working on the crew at the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford. It was a dream deal, and if all had gone as planned, I would be an academic today, a Shakespeare scholar, maybe even that doppelganger in Kansas. But it didn't.

Well, what can I say? It was 1972, I was 19 with an extremely high IQ and an opinion of myself to match. I had never gone anywhere completely on my own. My only comparable adventure was a senior class drama trip to New York, but even that was as part of a group. When I hit the airport in New York, and had to ride the bus to change airports, etc. I was truly overwhelmed.

And so, in the passenger lounge of British Airways, I fell in love. Her name was Suzy, French Canadian from Montreal on her way to Paris and then Lyon and Provence to visit relatives. We talked as we waited and then, by arrangement of a tricky universe, we had seats next to each other all the way to London. As we parted at customs, she gave me her phone number and address in Paris and told me she didn't really have to be in Lyon for a week or so.

I barely remember the train up to Oxford, but I came down hard when I found the right college. So hard, I immediately found the bursar and conned him into cashing my scholarship check and then letting me leave without paying out my tuition. By the next morning, I made a brief excursion to see Stonehenge, I was on the plane to Paris.

A week later, when Suzy left for Lyon, I was broke and brokenhearted. I ended up in Amsterdam where four months later I was arrested and given a quick trip home by the State Department. Seems that my parents and the University had been looking for me.

The upshot of this sorry story is that the English department no longer wanted me, even after I gave the money back. I switched to History, and with the aid of a friendly faculty member put together a degree, BA in History and Classical Studies. Unfortunately, the degree was mostly bogus. I did very little of the work, my faculty member friend simply enrolled me in the classes I needed, and in December 1973, I officially graduated.

Now, I don't condone this kind of behavior, and I am not proud of it. But I was young, and it seemed the best way to get away from Columbia and USC. So I did it. After a few years' break in which I wrote rock'n'roll reviews, I applied to graduate school in Classical Studies at UNC. My degree held up, and the Classics department was so hungry for new blood that they accepted me with very little hassle. After a few semesters I realized that the academic life was truly not for me. (Later, I found out that my degree had been invalidated when a new computer system revealed the inconsistencies. So it goes...)

An offer to study magick came up and that led to my exposure to Enochian and eventually to a realization that something was very rotten about the set-up. I retreated to North Carolina, went to work for the Shakespeare festival, went into therapy and so on.
The above is all well and good, and we expect the final word any day not only as to whether Mr. Bridges ever graduated, but whether he ever attended classes, and if so, what. We will update this article when the information comes back. In the meantime, let's look at a couple of interesting items in the above account.


UPDATE! We have received verification that Vincent Bridges did, in fact, attend USC, but that he dropped out in January of 1972. He did not, apparently, return to put together any degree as claimed. There was no further attendance by Vincent Bridges at USC as he has claimed, with or without a degree of questionable validity being awarded. We are still awaiting the return from UNC and will post the results when they arrive.


Name On School's Records: "Vincent Bridges"

Date Awarded............: N/A

Degree Title............: No Degree -- Enrollment Only


Attendance Period.......: 08/16/1970 to 01/17/1972

What about his claim to be a protege of James Dickey by virtue of his ability to drink liquor?

Unfortunately, James Dickey has passed away. But he left behind an organization called The James Dickey Society, a group of academics, many of whom worked with him and knew him well, as well as other scholars who study his work. From the woman who was a friend/associate of James Dickey and now is the head of this group:


From: "joyce**" joyce***@...

Subject: Re: James Dickey protege?

Date sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 10:18:20 -0500

I've never heard of Vincent Bridges or any of the other names mentioned in this email. Mr. Dickey arrived at the University of South Carolina in 1968. Some of the more specific details might confirm more about Mr. Bridges, such as his sojourn at UNC. Also, his "few awards in poetry and playwriting" before attending USC are or should be facts that can be substantiated. Very interesting.

Joyce P***

And from a USC associate of James Dickey:

Date sent: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 12:00:43 -0500

From: "Matthew Bruccoli"

Subject: Re: Protege of James Dickey?

Sorry, but I don't recognize the "protege." I will forward your letter to Prof. Ward Briggs in USC's Classics Department.


Matthew J. Bruccoli,

Jefferies Professor of English

We have contacted other members of the James Dickey Society, especially those from the University of South Carolina, who were acquainted with him. We will update this page as we receive more information.

Back to Mr. Bridges' academic statement:

...winter quarter 1972, I was off to Oxford for a six week Shakespeare intensive, and then another six weeks working on the crew at the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford. It was a dream deal, and if all had gone as planned, I would be an academic today, a Shakespeare scholar...
The officials at Oxford were highly amused by this tale. Here is the response:

From: "David Collins"

Sent: 19 November 2001 01:47

Subject: Re: Student Enquiry

Your Mr Bridges/Bozarth/Maxwell/Sutherland clearly has a fertile and highly-coloured imagination but no knowledge of the University of Oxford, as indeed we have no knowledge of him. Such a career as he describes would be impossible: undergraduate teaching in Arts subjects is not departmentally-based but directed by a college tutor and degrees are awarded on performance in public examinations not by credit-accumulation: undergraduate fees are paid via the college not the department and undergraduate students are admitted and permitted to change courses by their college: it is not possible to obtain a B.A. degree without a minimum of two- years residential study even when exemption from the First Public Examination has been granted on the grounds of previous academic attainment elsewhere. None of this would seem to apply to Mr Bridges.

Oxford Colleges do sometimes rent out their accommodation to organisations who are in no way part of the University so that those organisations may hold summer schools, and of course Shakespeare is a popular topic and Oxford is conveniently placed for visiting Stratford. Persons attending such summer schools are not members of the University or the college and so we would have no records of attendance.

However his chronology renders even this possibility suspect as "the winter quarter" would coincide with the first term of our academic year when the colleges would be fully occupied with their own students.

An American graduate would not be able to walk in off the street and gain admission to ANY college, and any Bursar's first concern is to secure the college and University fees, not to cash cheques. There is an Oxford Colleges' Admissions Office and an application to read for a Second BA degree would have to have been made the previous Autumn, references taken up and a formal offer made.

Perhaps he hoped to get round such checking as yours by his statement that his degree had been invalidated after discovery by a computer system. However it would not have removed his name from official records so completely that I can find no trace at all even in pre-computer records which were in use in the 1970's, and as the officer who has run our central computer records for the past twenty years I know of what I speak.

Yours sincerely

David Collins

Student Records Officer & Assistant Registrar

University Offices

University of Oxford

Wellington Square

Oxford OX1 2JD

In other words: there is no record of Vincent Bridges at Oxford where one would certainly exist even if only in the accounting offices. And the comment about any Shakespearean intensive being held at any of Oxford's colleges during winter quarter is quite telling.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

There are a couple other items in the above account by Mr. Bridges that deserve comment. The following remarks are by Andrew Rowland, researcher, who lives in UK.

"And so, in the passenger lounge of British Airways,"
There probably was no BA passenger lounge in the States back in 1972. In the UK yes, plenty of them, much less so abroad.

"When I hit the airport in New York, and had to ride the bus to change airports, etc. I was truly overwhelmed."
Yet later, in Oxford, he is able to make a lightning trip to Stonehenge and make the morning flight out of Heathrow as follows:

"By the next morning, I made a brief excursion to see Stonehenge, I was on the plane to Paris."
Andrew Rowland has commented on this as follows:

Andrew Rowland said:
"Imposible wthout a car. To get to Stonehenge you have to travel cross country from Oxford by train, necessitating a change or two, then a bus. Then, to get to the airport, another bus, train with a change or two or three and the underground tube line to Heathrow airport. Can't be done in a morning! Not in a million years. If you set off from Oxford at 8 am, did stonehenge for an hour, you would not be at Heathrow until evening."
VB said:
"A week later, when Suzy left for Lyon, I was broke"
Now "Suzy" had a place to stay in Paris, as she told Vincent. Now how on earth can you go broke in a week spending twelve week's worth of scholarship money and expenses? Were they staying at the George Cinq? Were they dining at the Ritz every night? The Moulin Rouge after? [Andrew Rowland]

"and brokenhearted. I ended up in Amsterdam where four months later I was arrested"
So Vincent is broke after five days in Paris and survives four months without funds in Amsterdam? And just why was he arrested?

"and given a quick trip home by the State Department."
We are still investigating this point, but so far, what we have learned suggests that this scenario is impossible because if you are deported, first you have to serve your arrest sentence. If no sentence to be served, the State Dept. would not bail you out unless you were completely destitute, and even then we find it hard to believe. They do do it, and you are made to sign a chit that you will pay back the fare. Vincent's parents, guardians, or friends would have had to spring for the ticket home, not the State Dept. We expect that this will be the new variation on the story.

The remainder of this episode stretches credulity beyond the breaking point. So far, Mr. Bridges has tossed a chance at Oxford (according to him), stolen money from the university, gone on the lam for four months in a foreign country, is brought back in disgrace and all he says is this:

"The upshot of this sorry story is that the English department no longer wanted me, even after I gave the money back."
Did they (the "University") press charges? Without major family money or position, this scenario would never play out. And if there had been any money to begin with, there would have been no need for the scholarship, or the purported theft of the scholarship money, or the four months in Amsterdam living, we presume, on the streets.

"I switched to History, and with the aid of a friendly faculty member put together a degree,"
After all that went before? People stuck their neck out for him, and he shafted them, and now he says someone else just liked him so much and felt so sorry for him that it was done again? Seems highly unlikely. Unless it was the Dickey effect, again.

"BA in History and Classical Studies. Unfortunately, the degree was mostly bogus."
No kidding. Well, until further information is received, we will leave this most interesting period of Mr. Bridges career.

The reader now has an idea of what a great writer Mr. Bridges is. Over the past year, Mr. Bridges entertained and entranced the members of the Cassiopaean discussion group with his fantastic stories of encounters from his past, stories which were intended to convey a deep knowledge of, and first-hand experience dealing with far-reaching conspiracies, mind control, and Satanic sexual abuse. Unfortunately, some cannot be checked, as the main stars are quite dead. But not all.

For example:

In the winter of 1977 - 78, I was in grad school in History and Classical studies at UNC, working part time as a freelance writer, including books reviews, etc. for the Psychical Research Foundation at Duke, part of FRNM or the Rhine Foundation. A lady came through town doing psychic readings and the PRF picked her up as part of the team.
[We are waiting for the reply from FRNM at Duke.]

She however was obviously looking for talent, and definitely not interested in Bill Roll's return to Amityville kind of trip. To make a long story much shorter, we became acquainted and before she left she gave me a letter from a guy in California and a list of phone numbers.
[We have covered the bases. Dr. Roll has received an inquiry also.]

The letter was an ego stroke offer to go study magick, all expenses paid. My freelance rock'n'roll journalist career was in a slump, grad school was going nowhere, and frankly I missed San Fran and the high life. I bit, big time.

At first, everything was great. My career took off because they knew everybody in the business. The magickal training was great too. I was learning and experiencing faster than I had dreamed possible, and for a sensation junkie like me, this was heaven. Suddenly, my proposed thesis on the origin of the Tarot cards looked academic and tame. These people had real power and the information to back it up. Somehow, stupid me, I never thought to ask what the pay off would be.

By the summer of 1979, my basic magickal training was over and other subjects and tasks started coming up. In a very weird way, I was sort of assigned to write a novel about Aleister Crowley, Hitler and the more unsavory aspects of WWII's black magick. I was paid for it, although it took until 1981 to see print, and then in a heavily bowlderized form. To do this, I was "given" access to every bizarre Nazi document in existence. One of my friends in the group even got me access to the archives in Washington to look up certain strange practices of the SS. Again, I didn't question any of this, it just happened, so go with the flow, don't think too much, have a good time.

When my research was done and a rough version of the book was circulating to publishers, I had the pleasure of a visit by the head man in the Order. This guy is still around, going by the alias of Dr. Christopher Hyatt of Falcon Press. I become one of his main magickal student flunkies, and for the next six months or so I did nothing but follow him around through one bizarre episode after another. The most interesting of which was international drug and gun running. I kept thinking: This is gonna make a great movie/novel one day. To which a small voice would reply: if you survive.

After a couple of epics, including one where I made the run to Mexico and back on my own, I was invited out one evening to go sailing with the boss and some very special friends who had things they wanted to discuss with me.

So, here we are, in a large sail boat drifting off Sausalito on a warm August night. Just as I'm thinking that my life has turned into a gangster movie and I don't even like guns, the boss and his friends come on deck. They own the boat, and a stranger pair of rejects from the Addams clan I've never seen. He's had hair transplants done to give him an exaggerated widows peak, and she's in full aging Mortitia drag. Indeed, when we came on board, I thought she was a drag queen.

We chit-chat for a while. They introduce themselves as Michael and Lillith, and we talk about magic, Crowley, Nazis and a variety of such subjects for the better part of an hour. Testing me, is what I thought at the time. And then, smoothly, the conversation shifts.

It happened so smoothly, I didn't notice it, but suddenly the question were no longer academic, but personal. Did I believe this...hadn't I experienced that...didn't I understand the other...etc.

I remember the chill to this day. A warm still night, and even through my jacket it felt like the cold of outer space. That jolted me somehow, and I started asking questions. And I didn't like the answers.

Highly condensed, here's what they told me: (Keep in mind that it is THEIR belief system.)

The earth and everything on it is the property of a higher dimensional being who is on its way back to claim it. Our only choice is controller or slave, but those who choose to serve will be rewarded. This has been in the works for a thousand years and will soon reach fruition, in the next 20 years or so. The Nazis were part of it, but incomplete. Now, they'd get it right.

Stunned, I wanted to know how they thought I fit in. They said that I was being offered the chance to become a conscious operator with my pick of the New Age infiltration projects. Only hitch, I'd have to undergo my initiation, which in simple terms involved doing something so disgusting and illegal as to make my participation in simple smuggling look tame.

