Anger and self-hatred can change your body chemistry?


FOTCM Member
The topic name is a day before yesterday created working-hypothesis of mine.

In the last days I have gone through many emotions and projections which belong to the category of anger and -my- anger leads often to self-hatred and denying of creativity. Well it's a program following me since childhood, to force reality at my will (STS anybody :))

But for better understanding, I try to explain what happened and how I came to this conclusion:

As noted above I have gone through many negative emotions and finally on the last couple of days I couldn't control anymore my blood-sugar, my body needed more and more insulin -injections- (everything had to be increased) where the last weeks/months have been going perfect like a honey-moon phase (very seldom peak test results above 14 mmol/L, a non diabetic human has a blood-sugar level of appr. 5 to 6 mmol/L. Anyway I'm having tooooo long diabetes to be in the so called honeymoon phase, nonetheless it feels like it, through all these diet changes).

And in a situation like this, where I cannot control my own condition anymore I get annoyed and angry, against my body/myself with the almost repeating words: "this cannot be true, how can it be". My state gets altered, when I can describe it in: denying everything around me, reality, creativity, the cosmos and leads finally into a desperation and a condition of self hurting, like: "now I give it to you back, stupid body, who or what do you think you are?".

Later on I realised, that this self-hatred leads to nothing, because I'm blind and not anymore able to read the signs (and I have done it all the years, to deny things, with stubbornness), to adjust accordingly simply what is in front of me.
And after I came to this conclusion and reflected about it in my journal, the test-results turned back to normal and I had to re-adjust my insulin intake again from high to very low again.

Okay, it's just a working hypothesis, that anger can change maybe the insulin resitance or other "body information systems". So far my diet is excluding all gluten and plainly all bad stuff and I'm not aware of having eaten gluten the last days. Another connection could be the EE program, where I have gone something similar over weeks, where also before all test-levels have been perfect and then following weeks of "not understanding why I have now bad test results"// denying the test-results etc. As far as I can remember I had the same reactions and not accepting the things in front of me.
For further examination of past "roller coaster blood-sugar levels" I need my older journals.

Maybe it has been worth reporting it.
That is very interesting how you tracked your body's reaction to your emotional state. Have you done anymore journaling or thinking about this? Vj
Welcome vitovern,

I'd like to invite you to post an intro in the newbies section. It doesn't have to be long, just a little something about yourself and how you found the forum. :)
Posted by Gawan : December 28, 2009, 02:41:07
AMAs noted above I have gone through many negative emotions and finally on the last couple of days I couldn't control anymore my blood-sugar, my body needed more and more insulin -injections- (everything had to be increased) where the last weeks/months have been going perfect like a honey-moon phase (very seldom peak test results above 14 mmol/L, a non diabetic human has a blood-sugar level of appr. 5 to 6 mmol/L. Anyway I'm having tooooo long diabetes to be in the so called honeymoon phase, nonetheless it feels like it, through all these diet changes).

Hi Gawan, Reading of the condition you find yourself in, can come from many different aspects. Some you have already mentioned in your self observation's. Good start in the move to changing your condition, as well as the work your are attempting bring change to the current dilemma.

But also noteworthy perhaps is to realize that outside influence's will move to make for aggravating the condition you speak of, by making personal issues even worse then they need be. I refer to the 4DSTS and there ability to ramp the emotional condition as means to feed off your state of "negative energy". This the there food source in their density. And now more than ever the world is a losh of this type of activity.

Perhaps armed with some insight, from the following sessions (with patience with yourself, EE, the Prayer of The Soul, diet, and meditation) might give you the break to the situation for some relief and change in the condition of "negative emotions". It will take some practice to master the ability, but it can be done with faith as your stepping stone.

Cassiopaea Glossary: Feeding on Others

Any defense against being fed upon needs to be based on first considering the possibility of this happening. To detect whether this is taking place, one may disengage from a situation to see if this makes a difference. If this is not possible, one may intensify efforts at self-observation. Symptoms of being fed on generally include emotional reactions or changes in energy levels but since these occur together with decreased interest or ability to think and increased subjectivity, detecting this is problematical.

