

FOTCM Member
I am reading "Elementary Number Theory" by G. Burton. The book is technical, but the following historical comments are, perhaps, of general interest:
1.3. Early Number Theory

Before becomeing weighted down with details, we should say a few wordsabout
the origin of number theory.The theory of numbers is one of the oldest branches
of mathematics; an enthusiast, by stretching a point here and there, could extend
its roots back to a surprisingly remote date. Although it seems probable that the
Greeks were largely indebted to the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians for a core
of information about the properties of the natural numbers, the first rudiments of an
actual theory are generally credited to Pythagoras and his disciples.
Our knowledge of the life of Pythagoras is scanty, and little can he said with any
certainty. According to the best estimates, he was born between 580 and 562 B.C. on
the Aegean island of Samos. It seems that he studied not only in Egypt, but even may
have extended his journeys as far east as Babylonia. When Pythagoras reappeared
after years of wandering, he sought out a favorable place for a school and finally
settled upon Croton, a prosperous Greek settlement on the heel of the Italian boot.
The school concentrated on four mathemata, or subjects of study: arithmetica (arith-
metic, in the sense of number theory, rather than the art of calculating), harmonia
(music), geometria (geometry), and astrologia (astronomy). This fourfold division
of knowledge became known in the Middle Ages as the quadrivium, to which was
added the trivium of logic, grammar, and rhetoric. These seven liberal arts came to
be looked upon as the necessary course of study for an educated person.
Pythagoras divided those who attended his lectures into two groups: the Pro-
bationers (or listeners) and the Pythagoreans. After three years in the first class, a
listener could be initiated into the second class, to whom were confided the main dis-
coveries of the school. The Pythagoreans were a closely knit brotherhood, holding all
worldly goods in common and bound by an oath not to reveal the founder's secrets.
Legend has it that a talkative Pythagorean was drowned in a shipwreck as the gods'
punishment for publicly boasting that he had added the dodecahedron to the number
of regular solids enumerated by Pythagoras. For a time, the autocratic Pythagoreans
succeeded in dominating the local government in Croton, but a popular revolt in 501
B.C. led to the murder of many of its prominent members, and Pythagoras himself
was killed shortly thereafter. Although the political influence of the Pythagoreans
thus was destroyed, they continued to exist for at least two centuries more as a
philosophical and mathematical society. To the end, they remained a secret order,
publishing nothing and, with noble self-denial, ascribing all their discoveries to the
The Pythagoreans believed that the key to an explanation of the universe lay
in number and form, their general thesis being that "Everything is Number." (By
number, they meant, of course, a positive integer.) For a rational understanding of
nature, they considered it sufficient to analyze the properties of certain numbers.
Pythagoras himself, we are told "seems to have attached supreme importance to the
study of arithmetic, which he advanced and took out of the realm of commercial
The Pythagorean doctrine is a curious mixture of cosmic philosophy and number
mysticism, a sort of supernumerology that assigned to everything material or spiritual
a definite integer. Among their writings, we find that 1 represented reason, for reason
could produce only one consistent body of truth; 2 stood for man and 3 for woman;
society, the Pythagoreans classified the odd numbers, after the first two, as masculine
and divine.
Although these speculations about numbers as models of "things" appear friv-
olous today, it must be borne in mind that the intellectuals of the classical Greek
period were largely absorbed in philosophy and that these same men, because they
had such intellectual interests, were the very ones who were engaged in laying the
foundations for mathematics as a system of thought. To Pythagoras and his followers,
mathematics was largely a means to an end, the end being philosophy. Only with
the founding of the School of Alexandria do we enter a new phase in which the
cultivation of mathematics was pursued for its own sake.
We digress here to point out that mystical speculation about the properties of
numbers was not unique to the Pythagoreans. One of the most absurd yet wide-
spread forms that numerology took during the Middle Ages was a pseudoscience
known as gematria or arithmology. By assigning numerical values to the letters
of the alphabet in some order, each name or word was given its own individual
number. From the standpoint of gematria, two words were considered equivalent if
the numbers represented by their letters when added together gave the same sum.
All this probably originated with the early Greeks for whom the natural ordering
of the alphabet provided a perfect way of recording numbers; alpha standing for 1, beta
for 2, and so forth. For example, the word "amen" is "alpha_mu_eta_nu" in Greek; these letters
have the values 1, 40, 8, and 50, respectively, which total 99. In many old editions
of the Bible, the number 99 appears at the end of a prayer as a substitute for amen.
The most famous number was 666, the "number of the beast," mentioned in the
Book of Revelations. A favorite pastime among certain Catholic theologians during
the Reformation was devising alphabet schemes in which 666 was shown to stand
for the name of Martin Luther, thereby supporting their contention that he was the
Antichrist. Luther replied in kind: He concocted a system in which 666 became the
number assigned to the reigning Pope, Leo X.
It was at Alexandria, not Athens, that a science of numbers divorced from mystic
philosophy first began to develop. For nearly a thousand years, until its destruction
by the Arabs in 641 A.D., Alexandria stood at the cultural and commercial center of
the Hellenistic world. (After the fall of Alexandria, most of its scholars migrated to
Constantinople. During the next 800 years, while formal learning in the West all but
disappeared, this enclave at Constantinople preserved for us the mathematical works
of the various Greek schools.) The so-called Alexandrian Museum, a forerunner of
the modern university, brought together the leading poets and scholars of the day;
adjacent to it there was established an enormous library, reputed to hold over 700,000
volumes-hand-copied-at its height. Of all the distinguished names connected with
the Museum, that of Euclid (circa 350 B.C.), founder of the School of Mathematics,
is in a special class. Posterity has come to know him as the author of the Elements,
the oldest Greek treatise on mathematics to reach us in its entirety. The Elements is a
Scarcely any other book save the Bible has been more widely circulated or studied.
Over a thousand editions of it have appeared since the first printed version in 1482,
and before its printing, manuscript copies dominated much of the teaching of math-
ematics in Western Europe. Unfortunately, no copy of the work has been found that
actually dates from Euclid's own time; the modern editions are descendants of a
revision prepared by Theon of Alexandria, a commentator of the 4th century A.D.