I blanched, and they reminded me that I was already in pretty deep.

No shit. Well, finally scared back to my senses, I said I needed to think about it, but yeah I'd play along. That made them happy and we spent a few perverse hours discussing orgies before I got off the boat.

I left the next day for a UFO conference back in Tuscon, literally shaking in my boots. I had been to the very edge of the pit, and I wasn't sure if there was a way to get out. I avoided them and the issue until October, when I got fired from my job. Without telling anyone, I hopped on a bus and escaped to North Carolina. By the time Hyatt found me, eight or nine months later, I was too deeply entrenched to remove easily. I played drug causality and pretended not remember anything and I suppose that helped. Anyway, they left me alone after that."
Well, there are two rather well-known names in this story (infamous is a better word). Dr. Michael Aquino is the executive director of the Temple of Set in San Francisco, an offshoot of the Church of Satan. He is also its founder. Lilith is his wife. He's pretty well known. But, as it happens, Dr. Aquino was a young guy working on his Ph.D. at the time the above events were said to be happening.

"Full aging Mortitia drag?" (sic) With some trepidation, we sent the above story to Dr. Aquino and asked for his input. This is his reply (not that we think he is an unimpeachable source!):

From: Xeper@...

Subject: Vincent Bridges

Date: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:10 AM

"Vincent Bridges, Jay Weidner, G. Richard Bozarth, Roland Maxwell, Victor Sutherland."

I have never known nor had contact with persons of any of these names.

"He's had hair transplants done to give him an exaggerated widows peak, and she's in full aging Mortitia drag. Indeed, when we came on board, I though she was a drag queen.

"We chit-chat for a while. They introduce themselves as Michael and Lillith, and we talk about magic, Crowley, Nazis and a variety of such subjects for the better part of an hour."

No such incident has even taken place with anyone by any name. I have never owned any boat, nor been on anyone else's around Sausalito, nor had any hair transplants for that matter.


Michael A. Aquino

In a a follow-up email, Mr. Bridges "story" as follows was included for comment:

An old friend that I knew had intelligence connections called me up with a strange story. He thought that if anybody might have a clue what was going on, it would be me. A friend of his wife's, going back to Pentagon days, had gone crazy and started accusing everyone of being a satanist and under mind control. Her husband had had to take their kids away from her and she was on the run, calling them from phone booths along the highway. Could I help?

She called me the next day from a phone booth in Maryland, and we talked enough to convince her that I would take her story seriously. So she hopped in her car and drove straight through to Winston-Salem. She got to my office around six and we talked to midnight, when she left to hide somewhere, she wouldn't say where or how, and then came back the next day and talked for another four hours or so. Then she got in her car and left. I never saw her again, alive.

What she told me was so bizarre that at first I figured it had to be a plant. They wanted to see what I'd do with such stuff, and then flatten me when I used it. And remember, this was 1993, pre X-files... She had been in the Program since the mid-50s, what she called the "Stepford Wives" division. Girls with looks and good grades from selected backgrounds were fast-tracked to prep schools and finishing schools, where they received some basic programming, and then "sold off" to Intel and other government types as wives. Many of them ended up married to NASA geeks for the sole purpose of spying on them. Early on, she figured out the game and played along until her handlers discovered she was virtually immune to hypnotic programming. That earned her truly special attention.

The issue of hypnotic immunity was the fly in the ointment for the larger reaches of the program. If a significant number of citizens were flatly immune to your best efforts, then mass control was unlikely. Somebody would always resist. So this poor lady became a guinea pig for the full range of Program experimentation. They learned that while she couldn't be successfully programmed, she could be broken. She was put back into circulation, while her pregnancies were monitored and genetically tampered with, causing mis-carriages and abnormal births. Two children survived, both boys, one 13 and the other five in 1993. They had been experimented on since the day they were born, and the eldest, like his mother, was resistant. The youngest however was something else, perhaps literally.

And here's where all the threads of our story converge on the Gordian knot nexus point of maximum weirdness. When they wanted her for something, she simply hit her up with drugs to knock her out and did it to her. However, over time, she developed a tolerance for the drugs and would be half awake for the last few hours of whatever. And so she woke up one night in 1987 to find herself having sex with something that looked like a cross between Night on Bald Mountain and an iguana. She freaked and a group of people held her down while "it" finished. Several of the people she remembered enough to identify. One was her husband, another was Michael Aquino.
Dr. Aquino's comments regarding the above excerpt

From: Xeper@...

Date sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 02:24:17 EST

Subject: Vincent Bridges

In a message dated 11/18/01 6:58:26 PM, you write:

This book was supposed to have been the result of research that was funded and promoted by an implied association between yourself and a Dr. Christopher Hyatt.

I have never funded/promoted any research by anyone else. Dr. Christopher Hyatt is a real person; I think he is associated with New Falcon Publications, which has a website, so you might be able to contact him that way. I do not have a personal address for him, as the two of us have never met nor had any contact.

"... She freaked and a group of people held her down while "it" finished. Several of the people she remembered enough to identify. One was her husband, another was Michael Aquino."

In addition to never meeting anyone on a boat off Sausalito, I have never held anyone down either!

Mr. Bridges claims that Dr. Hyatt was his "mentor and teacher" of all things magickal and that he is the "Highest degree recognized adept in the various Golden Dawn traditions ...

The Golden Dawn was a turn-of-the-century (1890s-1910s) British Rosicrucian society - law-abiding and reasonably respectable. Today there are a few revivalist G.D.s around, and I think that Hyatt is involved with one or more of them. Again, you'd have to ask him about that, and whether he knows anything about this Bridges character.

I'd recommend contacting them directly and asking them. Just about every group has a website these days, or is at least referenced by other websites.

I'm a Political Scientist (Ph.D. UC Santa Barbara, 1980) :-)


Michael A. Aquino

And what of the other person mentioned in Mr. Bridges' story, Christopher Hyatt? Mr. Bridges teacher and mentor? Dr. Hyatt is the editor-in-chief of New Falcon Books. They, too, have an extensive website. In response to an inquiry sent to Dr. Hyatt, the following was received:

Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 12:42:58 -0700

From: "New Falcon Publications"

Reply-to: info@...

Thanks so much for the info.

No one here (including Dr. Hyatt) recognizes any of these names. As you might surmise, we find this situation very disturbing, particularly because the material he sent you includes some extremely defamatory statements. Apparently this individual knows enough specifics about Dr. Hyatt (e.g., that he likes to sail) to have woven a modicum of truth into a rather bizarre, fictional tale. This suggests to us that he may have been acquainted with us, though perhaps only peripherally, at one time or another.

We are surmising that ALL of the names he gave you are aliases. If you have any info on where he claims to live, this might give us a better clue to his true identity. And we'd appreciate any other info you may have on him.

We are curious about one other thing: from what you've said we take it that you have not been able to verify much (anything?) of his bio?

Perhaps we shall be able to deal with this mystery together.


Nick Tharcher

We would like to point out that, in the above case, though Dr. Hyatt does own a boat, in Mr. Bridges account, Dr. Aquino owns the boat. "...the boss and his friends come on deck. They own the boat..." So, indeed, we do have "facts," but rather than being "interpreted" they are "appropriated" - and not very accurately, as it seems. In response to a follow-up letter. Mr. Tharcher, writes:

Date sent: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 13:23:14 -0700

From: New Falcon Publications

Send reply to: info@...

Subject: Re: Vincent Bridges

Thank you for taking the time to write to us. The situation seems rather ugly and we wish you the best in sorting it all out.

As to us: no one at Falcon is familiar with Mr. Bridges or any of his aliases. Essentially everything you told us he said about Dr. Hyatt, Falcon Press and his 'association' with us is simply untrue.

Again, we wish you the best and, should our name pop up in this mess again, we would appreciate your letting us know.


Nick Tharcher
The following are real publishing credits of Vincent Bridges. They are not precisely along the line of his claims, but he has dug them up and provided evidence.


1983 - Crescent Observer article about reggae by "V. Bridges" copyright by Wyrd Trips, Ink


North Davidson Dispatch

1985 - Shakespeare festival on the 500th anniversary of the death of Richard III in 1485 - promotional brochure


1987 - Triad article and Piedmont article


1990 Style Article

Keep in mind that Vincent Bridges publishes on the internet, on his own website and on the websites of his friends. He has also had some modest input in other internet publications, all of which he claims are proof that this report is a "smear job."

Well, we are not questioning what he has done since his appearance on the Laura Lee show - just what he used to launch himself on the stage of "expert status," all of which was false.

Here is a chronology put together with Vincent Bridges' own statements, a few comments from others who knew where he was and what he was doing. He sure does get around! He's a regular Doug and Dave of occultism and expert status!


1966- I may have mentioned that my early exposure to all of this was through a group of exiled leftist writers (John Dickson Carr was probably the best known) living in Greenville SC of all places. They were also keen Theosophist and that's where I first stumbled onto Burgoyne and the HBofL material. Not unusual, they had everything, including a bound collection of the Proceedings of the SPR. I was their mascot writer wanna-be from age 14 through college and later in some cases. Along the way, I met many people who only later when I watched the movie Reds did I realize were famous. One of these guys was an actor leftist science fiction writer by the name of Fritz Leiber.

1971 - In the early 70's, I spent some time at Eckard College/Florida Presbyterian and the adjacent St. Pete beach. I still have nightmares about SS check day at that huge department store downtown.

1971 -In 1971, at Fla. Pres. College, now I think it is Eckard University, out at St. Pete Beach, a group of us experienced repeated UFO sightings, and some other rather strange experiences, as well as the most overwhelming sense of evil and imminent destruction that I have ever felt. Then again, a decade (1981?) later in the aftermath of the Greensboro debacle, Reagan's election and the YIPie fiasco at the inauguration I was conned into coming to Clearwater for a vacation that resulted in my being arrested for burglary. After a week in the Pinelas County jail, my family managed to get the charges dropped. I guess I had more resources than they figured, because the rest of my friends from that period are either dead or still in jail on various charges.

1972 - winter quarter 1972, I was off to Oxford for a six week Shakespeare intensive, and then another six weeks working on the crew at the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford. ... 1972, I was 19 with an extremely high IQ (that would mean he was born in 1953, not 52 since his birthday is in May. ) I ended up in Amsterdam where four months later I was arrested and given a quick trip home by the State Department.

1972 - Between 1972 and 1976, I read everything, and I do mean everything, that had anything at all to do with what I thought was my quest. I went back to school, graduate work in Medieval History, and by 1978 was sure I had figured it all out.

1973 - December 1973, I officially graduated

1977-78 In the winter of 1977-78, I was in grad school in history and classical studies at UNC, working part time as a freelance writer, including books reviews, etc, for the Psychical Research Foundation at Duke, part of FRNM of the Rhine Foundation. ... Grad school in the mid seventies[...] I switched from English to History, got out of undergraduate work and then went on to psychology ... Left to pursue magickal studies.

1978 - I met a group of "magickal" folk who were looking for a guinea pig. My freelance rock'n'roll journalist career was in a slump, grad school was going nowhere, and frankly I missed San Fran and the high life. Like a fool, I signed on. Three years later (1981) I fled to North Carolina with my sanity hanging by a thread.

(Where did San Francisco and the "high life" come from?)

1979 - By the summer of 1979, my basic magickal training was over I was sort of assigne to write a novel about Aleister Crowley, Hitler and the more unsavory aspects of WWIIs black magick. I was paid for it, although it took until 1981 to see print, and then in heavy bowdlerized form. To do this, I was "given" access to every bizarred Nazi document in existence. One of my friends in the group even got me access to the archives in Washington to look up certain strange practices of the SS.

1980 - Back in 1980, I had the opportunity to follow around the UFO researcher who had first broached the whole Hanger 18 thing, Ray Fowler, for the Whole Earth people. They wanted proof of a gov. cover-up, but all I found after 3 months was that Fowler had been part of some gov. experiment, but it looked more like a Psy-Op project. I wrote the story, from the point of view that the aliens may or may not be real, but some portion of the gov. is going out of its way to make us think that they are. Needless to say, the Co-Evo Quarterly, spin- off of Whole Earth that commissioned it, refused to print it. I stood my ground, refused to re-write and change conclusions, and so got fired. I ended up back in North Carolina.

1980 - Three years later (all of which time spent in magical training) I fled to North Carolina with my sanity hanging by a thread.

1980 - I hopped on a bus and escaped to North Carolina.

1981 - By the time Hyatt found me, eight or nine months later, I was too deeply entrenched to remove easily. I played drug causality and pretended not remember anything and I suppose that helped. Anyway, they left me alone after that. In fact, all of this scared me so bad, what it said about me I mean, that I went into therapy and before the decade was out was a therapist myself. I rationalized what the weird people had said as fantasy and wish-fullfilment role-playing, enhanced by substance abuse, all around, and my own criminal nature projected outward.

1981 - three years of therapy with Dr. Margaret McCoy

[We have information from an informant that Vincent Bridges was actually a patient in the State Mental Hospital]

1980 or 81 - (1981?) later in the aftermath of the Greensboro debacle, Reagan's election and the YIPie fiasco at the inauguration I was conned into coming to Clearwater for a vacation that resulted in my being arrested for burglary.

1983 - Crescent Observer article about reggae by V. Bridges copyright by Wyrd Trips, Ink - A travelogue, "get the tourists in to spend money filler type article."

1984 - I wrote a book, unpublished, called the White Indian Myth. It bounced around among publishers for a while, and the basic story was optioned for a movie, which also never happened. But in the course of my research, I turned up something truly strange. --Documented evidence, including archeological finds, of a Celtic group in central NC.

1984 - North Davidson Dispatch article about the Town creek Indian mounds. Written as a "travel guide" to drum up tourist business.

1985 - After a period of emotional recuperation, (from the magical training) I got a job at the Shakespeare Festival -- use that classical education! -- and began to write again. Fairy stories mostly, and one book on the white indian myth. Shakespeare festival publication on the 500th anniversary of the death of Richard III in 1485

1986- The day after Easter in 1986, I was sitting under a crepe myrtle bush in High Point NC meditating while I waited for my car to be fixed.