Emotion is the food in a feeding dynamic. In order not to be food, one should not give any emotional reaction or give an entirely unexpected one. This is difficult because people are usually creatures of mechanical habit and besides addicted to reacting emotionally. Being addicted to being food is a good possibility. Being manipulated through pity for example can make one feel important and necessary and noble, increasing one's subjective self-importance while one is in fact only being used. The situation of feeding injects a certain psychic anesthetic into the food source, so that the actual nature of the interaction gets masked by other chemicals. Feeding scenarios involving mutual addiction are a real possibility. Codependence or sadomasochistic relationships may be an example.

Feeding habits of people are usually deeply engrained and often unconscious or at least tucked aside even If one were at some level aware of them. Not all predators think of themselves as such. They will usually try to reverse the entire situation if they are confronted with evidence of their behavior. Emotionally or physically disengaging from the dynamic is best. Change in people is very rare and never happens without work on their own behalf. Learning new tricks or conditioned responses or becoming more stealthy or faking having 'changed one's ways' is not considered change in this sense.

Session 941126
Q: (T) Who talks to me when I am having conversations with myself
in my head?
A: You.
Q: Am I talking to other beings?
A: Have.
Q: Do we all do this?
A: No.
Q: (T) Does Laura communicate like this.
A: Has.
Q: (T) Does F***?
A: Ditto.
Q: (T) Should I continue communicating with whoever it is?
A: Up to you.
Q: (T) Are they connected to you?
A: No.
Q: (T) Do you know who I am talking about?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Can you tell me who they are?
A: Lizards.
Q: (T) Why are they talking to me?
A: Trying to convert you. Remember, T***, your chronic depression
represents a "battle" zone.
Q: (T) I no longer am depressed and they are talking to me more. (J)
They are trying to get you back into it. (T) but they are not doing
anything to convince me to be depressed.
A: Watch out!
Q: (T) Can I turn them off?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Who is "Sing."
A: Leader of forces assigned to influence you.
Q: (T) Forces, as in many are assigned to me personally?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) How many are in this force?
A: Seven.
Q: (T) Do they do this because of the implants that are in me?
A: All part of process.
Q: (T) Do I have implants?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) These implants are what they use to control my emotions and
amplify them so that they can feed off of them?
A: Not control, influence.
Q: (T) No, not to control; influence. But when, say, I get angry, then
I'm angry for a short time but then I'm angry for a long time because
they have used this technology to amplify and extend this; is this
what they do?
A: Yes. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.
Q: (T) Can I feed back through their equipment what I choose?
A: Not necessary.
Q: (T) In other words, if I get angry and realize that I am being more
angry than I should be, and I change that to something positive, and
feed that back to them while they have their amplifiers wide open,
will that affect them? Sour their milk, so to speak?
A: Now you are "fighting fire with fire."
Q: (T) Well, is that something that we are supposed to be doing?
A: Open. But what does phrase imply?
Q: (L) If you feed it back at them, in other words, what they are
saying is, I think, when you feel yourself getting angry, the only way
to stop the whole thing is to stop being angry and be happy or at
peace. When you are happy and at peace there is not in you the
desire to send anything back.
A: Bingo.
Q: (J) Redirect the energy into something positive. (F) You can't fight
fire with fire. (LM) Well, actually you can in reality. (T) What I am
getting at is, is it possible to do that, to change the emotional state to
something more positive than what they are expecting and feed that
back to them. Is that a possibility?
A: Why.
Q: (T) Just to give them a taste of their own for a change. (J) Do you
want to antagonize them? You are still feeding them your energy. (L)
The only change you could really have would be the opposite
emotion which would be peace and if you are truly feeling peace...
A: 4th density STSers feed off negative energy.
Q: (J) So, give them nothing. (T) But what I am thinking about is the
energy... I have a natural... They are feeding off negative energy.
They put something in me, some technological thing, because they
come into 3rd density to mess with us...
A: Yes.
Q: (T) ...that will amplify this for them. Make it even stronger.
A: Analogy follows: How effective is a light socket without a plug in
Q: (T) Well, how effective is a light socket without a socket in it... I'm
trying to learn here so you guys give me some latitude.
A: What?
Q: (T) If you take a light socket and pull the socket... pull the plug on
the light socket you no longer have light. (L) Well, the Lizzies are the
light bulb and you are the power source so you just pull out their
plug. (J) Unplug yourself. (T) Am I the socket?
A: How effective is a motor that is never turned on?
Q: (J) Do not be their source. If they feed off negative energy, starve
A: Implants are ineffective if not used.
Q: (J) The power source has to be on for the implant to work for
them to get the juice and the power is negative thoughts and
emotions. (T) But I am still a 3rd density being. I have all the
emotions of a 3rd density being, the whole gamut, and that is part of
what makes me a 3rd density being. Therefore I can't turn one
emotion off without upsetting the balance of the other emotions,
emotions are almost an analogy to the light and the dark.
A: No.
Q: (T) I have positive emotions and I have negative emotions; they
both make up who I am.
A: If you choose, you may have only positive emotions.
Q: (T) Now, if I have only positive emotions, which is a nice thing to
have and I'd like to have that, what does that do to the sensor
equipment of the Lizzies?
A: Cancels them.
Q: (T) So they are tuned to negative frequencies?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Having positive feelings cuts off the implants. If I cut off the
sensors by having positive feelings, what will the Lizards do?
A: Go elsewhere.
Q: (L) Am I correct in my thought that when you first start turning this
off that they may increase their efforts for a period and then finally
they realize that you are really in charge here and then they go
A: Exactly.
Q: (L) So, when you first get a clue and you start getting a grip on
your emotions and dealing with everything that happens to you with
acceptance and knowledge that all is a manifestation of your own
creation and for your ultimate good, for a period of time they may try
ten times harder to get you back as a food source, but then once
they realize they can't, then they do finally let loose?