ark said:
I am reading "Elementary Number Theory" by G. Burton. The book is technical, but the following historical comments are, perhaps, of general interest:
1.3. Early Number Theory

[...]Our knowledge of the life of Pythagoras is scanty, and little can he said with any
certainty. According to the best estimates, he was born between 580 and 562 B.C. on
the Aegean island of Samos. It seems that he studied not only in Egypt, but even may
have extended his journeys as far east as Babylonia. When Pythagoras reappeared
after years of wandering, he sought out a favorable place for a school and finally
settled upon Croton, a prosperous Greek settlement on the heel of the Italian boot.
The school concentrated on four mathemata, or subjects of study: arithmetica (arith-
metic, in the sense of number theory, rather than the art of calculating), harmonia
(music), geometria (geometry), and astrologia (astronomy). This fourfold division
of knowledge became known in the Middle Ages as the quadrivium, to which was
added the trivium of logic, grammar, and rhetoric.
These seven liberal arts came to
be looked upon as the necessary course of study for an educated person. [...]

Today I've listened to an interesting interview with Jan Irvin about the Trivium educational system. Goes very much in line with the need to become objective and sharpen one's critical thinking abilities. He gives some good examples of the fallacies of the New Age/Love and Light crowd and how most people put "Logic" before "Grammar" (see below), making assumptions and opinions that do not reflect Knowledge and Understanding.

I recommend to listen to it here:

Jan Irvin runs, he is the author of "The Holy Mushroom" and "Astrotheology & Shamanism". He is also behind the DVD "The Pharmacratic Inquisition". Jan is with us to discuss a new aspect of his work and research called "The Trivium". Grammar, logic, and rhetoric are "the three ways" or "the three roads" that together with arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy, called "The Quadrivium", forms the seven liberal arts. This was the foundation of a medieval liberal arts education, something that almost altogether has been lost in our modern society and education system. Jan discusses the benefits of this ancient form of education and argues that within the methodology and approach of the seven liberal arts are vital keys that will aid anyone who is seeking "the truth". Later, Jan points out some of the fallacies that researchers and self acclaimed critics make.

Here's more about it:

The Trivium method: (pertains to mind) – the elementary three.

[1] General Grammar, [2] Formal Logic, [3] Classical Rhetoric

— (Answers the question of the Who, What, Where, and the When of a subject.)