1987 - A year later, I was leading a Harmonic Convergence event. - Triad article - a local "film rag" . Oddly, in the image of the page, a photo has been blanked out and a piece of the masthead inserted in the place. WHAT was in the picture? Piedmont article: another "encourage the tourists" attraction description.

1988- I was a therapist doing deep hypnotic work on trauma abreactions

1987 and 88 - I was a facilitator for a Melchizedek group that focused on the Keys of Enoch

1988 - Back in 1988, Barbra Marciniak and I were part of the same newage/magickal group called the Order of Melchizedek in NC. The group was about to start some save the world type project involving traveling to remote places and anchoring the Blue Light (K-Marts specials for everyone!). Egypt was the first stop and BM came to me for a Tarot reading on whether she should go or or not. The indicator of the reading was the death card, crossed by the devil. She freaked, and I must admit, I had no pleasant way to interpret that kind of sign. She wouldn't stay for the rest of the reading and left in a huff. A couple of months later, we're in the Great Pyramid doing our hoodoo with the Great Guru, when BM starts to shake and passes out. She's sick the rest of the trip, having some truly bizarre episodes. [...]

1989 - And then, just as my practice got going in the summer of 1989, [working at Duke Diet clinic?] I met Dr. Andrija Puharich. Dr. P. was in hiding on the Reynolds family estate in Devotion North Carolina, and he felt that they were closing in. I suppose that the fact of one of his benefactors took a swan dive off a hotel roof in Tampa had something to do with that. I had followed his work from the late '50s through the late 1970s when he seemed to drop off the map. I was ready to hear anything the man had to say. Over the course of that summer, we became friends, mainly, as he liked to say after a few shots of good vodka, because I reminded him so much of Ira Einhorn.

1989 -A year after that I was leading the service for a hundred people on Bell Rock in Sedona while the Berlin wall fell.

[One wonders how Bridges could have been hanging out with Puharich AND be in Arizona at almost the same time.]

1990 - my practice exploded, - I was gaining credibility with the Bowman Gray Med School's MPD clinic, and all was looking bright.


Duplex apartment (at right) occupied by Bridges during time he claimed his successful psychotherapy "practice was exploding."

From a correspondent who requested anonymity for safety reasons:

The above is a lie. Vincent was living on poverty row in a house at 21 Devonshire. He was involved with L** H**. She use to own Wellsprings in Forsyth Co. Her family were the ones that funded what was Charter Hospital (a private psy hospital) in Winston, N.C. Charter has now been taken over by Bowman Grey Hospital and L** sold Wellsprings years ago. Vincent was a "friend" of L**'s and they worked together on Wellsprings (a new age type of retreat). There was a falling out, L** tried to terminate relations with Vincent, but he wouldn't let her. He set her property on fire and destroyed her possessions. After a scandal, W**** was sold due to community opposition and problems with a non-profit and Vincent was run out of town.]
1990 - Style article - Says nothing about him being a therapist which you would expect it to say if, as he claims, his "practice exploded." It is another tourist guide type thing about Pilot mountain, building temples, UFOs and Bermuda Triangle. He says: "I'm part of the blue army. We're the rescue squad."

1991 - Two years later, I was in India, Nepal and Tibet, collecting Vishnu and Shiva initiations and following in the footsteps of Padmasambhava.

1993 - An old friend that I knew had intelligence connections called me up with a strange story. He thought that if anybody might have a clue what was going on, it would be me. A friend of his wife's, going back to Pentagon days, had gone crazy and started accusing everyone of being a satanist and under mind control. Her husband had had to take their kids away from her and she was on the run, calling them from phone booths along the highway. Could I help?

She called me the next day from a phone booth in Maryland, and we talked enough to convince her that I would take her story seriously. So she hopped in her car and drove straight through to Winston-Salem. She got to my office around six and we talked to midnight, when she left to hide somewhere, she wouldn't say where or how, and then came back the next day and talked for another four hours or so. Then she got in her car and left. I never saw her again, alive. ...A few days later I got a call from a detective in Memphis who wanted to know if I knew anything about her. She had been found dead in a motel room under suspicious circumstances and she had my card.

1993 - October I got the following letter. It had no heading or letter head and bore a Las Vegas postmark. Hi Vince, Good to hear from old friends, what they're doing and all, isn't it? We've been admiring your work, and we must tell you that we couldn't be more pleased. Doubt you would have been so effective even if you had taken our offer. Christopher I fell into a months long Sherlockian funk, that fortunately coincided with our several moves so I had time to think as I packed and unpacked endless boxes of books.

My new partner (Dr. Jean Templeton) and I worked out a plan. She would take the professional flack and work within the emerging treatment community to get the word out and to find more cases so we could see if my sample was skewed or accurate, or even if the whole thing was another form of mind control. I went to work on the technical end looking for therapies and gizmos that would aid in the recovery process. We worked at it until early 1997,

1995 - Three years after that, I was initiated into the Sufi order in Luxor, met the Dalai Lama and received the Kalachakra initiation. (What about the trip to Nepal, India, and Tibet in 1991? Or are there two trips to collect initiations?)

1996 - We invoked the Ophanic angels of Dr. John Dee, back in Sedona on Bell Rock. Then, I plunged into alchemy and Fulcanelli. In the next few years, some truly interesting things are scheduled to happen involving the Grail and Nostradamus.

1996 - Jay Weidner says: I didn't meet VB until 1996 when he was hanging out in Boulder with Dan Winter. I told him about Hendaye and the Cross and my visits to France. I funded (with my own money) a research trip to France. He told me that he would pay me back for the trip but that was 3 years ago and I have yet to recieve a cent.

1996 - On Wednesday, April 24th, 1996 I was in Tampa, the book says University of Tampa, but all I remember is a large and funky 1890's hotel deep in downtown, doing a seminar with my partner Dr. Jean Templeton for a group of therapists and psychs on early childhood abuse and our light and sound entrainment procedures for treating it.that was my last seminar with Jean. She went off to Masters and Johnson that summer and became famous for our technique. I manned the store while she was gone and then that fall I decided I had had enough. I started pulling back on clients, keeping only those that were willing to do the work. By early '97 I was officially retired.

1997 - [Re therapy practice] everything fell apart due to heavy pressure on my partner. Psychic attacks, Love Bite vampires and office break-ins forced a change. I went into semi-retirement, retreating to Mt.G.

1998 - From: "wiolawa72" .

luke gato had a sacred geometry denver in 98 and stan said he would sue the participants because of dan..[...] conference michael heleus..etc....[...]well it wasnt till a little later that dan brought holt to my house.. and holt set up an assassination plot.. headed my way with drunvalo...then dan had Vincent and his wife do a ritual with sekmet at bell rock in sedona. all nite and a crowley exericise in futility to the ophanim.... i didnt like that they were using my timeshare.... [...] ron holt was drunvalos major jackass assistant.. and he is married to lyssssa royal.. yerka..was the czech.. who funded drunvalo.bought him a million $$$ house temple.whatever in prescott.. drug money king.. also funded hoagy... all that is a long story.... i got out of the assassination attempt thanx to dennis banks of aim.. police also trying to get drunvalo.. coca...etc..yes he is a snake....sedona is headquartersfor much nwo
1999 - March - in France with Jay Weidner sez VB

1999 - in "real" life I'm a therapist working with severe childhood trauma, sexual abuse, etc. Takes up a lot of my time. (What happened to being retired in 1997?)


If anyone can confirm or deny any of Mr. Bridges whereabouts or claims, please contact the owners of this website. Information will be kept confidential.
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

Vincent Bridges sez:

"[...] Dr. Margaret McCoy...turned me on to hypnosis, an old fascination, and I soon went from Ericsonian ..."

"Dr. Joan Essic ... because of our work together on hypnosis... introduced me to Ericsonnian..."

"I studied with Milton Ericson years ago..."
So now, we turn to Mr. Bridges' claims of being a therapist. He states:

"As for therapy and being a therapist, that started with three years of therapy with Dr. Margaret McCoy, a Transactional Analysis psychologist. [NOTE: Mr. Bridges seems to be the patient here, not the therapist. A good "school" for learning therapeutic jargon and techniques.] She turned me on to hypnosis, an old fascination, and I soon went from Ericsonian to NLP to holotropic breathwork and so on. I am a certified hypnotherapist in the state of North Carolina with my own "school" of therapeutic techniques and applications. I also hold certifications in TA and advanced NLP. I am one of the pioneers of psycho-acoustic brain entrainment trauma abreaction, having worked with both Tom Kenyon - I was one of Acoustic Brain Research's early experimental subjects - and Dr. Martin Wutke, a clinical physiologist using some of these techniques to treat addiction and depression. When I was doing therapy, I worked with Dr. Joan Essic of the Bowman-Gray Medical School's MPD clinic and Dr. Jean Templeton who inherited my techniques when I gave it up."
Aside from the fact that the above is written in a very slippery way, so that it is difficult to infer whether Mr. Bridges is the patient or the therapist, so far we have not been able to verify any of Mr. Bridges claims. We cannot confirm that Mr. Bridges is a certified hypotherapist. Searches on North Carolina websites listing such have come up negative, though this may show up in the North and South Carolina Public records searches that are underway. The same holds with his possible certifications in TA and advanced NLP. We will keep you informed.

UPDATE! Regarding the above claims about his training as a therapist, Mr. Bridges has stated the following subsequent to the publishing of this report:

Bridges writes: Other quick points on that front include: The MPD clinic was an informal group of psychologist and psychiatrists that met at the Rose and Thistle Cafe in W-S twice a month to discuss their Disassociative Disorder and MPD clients.
Mr. Bridges has here stretched our credulity to the breaking point again. Keep in mind that his clear statement was:

"When I was doing therapy, I worked with Dr. Joan Essic of the Bowman-Gray Medical School's MPD clinic..."
The question we would like to ask is "who is trying to confuse and mislead whom?"

Bridges writes: Dr. Joan Essic, Wake Forest 1988 I believe, was a friend first who, because of our work together on hypnosis - she introduced me to Ericsonnian - recommended that the group try me out on a few of their incorrigibles. When I got results that they couldn't explain, they started to send me more clients. I was never asked to the meetings, and so don't remember their names. All of that is in another collection of boxes and files yet to go through.
We have found a Dr. Ellyn Joan Essic, who obtained her Ph.D. in 1999 from University of North Carolina at Greensboro. At this point, we are unable to connect her with the Bowman-Gray Medical School but will keep trying. We have sent written inquiries, including the entire transcripts of all Mr. Bridges claims to a selection of individuals at Wake Forest/Bowman Gray. We will update them with the further information about the psychologists and psychiatrists meeting at the cafe who were sending Mr. Bridges their clients so that they can investigate this matter.

"...Dr. Joan Essic of the Bowman-Gray Medical School's MPD clinic and Dr. Jean Templeton who inherited my techniques when I gave it up..."

"I was gaining credibility with the Bowman Gray Med School's MPD clinic..."
What we did find that the Bowman-Gray Medical School DOES have an MPD clinic. Howeer, this MPD Clinic has nothing to do with psychology - clinical, behavioral, or otherwise. As it happens, "MPD" as used by Bowman Gray refers to Hematology research, a branch of which includes the study of "Myeloproliferative Disorders"... "Myeloproliferative - Concerning abnormal proliferation of bone marrow elements either in the bone marrow or extramedullary."

This would not appear to have anything to do with counseling. Nevertheless, an "MPD Clinic" of such a large and prestigious Medical School would be just the ticket to attach to a list of credits for someone claiming to be an authority on the subject of Multiple Personality Disorder. He just didn't check far enough to find out what the clinic really did.

Bridges writes: My former therapy partner, Dr Jean Templeton, (who blew Laura's crap off as clearly delusional - everyone please note that not a word of that exchange has been mentioned) claims me as her hypnosis teacher on her own hypnotherapy certification application.
Regarding the above: There has not been an "exchange" between any of the Perseus Foundation researchers and Dr. Jean Templeton. Three inquiries to Dr. Templeton have resulted in no response. If Dr. Templeton has responded to Vincent Bridges himself, why hasn't he published her verifiable confirmation of his claims?

Vincent Bridges has also told us:

From: Vincent Bridges
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 11:58:25 -0500

I went and checked my appointment book for 1996. I was still practicing then, and practically every moment of every day is recorded. On Wednesday, April 24th, 1996 I was in Tampa, the book says University of Tampa, but all I remember is a large and funky 1890's hotel deep in downtown, doing a seminar with my partner Dr. Jean Templeton for a group of therapists and psychs on early childhood abuse and our light and sound entrainment procedures for treating it.

Strangely enough, that was my last seminar with Jean. She went off to Masters and Johnson that summer and became famous for our technique. I manned the store while she was gone and then that fall I decided I had had enough. I started pulling back on clients, keeping only those that were willing to do the work. By early'97 I was officially retired. I kept my Tyler Texas family because I had two sisters and a mother with serious problems and a history of involvement with the Program with going back to the 1930's. Their family connections, including William Bailey III, an oil man who was a friend of Prescott Bush's and the first person J. Edgar Hoover called after he was notified of the assassination, led me to the core of the whole JFK thing. That's how I know that the Cs interpretation is correct. They were just not telling you the whole story. So, while it's fine for me to dig the story out of other people's unconsciousness, it's too dangerous just to spill the whole thing out to you through the Ouiji board.
Again, despite our REPEATED efforts to obtain a recommendation for Mr. Bridges from his "former partner," Dr. Jean Templeton, giving every opportunity to her to offer him support in his claims. the silence is deafening. Even if, as Mr. Bridges claims, Dr. Templeton "blew Laura's crap off as clearly delusional - everyone please note that not a word of that exchange has been mentioned," the fact is that she has made not a single effort to respond to our requests to verify his claims. And more than one member of the research group have contacted her. But, there is one claim that we do have a return on. Vincent Bridges makes the claim:

Vincent Bridges said:
"I am one of the pioneers of psycho-acoustic brain entrainment trauma abreaction, having worked with both Tom Kenyon - I was one of Acoustic Brain Research's early experimental subjects - and Dr. Martin Wutke ..."
From: office@...
Subject: Vincent Bridges
Date sent: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 07:08:56 +0000

In response to your inquiry, I am afraid I cannot be of much assistance. I do not recall this name, though I cannot say that he was never a client of mine, as I practicied psychotheraphy for many years and his statement saying that he was a "subject" sounds more like a client than a fellow researcher.