Session 941223
A: Now you are on the right path.
Q: (D) I haven't been talking against her father and I have been
telling her, encouraging her... I have been forgiving him... and I told
*** today that I found out from S*** that her father is the one who
took her to get the abortion, and he paid for it, and I said something
about mixed feelings, not everything is bad. There's something good
in everything, and I referred her to different parts of different books...
Page 29 in the Ra Material, and not showing the anger... and that is
what I have been doing: showing anger, getting that emotion out and
feeding the Lizzies... and getting wrinkles and gray hair and growing
warts... and warts?
A: Yes.
Q: (D) They said to get rid of stress situations. (L) I would almost say
that what you just learned was that a lot of your stress is self
generated... (D) exactly... my hat is off to you guys, I thank you...
A: Now D***, do you still want to move to North Carolina?
Q: (D) No. That's cool! Thank you very much. I don't need to flee! I
can stay. (L) I guess that is what you needed to be here tonight for.
(D) And I thought that I was going to help mankind and I got
A: This is only the beginning of this work!
Q: (D) How can I thank them?
A: Not necessary because we are working together.
Q: (D) I also started telling S*** about spirituality and God and things
like that, and I told her that what you first have to understand is there
is no such thing as sin... (L) It's all lessons... (D) There is no such
thing as sin and then I named all the negative emotions and said
that what we need to do is have a lot less of that and more of love,
caring, sharing and that kind of thing... and she really listened! So, I
have started teaching her. And, I want her to have something to...
Oh!, here's a good question: Could you help me out and guide me
into what book would be good for S*** to read?
A: No, this is up to S__. It is all just lessons for each individual. That
is all there is, nothing else.
Q: (L) I guess it is like dancing, you follow the signals and the music
to know what step to do next. Take your cues from S***.
A: There is nothing, repeat nothing, but lessons.
Q: (L) I guess it is a big laboratory and we are the guinea pigs...
A: No, everything that exists in all of creation is a lesson, there is no

Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals
Gawan said:
Okay, it's just a working hypothesis, that anger can change maybe the insulin resitance or other "body information systems". So far my diet is excluding all gluten and plainly all bad stuff and I'm not aware of having eaten gluten the last days. Another connection could be the EE program, where I have gone something similar over weeks, where also before all test-levels have been perfect and then following weeks of "not understanding why I have now bad test results"// denying the test-results etc. As far as I can remember I had the same reactions and not accepting the things in front of me.
For further examination of past "roller coaster blood-sugar levels" I need my older journals.

