As the German People Know Him

From The Secret Wartime report:
The Mind of Adolf Hitler
with Commentary by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

August 11, 2003: In recent days, as we have observed and analyzed the ongoing efforts of the Bush gang to establish the Fourth Reich on Planet Earth, the fact that so many people - mostly Americans - cannot SEE what is happening, has led to many discussions and much speculation. Part of this speculation led to the article Official Culture.

In recent weeks, we have also had the opportunity to discuss with a number of native Europeans their views of the situation. What is so surprising to us is the fact that the rank and file of Europeans really have no idea what it is like to be an American, to "live the REAL American lifestyle." Most Europeans who have traveled to America generally are only exposed to a sort of "upper class" view of life. There are, of course, exceptions. But it seems that the propaganda machine of the US of A holds sway over most of the world through movies, television, and so forth. Many Europeans have actually been persuaded that Europe is "old-fashioned" or "boring" or "less democratic" than America. I was actually shocked to hear a local farmer declare that all America's problems would be solved if the Democrats only came back to power. The reality that the two parties in America are only "staged distractions" and that the Secret Government, the National Security State, that really rules America, uses them as a shadow show to keep the people busy, never occurred to him. And without undertaking a massive education project, it was futile for me to even mention it.

But, on the other hand, there ARE many more Europeans who can see that the American Emperor is naked. What is more, many of them perceive Bush as the new Hitler. They know their history well, and they are certainly paying attention.

It is certainly clear to us that Bush is following the roadmap of Hitler - with certain improvements, of course - and that the same sorts of things that were going on behind the smoke screen of the Nazi propaganda machine are definitely going on behind the smoke screen of the Bush Propaganda machine.

It was only AFTER the end of the Holocaust that many German citizens were made aware of what their beloved Hitler was actually doing. And many of them committed suicide in shock at the horror they had believed in and supported. It could even be said that the German people, as a whole, are currently without balls because they are still so busy beating themselves up over being so thoroughly deceived by a man who was held up to them as almost a god.

So, how many Americans are going to have the same rude awakening?

This discussion led to the interesting question as to how, exactly, Hitler managed to do all that he did, right under the noses of decent, hardworking people? How was Germany - and much of the rest of the world, for that matter - so thoroughly duped? What kinds of news items would there be available for a "Signs of the Times" page back in the days before WW II?

Would the news items have been similar?

We think that this is very likely. There were certainly "signs" and they were certainly being published here and there. The problem was: nobody wanted to believe it.

And they didn't believe it.

Until they saw it with their own eyes.

But then, it was too late.

Will Hitler's agenda of creating an Ethnic Specific Weapon be fulfilled by the Bush Reich, right under our noses?

Will it be too late again?

In 1943, Wild Bill Donovan of the OSS, commissioned a complete psychological profile of Adolf Hitler. It has been claimed that this report was one of the most remarkable attempts by a government intelligence agency to apply psychoanalytic insight to warfare. It was classified as secret for almost a quarter of a century.

The few historians and scholars who had seen it before it was declassified and published, regarded it as a "masterpiece of psychohistorical reconstruction." And, as it turned out, it was quite accurate in its ability to predict what Hitler would or would not do.

Dr. Walter Langer had access to many classified documents about Hitler, to publicly available writings, personal interviews arranged by the OSS with informants who had known Hitler, and even prisoners who had known or interacted with him more recently.

The fact that such a document existed then suggests to us that this must have become common practice for intelligence agencies. And, in modern times, it is certainly a great deal more refined and accurate a function than in times past.

And so, we turn to Dr. Langer's report on Adolf Hitler, the chapter entitled: As The German People Know Him, in order to understand what might be happening in the America - and the world - today.

Obviously, many Europeans consider George Bush's posturing and idiotic activities to be comical. Most of the world thought that Hitler was pretty much a comic as well. After all, he did look a lot like Charlie Chaplin, right? Everybody could sit back an laugh as the "little Austrian corporal" tried to take over the World.

Unfortunately, Dr. Langer did not include a chapter analyzing why the entire world stood by and allowed Hitler to do what he did. But, for the record, here is his survey of what the German people were persuaded to believe by the controlled media and massive propaganda - the very things that are being implemented in America today to an extent not seen since Nazi Germany.