Acoustic Brain Research was an independent research organization that I operated from 1983 until 1993, though my tapes and CDs from that period are still in production and are utilized by individuals and clinics around the world. These were produced and conceived by me, without assistance. They were sent to independent labs at Universities and locations for verification of brain shifts.

I cannot say this man did not work for one of those labs but he certainly wasn't a principal at any as I recall.
But I have no recollection of this name, certainly not as a collaborator or researcher during that time.

Tom Kenyon
An inquiry to Dr. Wuttke (misspelled in the above quote) has not come back yet.
Mr. Bridges wrote to a member of the cass discussion group:

Dear S***,

Well, it sounds like you are a classical client of mine. My specialty was early childhood trauma abreaction, and I mainly focused on incest, sexual abuse, etc. [...] In the course of all that, I've come across many "Greenbaum" cases. Corey's lecture, quoted by Laura in the Wave I think, is partly taken from my research. I talked at length to him a few months before the conference where he gave the lecture and my then partner was in the audience.

[...] I am Dr. Mack and Bud Hopkins' worst enemies. Hopkins refused to speak at the same Fortean convention a few years ago, because I had attacked his work so strongly the night before at the party. So it goes. . . These guys are shameful. [...] I studied with Milton Ericson years ago, and he stressed the value of conscious participation in the trance state as the only way to insure the value of the trance's contents. [...] I had a semi-famous abductee, one of the above's "clients," whose experience turned about to be, with enough carefully unfoldment, her father masturbating at her bedside. [...] Feel like visiting the beautiful piedmont one weekend? I can do a simple evaluation, and see if there is work we can profitably do together. It is possible to do it in one day, I've a few other semi-detached clients in Asheville who do occasionally, so. . . Are you game? Anyway, let me know what you feel,
Now, notice that in his other statement at the beginning of this section of the report, Vincent Bridges has said:
"As for therapy and being a therapist, that started with three years of therapy with Dr. Margaret McCoy, a Transactional Analysis psychologist. She turned me on to hypnosis, an old fascination, and I soon went from Ericsonian to NLP to holotropic breathwork and so on."
And then he says: "Dr. Joan Essic, Wake Forest 1988 I believe, was a friend first who, because of our work together on hypnosis - she introduced me to Ericsonnian..."
Yet, in an email to an individual that Bridges was trying to "drum up" as a possible paying client, he has said plainly:

"I studied with Milton Ericson years ago..."
Well, which one is it, Mr. Bridges? Was it Templeton, Essic, or Dr. Ericson himself?
What seems to be true is that Vincent Bridges learned how to fake being a therapist by being in therapy. In other words, Vincent Bridges doing "therapy" is the equivalent of the lunatic taking over the asylum!
Colleen Johnston and Vincent Bridges Trash Laura and cassiopaea

There are a few further things that need to be mentioned about Mr. Bridges. The fact is, he has claimed to communicate with Alien beings (what else can you call them?) in the guise of "Ophanic Angels." He has also attempted to start a "mystery school" similar to Golden Dawn, Church of Set, and so on, only under the auspices of his claimed contacts with the "Ophanic Angels." I'll just give it to you in his own words here:

A Brief Overview of Galactic History

including:a prospectus for the development of LSS planet#3

From: Dr Strange (Vincent Bridges)

To: Dan Winter

Note to Dan:

Between March 1987 and June 1988, I received several of what you might call transmissions. Most concerned the ley lines and geomantic arrangement of a proposed LVX pyramid we were building, but a couple of these "productions" were totally unique. "A Brief Overview of Galactic History" is the strangest of all. It was written at white heat one afternoon in about an hour. The MS was incomplete, full of abbreviations and strange numbers, and seemed to break-off just at the good point.

Slowly, over the course of the next year and a half, I began to understand what it had to say. I started with those weird strings of numbers and letters, and soon realized that they were referring to rotations of some distant point around a galactic center, as well as the galactic center's rotation around some central focal point for the entire cluster of galaxies that make up our local space/time area. The text stated that the ancient galactic culture used the pulsar located in Gamma Crucis, a star in the Southern Cross, as a time standard. This neutron star pulses steadily at a rate of 2.25 flashes per second and seems to have remained steady in its rate of emanation across a vast period of time. It is also located at the edge of the galactic plane, relative to the galactic core, and is aligned through that core with the center of the galactic cluster. (The galaxy must rotate ten complete pulsar/center symmetry cycles to mark one tenth of the galaxy's rotation around the center of the local cluster.)

Suddenly, as if some one turned the lights on in a dark room, the dates made sense. I was able to date and then reference some of these major geological and biological events referred to in the text. What at first seemed to be an arbitrary series of numbers, actually turned out to be solid, verifiable dates. I also realized that a temporal co-ordinate system such as this could be used to locate objects in space, implying that the culture which used this understood how to navigate space/time as a medium.

At any rate, I've always hung onto this as my "proof" if you will that something smarter than my self did explain galactic history to me that afternoon in April , 1988. I've never released this material because of my reluctance on the subject of "channeled" information, but it does seem to have a value of its own, somehow, and it is an interesting story. So, in that spirit, I'm offering to share it now.

Brief Overview of Galactic History

Our Spiral Galaxy and its related globular clusters were seeded with pre-programmed DNA mechanisms by an unknown race or culture between gastu and gastu.

(GASTU is galactic absolute standard temporal units. I get the feeling that this went through some universal translator, its too bureaucratic bland for anything else. It is implied in each date from here on. The date itself notes that the pulsar is .098743 of the way through its rotational cycle, or 17,698,500 years from the zero point of the calendar,, which was roughly 2.25 billion years ago. So, let's say the seeding took place a little more than 2,233,000,000 years ago.)

Origin and Agency of seeding mechanism unknown. Sometime after five cultures emerged in widely separated areas of the galaxy. All claimed contact with "Creator" culture.

(The mind boggles at this because it would mean that the "Creators," or whatever we called them -- I like "Gardeners" myself -- hung around for over a billion years tending the garden planets of the galaxy, waiting for sentience to develop.)

The Dawn of Galactic History is marked by the appearance of the Old Galactic Culture, OGC, in This was the first truly galactic society, embracing over 3,000 planets and 150 different species and cultural groupings by Exploring the galaxy and its local clusters, driven by a desire to find the by now elusive "creators," the OGC continued to expand and prosper for over 2 complete galactic rotations. An absolute time scale based on the pulsar located in G. Crucis led to the discovery of the age of the universe and the date of the arrival of life mechanisms. -- First encounter between origin cultures -- Third origin culture located in core region -- First federation of core cultures founded -- Fourth origin culture found in spiral arm -.342 -- Search for the Founders -- Fifth and last origin culture found

0.5.49. 675-785 -- The melding of cultures -- Federation of Galactic Cultures founded

(It took about 19 million years for the Federation of Cultures to form, from first contact to unification. Its glory days lasted over 550 million years. This time scale is so vast that it is hard to comprehend, even the smallest digit in the date, .001, equals 2,250 years, roughly one processional period, the time it takes the sun to travel backward through one complete zodiacal sign as seen from Earth.)

A Radical New Life-Form heralded the beginning of the end for the OGC. First contact came in A small three star system was noted in one of the tidal rift quadrants whose inhabitants claimed the unusual status of an elder culture. Galactic folklore had long rumored the existence of a "renegade" origin culture, one which had "cracked" the life code of the "Creators" and had forged a life-form different from that which the "Creators" intended. No one took the Ssh'h seriously when they proposed that they were indeed this lost culture. But sometime after, a new life-form appeared, one that was artificially derived from organic DNA. The Ssh'h "scientist" claimed to have re-covered the knowledge of their ancient ancestors, the "renegade" elders. The great debate, -.459, was held to determine a galactic standard for sentience. The Ssh'h "humans" were found to be non-sentient, based on their apparent psychic separate-ness from a group, species or cultural whole.

Ssh'h Consciousness is characterized by an intense focus on the physical and the material, at the expense of the psychic and the spiritual. Aggressive, violent and possessive, particularly of their "life" which they envisioned as threatened by the loss of their corporeal form, the Ssh'h life forms posed an unsolvable dilemma for the OGC. They couldn't be cured, and they wouldn't go away. Their appetite for physical power led to wars of conquest, which eroded the OGC and the stability of the galaxy.

Wars of Conquest -

Age of the Archons -

Founding of United Archons of the Eldest

The Dark Night of Galactic History fell in The Wars of Conquest led to the solidification of power in the hands of the so-called "Archonic" beings, entities of vast power and continuity. The Age of Archons saw this solidify even more into the much smaller council or coalition of Archons that became the United Archons of the Eldest. This oligarichical empire marked the end of the Archons. Soon after unification, the internal strife exploded into a civil blood bath that decimated the Archons and laid waste to much of the galaxy. In the wake of the collapse of the Archonic Empire, galactic civilization revived slowly, aided by the Coalition of Central Core Cultures.

Founded by a Diverse Group of cultures near the galactic core in, the Coalition, or C3, developed a program to redeem the devastated planets and cultures. They also made progress on the problem of curing the Archons. Their effect was instrumental in the unification of the Archons, and by C3 had survived to become the only civilizing force left in the galaxy. At council of the C3 in, an ambitious program of reclamation was announced. Starting with only twelve star systems along one spiral arm, the C3 began to reshape galactic civilization.

One of these Twelve Systems became the center of the new culture after The OGC had established a research station to study the emissions of an anomalous object orbiting one of the stars in the local group. This station discovered that the stellar radiation could be modified into a kind of spiritual medium onto which an evolutionary carrier wave could be modulated. This astro-spiritual technology became the mainstay of C3's reclamation efforts.

The Ssh'h Homeworld Emerged Once more in Ruling a quarter of the galaxy by means of a superstitious use of the "Creator" myths, the original Ssh'h had fared well through the era of the Archons and the Dark Ages afterward. They dreamed of a new Empire, but, fortunately, had lost the genetic science of their ancestors. With the fall of the "New Archons" in, a New Galactic Culture, NGC, arose.

Prospectus on Local Star System (NGC#330/14.67/v18,53-00,74) including planets #3 & #4

Local Star System is moderate size, G@ class, roughly half way through a 5.2 GCR life cycle, 33,000 light years from core on second spiral arm. System is unusual, class M planets as well as gas giants and dwarf stars, failed binary classification with anomalous evolution. Planet #3, 2.1 GCR in age, was bio-formed by "Creators" in period just previous to their disappearance, @ 0.009.990. Fossil record begins around 0.605.203. Rediscovered in 0.939.674, it was re-bioformed in 0.963.789.

The Original Bioforming by the "Creators" had focused on the creation of water and oxygen in life-supporting quantities. The Reformation of 0.963.789 focused on a shift toward sentience in the bio-sphere. Non-sentient adaptive species were destroyed and the gravitational resonance of the planetary grid structure was changed to support an evolution toward Galactic Standard sentience. Local action by a C3 culture from the "Canopan' System resulted in colonization after 0.987.423. System was involved in the Federated Disputes settlement of 0.988.001, and designated an evolving sentience preserve, under the joint administration of "Canopan" and "Sirian" researchers. Project was slowly developed, while planet itself was used as a recreation and resource location for local NGC citizens.

In the Expectation of the Great Galactic Fractal Return, one tenth of a rotation around the central point of the greater cluster of galaxies, sentient evolution was made a high priority of the NGC council's program for the new era. Planet#3 offered a prime candidate for accelerated evolution, the swiftly evolving arboreal primates of the dying forests in the great central continental mass. In 0.999.003, an orbital station was established where remote viewing and biological stimulation could be applied to the primates. Focus was soon narrowed to small groups of monkeys moving on the savannas of the great continent. By 0.999.567, the Homo Erectus had been stimulated, a very smart tool-using primate.

The "Sirian Federation" Declared its independence status in 0.999.897, including the local star system of planet #3. A Federation colony was established on planet #4 of the system, and the sentient project continued. A stable life-form of a very handy monkey had been evolved with great care. By 0.999.950, an impasse seemed to have been reached. In 0.999.953, the Federation applied to the C3 for aid in completing the sentient project on planet #3.

(The original transmission breaks off at this point, roughly 105,750 years ago. At this point, Homo Habilis, handy monkey, evolved very suddenly into Homo Sapiens, or smart monkey.)

(I know, Dan, there is nothing in this about the quarantine. . .but, this is the coherent framework behind the information we do have about the quarantine. . .)

As part of a much larger Egyptian Neter, or god-form, working, we received information that evolved in the telling into what I call "the great myth." This "myth" was interwoven with the stories of each individual neter, so that it was hard to pin-point the exact sequence at first. As the stories grew, however, it became possible to relate them in a time frame that was also compatible with "Brief Overview of Galactic History." The following is a distillation of that chronology.

0.999.961 - C3 council expands sentient project.

.985 - "Neter Project' successful. This is the creation of five Neters from Homo Sapien stock. Known as the birth of Osiris from the womb/egg of Nuit.

.985-.992 - Reign of the Neters. Golden Age of Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and age of galactic involvement.