Maybe it has been worth reporting it.

My personal understanding is that there is no question whatsoever that anger and many other emotions/states of mind affect physiology. Our minds and emotions are intricately bound to our bodies and physical manifestations of emotional states are quite common. How could it be any other way?
vitovern said:
That is very interesting how you tracked your body's reaction to your emotional state. Have you done anymore journaling or thinking about this? Vj

Hello vitovern,

what I found out, that these things are also connected with stress (and as "anart" said that (paraphrased) everything within the body is connected), or stress hormones. When I have for example high blood sugar I tend to deny it and to fight against it, because it simply feels not good, I can hardly read and am very easy irritable etc. This then leads to that stress-hormones get released and that the blood-sugar is further rising, no matter how much insulin I put into my body. To fight fire with fire, as the C's said.

My doctor said, that I managed these situations very well, because the blood-sugar went very fast to a normal level again, I could hardly believe it myself, because there is another way to deal better with these situations.

c.a. said:
Hi Gawan, Reading of the condition you find yourself in, can come from many different aspects. Some you have already mentioned in your self observation's. Good start in the move to changing your condition, as well as the work your are attempting bring change to the current dilemma.

But also noteworthy perhaps is to realize that outside influence's will move to make for aggravating the condition you speak of, by making personal issues even worse then they need be. I refer to the 4DSTS and there ability to ramp the emotional condition as means to feed off your state of "negative energy". This the there food source in their density. And now more than ever the world is a losh of this type of activity.

Perhaps armed with some insight, from the following sessions (with patience with yourself, EE, the Prayer of The Soul, diet, and meditation) might give you the break to the situation for some relief and change in the condition of "negative emotions". It will take some practice to master the ability, but it can be done with faith as your stepping stone.


Really thanks for these quotes C.A. they are very helpful!! :flowers: And it's somehow a lucky coincidence that this topic was reopened by "vitovern" and then lead to other responses, because I have been asking myself consciously and (before going to bed) unconsciously over many times, what it is and what is the source of the situations and fluctuations and what I can do about it...
Posted by anart August 14, 2010, 10:06:58 PM

My personal understanding is that there is no question whatsoever that anger and many other emotions/states of mind affect physiology. Our minds and emotions are intricately bound to our bodies and physical manifestations of emotional states are quite common. How could it be any other way?

Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals

This video should have placed after the thoughts reflected by anart. If anyone has noticed how the feeling of sick or trembling occurs when the flight or fight mechanism kicks in, when confronted by a rush of adrenaline. Though adrenaline has benefit's in surviving difficult times of crisis in ones life, it also has serious side effects. It occurs to me after thinking that what anart wrote and that as the body is made up 60% to 75% water that the video made sense.

As important to managing "negative energy" in ones life ( and not be a feeder to those pesky 4D STS Lizzie's) and to avoid chemical body change, as Gawan has pointed out and how it affected the sense of well being and loathing.
But now i would pose another question, that how would this chemical effect with in the issue move to change a more dynamic aspect of a persons Frequency Resonance Vibration? So if ones mood coupled (negative energy) with the efforts of the 4Dsts to sabotage the escape, then would that be able to (redial the FRV) have even more repercussions to a persons Frequency Resonance Vibration. And could this be a situation that is the ultimate goal of the 4dsts in there attempts to keep one in the state of 3dsts frequency from the sto frequency, thinking, and life style?

I'm not clear on this, and any thoughts may bring the clarity that may be necessary if i am off base, in putting this into perspective.

Glossary:Frequency Resonance Vibration

FRV stands for Frequency Resonance Vibration and is a term specific to the Cassiopaea material.