The Secret Wartime Report: The Mind of Adolf Hitler

By Walter C. Langer

When we try to formulate a conception of Adolf Hitler as the German people know him we must not forget that their knowledge of him is limited by a controlled press.  Many thousands of Germans have seen him in person, particularly in the past, and can use this experience as a basis for their individual conception of him.

Hitler, from a physical point of view, is not, however, a very imposing figure—certainly not the Platonic idea of a great, fighting Leader or the Deliverer of Germany and the creator of a New Reich.  In height he is a little below the average.  His hips are wide and his shoulders relatively narrow. His muscles are flabby; his legs short, thin and spindly, the latter being hidden in the past by heavy boots and more recently by long trousers. He has a large torso and is hollow-chested to the point where it is said that he has his uniforms padded.  From a physical point of view he could not pass the requirements to his own elite guard.

His dress, in the early days, was no more attractive.  He frequently wore the Bavarian mountain costume of leather shorts with white shirt suspenders.  These were not always too clean, and with his mouth full of brown, rotten teeth and his long dirty fingernails he presented rather a grotesque picture. At that time he also had a pointed beard, and his dark brown hair was parted in the middle and pasted down flat against his head with oil. Nor was his gait that of a soldier.  It was a very lady-like walk.  Dainty little steps.  Every few steps he cocked his right shoulder nervously, his left leg snapping up as he did so.  He also had a tic in his face that caused the corner of his lips to curl upward.  When speaking he always dressed in a common-looking blue suit that robbed him of all distinctiveness. At the trial following the unsuccessful Beer Hall Putsch Edgar Mowrer, who saw him for the first time, asked himself:

Was this provincial dandy, with his slick dark hair, his cutaway coat, his awkward gestures and glib tongue, the terrible rebel?  He seemed for all the world like a traveling salesman for a clothing firm.

Nor did he make a much better impression later on.  Dorothy Thompson, upon her first meeting, described him in the following terms:

He is formless, almost faceless, a man whose countenance is a caricature, a man whose framework seems cartilaginous, without bones.  He is inconsequent and voluble, ill poised and insecure.  He is the very prototype of the little man.

Smith also found him the apotheosis of the little man, funny looking, self-conscious, and unsure of himself.

It may be supposed that this is only the judgment of American journalists who have a different standard of masculine beauty.  However, while testifying as a witness in the law court in 1923, Professor Max von Gruber of the University of Munich, the most eminent eugenist in Germany, stated:

It was the first time I had seen Hitler close at hand.  Face and head of inferior type, cross-breed; low receding forehead, ugly nose, broad cheekbones, little eyes, dark hair.  Expression not of a man exercising authority in perfect self-command, but of raving excitement.  At the end an expression of satisfied egotism.

A great deal has been written about his eyes, which have been described in terms of almost every color of the rainbow.  As a matter of fact, they seem to be rather a bright blue - bordering on violet.  But it is not the color that has attracted people, but rather their depth and a glint that makes them appear to have a hypnotic quality.  One finds stories like the following recurring over and over again in the literature.  A policeman who is noted for this antipathy to the Nazi movement is sent to a Hitler meeting to maintain order.  While standing at his post Hitler enters:

He gazed into the police officer’s eye with that fatal hypnotizing and irresistible glare, which swept the poor officer right off his feet.  Clicking to attention he confessed to me this morning:  Since last night I am a National Socialist.  Heil Hitler.

These stories are not all from the Nazi propaganda agencies.  Very reliable people, now in this country, have reported similar incidents among their own personal acquaintances.  Even outstanding diplomats have commented on the nature of his eyes and the way in which he uses them when using people, often with disastrous effects.

Then there are others, like Rauschning, who find his look staring and dead—lacking in brilliance and the sparkle of genuine animation.  We need not dwell on his eyes and their peculiar quality, however, since relatively few Germans have come in such close contact with him that they could be seriously affected by them.

Whatever effect Hitler’s personal appearance may have had on the German people in the past, it is safe to assume that this has been greatly tempered by millions of posters, pasted in every conceivable place, which show the Fuehrer as a fairly good-looking individual with a very determined attitude.  In addition, the press, newsreels, and so forth, are continually flooded with carefully prepared photographs showing Hitler at his very best.  These have undoubtedly, in the course of time, blotted out any unfavorable impressions he may have created as a real person in the past. The physical Hitler most Germans know now is a fairly presentable individual.