.993/163 - Death of Osiris and the Fall of Set (15,387 BC)

.993/678 - Horus challenges Set (14,225 BC)

.993/985. - Council of RA (C3 representative) intervenes. Set is de-formed and cast out into eastern desert. Horus, the re-incarnation of Osiris becomes Lord of Life, .995/000. (11,250 BC)

.995/538.000.03 - Heru-Or re-starts earth grid at Cairo, aligned to "Regulus" in Leo, Heart of the Lion. (10,041 BC)

.997/987.003 - RA council decides to scrub sentience project. The Contagion of Set is proclaimed a menace to galactic society and the whole system is placed under quarantine. The Federation withdraws, under duress, in . .997/999.876.

.998 - Sentience project continues. .998/134.086 Sehkmet is dispatched to wipe the planet clean. Conspiracy develops to allow sentience project to continue. Call for Ahau, volunteers goes out in .998/489.998. Project achieves goal -- .999/997.901. Rescue begins just after 1.000.000.

During a meditative experience in the summer of 1989, the exact nature of the quarantine was explained to me by Tehuti in the following terms:

The evolution of Homo Sapiens Sapiens marks a leap in sentient development created artificially by the Sirian application of C3 spiritual principles. The Neters of Earth followed galactic standard patterns of development and golden age earth cultures were in contact with local interstellar federation. The Contagion of Set began as a reversion to an Archonic pattern of consciousness. In destroying the form of Osiris, Set broke the resonant pattern of sentience that energized the greater galactic connection to the evolving sentience of the planetary consciousness. Set became the new frequency model, one to which there is no there other resonant code in the galactic directory. This was no quarantine but a "lock- out." The resultant feedback along the galactic grid, coupled with the Revenge of Horus, caused the entire surface of the planet to change. When the grid was re-aligned, the possibility of galactic contact was held open until it was determined that the Contagion of Set was too advanced to cure. This was opposed by the C3 representative and the local Neters, who felt that a great opportunity existed to evolve a truly unique species of sentience. The test would be the appearance of a self- generated physically, psychically and spiritually coherent individual capable of galactic resonance. The appearance of such individuals activated a rescue mission, designed to teach galactic resonance. ("The Kingdom of God lies within.") Direct intervention was dis-allowed until the quarantine was broken outwardly by humanity. In-direct surveillance was allowed from WWII on, but direct contact was delayed until after the space program of the sixties had violated the quarantine. In 1987, the contact beam was re-established, creating a swiftly evolving "end of history" pattern.

(Note to Dan: This is every direct reference to the quarantine in my magickal notes. There is, of course, much more that is circumstantial and implied, but I think you can reason most of it out for yourself. Use this information however you think best.)

(Additional Note on Galactic Dating: The unique method of noting space/time given in "Brief Overview" is based on the basic rotational period of the galaxy as a whole. Using an object on the rim of the galaxy, such as G. Crucis' pulsar, as an alignment point, the galaxy rotates back to this (relative) position once every 225 million years. Since this is a fractal of the 2.25 times a second pulse of the pulsar itself, and of the 22.5 billion year cycle of the rotation of the galaxy around a central point of the cluster of galaxies, the time scale creates an interlocked fractal pattern that also includes the relative processional cycle of Earth's equinoxes.

(The 7 position dates given in the text are based on the relationship between one zodiacal age of 2,250 years and the rotation of the galaxy around the central point of the local cluster, 2,250,000,000 years. One zodiacal age is one/one hundred thousand of a Galactic Rotation and one/one millionth of a Galactic Central Rotation. The zero point of the calendar falls about 2.25 billion BC. The fractal return, one tenth of a Galactic Central rotation, fell in the1st century AD.

( = 2,250 years after origin point = 22,500 years aop = 225,000 years aop = 2,250,000 years aop = 22,500,000 years aop = 225,000,000 years aop = 2,250,000,000 years aop

(Local time, units smaller than 2,250 years, is measured the same way. /001 = 2.25 years, or 821.25 days. /000.001 = .0025 years or about 22 hours and so on to the seventh digit, which is a fractal of the pulsar's rotational cycle, or .225 of a second.)
MERKABAH MAGICK - (this was written by Vincent Bridges - as an edit to Dan Winter's original "Light Poetry) "New Emerald Tablet"

Using Pentagonal Geometry to Explore Inner Space
Part Zero - The Physics of Magick

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes, a first century A.D. alchemical text, attempted to express ancient Egypt's scientific wisdom in a few pithy lines of metaphorical and metaphysical symbology, suited of course for the educated Egyptian, or Greek or Roman philosopher/magician of the day. Its insight is still breath-taking, if one has the key to the symbolism; if not, its obscurity is profound. Since few of use have the world-view of an Alexandrian mage, a simple how-to of magickal philosophy, in modern scientific terms, seems to e absolutely necessary. Science is the magician's willful apprentice, Magick's lost step--child/prodigy, who has learned one trick, and therefore must compulsively repeat that trick, without knowing how to stop itself. To understand Magick, we must reclaim science as the observational and experimental tools needed to apprehend the true vastness of the Universe.

And so, with a nod to the real geniuses (Winter?) who figures out what I am about to simplify, let's take a stab at a new Emerald Tablet:

(This became a poem in Dan Winter's 2nd book: Alphabet of the EarthHeart , Illustrated thanks to Vincent & Darlene's editing)

We all know the basic formula for this one �� E=MC2.
Matter is just a lot of energy moving so slowly that we can touch it and sit on it. energy is just a little bit of matter moving so fast we have trouble finding it. They are polarities of the same substance, which is flowing or moving as different rates, constantly. This very compressibility is what stores form and memory in its wave shape.

The Fourier principle of frequency signature transformation means that even the most complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves of different lengths.

Geometry can be thought of here as the basic creation of symmetry. Any symmetrical structure creates a place where meeting waves, those traveling in opposite directions, can stand, that is, to phase and phase-lock. Standing waves give the illusion of solidity, which is the segregation of momentum that makes possible the birth of matter. Pressure occurs where waves meet.

Only ration is sacred; scale is mundane. Information is the only universal in our hologramic universe, every part contains the information of the whole. Sharability, the way converging waves create sustainable forms, then becomes a property of inherent structure emerging naturally from the process itself.

In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean.

Only a form of Golden Mean symmetry will allow converging waves to add and multiply at the same time. Only in this way, in this shape, can waves nest together without interfering with each other and canceling out their memories. A Golden Mean spiral can nest triangles, Squares and five-sides figures, crating a dodecahedron as it does,. the dodecahedron is the perfect Golden mean nest for turning information into coherent structure. That's why it is also the pattern of the braided DNA molecule. The Golden Mean happens, the icosahedronal donut and the dodecahedronal donut generate the only other two naturally occurring numbers: Pi and E.

From this simple shape, and these three irrational, but naturally occurring numbers, the universe is built. No wonder the ancient Egyptians called these qualities the cosmological Neters or forces.

Focus, directed intensity of consciousness, occurs when the excited nests of smoke rings become fractally attractive along the patterns created by Phi, Pi, and E. When this happens they also become matter, and the attractive quality is then seen as gravity. Intention, like gravity, is a lens that bends light. Focus in the form of the great geometric archetypes generates a sense of symbolic "gravity."

Everything in our world, all matter, that is, all fractally attractive patterns of informational density, is composed of atoms, which are described by physics as a nucleus surrounded by electrons in so-called orbital shells. These shells are the pattern, the shape or ratio, which is the only thing the universe must conserve, in order to know itself. These shells or shapes are formed by the nestings of energy donuts or smoke rings. the Atomic Table then becomes a simple set of wave patterns, describing valency as symmetry. Everything can be created from the nesting of one donut, with a pair of vortices; three donuts, with six single direction vortices; five donuts, with ten vortices; and seven donuts, with fourteen vortices. Count the vortices and you have the number of electrons in each orbital shell.

These patterns form regular shapes, called the Platonic solids because Plato was the first to write about them: the tetrahedron, on pair of vortices; the octahedron/cube, three pairs; the dodecahedron, five pairs; and the icosahedron, seven pairs. These basic shapes are important in transmitting the very waves structure of matter, best understood as templates that generate the focus of intensity necessary to become fractally attractive, that is, bend the straight energy flow of light into a circle of atomic structured matter.

The most elegant nest of ratio are those that intertwine Phi, Pi, and E, such as the DNA spiral. We can think of this as simple proof that DNA is a structure that is codes to transmit information along the pathway of temporal evolution of physical life forms on the planet. All life forms on the surface of the planet are the instruments and actors of an ancient epic opera hard-wired into the structure of our cells.

Wratcheting a cube five times at 32 degrees in the same visual space creates a dodecahedron. Wratcheting a dodecahedron 32 degrees gives the powers of Phi; Phi squared, cubed, etc. The Golden mean pathway enables information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind). The closer we can come to forming this shape and path, the grater our conductivity, that is, the more energy can flow through us. As we focus our intensity on these shapes and flow patterns, we create a sort of super conductive, super coherent energy exchange.

An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. This harmonic cascade of inter-connected-ness is the structure of our hologramic universe, perceptible as ecstasy.

DNA, a perfect Phi structures crystal connecting long waves and short waves, is a three-dimensional patterns designed to transmit information, in the form of living being, through time and space, the fourth dimension. Its goal seems to be the creation of a fifth dimensional intelligence, one capable of phase-locking with the information of the universe stored in the crystaline coding of the DNA geometry.

A fifth dimensional awareness, which we can categorize as one that sees all space and time, energy and matter, as components of the original wave form, bends Light into the circle of self-awareness. This creates the rich blue/UV explosion of energy that accompanies the rise of Kundalini, the phase-lock of biological energies into the flow of the universal information energy stream. This enfolded-ness creates enlightenment, a state where the awareness of the universal mind meets itself at every wave junction.
Proposal for an Ophanic Mystery School:

Angelic Science and Intergalactic Communication

by Vincent Bridge and Darlene

As the one year anniversary of the Ophanic Contact working approaches, one of the participants asked me if I thought we had dropped the ball. Reluctantly, I had to admit that in some ways we had indeed let them down.

So, let's think this through, look at all the possibilities. To me the important points can be sorted into a few interrelated categories. First of all, we have the powerful and suggestive evidence of an ancient planetary civilization which appeared to have some sort of galactic involvement. We are the descendants of that ancient civilization, though we but dimly recall its presence. Our memories of such a Golden Age are hidden within myths, hoarded as the secret possession of families and institutions, shared as the Gnostic experience of the mystery school, analyzed as psychology and even encoded within the structure of the alphabet itself.

The clues left us by the Golden Age culture can then be applied to the next category, human evolution. What does the Great Mystery tell us about ourselves?

Phillip Dick used to say that if he could talk to God, the aliens or any other form of higher intelligence, he would have only one simple message: we need medical attention. And, essentially, that sums up the human condition. A species of monkey wandering and proliferating mindlessly in a state of trauma induced shock. The Great Mystery is the antidote, the blast of cool air that clears our collective heads. It is the opposite of our collective amnesia, it is the sudden return of memory.

With the return of memory comes responsibility. If we know who we are, then we must act accordingly. We are forced to choose whether we will remain as a smart monkey or make the leap to galactic standard humanity. In many ancient cultures, such as Egypt, the technology of galactic evolution was held as the prerogative of the King and the royal or priestly establishment. Such narrow lines of transmission both ensured the information's survival and at the same time aided in its ultimate loss. Cultures and languages emerged that had no psycho-spiritual depth, and the secret became more and more closely guarded.

However, like survival packages dropped to disaster victims, Phillip Dick's "higher intelligence" supplies us from time to time with "wisdom" treasures, as the Tibetan Buddhists call them. These contacts, though brief, usually result in the transmission of an informationally dense symbolic structure of open-ended complexity. One such contact occurred in England in the late 16th century.

In the 1580's, Dr. John Dee and his seer, Edward Kelley, downloaded a massive amount of information from the Ophanim or Enochian angelic intelligences. This information was beyond the abilities of its receivers to understand; they never tried to use the system they were given. Most of it lay hidden in Dee's private papers, and such caches as the secret drawer where the Heptarchia Mysteria was found, for over fifty years. By the 1670's, most of it had been recovered and a small group of intellectuals and mystics begin to study the material. Work continued in private until the late nineteenth century.

In 1887, a group of English Masons and Rosecrucians found the work done by the Oxford group of Ophanics in the British Museum at the same time that a continental connection with a German group working with Dee's material appeared. The discovery of a set of cipher ritual outlines, which included several curious bits of Ophanic information, led to the formation of a magickal order designed to produce Ophanic adepts.

However, this group never managed to assemble the complete Ophanic system. The Ophanim transmitted the information over the course of almost eight years in the face of constant interference. Consequently, the system itself looks fragmented, some pieces appearing to contradict others, while other pieces seem to be completely separate. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was never able to solve the problem of what these Ophanic initiations were for; why exactly are we exposing ourselves to an ordered pattern of Ophanic energy, leading up to permission to work with the system? This unanswered question seemed to short-circuit the magickal current of any group attempting to work with the Ophanic system.

Careful examination of the surviving manuscripts indicate that there is a pattern and a coherence to the entire Ophanic opus. The pattern points to sacred geometry as the key to the puzzle. As we understand this underlying structure, it becomes possible to realign and correct the misunderstanding of previous Ophanic scholars. In 1996, it become possible, for the first time since it was transmitted in the 1580's, to work with a whole, balanced and corrected version of the Ophanic system.

Seen as a whole, the Ophanic system resembles nothing so much as a metaphysical computer-like communication device. The Golden Dawn's initiation structure is a way to interface with the system, but without an understanding of higher dimensional geometry, some of it not discovered in the 1880's, the components do not make sense. The adept then is trained, but without a purpose; it is as if we were training auto mechanics, but didn't understand the idea of an automobile.

Our Ophanic Contact working of a year ago demonstrated that the Ophanic system worked. We built the physical and psychic structure, revved it up and made contact, but couldn't hold it in place for very long.

The Ophanic system is a time capsule of information, given to the smartest mind of his era and then allowed to ferment a few centuries until human knowledge caught up with it. As such, it provides our best evidence of contact with higher intelligence. No human mind in the 1580's could have defined a hyper, or fourth dimensional cube, yet there it is, embedded within the very structure of the Ophanic language itself.