Discovering and ordering facts of reality comprises basic, systematic Knowledge- not only the rules developed and applied to the ordering of word/concepts for verbal expression and communication, but our first contact with conscious order as such. This is the initial, self-conscious technique used in properly (discursively or sequentially) organizing a body of knowledge from raw, factual data for the purpose of gaining understanding (through logic) and; thus, also organizing the individual human mind. It is the foundation upon which all other “methods of organization and order” are built.

Special grammar properly relates words to other words within a specified language like English, Russian, or Latin.

General grammar relates words to objective reality in any language and applies to all subjects as the first set of building blocks to integrated or fully mindful, objective knowledge. A body of knowledge which has been gathered and arranged under the rules of general grammar can now be subjected to logic for full understanding, which, emphatically, is a separate intellectual procedure.

[2] LOGIC — (Answers the Why of a subject.)

Developing the faculty of reason in establishing valid [i.e., non-contradictory] relationships among facts yields basic, systematic Understanding- it is a guide for thinking correctly; thinking without contradiction. More concisely, it is the art of non-contradictory identification. The work of logic is proof. Proof consists of establishing the truth and validity of a concept or proposition in correspondence with objective, factual reality by following a self-consistent chain of higher-level thought back down to foundational, primary concepts or axioms (i.e., Existence, Consciousness, and Causality). It is a means of keeping us in touch and grounded to objective reality in our search for valid knowledge and understanding. Logic brings the rhythm of the subjective thoughts of the mind, and the subsequent actions of the body, into harmony with the rhythm of the objective universe. The intention is to amicably synchronize individual mental processes, and their attendant actions, with the processes of our surrounding natural, factual existence over the period of a lifetime.

[3] RHETORIC — (Provides the How of a subject.)

Applying knowledge and understanding expressively comprises Wisdom or, in other words, it is systematically useable knowledge and understanding- to explore and find the proper choice of methods for cogently expressing the conclusions of grammar and logic on a subject in writing and/or oral argumentation (oratory). The annunciation of those conclusions is called a statement of rationale, the set of instructions deduced from the rationale for the purpose of application (of those conclusions) in the real world is called a statement of protocols.
ark said:
Our knowledge of the life of Pythagoras is scanty, and little can he said with any
certainty. According to the best estimates, he was born between 580 and 562 B.C. on
the Aegean island of Samos. It seems that he studied not only in Egypt, but even may
have extended his journeys as far east as Babylonia. When Pythagoras reappeared
after years of wandering, he sought out a favorable place for a school and finally
settled upon Croton, a prosperous Greek settlement on the heel of the Italian boot.
The school concentrated on four mathemata, or subjects of study: arithmetica (arith-
metic, in the sense of number theory, rather than the art of calculating), harmonia
(music), geometria (geometry), and astrologia (astronomy). This fourfold division
of knowledge became known in the Middle Ages as the quadrivium, to which was
added the trivium of logic, grammar, and rhetoric. These seven liberal arts came to
be looked upon as the necessary course of study for an educated person.
Pythagoras divided those who attended his lectures into two groups: the Pro-
bationers (or listeners) and the Pythagoreans. After three years in the first class, a
listener could be initiated into the second class, to whom were confided the main dis-
coveries of the school. The Pythagoreans were a closely knit brotherhood, holding all
worldly goods in common and bound by an oath not to reveal the founder's secrets.
Legend has it that a talkative Pythagorean was drowned in a shipwreck as the gods'
punishment for publicly boasting that he had added the dodecahedron to the number
of regular solids enumerated by Pythagoras. For a time, the autocratic Pythagoreans
succeeded in dominating the local government in Croton, but a popular revolt in 501
B.C. led to the murder of many of its prominent members, and Pythagoras himself
was killed shortly thereafter. Although the political influence of the Pythagoreans
thus was destroyed, they continued to exist for at least two centuries more as a
philosophical and mathematical society. To the end, they remained a secret order,
publishing nothing and, with noble self-denial, ascribing all their discoveries to the
The Pythagoreans believed that the key to an explanation of the universe lay
in number and form, their general thesis being that "Everything is Number." (By
number, they meant, of course, a positive integer.) For a rational understanding of
nature, they considered it sufficient to analyze the properties of certain numbers.
Pythagoras himself, we are told "seems to have attached supreme importance to the
study of arithmetic, which he advanced and took out of the realm of commercial
The Pythagorean doctrine is a curious mixture of cosmic philosophy and number
mysticism, a sort of supernumerology that assigned to everything material or spiritual
a definite integer. Among their writings, we find that 1 represented reason, for reason
could produce only one consistent body of truth; 2 stood for man and 3 for woman;
society, the Pythagoreans classified the odd numbers, after the first two, as masculine
and divine.
Although these speculations about numbers as models of "things" appear friv-
olous today, it must be borne in mind that the intellectuals of the classical Greek
period were largely absorbed in philosophy and that these same men, because they
had such intellectual interests, were the very ones who were engaged in laying the
foundations for mathematics as a system of thought. To Pythagoras and his followers,
mathematics was largely a means to an end, the end being philosophy. Only with
the founding of the School of Alexandria do we enter a new phase in which the
cultivation of mathematics was pursued for its own sake.