The only other real contact the overwhelming majority of people have had with Hitler is through his voice.  He was a tireless speaker, and before he came to power would sometimes give as many as three or four speeches on the same day, often in different cities.  Even his greatest opponents concede that he is the greatest orator that Germany has ever known.  This is a great concession in view of the fact that the qualities of his voice are far from pleasant—many, in fact, find it distinctly unpleasant.  It has a rasping quality that often breaks into a shrill falsetto when he becomes aroused.  Nor is it his diction that makes him a great orator. In the early days this was particularly bad.  It was a conglomeration of high German with an Austrian dialect, which Tschuppik describes as a knoedlige Sprache.  Nor was it the structure of his speeches were sinfully long, badly structures, and very repetitious.  Some of them are positively painful to read, but, nevertheless, when he delivered them they had an extraordinary effect upon his audiences.

His power and fascination in speaking lay almost wholly in his ability to sense what a given audience wanted to hear and then to manipulate his theme in such a way that he would arouse the emotions of the crowd.  Strasser says of this talent:

Hitler responds to the vibration of the human heart with the delicacy of a seismograph enabling him, with a certainty with which no conscious gift could endow him, to act as a loudspeaker proclaiming the most secret desires, the least permissible instincts, the sufferings and personal revolts of a whole nation.

Before coming to power almost all of his speeches centered around the following three themes: (1) the treason of the November criminals; (2) the rule of the Marxists must be broken; and (3) the world domination of the Jews. No matter what topic was advertised for a given speech he almost invariably would wind up on one or more of these three themes.  And yet people liked it and would attend one meeting after another to hear him speak.  It was not, therefore, so much what he said that appealed to his audiences as how he said it.

Even in the early days Hitler was a showman with a great sense for the dramatic. Not only did he schedule his speeches late in the evening when his audience would be tired and their resistance lowered through natural causes, but he would always send an assistant ahead of time to make a short speech and warm up the audience.  Storm troopers always played an important role at these meetings and would line the aisle through which he would pass. At the psychological moment, Hitler would appear in the door at the back of the hall.  Then with a small group behind him, he would march through the rows of S.A. men to reach the speaker’s table.  He never glanced to the right or to the left as he came down the aisle and became greatly annoyed if anyone tried to accost him or hampered his progress.  Whenever possible he would have a band present, and they would strike up a lively military march as he came down the aisle.

When he began to speak he usually manifested signs of nervousness.  Usually he was unable to say anything of consequence until he had gotten the feel of his audience.  On one occasion, Heiden reports, he was so nervous that he could think of nothing to say.  In order to do something he picked up on the table and moved it round on the platform.  Then suddenly he got the feel and was able to go on.  Price describes his speaking in the following way:

The beginning is slow and halting.  Gradually he warms up when the spiritual atmosphere of the great crowd is engendered.  For he responds to this metaphysical contact is such a way that each member of the multitude feels bound to him by an individual link of sympathy.

All of our informants report the slow start, waiting for the feel of the audience. As soon as he has found it, the tempo increases in smooth rhythm and volume until he is shouting ant the climax.  Through all this, the listener seems to identify himself with Hitler’s voice, which becomes the voice of Germany.

This is all in keeping with Hitler’s own conception of mass psychology as given in Mein Kampf where he says:

The psyche of the broad masses does not respond to anything weak or halfway. Like a woman, whose spiritual sensitiveness is determined less by abstract reason than by an indefinable emotional longing for fulfilling power and who, for that reason, prefers to submit to the strong rather than the weakling—the mass, too, prefers the ruler to a pleader.

And Hitler let them have it.  Newsweek reported:  Women faint, when, with face purpled and contorted with effort, he blows forth his magic oratory. Flanner says:  His oratory used to wilt his collar, unglue his forelock, glaze his eyes; he was like a man hypnotized, repeating himself into a frenzy.  According to Yeates-Brown:  He was a man transformed and possessed. We were in the presence of a miracle.

This fiery oratory was something new to the Germans and particularly to the slow-tongued, lower-class Bavarians.  In Munich his shouting and gesturing were a spectacle men paid to see.  It was not only his fiery oratory, however, that won the crowds to his cause.  This was certainly something new, but far more important was the seriousness with which his words were spoken.