Support for this idea comes from wide variety of sources. Robert Morningsky and Dhani Wahoo have both identified the Ophanic script as similar to those used by indigenous ET elders, such as the Adowi. The geometrical pattern has been discerned in the mysterious Phaistos disk of Crete as well as on the pieces of Roswell debris. Even the symbols on the Stargate, in the movie Stargate, resembled Ophanic letters.

All of this points to a need to do more concentrated work on and with the Ophanic system. In that sense, I am offering these proposals:

1) A group of individuals could be trained in the basics by a combination of text and exercises. This group could then be assembled at specific times and places to establish a contact structure and begin an on-going dialogue with the Ophanic intelligences.

2) Research should be undertaken in a variety of different areas related to the Ophanic system:

a) The magnetic and microwave resonance of the letter shapes themselves should be examined.

b) The use of Ophanic communication to effect the environment should be researched. The Governors of the Aethyrs have a direct relationship to areas of he earth's surface. Can we interact with these intelligences to promote environmental health?

c) Physical changes, such as DNA structure, should researched as the individuals in the group under go their initiatory exercises.

3) An on-going web-site and data base should be established for the dissemination of the information produced by the research and the direct contact workings. The information must be available to everyone as freely as possible.

4) more research should be done into the origin of the Ophanic letter shapes and the language itself. How does Ophanic relate to Old Kingdom Egyptian for instance?

If any of this strikes your fancy or resonates a deep chord in your being, please let us know. To get involved, or for more information on the Ophanic system itself, write The Fifth Way Mystery School, PO Box 877, Mt. Gilead, NC, 27306. Or e-mail us at
The Millennium Workings:
Ophanic Impact Interface with Humanity

by Vincent Bridges

Dear Friends,

Sometimes the spirit moves in strange ways, and you have to be quick to catch her, as one of my teachers once said. Last fall, I was instructed by the Ophanic angels, who had been quiescent since their invocation almost a year before, that I should offer to teach what I knew of the Ophanic system. I put the word out, by way of Dan Winter's website, and received quite a few enquiries. I was told that I needed a certain number to reply by the fall equinox, and then more would continue to appear. That happened fine, and by early December, as I struggled with Dan's book, my new book, starting a Geomancy college and preparing an Ophanic overview, I thought we were rolling.

And then the line went dead. The angels were no longer around. This caused
quite a stir, psychically. Ever since their invocation, the angelic crackle
and buzz had been somewhere close by. Now it was gone. We managed to
re-establish a sort of tenative contact, but things have not returned to
the same level of intense energetics.

I asked about this and slowly began to get an idea of what had happened.
First, the angels assured me that everything was progressing according to
plan. Everything is still lining up properly, the count-down is still under
way. For a moment, this surprised me. It wasn't exactly as I had pictured

Then they showed me a series of tiny images, allegorical and tarot-like but
personal and direct as well. First there was a Fool receiving a Pearl of
Great Price. Then the Fool brings his Pearl to a series of Wise Men, his
superiors in the religious and magickal orders to which the Fool belonged.
They examine the Pearl, proclaiming it worthless while planning to steal it
for themselves. The Fool claims the Pearl, declaring that it may not be
much, but it is his. At that, the Pearl changes, becoming a hollow sphere
which contains the Fool and all his fellow wise men.

OK, I thought as I watched this progression of images, they are trying to
tell me something here. At first though the meaning escaped me. In the last
month however, the images have indeed taken on meaning.

While I haven't claimed the Pearl, the importance of the image lies in the
inclusive nature of the event itself. We are all a part of the Pearl, know
it or not. With that in mind, the angels have suggested a new program.

The Golden Dawn of a New Millennium:
Ten Equinoxes to Cosmic Consciousness

The Great Cross
Every 13,000 years or so, our planet and the solar system clicks
into place as part of a larger, intergalactic pattern of geometry. To even
begin to grok this one, we must think large, very large.
The space/time universe revealed to us by the activity of all
radiating frequencies of energy appears to be very big and very old and yet
still energetic and expanding, that is quite young. The center point of all
this radiation seems to be, from our point of view, at the crown of the
Virgin, or about 5-7 degrees of Virgo. This is a super cluster of galaxies,
and far away, out on the edge of the radiation universe, we find our little
cluster of a dozen or so galaxies, and, close to the center of the cluster,
we find our own galaxy.

From this perspective, it is easy to see that galaxies may be as
numerous as any other life form within its evolutionary niche. Galaxies are
vast organisms, energy/matter constructs in a basic self-organising
pattern. From this, who is to say that galaxies are not vast minds as well?
They are the oldest stable structures in the universe, after all.
Then looking at our own galaxy, we see clearly its self-organizing
swirl. Keeping our broad-band radiation vision turned on, we also notice
something unusual about the matter in the galaxy. It clusters in a counter
swirling pattern in a flat plane along the equator of the galactic energy
sphere from edge to core. As we shift to the more or less visible spectrum,
the common image of a spiral galaxy appears. At the center, where the
spiral arms converge, a large lump of intense energy boils away.

Gravity is a function of matter's geometric structure, forming
patterns of attractiveness that function as a fractal ratio of density or
distance. In the very center of the gravity lens formed by the stickiness
of matter in this dissipative structure called a galaxy, we find that the
force of gravity is intense enough to collapse matter in on itself, forming
what is called a black hole. If we think of this as a point where all
frequencies and velocities become infinite, and therefore beyond the
space/time limitations of our radiationally experienced universe, then the
idea of such a super-black hole has distinct implications for consciousness.
Because we experience reality as a by-product of photon emission
and exchange, as shown by Einstein's relativity theories, we are subject to
a space-like and time-like continuum of events. This prevents us from
observing the embedded patterns of mind, those indications of meaning that
emerge as synchronicity from a developing sentience. The collapse of matter
into a flash of energy/information, which then approaches and passes
infinite velocities, becoming everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, forms
a matrix of awareness that remains stable across vast scales of size and
organization. This suggests that constructs of matter, such as atoms, and
constructs of ideas, such as a language, are all part of the same process.

The center of our galaxy is hidden from us here on earth. We see
only a haze of interstellar dust through our local spiral arm. However, its
power can be seen in the fact that the arrows of Scorpio and Sagitarius
point to its location. This mystic Great Sun, or Sun behind the Sun, has
attracted the attention of many cosmic-oriented cultures. The Mayan for
instance called it the Hunab Ku and thought of it as a regulating mechanism
that determined the flow of life throughout the galaxy.

The Hunab Ku symbol is instructive. It shows us two opposing flows,
similar to the Chinese Tao, uniting to form four outward arms or angles.
The two flows represent the processional flow of the galactic radiational
field and the precessional flow of the gravity lens forming at ninety
degrees to the field flow, or in a band along the equator. The intersection
of these two flows produces a cross or quartering effect.
From earth, we can define a line from the center point in
Sagitarius to its opposite point in Gemini as our local galactic axis. This
cosmic pillar acts a direction finder, locating us in the galactic lens.
While this axis remains constant, our relationship to it down here on earth
changes with the flow of time.

Because the earth wobbles on its axis as it spins, any point, such
as an equinox or a solstice, appears to move counter to the sun's progress
through the ecliptic at the rate of one degree every 72 years. The angle of
the earth's intersection with the galactic axis changes over time, and only
once every 13,000 years or so does it form a true right angle, ninety
degrees, to the galactic core.

This ninety degree intersection produces a scalar field effect
similar to that which forms gravity waves into fractally atractive matter
packets called atoms. In other words, an intersection of field flow at
ninety degrees produces a burst of information/energy that is transmitted
instantaneously from the galactic core to the solar and planetary core.
This higher density radiation might even be seen, by those sensitive to its
light, as an ultra-violet blue glow near the cusp of Sagitarius and
Capricorn. The Hopi called it the Blue Star and said it marked the end of

Beginning with the eclipse period just ended, our planet has
entered the intersection zone. Over the next few years, the subtle
illumination pulsing from the Hunab Ku directly to our consciousness will
grow ever brighter. In this period, the moment of the equinox, when the
solar and celestial ecliptics cross, has a profound signifcance. This
balancing point, where the light is equal, can also be our access point to
the influx of new energy/information with which we are beginning to be

The Value of Angelic Interaction
From the point of view of the Ophanic Intelligences, the whole of
mankind's history, all of its struggle toward science and civilization,
religion, art and philosophy, has been leading up to this point, these few
years when the beam narrows and the laser-like illumination of living Light
streams out from the galactic core. The last time we reached this point,
13,000 years ago, the experiment wasn't completely a success. In fact, it
looks a lot like a total disaster.

What if our entire gentic evolution had been engineered to produce
an animal, carbon-based life form capable of internalizing and integrating
the out-pouring of galactic awareness? The Ophanim insist that this is
exactly the case, and we, poor domesticated apes that we are, find
ourselves facing the harvest once again.

OK, so what exactly are the Ophanic Intelligences trying to tell us?
First of all, they delivered a system to Dee and Kelley that
operates as a dimensional interface and communication device capable of
direct contact with the geometric structure of the universe itself. This is
symbolized, and actualized, as a language, Ophanic, which is at once both
an operating system and an interactive platform for all other operating
systems. The structures formed from this language embedd higher dimensional
forms within 2D and 3D physical patterns so that to vibrate a word sets off
a wave cascade across all scales of resonance which produces an archetype
or iconic image that corresponds to the geometry of the original wave.
Sound, symbol and reality modulation are therefore congruent in a true
universal language.

The system included everything from a way to harness the currents
of synchronicity to a way to communicate directly with the intelligence of
a portion of the earth's surface. We just haven't been smart enough yet to
figure it all out. And if we have, we haven't had the guts to use it for
more than hubba-bubba magick.

So where does that leave us? The galactic process is upon us and we
are still trying to read the instructions on the life boat.
And so it stood when the line went down in December.
When we re-established contact, the angels explained that the lapse
was basically caused by the fragility of our connection, symbolized by my
tarot-like visions, and the turbulence caused by the on-coming energy
front. Without a core group of adepts, it was very hard to hold open the
contact. But at the equinoxes, it was very easy to punch through the static
and make contact. So we worked out a compromise.

For each of the next ten equinoxes, spring and fall from '98
through 2002, the Ophanic Intelligences will be focused on teaching those
of us who can tune in how to deal with the increasingly intense
transformational energy from the center of the galaxy. The experiences will
be hologramic, so that the information of all is contained in any one, but
absorbing all ten will produce an image with greater definition and clarity.
The Ophanic Intelligences have suggested some simple visualizations
and magickal exercises that should be done as part of the process, but they
assure me that if you just open to the moment, you can grok all you need of
the inner process.

Projecting the Tree of Life on the Celestial Globe
The basic meditational practice the angels suggested is the
projection of the astral Tree of Life onto the celestial sphere.
This develops out of the Middle Pillar exercise, a component of the
Meta-Programming Protocol, which aligns the energy centers along the spine
with the sephiroths of the middle pillar on the Tree of Life. Once this
metaxic monad is created, it is then visualized as the center point of a
vast toroidal, doughnut-shaped field domain. The north or positive pole of
the field domain is aligned with the north celestial pole, disregarding the
earth's tilt, and the south, or negative pole is similarly aligned.
When we say vast, we mean vast, about one light year in radius.
Thinking in terms of the ruber-sheet metaphor for space/time, this is the
point where the rubber sheet of space/time begins to flatten out from its
increasingly steep plunge down our solar system's gravity well. This
slightly less than one light year in radius sphere acts as an interface for
our system. It is the membrane formed by the force of our local attractiveness.

millneg.gif (62712 bytes)

The angels suggested that this membrane be viewed as a thin
surface reflective film hanging in space and reflecting star light off its
surface in such a way as to show the pattern of the "fixed" stars. Far
inside this bubble of reflected star light is the dim yellow brilliance of
our local star, the Sun.

On this scale, the metaxic monad of the MPP can be visualized as
the size of the entire solar system. Since earth is a component in this
system, we orient ourselves on the system as a whole. The earth's tilt is
disregarded for the moment and the ecliptic, the apparent path of the Sun
and the actual orbit of Earth, becomes the equator of our celestial globe.
This means that the north and south poles of this globe are
displaced from the planetary poles. The earth is tilted in respect to the
central axis of the celestial globe. It "looks ever unto Binah," as we will
see as the Tree of Life develops in the celestial sphere.
(To help follow this complex mediation, I suggest you find an
inexpensive "Map of the Sky" chart at a planetarium gift shop or a nature
store. I used one by Cartographia De Agostin - Milano, which I found for $8
at my local planetarium. It helps to draw these sephirotic projections
directly onto the star map before trying to visualize it. For an even
deeper understanding, try doing the geometry, with a compass and straight
edge, that creates the projection pattern.)

On my chart, the ecliptic pole is clearly marked, another reason to
use a good sky chart to locate these spots. The scale of the chart I'm
using is such that a 2" diameter circle covers roughly 10 degrees of arc. I
use the same size circle for all the sephiroths as an indication of total
field effect. In other words, all the stars in that 10 degree circle are
part of the projected sephirotic influence, although the focus point of
each sphere, particularly when it is a specific star or stellar object,
takes on an additional importance.

For Kether, the center point, the ecliptic pole, coincides with the
gaseous planetary nebulae number 6543 and the circle includes most of the
body of the constellation Draco, the Dragon. From that center point, draw a
line through the brightest star on the ecliptic equator of the celestial
globe, Regulus at the heart of Leo, the Lion. Then add the other quarter
line at 90 degrees to the Leo line and let it continue to the ecliptic
equator. This creates four equatorial intersection points, in Leo, Taurus,
Scorpio and Aquarius.