The term frequency generally means the number of repetitions of a repeating event within a period of time. The word vibration generally refers to an oscillating, repeating motion. Resonance occurs when a vibration in one system triggers a vibration of the same frequency in another system. Systems can have one or more 'resonant frequencies' at which frequencies they have a tendency to vibrate.

In common New Age parlance, vibration or vibe means a sort of psychic impression, the feel of a person or situation. High frequency connotates goodness or spiritual value, low frequency is dirty, unclear, sticky, vulgar, maybe violent and selfish. One feels a resonance or resonates with something when this something, whether person or information, somehow feels right or true or personally relevant.

In the Cassiopaea material, FRV is a property of a person that has to do with the person's alignment or intrinsic nature. FRV can tend towards service to others or service to self.

FRV is itself not immutable. The FRV of a person may change as a result of influences. If a person is in proximity to another who has a different FRV, there can occur forced resonance where the two start resonating at the same frequency. Still, one has a constitutional predisposition to resonate at some frequencies more than at others.

FRV is not directly coupled to knowledge or intellectual capacity. Still, knowledge and intellectual capacity facilitate work on one's FRV. They allow one to discern between STS and STO and to make corresponding choices, thus heading towards one or the other end. FRV is essentially an indication of an emotional path.

It is possible that the terms of frequency and vibration have a literal meaning in a hyperdimensional context involving a person's alignment with a thought center. If this is so, the phenomenon is not perceived by us in this manner, except allegorically.


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c.a. said:
Posted by anart August 14, 2010, 10:06:58 PM

My personal understanding is that there is no question whatsoever that anger and many other emotions/states of mind affect physiology. Our minds and emotions are intricately bound to our bodies and physical manifestations of emotional states are quite common. How could it be any other way?

Positive & Negative Energy Effects on Water Crystals

This video should have placed after the thoughts reflected by anart.

Not if it was posted by anart. I'm not a proponent of Emoto's work. I think a LOT of jumping to conclusions goes on with his work and I find it much less than convincing. Just my two cents.
Posted by anart August 14, 2010 Today at 09:13:02 AM
Not if it was posted by anart. I'm not a proponent of Emoto's work. I think a LOT of jumping to conclusions goes on with his work and I find it much less than convincing. Just my two cents
Then, to a set aside the video and move to the just the question, of the effects of the negative energy, and its ability to make one mentally and physically ill, through alteration of body chemistry, would it also by making a companion of negative energy, affect the Frequency Resonance Vibration of a person as well. And keep one in an sts state of mind as to sto parameter. Not sure if i am in the ball park or the parking lot ?????????????
c.a. said:
Posted by anart August 14, 2010 Today at 09:13:02 AM
Not if it was posted by anart. I'm not a proponent of Emoto's work. I think a LOT of jumping to conclusions goes on with his work and I find it much less than convincing. Just my two cents
Then, to a set aside the video and move to the just the question, of the effects of the negative energy, and its ability to make one mentally and physically ill, through alteration of body chemistry, would it also by making a companion of negative energy, affect the Frequency Resonance Vibration of a person as well. And keep one in an sts state of mind as to sto parameter. Not sure if i am in the ball park or the parking lot ?????????????

Well, I think if you keep things simple and focus on the fact that emotional stress kills by being a catalyst for disease in a myriad of ways, then you're on target. As far as 'sts state of mind' - we can know no other state of mind in our current condition. We ARE sts. We can only aspire to sto, and try to learn what that means, in our current condition.

To my understanding, FRV isn't as much about 'positive energy' in the way you seem to be speaking about it, as it is about 'receivership capability' and the 'signal' one emits. It's about awareness. As illusions about the self and reality are stripped away, one's 'signal' increases because the noise decreases. One begins to Be. All the lies, illusions, wishful thinking, sleeping and dreaming lower FRV because they act like static on a signal, blurring it, slowing it down as it were. As these things are reduced and as awareness increases, FRV will increase because it's not being 'weighted down' any longer by all the lies, illusions and dreaming. It's an awkward explanation, but as close as I can get at the moment because my conceptualization of FRV, for some odd reason, is visual, not verbal. And, as always, since this is my current understanding, it is open to change.
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