Every one of his words comes out charged with a powerful current of energy; at times it seems as if they are torn from the very heart of the man, causing him indescribable anguish.

Leaning from the tribune, as if he were trying to impel his inner self into the consciousness of all these thousands, he was holding the masses and me with them under a hypnotic spell It was clear that Hitler was feeling the exaltation of the emotional response now surging up toward him his voice rising to passionate climaxes his words were like a scourge.  When he stopped speaking his chest was still heaving with emotion.

Many writers have commented upon his ability to hypnotize his audiences.  Stanley High reports:

When at the climax, he sways from one side to the other his listeners sway with him; when he leans forward they also lean forward and when he concludes they either are awed and silent or on their feet in a frenzy

Unquestionably, as a speaker, he has had a powerful influence on the common run of German people.  His meetings were always crowded, and by the time he got through speaking he had completely numbed the critical faculties of his listeners to the point where they were willing to believe almost anything he said. He flattered them and cajoled them.  He hurled accusations at them one moment and amused them the next by building up straw men that he promptly knocked down.  His tongue was like a lash that whipped up the emotions of his audience.  And somehow he always managed to say what the majority of the audience were already secretly thinking but could not verbalize. When the audience began to respond, it affected him in return.  Before long due to this reciprocal relationship, he and his audience became intoxicated with the emotional appeal of his oratory.

It was this Hitler that the German people knew at firsthand.  Hitler, the fiery orator, who tirelessly rushed from one meeting to another, working himself to the point of exhaustion in their behalf.  Hitler, whose heart and soul were in the Cause and who struggled endlessly against overwhelming odds and obstacles to open their eyes to the true state of affairs.  Hitler, who could arouse their emotions and channelize them toward goals of national aggrandizement.  Hitler the courageous, who dared to speak the truth and defy the national authorities as well as the international oppressors. It was a sincere Hitler that they knew, whose words burned into the most secret recesses of their minds and rebuked them for their own shortcomings. It was the Hitler who would lead them back to self-respect because he had faith in them.

This fundamental conception of Hitler made a beautiful foundation for a propaganda build-upHe was so convincing on the speaker’s platform and appeared to be so sincere in what he said that the majority of his listeners were ready to believe almost anything good about him because they wanted to believe it.  The Nazi propaganda agencies were not slow in making the most of their opportunities.

Hitler himself had provided an excellent background for a propaganda build-up. From the earliest days of his political career he had steadfastly refused to divulge anything about his personal life, past or present.  To his most immediate associates he was, in reality, a man of mystery.  There was no clearing away of unpleasant incidents to be done before the building-up process could begin.  In fact, the more secrecy he maintained about his personal life the more curious his followers became.  This was, indeed, fertile ground on which to build a myth or legend.

The Nazi propaganda machine devoted all its efforts to the task of portraying Hitler as something extrahuman.  Everything he did was written up in such a way that it portrayed his superlative character.  If he does not eat meat, drink alcoholic beverages, or smoke, it is not due to the fact that he has some kind of inhibition or does it because he believes it will improve his health.  Such things are not worthy of the Fuehrer.  He abstains from these because he is following the example of the great German, Richard Wagner, or because he has discovered that it increases his energy and endurance to such a degree that he can give much more of himself to the creation of the new German Reich.

Such abstinence also indicates, according to the propaganda, that the Fuehrer is a person with tremendous will power and self-discipline.  Hitler himself fosters this conception, according to Hanfstaengl, for, when someone asked him how he managed to give up these things, he replied:  It is a matter of will.  Once I make up my mind not to do a thing, I just don’t do it. And once that decision is made, it is taken for always.  Is that so wonderful?

The same is true with regard to sex.  As far as the German people know he has no sex life and this, too, is clothed, not as an abnormality, but as a great virtue.  The Fuehrer is above human weaknesses of this sort, and von Wiegand tells us that he has a profound contempt for the weakness in men for sex and the fools that it makes of them.  Hanfstaengl reports that Hitler frequently makes the statement that he will never marry a woman since Germany is his only bride.  However, Hitler, with his deep insight into human nature, appreciates these weaknesses in others and is tolerant of them.  He does not even condemn them or forbid them among his closest associates.