These are the projected Tiphareth points. Tiphareth is actually the
center point of the globe, but is projected outward to create these four
stellar gateways. Leo is of course focused on Regulus, Taurus has no
specific star at the center, but focuses the energy of the Pleiades.
Aquarius is empty of significant stars, having the constellation of
Aquarius curving around the edge of the circle, with the water jar outside
as if pouring back in. However, the Scorpio gateway is an active stellar
area focused on the head of the Scorpion.

With these four points, and the north and south ecliptic poles, we
have created an octahedron of eight faces, six points and twelve lines.
(Note: Using these six points as the center of the faces on a cube, the
dual of the octahedron, an astronomically correct cube of space, another
kabbalistic space/time construct, can be visualized. However this is far
from our purpose here.) Going back to our north ecliptic pole, which we
have quartered to give us our four Tiphareth points, we divide each of
these angles in half, giving us four pairs, or eight, lines radiating out
from our north ecliptic pole.

These new lines do not create a location on the ecliptic equator;
they form the side pillar, Tree of Life, locations of Chesed and Geburah
which are on these new angle lines at about 30 degrees of elevation from
the Tiphereth points on the ecliptic equator. The Chesed points, upper and
lower, are focus points of deep space. The upper Chesed point lies between
Bootes and Coma Bernices and focuses on globular cluster 2572 (M3), the
lower point falls on the forelegs of Pegasus focusing on the epsilon star
of Pegasus.

The Geburah points, right and left, are also deep space localities.
Geburah right lies between Ophiucus and the tail of the Serpent and focuses
on the planetary nebulae 6572. Geburah left includes the tail of the Lynx
and focuses on the variable star RR.

Continuing in on the 45 degree lines, we come to the upper
sephiroths of Chokmah and Binah. There is a significant gap between these
sephirotic pairs, symbolizing the Abyss. As on the Tree, Chokmah is above,
closer to the center, than Chesed, and Binah is above Geburah. Chokmah,
upper, then lies in the area between Draco, Ursa Major and Bootes focused
on galaxy 6866 (M102) and its local group of galaxies and quasars. The
lower Chokmah point lies between Cygnus and Cephus, focused on the the
Grand Storm area of nebular instabilities on the Orion arm of our galaxy.
The Binah points, after all these deep space localities, are
focused on local stars, within a few hundred light years any way. Binah
right is focused on the quasars in the intersection of Lyra, Hercules and
the Head of the Dragon, Draco, and includes Vega, the bright star directly
overhead in the summer sky of the northern hemisphere, and Etamin of Draco.

Binah left includes most of Ursa Minor and focuses on Polaris, our
planetary pole star. (Hence, "looking ever toward Binah.")
And so we have projected the upper sephiroths of the Tree on the
northern hemisphere of globe. Before we proceed to the southern hemisphere
and the rest of the Tree, there is one important point to note.

If we place the sun in the stellar void of the Aquarius Tiphareth
gateway, and then proceed backward through Scorpio, and so on we find that
we are defining a distance/density spiral through the local area of galaxy,
first, and then on out into intergalactic space. Just to get a simple grasp
of this, think of the Sun as the center point and spiral out to the next
gateway, the close-by stars at the head of Scorpio, then further out to
Regulus at the edge of our local stellar cluster. From there, the spiral
continues on to the Pleiades, then in to the Pegasus stars, the planetary
nebulae in between the tail of the Serpent and Ophiucus, and the deep space
nebulae between Bootes and Coma Bernices and on to the variable star near
the tail of the Lynx. From there it spirals in to the Grand Storm
disturbance area of our galaxy, through the Vega doorway and then out to a
distant group of galaxies and quasars. And then, back into our pole star,
Polaris and out again to the diffuse planetary nebulae poised far above the

This spiral groups our local space/time into a relationship with
distant objects and galactic clusters in such a way as to locate and define
our precise matter/energy/information balance. It forms a geometric
description of identity/locality just like a fingerprint or a zip code.
However, before we get too cosmic, let's get on with the projection of the
Tree below Tiphareth onto the southern hemisphere.

Malkuth is focused on the southern ecliptic pole and contains the
local globular cluster known as the Greater Magellantic Cloud. The
Tiphareth points on the ecliptic equator are the same, with Netzach and Hod
in the place of Chesed and Geburah. Yesod, however, since it is also on the
middle pillar, is projected outward onto the sphere at right angles to
Binah and Chokmah, at the same distance from the center, and on the lines
from the Tiphareth equatorial points.

And so we have Netzach containing, in its upper circle, a piece of
the body of the Hydra and focusing on a deep space quasar. The lower
Netzach field contains most of the constellation of the Phoenix and focuses
on galaxy NGC 300. The right Hod field contains most of Canis Major and
focuses on Sirius. The left Hod circle contains the Telescopium
constellation with a focus on its central very distant stars.
The Yesod fields are, from left clockwise: 1) the constellation of
the Chameleon, 2) the central stars of Carina and Vela, 3) the
constellation of Caelum, focused on the globular cluster 1851, 4) a part of
the body or Eridanus, focused on the bright star Achernar. While the data
on some of these stellar objects is scanty, it appears that a
counter-spiraling distance/density wave is also constructed from the lower
Tree's projection on the celestial sphere.

OK, now take a deep breath and relax. What seems overwhelming while
searching out star spots on a sky chart is actually in practice quite easy.
Stand facing the east, and, with the middle pillar humming along,
fill in the rest of the Tree. When this image is clear in the mind, simply
project it outward, keeping Tiphareth on the equator. As the image moves
out, it expands and curves until Kether and Malkuth reach the poles. For
the spring equinox, align the east Tiphareth sphere on Aquarius; for the
fall equinox, align the Leo sphere to the east.

Then simply continue to the south, visualize the Tree and project
outward until it clicks in place with the eastern Tree. Continue on, doing
the same procedure, until you come back to the east. Facing east again,
imagine the sun rising just to the south of the Aquarius gateway, as it
will on the spring equinox, and let the light fill the sphere.
When the sphere is full of light, and when the sun is completely
bove the horizon, let this energy flow into your Tiphareth/heart center and
then radiate back out to the complete array of 22 spheres projected on the
celestial globe. Staying focused on the heart center, let the light/energy
build within the total sphere. Hold as long as possible and then absorb
into the heart.

Suggested Ritual Protocol for the Equinox Workings
If you plan to do the equinox working, you should spend a few days
practicing the above meditation. The working itself takes place at dawn on
the equinox, so the magickal space and the participants should be prepared
well ahead of time. The working itself should begin roughly half an hour
before dawn.

The working itself should follow this basic format:
A) Opening and Preparing Sacred Space - This can be any kind of
circle clearing and casting as long as the Middle Pillar is activated.

B) Visualizing and Projecting the Tree of Life - Let this take as
long as it needs; remember, practice beforehand makes this component go
smoothly. Make sure your projections are complete and solid before going on
to the next.

C) Energizing the Sphere - As the sun rises, and the eastern
gateway sphere fills with light, draw that light into your heart. Then let
it radiate out to the other sephiroths. Synchronize your breathing with
this flow and then begin to circumabulate clockwise pushing the energy
along as you pass the east. The best way to do this is to bow the head
slightly, right foot forward, and clap the hands over your bowed head in
the direction you are pushing the energy as you exhale. On the in breath,
stand back up straight, feet together, with the finger to the lips.
Continue to push the energy, in this way or however it feels natural to you
until the sun clears the horizon.

D) Fixing in the Energy in a Usable Form - When the energy is
white-hot, use the LVX gestures, or any other similar gestures, to bring
the Light down onto the central altar. Here you may have bread and wine,
cakes and ale, water and sprout, or any other food that you want to imbue
with the Celestial brilliance. Crystals are a good addition because they
can hold the energy potential in their crystal matrices. I would suggest a
combination of crystals, clear and amethyst, and some simple home made
cereal food and beverage.

E) Dedication - When the enrgy is fixed, dedicate the food and
drink and energy matrix of the crystal and the working itself to the good
of all sentient creatures throughout the universe. Send energy to any
specific people or peoples you feel need it at that moment.
F) Consumation - Absorb the energy by eating the food, drink the
beverage and holding the crystal over your heart. Take long enough with
this to internalize the change.

G) Closing - Thank all the divine, archangleic, angelic and
elemental presences involved in the working, and then release any left over
energy to the universe.

H) De-Briefing - Sit for a few minutes with the experience. Then
let the words flow onto paper or into a tape recorder. Put some kind of
words around the experience while it is still fresh.

A Few Last Words
This is the suggested pattern of opening to the energy of the
transformation period we are going through. It seems to align us in
space/time and gives us some simple techniques for integrating the
enrgy/inforamtion itself. But this is only the beginning. As we work this
pattern every six months for the next five years, powerful magickal
currents will be created and anchored into the planet.

The angels have much work to do, but first we must be able to tune
into their frequency. These equinox workings are designed to do just that.
As we tune in, we will be given the guidance we need to do the rest.
And that is why it is very important that you record your
experiences and keep a journal of the whole process. We will start a new
website to share our experiences around these events, as well as to teach
the evolving practices the angels give us.

If you plan to participate and something about the procedure or the
visualization is unclear, please get back to me immediately and I'll try to
straighten you out before the event.

Thanks and Good Luck,
Love, Light and Transformation to you all,
Khabs m Pehket
Light in Extension
GHF Deus Vult, 7-4
"Dr. Strange"
Vincent Bridges
Mt. Gile
Vincent the expert... lol!

I have seen the history channel's "Nostradamus: 500 Years Later" several times, but couldn't find anything on the forum about it. The show is basically a biography of Nostradamus with comments about his predictions and legacy sprinkled in by various "experts"- imagine my suprise when one of the major "experts" turned out to be none other than our very own Vincent Bridges (aka Maynerd Most, Hunterprince, vicious psycho)! As you can see from the section I put this in, aside from the possible use for studying psychopaths like Vince, I thought the whole show was a joke. Just wandering if anyone else saw it?
Vincent the expert... lol!

He's probably trying to re-establish his credibility again.
Vincent the expert... lol!

Yeah. It's an old thing, only he didn't even have any credibility then, he just piggybacked on somebody elses.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

It seems to me that Laura Knight-Jadczyk's worldview owes a great deal to the French inspirer of the Traditionalist religious school, Rene Guenon, who believed that the modern age is under the control of a subversive, satanic "counter-tradition", and one of his philosophical disciples, the genius Orthodox American convert and monastic mystic Fr. Seraphim Rose, who was one of the first to suggest the DEMONIC/ANTICHRIST nature of modern alien/UFO phenomena. Study the following from "Not of This World: The Life and Teachings of Fr. Seraphim Rose" by Monk Damascene Christensen:

...The French astrophysicist Jacques Vallee argued that UFOs might be "constructed both as physical craft...and as psychic devices." Dr. Vallee had well asked whether the sighting might not be "carefully engineered scenes" and whether the "visitors from outer space" idea might not "serve as a diversionary role in masking the real, infinitely more complex nature of the technology that gives rise to the sightings." Both he and Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the chief scientific consultant of the Air Force investigations of UFOs, had advanced the theory of "earth-bound aliens," speculating on "interlocking universes" right here on earth from whence the phenomena might be coming. In the words of Iowa College Professor Brad Steiger, "We are dealing with a multi-dimensional, paraphysical phenomenon which is largely indigenous to planet earth."

"Only lately," Fr. Seraphim Rose wrote, "have serious investigators begun to agree that UFOs, while having certain 'physical' characteristics, cannot at all be explained as somebody's 'space-ships', but are clearly something of the paraphysical or occult realm ... The most puzzling aspect of UFO phenomena to most researchers--namely, the strange mingling of physical and psychic characteristics in them--is no puzzle at all to readers of Orthodox spiritual books, especially the Lives of Saints. Demons also have 'physical bodies,' although the 'matter' in them is of such subtlety that it cannot be perceived by men unless their spiritual 'doors of perception' are opened, whether by God's will (as in the case of holy men) or against it (as in the case of sorcerers and mediums ... It is clear that the manifestations of today's 'flying saucers' are quite within the 'technology' of demons; indeed, nothing else can explain them as well. The multifarious demonic deceptions as described in Orthodox literature have been adapted to the mythology of outer space, nothing more; the Anatolius mentioned above would be known today simply as a UFO 'contactee.' And the purpose of the 'unidentified' object in such accounts is clear: to awe the beholders with a sense of the 'mysterious,' and to produce 'proof' of the 'higher intelligences' ('angels,' if the victim believes in them, or 'space visitors' for modern men), and thereby to gain trust for the MESSAGE they wish to communicate....

"The 'message' of the UFOS is: prepare for Antichrist; the 'savior' of the apostate world is coming to rule it. Perhaps he himself will come in the air, in order to complete his impersonation of Christ (Matt. 24: 30; Acts 1: 11): perhaps only the 'visitors from outer space' will land publicly in order to offer 'cosmic' worship of their master; perhaps the 'fire from heaven' (Apoc. 13: 13) will be only a part of the great demonic spectacles of the last times. At any rate, the message for contemporary mankind is: expect deliverance, not from the Christian revelation and faith in an unseen God, but from vehicles in the sky."

Fr. Seraphim repeated the prophetic words uttered by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov a hundred years earlier: "The miracles of Antichrist will be chiefly manifested in the air, where Satan chiefly has his dominion."

As Fr. Seraphim counseled, "the UFO phenomenon is a sign to Orthodox Christians to walk all the more cautiously and soberly on the path to salvation.... The Orthodox Christian...knows that man is not to 'evolve' into something 'higher,' nor has he any reason to believe that there are 'highly evolved' beings on other planets; but he knows well that there are indeed 'advanced intelligences' in the universe beside himself: these are of two kinds, and he strives to live so as to dwell with those who serve God (the angels) and avoid contact with the others who have rejected God and strive in their envy and malice to draw man into their misfortune (the demons). He knows that man, out of self-love and weakness, is easily inclined to follow error and believe in 'fairy tales' that promise contact with a 'higher state' or 'higher beings' without the struggle of Christian life--in fact, precisely as an escape from the struggle of Christian life...

