Stephen Colbert Speaks at the White House Correspondents Dinner


FOTCM Member
Stephen Colbert delivers a searing indictment of the Administration, and the media in general, in his speach at the White House Correspondence dinner. The first images and news about the dinner was W's sendup of himself speaking next to a W impersonator, who went through the predictable list of safe and "self deprecating" jokes trying to recapture last years "magic" when Laura Bush spoke.

Colbert was being anything but safe though in his statetments and jokes, his satire a very thinly veiled, head on, and nothing less than incendiary indictment of Bush policies, the media's coverage of them, and a host of other things including, the WH staff shake-up, global warming, the war in Iraq, etc. Though it was calling "truth to power" in the truest sense, I have to say it left me a bit depressed. Up there, on the podium, it looked as though Colbert was screaming into the wind a bit. But boy does he scream.

Watch part of the video:
Colbert also recently interviewed Bill Kristol on his show. Watch him squirm when asked about PNAC:
And i Also saw Stephen last night, i think it was 20/20. A Pattern of exposure emerging perhaps? "Liberal eh? You must watch the daily show or the colbert report."

Unfortunately i believe him and Jon Stewart to be the most deceptive and well veiled cointelpro there is. It poses as the opposition, but not directly so, and challenges the administration on many issues thoroughly ignored in the MSM, but still it ignores publicizing the greatest issues of all, 9-11, ponerology, DU, etc. Which is why i believe it was Co-opted a year or two back.
200Mb 26min divx download also here and here. Mirrors are provided by people I don't know, so I don't know when they'll be taken offline.

Cyre2067: Thanks for the comment that you believe him and Jon Stewart to be cointelpro. I had the feeling something was wrong from the first time I saw The Daily Show. Although I think their jokes are very funny and the topics they address are very much in need of addressing. I think this last performance of Colbert is suspicious, because why would he be invited to address this audience? I mean, the Bush administration carefully chooses which people can address the president, don't they? So, taking your arguments into account, where I wasn't sure before, I now think you're right, they're cointelpro.
Look, if it's on TV it's COINTELPRO. The Revolution will not be televised. This is a given. But given that, I thought Colbert hit Bush hard and hit some bull's eyes. Just to make him sit through hearing Helen Thomas's question was enough. Then watching the syncophantic reporters squirming was priceless. With TV, you take what you can get.

IMO, what the fact that he was invited indicates is that there is a civil war going on behind the scenes in the U.S. power structure. Between those who want to run the Empire in a more rational way for longer term power and those who want to roll the dice on Armageddon. There is an ongoing attempt of a coup d'etat to force the neocons out and it may be that Bush's father is on one side and Bush on the other. There is a reason why Fitzgerald is still pursuing his indictments, that the retired generals are saying what they are saying. This would never happen if the ruling class were united. This is how STS hierarchies work, with real, bitter rivalries and competition at each level. Doesn't mean there isn't unity at the level above the competition. The fact that the war in Iraq was a massive, complete failure from the point of view of the United States empire (if not of the Powers that Be, it may be a big success for the real power brokers) means that some groups will want the people who pushed it to be replaced. IMO, this is more than just a show of fake opposition to keep people diverted, real power is at stake. But I could be wrong.

The Mechanic said:
200Mb 26min divx download also here and here. Mirrors are provided by people I don't know, so I don't know when they'll be taken offline.

Cyre2067: Thanks for the comment that you believe him and Jon Stewart to be cointelpro. I had the feeling something was wrong from the first time I saw The Daily Show. Although I think their jokes are very funny and the topics they address are very much in need of addressing. I think this last performance of Colbert is suspicious, because why would he be invited to address this audience? I mean, the Bush administration carefully chooses which people can address the president, don't they? So, taking your arguments into account, where I wasn't sure before, I now think you're right, they're cointelpro.
DonaldJHunt said:
Look, if it's on TV it's COINTELPRO. The Revolution will not be televised. This is a given.
I think we can all take that to the bank. Maybe we should print this quote and past it in front of our TV's to keep reminding ourselves.

DonaldJHunt said:
With TV, you take what you can get.
Yes, but I think we should always keep in mind that "what you can get" may just be what they want you to get.

DonaldJHunt said:
IMO, what the fact that he was invited indicates is that there is a civil war going on behind the scenes in the U.S. power structure. Between those who want to run the Empire in a more rational way for longer term power and those who want to roll the dice on Armageddon. There is an ongoing attempt of a coup d'etat to force the neocons out and it may be that Bush's father is on one side and Bush on the other. There is a reason why Fitzgerald is still pursuing his indictments, that the retired generals are saying what they are saying. This would never happen if the ruling class were united. This is how STS hierarchies work, with real, bitter rivalries and competition at each level. Doesn't mean there isn't unity at the level above the competition. The fact that the war in Iraq was a massive, complete failure from the point of view of the United States empire (if not of the Powers that Be, it may be a big success for the real power brokers) means that some groups will want the people who pushed it to be replaced. IMO, this is more than just a show of fake opposition to keep people diverted, real power is at stake. But I could be wrong.
I think you are right.

I believe the C's mentioned somewhere that things often come in 3's. So it pays to make an inclusive assessment in that manner. There seem to be two polarized STS forces in this government and one umbrella over-faction that contains both of them, which most likely transcends anyone IN government.

You know, Pathocrats like to think, and convince others, that they are always in control. But today there are so many variables, non-linearities and complex combinations of events that I doubt any think tank can come out with a definitive plan. In such an instance I believe STS tends to resort to their fundamental primal foundations.