He is also portrayed in the propaganda as the soul of kindliness and generosity. Endless stories that illustrate these virtues are found over and over again in the literature.  Price cites a typical example:  an attractive young peasant girl tries to approach him but is prevented from doing so by the guards.  She bursts into tears and Hitler, seeing her distress, inquires into the cause.  She tells him that her fiancé had been expelled from Austria for his Nazi principles and that he cannot find work and consequently they cannot get married.  Hitler is deeply touched.  He promises to find the young man a job, and, in addition, completely furnishes a flat for them to live in, even down to a baby’s cot.  Every attempt is made to present him as extremely human, with a deep feeling for the problems of ordinary people.

A great many writers, both Nazi and anti-Nazi, have written extensively about his great love for children and the Nazi press is certainly full of pictures showing Hitler in the company of little tots.  It is alleged that when he is at Berchtesgaden he always has the children from the neighborhood visit him in the afternoon and that he serves them candy, ice cream, and cake.  Phayre says,

Never was there a middle-aged bachelor who so delighted in the company of children.  Princess Olga reported that when she visited Hitler in Berlin and the topic of children came up during the conversation, Hitler’s eyes filled with tears. 

The Nazi press had made extremely good use of this and endless stories accompany the pictures. 

Likewise, a great deal is written about his fondness for animals, particularly dogs.  Here again, there are numberless pictures to prove it is so. 

The propaganda build-up is Hitler’s modesty and simplicity.  One writer even went so far as to attribute his vegetarianism to his inability to tolerate the thought of animals being slaughtered for human consumption. 

Hitler is pictured as an affable lord of the manor, full of gentleness, kindliness and helpfulness, or as Oechsner puts it, he is the Great Comforter—father, husband, brother, or son to every German who lacks or has lost such a relative.

Another trait that has received a great deal of comment in the propaganda is that power has never gone to his head.  At bottom he is still the simple soul he was when he founded the Party and his greatest joy is to be considered as one of the boys.  As proof of this they point to the fact that he has never sought a crown, that he never appears in gaudy uniforms or does a great deal of entertaining.  Even after he came to power he continued to wear his old trench coat and slouch hat and when he donned a uniform it was always that of a simple storm trooper. 

Much was written about his fondness for visits from early acquaintances and about how he loved to sit down in the midst of his busy day in order to talk over old times. There was really nothing he liked better than to frequent his old haunts and meet old friends while he was in Munich, or to take part in their festivities.  At heart he was still a worker, and his interests were always with the working classes with whom he felt thoroughly at home.

Hitler is also a man of incredible energy and endurance.  His day consists of sixteen and eighteen hours of uninterrupted work.  He is absolutely tireless when it comes to working for Germany and its future welfare, and no personal pleasures are permitted to interfere with the carrying out of his mission. The ordinary man in the street cannot imagine a human being in Hitler’s position not taking advantage of his opportunity.  He can only imagine himself in the same position reveling in luxuries, and yet here is Hitler who scorns them all.  His only conclusion is that Hitler is not an ordinary mortal. 

Phillips reports the case of a young Nazi who once confided to him: I would die for Hitler, but I would not change places with Hitler. At least when I wake every morning I can say, ‘Heil Hitler!’ but this man, he has no fun in life.  No smoking, no drinking, no women! —only work, until he falls asleep at night!

A great deal is made of Hitler’s determination.  It is pointed out, over and over again, that he never gives up once he has made up his mind to attain a particular goal.  No matter how rough the road, he plods along in unswerving determination.  Even though he receives serious setbacks and the situation appears to be hopeless, he never loses faith and always gets what he goes after.  He refuses to be coerced into compromises of any sort and is always ready to assume the full responsibility for his actions. 

The great trials and tribulations through which the Party had to pass on its way to power are cited over and over again, and all the credit is given to Hitler and his fanatical faith in the future.  Even his refusal to permit ordinary scruples to get in his way is cited as a sign of his greatness.  The fact that he did not communicate with his family for over ten years becomes a great virtue since it meant a severe deprivation to the young man who was determined to make something of himself before he had returned home!

A great deal of publicity has also been given to his breadth of vision, ability to penetrate the future, and his ability to organize both the Party and the country in preparation for obstacles they will have to overcome.  According to the propagandists, Hitler is the soul of efficiency and has an extraordinary power of resolving conflicts and simplifying problems that have stumped all experts in the past.  In fact, his infallibility and incorruptibility are not only implied but openly stated in no uncertain terms.  