Perhaps the saddest "signs of the times" in our post-Christian age is the fact that great numbers of spiritually impoverished people now find it preferable to be in contact with these monstrous and pitiless "visitors" than to feel all alone in what seems to them an impersonal universe ... In the face of all this, the Christian believer can hardly doubt Fr. Seraphim's words that, indeed, "Satan now walks naked into human history."

Do Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her followers ever mention Guenon, Fr. Seraphim Rose, etc. as sources of their ideas?
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Hi there Seraphim,

I can't speak for Laura or anyone else, but I think you may have jumped to a bit of a conclusion judging by your last sentance.

Seraphim said:
Do Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her followers ever mention Guenon, Fr. Seraphim Rose, etc. as sources of their ideas?
As far as I know, no one who is part of the QFG or the forumites are followers of Laura Knight-Jadczyk, instead we follow truth and attmpt to seek it out, verify it or create a working hypothesis around which we can then test. Also "The Work", being done on this site is not Laura's work alone, but the work of an amazing array of people (who are in my opinion heroic figures in our times, but not figures to be followed or worshipped as you may be suggesting here) known as the Quantum Future School and Signs of the Times Team. In fact this site is a labour of love made reality due to the hard work and perseverance of many people, none of whom I think would term themselves followers of Laura or her husband Ark.

I think most of the people who are part of this forum share ideas and research to try and form a better understanding of the world around us. there is no one person here with all the answers and no one person who would wish to have followers of any kind, just companions devoted to liberty, freedom of expression, freedom of ideas and freedom to choose what they believe.

As far as I've read (and I've read extensiveley a lot of the information on this site and the sister site of the answer is no, Laura does not mention Guenon or Fr. Seraphim Rose as a source of ideas. Jacques Vallee is someone who has been mentioned and his ideas discussed to add to the ongoing search for objective truth.

If you would like to know the source of the ideas I can recommend taking the time to read through as much of the material on the Cassiopaean site as possible for a deeper understanding of whats going on here.

I hope this link may help you understand more fully what the Signs Team is all about and what "Work" is being done here.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Dear Friend, thanks for the response. I am not an idolator of any human being and I also did not mean to appear presupposing.

One link between Laura Knight Jadcyzk, the Cassiopeian 'movement' and the Traditionalist school is evident from the following:

For background, see the following:

On Boris Mouravieff 's "Gnosis"

What Are the Real Origins of the Enneagram?
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Hi Seraphim,

First thanks for the information on Guenon and Fr. Seraphim Rose. I'm not familiar with either of them. Given Rose's background and his conclusions, it seems it will be of high interest to do some research on his work. It may well be that some in the QFS have already done so - I don't know. I'd like to note that because Rose seems to have made similar conclusions as some of the results of the Cassiopaean Experiment, doesn't mean that the later is derived from the former. The project's results of connections with Mouravieff's Gnosis and Sufism to what seem the deeper implications of Ufology is as shown in results of hundreds if not thousands avenues of research, not mere plagiarism of a couple of sources as you seem to be suggesting. Are you suggesting this? While the Gnosis series, aspects of Sufism and Ufology are some of the major areas of research they are hardly the only ones. You can find these efforts in the thousand of pages you can find within the site. The Wave series may be a good place to start as it seems to relate to your inquiries.

Since you are familiar with Gnosis you may remember his model: Knowledge => Understanding => Being. The collection of diverse sets of knowledge can bear the same understanding from different avenues. The forum you included seems to have quite a hard time with this idea as many are stuck on heresy and their beliefs. The Cassiopaean Experiment isn't about believing, but about knowing and understanding things.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Actually, I had never read Guenon until 2002. You can read an exchange I had with someone who suggested it to me here:
and here:

Curiously, the very person who suggested it was, as it turned out, part of the counterfeit tradition: Jay Weidner, pal of Vincent Bridges, another proponent of the counterfeit tradition.

I later took up the subject here: , where I show that Guenon, himself, was misguided.

Finally, in my commentary on Mouravieff's Gnosis, here: , I comment on the fact that the true, ancient tradition that was brought forward by Mouravieff was corrupted by the influences on him of the esoteric community of the time, including the work of Guenon, etc.

I first read Mouravieff in the late Spring/early Summer of 2002. Naturally, as with everything else, I inquired of the C's about it:

22 June 2002

Q: We have recently been working with some material from Boris Mouravieff. We can see many relationships. I would like to ask about some of his political views, his ideas about creating some elite corps to help the world graduate to what he calls the cycle of the Holy Spirit. How accurate are those views of Mouravieff?

A: Mouravieff, like many who have protected and passed on the "tradition" are merely carriers and not interpreters of the capacity of a Master. The True Master understands the nature of the "worlds" in terms of real, Hyperdimensional Interpenetration. Thus Mouraveiff and others misunderstand and misinterpret, thinking in 3rd density Hierarchical terms which simply do not apply.
On 13 July 2002, the subject was brought up again:

Q: We have recently been working with some material from Boris Mouravieff. We can see many relationships between that work and so many of the clues and hints scattered throughout the C's transmissions. What seems to be important is his information about the Centers - three lower and three higher that are not "seated" in the body. Then, he talks about the difference between "A" influences and "B" influences, and the necessity for assimilation of "B" influences in order to fuse the "magnetic center" which then enables the soul - or higher centers - to "seat" in the body. Is the information from Mouravieff about these matters fairly accurate?

A: Not just fairly. It has been preserved from the time of the "Fall."

Q: Mouravieff states clearly that this teaching is a "thin thread" of an oral tradition, and that the monks themselves - in various locations - admit that it has not only not been put into writing, but has not ever even been "gathered together" in a single place. This is, of course, problematical, but it seems that Mouravieff has made a sincere effort to present the material of the Tradition itself, even if he has spent an inordinate amount of time trying to weave through it some of the occult traditions of Europe that have been so very popular for so long, particularly the synarchic views of Guenon and so forth. In seems that, in this respect, Mouravieff has interpreted many things in an "A influence" sort of way. And then, there is Mouravieff's presentation of the "worlds." It seems to be very similar to the teaching about "densities," though without the balance of STS and STO.

A: If it is understood in the original context of hyperdimensional realities. Also, there are some distortions and gloss on the subject of the "worlds" and "notes." But even this is only minor.

Q: Mouravieff says that there are two kinds of humans - he calls the "pre-Adamic" and "Adamic," (discussed in book III). The idea is that pre-Adamic human types basically have no "soul" nor any possibility of growing one. This is a pretty shocking idea, but there have been recent scholarly discussions of this matter based on what seems to be clinical evidence that, indeed, there are human beings who are just "mechanical" and have no "inner" or "higher self" at all. [See: "Division of Consciousness"] Gurdjieff talked about this and so did Castaneda. Are these ideas Mouravieff presents about the two basic TYPES of humans, as far as they go, accurate?

A: Indeed, though again, there is a "Biblical Gloss."

Q: Mouravieff says that the "pre-Adamic" humans do not have the higher centers, nor the possibility of developing them in this cycle - which we assume to be the Grand Cycle you have previously described, the length of which is around 300,000 years. Is this an accurate representation of "pre-Adamic" beings?

A: Yes, they are "organic" portals between levels of density.

Q: Based on what Mouravieff has said, it seems to be so that any efforts to try to raise the consciousness of such individuals is doomed to fail.

A: Pretty much. Most of them are very efficient machines. The ones that you have identified as psychopaths are "failures." The best ones cannot be discerned except by long and careful observation.

Q: (V) Have I, or anyone in this room, ever encountered any, and if so, can you give us an example for reference?

A: If you consider that the population is equally distributed, then you will understand that in an ordinary "souled" person's life, that person will encounter half as many organic portals as souled individuals. BUT, when someone is in the process of "growing" and strengthening the soul, the Control System will seek to insert even more "units" into that person's life. Now, think of all the people you have ever met and particularly those with whom you have been, or are, intimate. Which half of this number would YOU designate as being organic portals? Hard to tell, eh?

Q: (BT) Is this the original meaning of the "pollution of the bloodline" that the Bible talks about?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) This certainly gives a whole new meaning to all the experiences we have had with people like "Frank" and Vincent Bridges and Terri Burns, Olga and the rest of the gang! What this means is that the work of discerning these organic portals from souled human beings is CRUCIAL to the so-called ascension process. Without the basic understanding of transformation of, and conservation of energies, there is no possibility of fusing a magnetic center. No wonder the Bridges gang and the COINTELPRO types went bananas while I was publishing the Adventures Series! And sheesh! They will go bonkers with this organic portal stuff! (V) In thinking back over my life, it seems to me that my father is certainly one of these organic portals.

A: Now, do not start labeling without due consideration. Remember that very often the individual who displays contradictory behavior may be a souled being in struggle.

Q: (L) I would say that the chief thing they are saying is that the really good ones - you could never tell except by long observation. The one key we discovered from studying psychopaths was that their actions do not match their words. But what if that is a symptom of just being weak and having no will? (A) How can I know if I have a soul?

A: Do you ever hurt for another?

Q: (V) I think they are talking about empathy. These soulless humans simply don't care what happens to another person. If another person is in pain or misery, they don't know how to care.

A: The only pain they experience is "withdrawal" of "food" or comfort, or what they want. They are also masters of twisting perception of others so as to seem to be empathetic. But, in general, such actions are simply to retain control.

Q: (A) What does having a soul or not having a soul have to do with bloodline?

A: Genetics marry with soul if present.

Q: Do "organic portals" go to fifth density when they die?

A: Only temporarily until the "second death."

Q: (V) What is the "origin" of these organic portal human types? In the scheme of creation, where did they come from?

A: They were originally part of the bridge between 2nd density and 3rd density. Review transcripts on the subject of short wave cycles and long wave cycles.

Q: (A) Now, I was reading in the transcripts that sleep is necessary for human beings because it was a period of rest and recharging. You also said that the SOUL rests while the body is sleeping. So, the question is: what source of energy is tapped to recharge both the body and the soul?

A: The question needs to be separated. What happens to a souled individual is different from an organic portal unit.

Q: (L) I guess that means that the life force energy that is embodied in Organic Portals is something like the soul pool that is theorized to exist for flora and fauna. This would, of course, explain the striking and inexplicable similarity of psychopaths, that is so well defined that they only differ from one another in the way that different species of trees are different in the overall class of Tree-ness. So, if they don't have souls, where does the energy come from that recharges Organic Portals?

A: The pool you have described.

Q: Does the recharging of the souled being come from a similar pool, only maybe the "human" pool?

A: No - it recharges from the so-called sexual center which is a higher center of creative energy. During sleep, the emotional center, not being blocked by the lower intellectual cener and the moving center, transduces the energy from the sexual center. It is also the time during which the higher emotional and intellectual centers can rest from the "drain" of the lower centers' interaction with those pesky organic portals so much loved by the lower centers. This respite alone is sufficient to make a difference. But, more than that, the energy of the sexual center is also more available to the other higher centers.

Q: (L) Well, the next logical question was: where does the so-called "sexual center" get ITS energy?

A: The sexual center is in direct contact with 7th density in its "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love." The "outbreath" of "God" in the relief of constriction. Pulsation. Unstable Gravity Waves.

Q: Do the "centers" as described by Mouravieff relate at all to the idea of "chakras?"

A: Quite closely. In an individual of the organic variety, the so-called higher chakras are "produced in effect" by stealing that energy from souled beings. This is what gives them the ability to emulate souled beings. The souled being is, in effect, perceiving a mirror of their own soul when they ascribe "soul qualities" to such beings.

Q: Is this a correspondence that starts at the basal chakra which relates to the sexual center as described by Mouravieff?

A: No. The "sexual center" corresponds to the solar plexus.
Lower moving center - basal chakra
Lower emotional - sexual chakra
Lower intellectual - throat chakra
Higher emotional - heart chakra
Higher intellectual - crown chakra

Q: (L) What about the so-called seventh, or "third eye" chakra?

A: Seer. The union of the heart and intellectual higher centers.

[Laura's note: This would "close the circuit" in the "shepherd's crook"

Q: (V) What about the many ideas about 12 chakras, and so forth, that are currently being taught by many new age sources? [Barbara Marciniak, for one.]

A: There are no such. This is a corrupted conceptualization based on the false belief that the activation of the physical endocrine system is the same as the creation and fusion of the magnetic center. The higher centers are only "seated" by being "magnetized." And this more or less "External" condition [location of the higher centers] has been perceived by some individuals and later joined to the perceived "seating" locations, in potential. This has led to "cross conceptualization" based on assumption!

Q: Are the levels of initiation and levels of the staircase as presented by Mouravieff fairly accurate?

A: Yes, but different levels accessed in other so-called lives can relieve the intensity of some levels in "another" life.

Q: (L) So work on the self in different incarnations - assuming one is not an organic portal - can be cumulative? You can pick up where you left off if you screw up?

A: Yes. To some extent.
The bottom line is this: if there seems to be some similarity between my work and that of Guenon or his pal, then it means that the C's information deserves a serious study by those who profess to follow the works of Guenon et al. I certainly have found astonishing similarities between the things the C's have said and Sufi traditions, the tradition brought forward by Mouravieff, Gurdjieff, etc, the only difference being that I received this information directly and only AFTER learned about the similarities. In other words, it looks like the C's are a rather pure source of initiatory interaction which may also mean that the clarity they bring to these other sources is well worth considering.
Unstated Guenonian-Traditionalist Influence

Please forgive me for the tardiness, my computer has been having problems. Thanks for the suggestions, Shane and Apollynon. Moreover, I am gratefully pleased with your thorough and personal explanation and additional insights on this issue I have brought up in all good will, Laura. I was not sure if you personally responded in this forum, and I appreciate it kindly. In any case, there is much to learn from the "Traditionalist" school and people like Guenon, Fr. Seraphim Rose, etc. for the present dwellers in spirit-pulverizing, pornocratic, heartless modernity.
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