Very interesting, thanks.
Btw, I didn't mean to divert from Ark's post, but after doing a search on "The Trivium" this was the closest that came up. Moderators feel free to move it if it's inappropriate here. I wasn't sure where to post it.
Regarding numbers what I think is fascinating far from Early Number Theory this is what developped Gôdel and Hilbert in their axiomatizing mathematics attempt : the arithmetic of the numbers not prove even its own consistency (counting and real numbers). (refer to Incompleteness).

Hilbert and Gôdel are great mathematicians, and even you know nothing on Math you will find fun on being more famliar with paradoxes...
recommanded book : "Godel, Escher, Bach"

Math + Drawing Art + Music = GREAT FUN!

I think this is well presented here >


"A metaphorical fugue on minds and machines in the manner of Lewis Carroll"--Cover subtitle.

(Escher / Moebius)

The following statement is false. The preceding sentence is true. This is a strange loop that goes back to its initial level of hierarchy in a series of two steps.

The Road to Reality said:
From here we arrive at the third and probably the most important in the three personas that make up GEB, the mathematician/logician Kurt Godel and his celebrated incompleteness theorem. To aid the reader in understanding the theorem further, the book took a bit of a recourse to expound on the history of mathematical logic and the motives behind Russell and Whitehead’s logical magnum opus, the Principia Mathematica. The goal was to make logic, set theory and number theory free from self-reference; free from the perils of strange loops. To be able to prove any statement within a system by use of other statements belonging to the same system was the ultimate quest for mathematical consistency and completeness. This was to put mathematics on a firm foundation, its inductive power envisioned to be free from senselessness. But not for long. It was Kurt Godel who put a stump on Russell and Whitehead and all the other mathematicians who put their hopes in the Principia Mathematica. Godel’s merit was due to his incompleteness theorem which, in layman’s terms, is as follows:

“All consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory include undecidable propositions.”

Why number theory? Because prior to the incompleteness theorem, Godel first showed that any symbol, statement, or formula in some formal language can be assigned a unique natural number. This process is called Godel numbering. It is through Godel’s numbering that, in a sense, all of mathematics can be reduced to the study of number theory. That’s why it was number theory that Godel has attacked forthrightly in his incompleteness theorem. This shows that one still cannot prove all the statements of a given system even if the system had perfectly implemented the rules written in the Principia Mathematica. There is no escape to self-reference, any formal system will always arrive at inconsistencies and become incomplete. No axiomatic system whatsoever could produce all number-theoretical truths, unless it were an inconsisten system! Moreover, Godel showed that provability is a weaker notion than truth. This means that self-referential statements are not necessarily false, they are just unprovable. (There is also an analogue of Godel’s theorem in the field of computing, formulated by Alan Turing).

After the introduction of the three personas (Godel, Escher, Bach), the book proceeds to link these three together in the spirit of strange loops. DH has called this synthesis as an “Eternal Golden Braid”. It is here that he introduces the first dialogue of the book entitled Three-Part Invention. The aim of the dialogues is to stir up the reader’s familiarity with self-referring frameworks. It intends to revert the reader, in encountering strange loops, from intuitively saying “This doesn’t make sense. This is wrong.” to a humbler and logically honest stance.

Gödel was so caught up in paradoxes that he almost blew his US Citizenship over his finding that the US Constitution had an inconsistency. LOL
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