He is also a person of great patience who would never spill a drop of human blood if it could possibly be avoided. 

Over and over again one hears of his great patience with the democracies, with Czechoslovakia and with Poland.  But here, as in his private life, he never loses control of his emotions.  Fundamentally, he is a man of peace who desires nothing quite so much as to be left alone to work out the destiny of Germany in a quiet and constructive manner.  For he is a builder at heart and an artist, and these prove that the creative and constructive elements in his nature are predominant.

This does not mean, however, that he is a coward.  On the contrary, he is a person of outstanding courage.  His way of life is proof of this, as well as his enviable record during the last war.  A great many stories about his decorations for bravery have been circulated, stressing his outstanding heroism for which he was awarded the Iron Cross First Class.  The fact that the stories of his performance vary from one time to another does not seem to disturb the people in the least.

Fundamentally, according to the Nazi press, Hitler is a man of steel.  He is well aware of his mission, and no amount of persuasion, coercion, sacrifices, or unpleasant duties can persuade him to alter his course.  In the face of all sorts of disasters and disagreeable happenings, he never loses his nerve for a moment. 

But he is not hard in human qualities.  He places loyalty and justice as the two greatest virtues and observes them with scrupulous care.  Loyalty means so much to him that the inscription over his door at Berchtesgaden reads, My honor is called loyalty. 

He is the acme of German honor and purity; the Resurrector of the German family and home.  He is the greatest architect of all time; the greatest military genius in all history.  He has an inexhaustible fount of knowledge.  He is a man of action and the creator of new social values.  He is indeed, according to the Nazi propaganda bureau, the paragon of all virtues. A few typical examples may illustrate the extent to which they are carried in their praise of him.

Next comes Hitler himself:  Hitler is a man without compromise.  Above all he knows no compromise with himself.  He has one single thought that guides him:  to resurrect Germany.  This idea suppresses everything else.  He knows no private life.  He knows family life no more than he knows vice. He is the embodiment of the National will.

The knighthood of a holy goal which can be climaxed by no man:  Germany Hitler surprises (with) his geniality.  The tranquility and strength radiate, almost physically, from this man.  In his presence others grow.  How he reacts to everything! His features harden and the words drop as stones The classical solemnity with which Hitler and his surrounding group of co-workers consider their mission has very few parallels in world history.

Also in private matters of exemplary behavior and human greatness whether Hitler is met with cheers by streetworkers, or moved and shocked stands at the bed of his murdered companions, he is always surrounded by this grandeur and deepest humaneness this unique personality a great and good human being.  Hitler’s spirit is universal.  Not even in 100 pictures is it possible to give justice to the manifoldness of his being.  In these fields too (architecture and history) Hitler is an unassailable expert.  Perhaps in our time this outstanding man will be honored and loved, but nobody will be able to measure his great depth.


Hitler is a modest man-and the world needs modest men.  Therefore the people love him.  Like every good leader, he must be an efficient follower. He makes himself the humblest disciple of himself, the severest of all disciplinarians with himself.  In fact, Hitler is a modern monk, with the three knots of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience tied in his invisible girdle.  A zealot among zealots.  He eats no meat, drinks no wine, does not smoke.  I am told he takes for himself no salary but lives privately from the income of his book, ­Mein Kampf Surplus funds he turns back to the S.A. 

His work day consists of eighteen hours, usually, and he often falls asleep in the last hour of his work.  There have been four women in his life-but only to help him along with service and money.

He once gave a lecture at Bayreuth on Wagner and Deutsche Lieder that astounded the musical critics and revealed him as a musical scholar of parts. Sheer opportunism never lured him as much as the opportunity to preach his doctrines. His quality is Messianic; his spiritual trend is ascetic; his reaction is medieval.

Hitler not only knows about all these writings, but since he has always been the guiding spirit in all German propaganda and usually plans the broad lines that are to be followed, it is safe to assume that he himself is responsible for the instigation and development of this mythical personality. When we look back over the development of this build-up we can see clearly that Hitler, from the very beginning, planned on making himself a mythological figure.  He opens Mein Kampf with the following passage:

In this little town on the river Inn, Bavarian by blood and Austrian by nationality, gilded by the light of German martyrdom, there lived, at the end of the ‘80’s of the last century, my parents:  the father of a faithful civil servant, the mother devoting herself to the cares of the household and looking after her children with eternally the same loving kindness.