In other words: survival of the fittest. When you don't know which dog to back, just set them against each other and choose the survivor. Any Lucifer-worshipping Pathocrat would probably think in such a manner, IMO: Let the "Master" decide. STS tends to use this "may the best man win/ritual combat" pattern to make many of its choices when strategic predictions don't work.

So we may want to see these developments in terms of such ritual combat, where the stakes are high, and the loosers may well be the next scape-goats, since I doubt the winners will want them around. I think the people are merely a secondary audience to this boxing match. The umbrella STS group is probably for whom the match is really staged. And since the Pathocrats think economically and in terms of killing as many birds with as few stones as possible, this also serves to keep people entranced thinking its all about THEM and THEIR freedom.

At the same time, we may also consider that the umbrella faction may be prone to support one side over the other, and I do not think this is the Armaggedonist side. That may be considered to be a rabid dog that will have to be put down, but always in a manner that will serve the PLAN (such as UN intervention in US affairs).

And even if they back the "realists", the realists will still have to prove themselves in the eye's of their masters, or they may be considered to weak to carry the STS torch.
Of course there will be scapegoats.
Then good population will think 'the system works after all; the evils are always chastised. This is what is so great about our democracy.'.
Very true. I am old enough to remember Watergate. It seemed for a while that our dreams came true. Who could have imagined in 1971 or so that Nixon would be chased from office. I remember the day he resigned, it was a beautiful August day and the sun burst through some big cumulus clouds.

Then it soon became clear that it would be business as usual as Gerald Ford appointed Rockefeller, Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Cheney, et. al. Katherine Graham of the Washington Post announced that they would not be in the business of hounding presidents from power any more. Rumsfeld (I think) engineered a cheesy, botched military attack on Cambodia (the Mayaguez incident) and declared it a success and an end to the Vietnam syndrome. The neocons continued to undermine Detente and the CIA continued doing what it always did, even after the Church committee hearings. Bush I continued his climb to power. It was bloody depressing because with Nixon gone and the Vietnam war over, people stopped caring about politics anymore.

I also remember how freaked out Bush I was when the Berlin wall fell. He didn't like it one bit. It served everyone's purpose to have two sides, two empires. Al Martin even claims that the U.S. was secretly sending huge funds via secret, off the books Treasury Bonds to the Soviet Union to keep it, and the racket, afloat. Bush did not like seeing people rise up and destroy walls. I remember him being asked by a reporter, "Isn't this wonderful?" And he tried his best to say yes, but you could see him sweating bullets and wanting to set the reporter straight. Amazing footage, I wonder if it is available anywhere.

There was then a feeling of hope in the world in the '89-'90 period -- end of the Cold War, freeing of Nelson Mandela and the end of Apartheid, etc. -- people in the U.S. were even wondering how to spend the "peace dividend" now that the U.S. wouldn't need a huge military. So something had to be done and that something was the Gulf War and the aftermath.

However, we are at a much different point of the cycle now, so who knows.

Unbeliever said:
Of course there will be scapegoats.
Then good population will think 'the system works after all; the evils are always chastised. This is what is so great about our democracy.'.
Whatever the case, I think laughter does dispel some of the fear that the PTB run off of. The more we laugh at them, the less powerful they are.
I agree.

Also, the whole situation of the dinner was a classic court jester teasing the king scenario. And the king, according to custom, has to take it. You lose face if you execute a jester. But, as in Shakespeare, only the fool can state some real truths (that those who have power interests cannot) in front of the king, the court, and the people.

That will never overthrow feudalism, but it can expose a foolish king.

John Chang said:
Whatever the case, I think laughter does dispel some of the fear that the PTB run off of. The more we laugh at them, the less powerful they are.
Hi group:

Watched the Colbert video at the White House today. He addressed some pretty interesting issues, like where is the Vice President? Although I also think that Colbert and John Stewart are both Cointelpro operations (anyone remember John Stewart in the movie Half Baked? Now, there is the John Stewart I used to know...) But back to Colbert and his speech. It was interesting and humoring none the less. I noticed that the president barely laughed at any of the jokes, so it looked as if he was put on 'the spot', also the audience was really trying and I mean really trying to laugh at some of his jokes.

But there was one part of the video that caught my ear was the very last bit where the speech is over, the announcer said,
"Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes our program for this evening. May I please ask you to remain in your seats, while the President and the Fist Lady depart, accompanied by our incoming president Steve Scully."
Sorry what was that?? "incoming president"?? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't know what incoming president means, anyone think anything of this comment?

John Chang said:
Whatever the case, I think laughter does dispel some of the fear that the PTB run off of. The more we laugh at them, the less powerful they are.
Agreed, but another way of looking at the picture is the fact that his speech surely took away from the seriousness of the many issues that he spoke about, which are VERY serious to the American people, who mostly claim were against the war, or so it seems 62 % at least.
knowledge_of_self said:
But there was one part of the video that caught my ear was the very last bit where the speech is over, the announcer said,
"Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes our program for this evening. May I please ask you to remain in your seats, while the President and the Fist Lady depart, accompanied by our incoming president Steve Scully."
Sorry what was that?? "incoming president"?? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but I don't know what incoming president means, anyone think anything of this comment?
I think he's the incoming president of the White House Press Correspondents.
I think there is a battle going on between STS groups, and that Colbert and Stewart have been co-opted as either useful idiots or willing participants, the theories arent mutually exclusive, and by now we all know that these guys wrap lies in puzzles and toss in a twist every so often just to keep us guessing.
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