This is the classic way of beginning a fairy tale rather than a serious autobiography or a political treatise.  In the very first sentence of the book he implies that Fate was already smiling on him at the time of his birth, for it reads: Today I consider it my good fortune that Fate designated Braunau on the Inn as the place of my birth.

As soon as Hitler came to power new weapons for self-aggrandizement were put into the hands of the propagandists and they made good use of them. Unemployment dropped off rapidly, roads that the Germans never dreamed of sprang up over night, new and imposing buildings were erected with astounding rapidity.  The face of Germany was being lifted at an incredible speed.  Hitler was keeping his promises; he was accomplishing the impossible. Every success in diplomacy, every social reform was heralded as world-shaking in its importance.  And for each success, Hitler modestly accepted all the credit.  It was always Hitler that did this, and Hitler who did that, provided these acts were spectacular and met with the approval of the public.  If they happened to meet with disapproval, it was always one of his assistants who was to blame.  Every effort was made to cultivate the attitude that Hitler was infallible and was carrying through his mission of saving Germany.

It was not long before the German people were prepared to take the short step of seeing Hitler, not as a man, but as a Messiah of Germany. 

Public meetings and particularly the Nuremberg rally took on a religious atmosphere. All the stagings were designed to create a supernatural and religious atmosphere, and Hitler’s entry was more befitting a god than a man

In Berlin one of the large art shops on Unter den Linden exhibited a large portrait of Hitler in the center of its display window.  Hitler’s portrait was entirely surrounded, as though by a halo, with various copies of a painting of Christ.  Notes appeared in the press to the effect that, "As he spoke, one heard God’s mantle rustle through the room!"  Ziemer reports that on the side of a hill in Odenwald, conspicuous as a waterfall, painted on white canvas were the black words:

We believe in Holy Germany

Holy Germany is Hitler!

We believe in Holy Hitler!

Roberts reports:

In Munich in the early autumn of 1936 I saw colored pictures of Hitler in the actual silver garments of the Knights of the Grail; but these were soon withdrawn.  They gave the show away; they were too near the truth of Hitler’s mentality.

Teeling writes that at the Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally in September 1937, there was a huge photograph of Hitler and underneath which was the inscription, In the beginning was the Word.   He also says that the Mayor of Hamburg assured him, We need no priests or parsons.  We communicate direct with God through Adolf Hitler.  He has many Christ-like qualities. 

Soon these sentiments were introduced by official circles. 

Rauschning reports that the Party has adopted this creed: We all believe, on this earth, in Adolf Hitler, our Fuehrer, and we acknowledge that National Socialism is the only faith that can bring salvation to our country. 

A Rhenish group of German Christians in April 1937 passed this resolution:  Hitler’s word is God’s law, the decrees and laws which represent it possess divine authority.  And Reichsminister for Church Affairs, Hans Kerrl, says: There has arisen a new authority as to what Christ and Christianity really are—that is Adolf Hitler.  Adolf Hitler is the true Holy Ghost.

This is the way Hitler hopes to pave his path to immortality.  It has been carefully planned and consistently executed in a step-by-step fashion.

The Hitler the German people know is fundamentally the fiery orator who fascinated them, and this has gradually been embroidered by the propaganda until he is now presented to them as a full-fledged deity.  Everything else is carefully concealed from them as a whole.  How many Germans believe it we do not know.  Some, certainly, believe it wholeheartedly.  Dorothy Thompson writes of such a case:

At Garmisch I met an American from Chicago.  He had been at Oberammergau, at the Passion Play.  These people are all crazy, he said.  This is not a revolution, it’s a revival.  They think Hitler is God.  Believe it or not, a German woman sat next to me at the Passion Play and when they hoisted Jesus on the Cross, she said, ‘There he is.  That is our Fuehrer, our Hitler.’  And when they paid out the thirty pieces of silver to Judas, she said: ‘That is Roehm, who betrayed the Leader.’

Extreme cases of this kind are probably not very numerous, but it would be amazing if a small degree of the same type of thinking had not seeped into the picture of Hitler that many Germans hold.


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